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Class: CLC_19DMA04
Course code: 2021702006004



Ho Chi Minh city, July 3rd 2021

TIEU LUAN MOI download :




Class: CLC_19DMA04
Course code: 2021702006004


Students group:

Nguyen Thi Lan Nhi - 1921005588 Do
Ngoc Thanh Ngan - 1921005543
Nguyen Thuy Nhu Khanh - 1921005461

Ho Chi Minh city, July 3rd 2021

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List of Figures.................................................................................................................................... iii
List of Tables...................................................................................................................................... iii
Executive Summary.......................................................................................................................... iv
1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Situation analysis........................................................................................................................... 1
2.1. Market Summary........................................................................................................................ 1
2.1.1. Analysis of vegan skincare industry in Vietnam............................................................. 1
2.1.2. Industry trends......................................................................................................................... 2
2.2. Macro Environments.................................................................................................................. 2
2.3. Competitors.................................................................................................................................. 3
2.4. SWOT Analysis........................................................................................................................... 3

3. Segmentation & positioning strategy........................................................................................ 4
3.1. Market segmentation................................................................................................................. 4
3.2. Target Market............................................................................................................................... 5
3.3. Positioning & Estimate market share.................................................................................... 5
4. Marketing Mix Strategies............................................................................................................ 6
4.1. Product strategy.......................................................................................................................... 6
4.1.1. Five product levels................................................................................................................. 6
4.1.2. Product’s attributes............................................................................................................ 6
4.1.3. Value propositions product................................................................................................... 7
4.1.4. Packaging product................................................................................................................... 7
4.1.5. Product support services....................................................................................................... 8
4.2. Pricing strategies........................................................................................................................ 8
4.2.1. Penetration pricing.................................................................................................................. 8
4.2.2. Bundle Pricing......................................................................................................................... 9
4.2.3. Promotional Pricing............................................................................................................... 9
4.3. Distribution strategy.................................................................................................................. 9
4.3.1. Online shopping website & Cocoon Vietnam official website.................................... 9

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4.3.2. Agency....................................................................................................................................... 9
4.3.3. E-commerce.............................................................................................................................. 9
4.3.4. Marketing communications strategy................................................................................ 10
4.3.5. Advertising............................................................................................................................. 10
4.3.6. Sales promotion.................................................................................................................... 10
4.3.7. Public Relations.................................................................................................................... 10
4.3.8. Direct marketing................................................................................................................... 10
5. Action plan.................................................................................................................................... 10

6. Financials....................................................................................................................................... 13
7. Controls.......................................................................................................................................... 13
8. Conclusion..................................................................................................................................... 13
References............................................................................................................................................. a
Appendix............................................................................................................................................... c
Appendix 1: Porter’s five forces................................................................................................. c
Appendix 2: Key success factors.................................................................................................... d
Appendix 3: Competitors analysis in Vietnam vegan sheet masks........................................ e
Appendix 4: SWOT for Cocoon’s vegan sheet masks...................................................... f
Appendix 5: Five products level..................................................................................................... g
Appendix 6: Financial paper............................................................................................................ h
Cost Forecast....................................................................................................................................... h
Break-even analysis........................................................................................................................... h
Expected profit.................................................................................................................................... h
Appendix 7: Expense budget............................................................................................................ i
Appendix 8: Survey questions and results..................................................................................... j
Appendix 9: Member’s group work assessment.................................................................. n
Appendix 10: Plagiarism Check Report....................................................................................... o


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Figure 1: Conceptual map for vegan sheet masks in Vietnam skincare industry................6
Figure 2: Packing of Cocoon’s vegan sheet masks.......................................................... 7
Figure 3: Elastic demand of Cocoon’s vegan sheet masks....................................................... 9
Figure 4: Timeline summarizing marketing activities 2022.................................................. 10
Figure 5: Budget for promotion activities of the first year........................................................ i

Table 1: SWOT analysis for Cocoon Vietnam............................................................................ 3
Table 2: Market segmentation of Cocoon’s vegan sheet mask................................... 4
Table 3: Analyze competitors price................................................................................................ 8


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The purpose of this report is to provide a marketing plan for the launch of
Cocoon's vegan sheet masks in the Vietnamese market. We implemented an online
survey with 30 samples to make the plan more objective. Vegan cosmetic brands are
increasingly present in the Vietnamese market, and Cocoon Vietnam is one of them.
Cocoon is the first Vietnamese cosmetic brand approved by Leaping Bunny - Cruelty
Free International to commit to not testing on animals. The SWOT analysis shows that
Cocoon is also a formidable competitor compared to the long-standing and famous
vegan cosmetic brands in the Vietnamese market. Next, we can compete effectively
with other sheet masks because we save on raw materials and research on essence by
inheriting the formula from the jar masks that the company has launched before. But in
terms of sheet mask production, Cocoon is still quite young compared to other brands
because this is our first time launching this product. Besides, because of the impact of
the COVID-19 pandemic, it will cause difficulties in the product production process, as
well as the pandemic making people not interested in beauty needs. In terms of market
segmentation, 17-24 years old women and men are selected for our targeting market, to
take advantage of young people's growing interest in environmental protection
lifestyles. This target group has average disposable income and their lifestyle and
behavior that they are increasingly concerned about social issues such as the state of the

environment. According to the positioning map, Cocoon will position itself at a lower
price than other brands to gain a competitive advantage as well as match the company's
target segment. Marketing goal: 35% of brand awareness will be achieved. Gross Profit
Margin 2% will be achieved in 1-year period. The financial goals are to achieve the
company's first year revenue of 6 billion VND, keep the break-even in the first year and
increase the profit margin to 10% by the beginning of the second year. To achieve the
desired, strategies include product & brand strategy, service, pricing, distribution and
communication. To achieve the desired, strategies including product and brand strategy,
service, pricing, distribution and communication are implemented and controlled
strictly and correlated with each other.


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Cocoon is a 100% pure cosmetic product with a clear source, safe for the skin,
absolutely not tested on animals and vegan registered by The Vegan Society - a longstanding educational charity around the world, providing information and guidance on
various aspects of vegan living. Brand's desire is always to bring nutritious and useful
cosmetics from nature to their customers. So, to take a new step forward and create a
new opportunity for Cocoon, the brand will launch Cocoon's vegan sheet masks. The
scope of this report is based on research on the skin care and face mask industry in
Mission: “Bringing you healthy, youthful and vibrant skin from simple and
close ingredients that you eat every day.”
Marketing Objectives:
- Coverage at more than 300 current retail stores of Cocoon.
When mentioning Cocoon, customers will immediately think of the leading
number of vegan cosmetics in Vietnam.

- Increase 35% brand awareness among target customers.
Financial Objectives
- Revenue is expected to reach 6 billion VND in its first year of launch.


Reduce advertising and communication costs each quarter while retaining
potential customers.


2.1. Market Summary
2.1.1. Analysis of vegan skincare industry in Vietnam
Industry revenue and growth
Vietnam skin care products market size reached $854.3 million in 2019 and is
expected to reach $1,922.4 million by 2027, achieving a CAGR of 11.7% from 2021 to
2027. The skin care products market has an opportunity to increase revenue by $1,154.25
million between 2020 and 2027 (Kale & Deshmukh, 2020). Rising disposable income and
growing young population are the key factors driving the product market. Vietnamese
skincare products grow. In which, the most potential customer segment in the future is
Generation Z, accounting for 39.08% of the total population. Overall, these factors have
increased the demand for skincare products by domestic consumers.
Industry Attractiveness

Porter’s five forces model is applied to analyze the sheet masks industry’s
attractiveness in Vietnam. Appendix 1, it shows that the nature of competition in sheet
masks industry contributes to a fast pace movement in Vietnam. Hence, the sheet masks
industry is considered to be attractive as the industry is expected to continually grow.


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2.1.2. Industry trends
First, cosmetic and skincare industry has been growing significantly along with
the rapid improvement in living standards in Vietnam. Consumer tastes and preferences
with growing disposable income raise the level of sophistication towards premium
skincare products. Premium brands become more attractive, while mass skin care
products decline. Skincare producers have to increase their production volume to serve
the demand (Euro monitor International, 2018). The key success factors (KSF) for sheet
masks industry in Vietnam is provided in Appendix 2.

2.2. Macro Environments
The external forces must be considered in Vietnam's sheet mask industry PESTLE
analysis is applied to analyze six factors as follows:
Political Analysis
The current stable political, social and security environment has created good
conditions for business activities of pharmaceutical and cosmetic enterprises.
Economic Analysis
According to The World Bank (2021), Vietnam's economy in 2020 is less affected
by the Covid-19 pandemic thanks to the Government; The Prime Minister together with
the efforts of the people and business community to implement pandemic prevention.
But around mid-2021, the situation of the Covid-19 epidemic became increasingly
complicated and difficult to control. This affects people's disposable income, leading to
a decrease in the consumer price index. This is a disadvantage for the skin care industry
as well as Cocoon Vietnam, because when disposable income is reduced, consumers
will be less concerned with beauty needs.
Social Analysis

In general, Vietnamese people have the psychology of buying foreign goods not
only because of the quality and design but also the brand reputation of foreign
businesses, and at the same time, Vietnamese goods have not yet created trust among
consumers for many reasons. In the minds of young people of the 9x, 10x generation,
Vietnamese cosmetics are images of poorly advertised cream mixes, and cosmetics of
unknown origin widely sold on the market. This has greatly affected the confidence of
Vietnamese consumers. This is a concept that adversely affects Cocoon, especially those
directly related to skin care products.
Technological Analysis
Elements of advanced and modern cosmetic production lines will be an important
basis to help cosmetic manufacturing and processing units get the best quality products,
bringing high efficiency to consumers. Cocoon products are born in a modern, closed
line, meeting the standards according to cGMP of the Ministry of Health of Vietnam.
Environmental Analysis
Vietnam's climate is hot and humid, with monsoon natural disasters frequently
occurring. This greatly affects the preservation and transportation of Cocoon's products.

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On the other hand, air pollution in Vietnam is quite serious and working outdoors
or in front of a computer for a long time, ultraviolet rays and computer radiation are
very harmful to the skin. Therefore, it is very important to take care of the skin to
protect the skin.
Legal Analysis
Decree 93/2016/ND-CP stipulating conditions for cosmetic production. This is
considered an advantage for the pharmaceutical-cosmetic business in general and
Cocoon in particular, when meeting the Government's regulations, consumers will trust
the products produced by Cocoon.

Decree 98/2020/ND-CP stipulating penalties for administrative violations in
commercial activities, production and trading of counterfeit and banned goods and
protection of consumers' interests. This is both beneficial for consumers to avoid
counterfeiting and to avoid losses to Cocoon.

2.3. Competitors
Appendix 3 details a description of Cocoon's direct competitors. Cocoon's indirect
competitors are mask brands that, although not vegan, still meet the skincare needs of
customers. 4 brand well-known competitors in the Vietnamese market are Vedette, The
Face Shop, Naruko, and Mediheal.

2.4. SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis is indicating the combination of Market strength, weakness of the
company and opportunity, threat of the competitors in the competitive market of the
world. Details of the product's SWOT will be mentioned in Appendix 4.
Table 1: SWOT analysis for Cocoon Vietnam

- New brand, unfamiliar with some

- Cocoon is also considerable competition

customer parts.

compared to other celebrated and long standing vegan cosmetic brands in
Vietnam market.

- Have not advertised the product


Cocoon’s products gain cGMP standards

of the Ministry of Health of Vietnam
and certified “Animal test-free &
Vegan” by PETA.
- Cocoon is the first Vietnamese cosmetic

brand to be approved by Leaping Bunny
- Cruelty Free International's
commitment to not testing on animals.
- Dense distribution network with up to

300 sales points at Watson, Guardian,


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Hasaki website, even e-commerce
platforms, etc.
- Cocoon was born in the era of

increasingly advanced technology to
ensure product safety and cost savings.
- The 9x and 10x generations in Vietnam

are increasingly leading a more active
and modern lifestyle, easily accepting
new things as well as new brands like
- The environmental situation is
increasingly alarming, so the ecofriendly lifestyle is on the throne.
- Air pollution, ultraviolet rays and

computer radiation motivate people to
put more effort in taking care of their

- The negative impact of the Covid19 pandemic will make some
people no longer interested in
skinning care.
- Because of incalculable appearance

of unknown origin skin care
products from Vietnamese
businesses, Cocoon will be equated
with those brands.
- Vietnam's climate is hot and

humid, and monsoon disasters
often occur that significantly
affects the preservation and
transportation of Cocoon's


3.1. Market segmentation

Market segmentation
could be classified by four
segmentation variables;
geographic, demographic,
psychographic and
behavioural segmentations.
Table 2: Market
segmentation of
Cocoon’s vegan sheet

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Concerns and
consciousness social

problems. Ecofriendly lifestyle.
Highly influenced by
trends, family and
friends’ opinion and

knowledge of skincare,
especially in terms of
restorative properties.
Likely to stick with
used products for a
period of time.

Skin beauty,
relaxation, more

Skin improvement,
anti-aging, more

Tend to switch to

Loyal to one specific
brand that served their
satisfactory and used
for over a period of

cheaper products.


High. Seeking for the
products with low
prices that suitable
with their incomes.

Low. Seeking for an
optimal and high-end

3.2. Target
marketing. This
focus on a
certain segment

Cocoon vegan
sheet masks is
“Segment A” or
17 to 24-yearold females and
males who have
low to medium

With pure

stands out
market and
price than
people are
in social
that they
are willing
to spend
money on
masks that

They can
or people

3.3. Positioning & Estimate
market share
These days, there are
brands already existing in the
Vietnam market. But only
Klairs, Innisfree and The body
shop have produced vegan
sheet masks. Based on the
primary data source (30
samples online survey), the
position of Cocoon’s vegan
sheet mask in the skincare
industry will be discussed by

using the perceptual map as
shown in Figure 1.

download :


High price
The body

Low price

Figure 1: Conceptual map for vegan sheet masks in Vietnam skincare industry
According to Figure 1, we will price Cocoon's sheet masks lower than other brands to
match our targeting segment. Customers will benefit from purchasing high quality
Cocoon’s sheet masks at reasonable price, whereas other brands offer customers with
quality products but may be higher price. Cocoon's vegan sheet masks will be able to
compete in the industry by positioning itself as a niche market to gain a competitive
advantage through its strong belief and value in the benefits of natural ingredients that do
not contain any ingredients partly from animals and not tested on animals.
Positioning Statement

"From familiar natural ingredients that are carefully cultivated and harvested by
the hands of Vietnamese farmers, Cocoon creates and develops 100% vegan skin care

Cocoon aims to focus on both women and men's beauty and improvement of their
skin. In the marketing strategies, Cocoon’s vegan sheet masks that will enter vegan
skincare market in Vietnam will be analyzed.

4.1. Product strategy
4.1.1. Five product levels
Five products level (provided in Appendix 5) will be identified to satisfy customer’s
needs. The core benefit of Cocoon’s sheet masks is improving human beings’ quality of
skin and more beauty, and its basic product is its natural ingredient with 100% vegan
skincare products. With the mission: “Bringing you a healthy, youthful and vibrant
skin from simple and close ingredients that you eat every day.”

4.1.2. Product’s attributes
Product quality
Using natural cellulose masks as raw masks: is a line of masks made from cellulose
material. With the orientation to create environmentally friendly products, the cellulose


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material that Cocoon uses this time creates a line of Cocoon vegan sheet masks that are
biodegradable when buried in the soil. The product does not use parabens and
"addictive" corticosteroids, does not use mineral oil, hydrogen peroxide, triclosan,
phthalate, luminescent substances. 100% of products before being put on the market
have to go through a process of 12-24 months of testing by tests in the laboratory (inVitro test) or on volunteers (in-Vivo test).
Product Features

The difference from UNIQUE DESIGN: strong mask structure, 3 layers of ultrathin, close to the face. This is also an innovative design that can hold more solution than
a regular sheet mask.
The difference from superb AFFECT: 80-100 nm diameter biocell fiber should
be easy to apply to the skin without much manipulation, comfortable movement during
The difference from SUPPLYING SUPPLY: natural bio-nano structure should
be able to retain 10 times more nutrients than conventional fiber/sheet.

4.1.3. Value propositions product
Differences from the old products of the enterprise:
With Cocoon's product line, this new product collection: "Sheet Mask - Cocoon"
that our brand has not released to customers. Adding a new product that enriches the
product line of the business.
Differentiate from other competitors' products:
Cocoon initially conquered customers thanks to the Vietnamese spirit in each
product. The brand continuously launches 100% vegan products that take advantage of
available ingredients natural from Vietnam such as squash, Dak Lak coffee, Ben Tre
coconut oil, Cao Bang rose, etc. This has created a very "Vietnamese" Cocoon, not
confused with any other brands on the market.

4.1.4. Packaging product

Figure 2: Packing of Cocoon’s vegan sheet masks

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Packaging: The outer packaging of the Cocoon sheet masks has a minimalist
design, using images of pure Vietnamese ingredients such as green squash, rose petals,

and turmeric. Users will easily feel the Vietnamese soul through the packaging. On the
top left of the packaging is the Cocoon logo.
Color: Gold color represents luxury, creativity and belief in a bright future of
Vietnamese cosmetics.
Labeling: provide complete information about ingredients, instructions for use,
expiry date as well as the place of manufacture.

4.1.5. Product support services
Fresh customers' service
Staff will be allocated in Cocoon shop to help them get to know about the product and to
understand how to use the product. When purchasing over 3,000,000 VND or US$160.42,
customers will become Cocoon’s VIP own special right to get loyal service.

Loyal customers' service
Loyal customers can get a loyal card in order to collect points annually. Cocoon
will provide a free facial treatment course for a certain point with specific staffs. In
addition, if it got customers’ permission, Cocoon’s staffs could get their email
addresses or mobile phone number. Then they can follow up on customers’
satisfaction after using Cocoon’s vegan sheet masks. Especially, the company will
send the products as gifts on loyal customers’ birthday.

4.2. Pricing strategies
Our goal is to maximize market share and be the product-quality leader in the
vegan sheet masks market. So, we choose penetration pricing strategy to produce sheet
masks at a cheaper price than similar products in the market.

4.2.1. Penetration pricing
Table 3: Analyze competitors price
62,000 VND

The Body Shop
139,000 VND

33,000 VND

We will choose going-rate pricing to pricing method. The firm bases its price
largely on competitors’ prices (Table 1). So we decide to choose the price for a new
Retail price: 31,000 VND/ masks.
This strategy helps Cocoon find new customer segments and identify potential
future customers. If a higher sales volume will lead to lower unit costs and higher longrun profit. Besides, a low price will discourage actual and potential competition. After a
long time, the market accepts and gets used to the new product, Cocoon will start to
raise the price to increase its position and profit, but still at a mid-range price to confirm
the image orientation of Cocoon with target audiences - brand dedicated to providing
the best quality vegan products at a mid-range price point.

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4.2.2. Bundle Pricing
Using mixed product bundle pricing, we combine several products and sell them
at a lower price than if the products were purchased individually. We will use this
pricing strategy for mixed combos – 5 products combos and Tet combos.

4.2.3. Promotional Pricing

Figure 3: Elastic demand of Cocoon’s vegan sheet masks

After the product launches, Cocoon uses this strategy to stimulate customers to
buy the product. For example, 10% off, buy one gets one free, gift cards; 5% paying by

4.3. Distribution strategy
Cocoon uses push strategies to promote products to increase recognition as well as
help customers find Cocoon products easier. Our channel strategy is to use selective
distribution, marketing Cocoon's vegan sheet masks through well-known stores and
online retailers. During the first year, we will add channel partners until we have
coverage in all Vietnam markets.

4.3.1. Online shopping website & Cocoon Vietnam official website
First, some well-known cosmetics’ website such as Watson, Guardian, Beauty
garden and Hasaki are perfect places to send free samples to customers. It is also good
to develop a phenomenon where supply is far away less than demand.

4.3.2. Agency
Take advantage of Cocoon's distribution system at more than 300 points of sale at
cosmetic distribution systems nationwide. In addition, we need alliances or cooperation
with agents such as beauty salons, spas and health centers. Placing and selling face
masks in these locations will be a good opportunity to expand the sales channel.

4.3.3. E-commerce
With the unpredictable situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is very necessary to
put sheet masks products on Shopee, Lazada, Tiki, Sendo to reach our target group of
men and women from 17 to 24 years old.


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4.3.4. Marketing communications strategy
To promote the sheet mask products, Cocoon will use Integrated Marketing
Communications (IMC) to combine a variety of promotional methods to strengthen the
position of the new product and increase product awareness to the optimum level.

4.3.5. Advertising
Advertising on traditional channels will mostly be a waste of money, because most
messages have to be paid if businesses want to reach consumers directly on a large
scale, so Cocoon chooses this type of advertising newer, focusing on social networking
sites such as social networks including Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. With the
mission of saving costs compared to traditional methods and maintaining brand
awareness and communicating messages, images, upcoming promotions in Cocoon's. In
this way, Cocoon can bring new products to consumers fastest and increase coverage in
the market.

4.3.6. Sales promotion
Thanks to modern advertising campaigns, consumers can stay up to date with this
year's promotions from businesses. With promotions, Cocoon will focus mainly on
major holidays such as Lunar New Year, National Day, Labor Day, etc. or reduce prices
by time frame and collect feedback from customers. This will both promote new
product images to customers, increase recognition, and continuously repair, improve
and bring the most perfect model that customers want.

4.3.7. Public Relations
The selection and evaluation of influencers and KOLs match the criteria oriented
towards the future image of the new product. Cocoon makes a list of influencers or
KOLs that match the brand image to send Cocoon gifts and masks, and then implements
a plan to help celebrities understand exactly the features and benefits. Benefits and great

advantages of Cocoon masks. Using the popularity of KOLs or Influencers, turn them
into "living proof", creating a viral effect, helping to increase customer interest. Next,
Cocoon will combine with e-commerce channels such as Shopee, Hasaki, etc. to have
them run promotions according to their plan. This will increase coverage throughout the
branches that offer Cocoon products.
In addition, Cocoon intends to sponsor gifts for participants of some special
events such as webinars. With the goal of attracting people with skin care and aesthetic
needs through events, seminars, etc.

4.3.8. Direct marketing
Use email, phone, direct messaging or social networking platforms to
communicate directly with potential customers. Making a list of potential customers to
reach them easily is a way for Cocoon to save cost on direct marketing.

Figure 4: Timeline summarizing marketing activities 2022


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Run post ads on
social networks













Product launch
Run ads on ecommerce
Give away
KOLs, Micro-


Cocoon's sheet
masks - draw to
receive attractive
Target sales at
each branch
Sponsor a gift for
an event
"Year-end gift
FIRST QUARTER: Apply attractive promotions aiming to appear more on ecommerce platforms, social networks to increase awareness for Cocoon's new sheet
mask products and spread all over the country.
January: We launch a communication campaign to promote the process of
introducing products (about uses, features, advantages, ...) to customers through modern
communication channels such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc. by run advertising
with high price on the newsfeed of potential customers. Start officially launched on January
6, 2022. Applying the promotion: "Buy 3 masks get 1", "Bill from 200,000 -get 1 mask
immediately". Besides, close to Tet holiday, there will be a promotion for mixed combos
such as buying 5 paper masks for 135,000 VND (save 20,000 VND).
February: We run promotions at more than 300 stores selling exclusive products
of Cocoon and reputable e-commerce: Lazada, Shopee, Hasaki, Beauty Garden for ecommerce platforms to push Cocoon sheet mask products to the top of websites, on fan
pages of e-commerce platforms. Combine with promotions to attract customers: Hourly
promotion for sheet mask products (flash sale), free shipping for bills over 5 masks.

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March: Open give away program to give combo "Dak Lak coffee (scrub) + combo
of 5 sheet masks". This giveaway will take place for 1 week, rules: participants will like

Cocoon's fan page, tag 3 friends and comment 3 lucky numbers.
SECOND QUARTER: Building customer's trust in Cocoon brand and increase
brand awareness of new products up to 35% among target customers.
April: We implement a plan to select 3 KOLs, the company will send 3 mask lines
with the most detailed information about new products for KOLs to review on their
personal accounts such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. The KOLs that the
company chooses are those with expertise in the beauty industry: Trinh Pham, Goc cua
Ru, Quach Anh Makeup Artist. Besides, on Cocoon's fanpage, posts about Cocoon sheet
masks, review videos of KOLs by asking Facebook and Instagram to run ads for posts
but with less time and cost than the first quarter (until end of the third quarter). Continue
to run ads on e-commerce platforms.
May: Using the effect of Micro-influencers to increase the authenticity of the
product's effectiveness because most of the micro-influencers' gadgets are selfpurchased and self-determined, they create a lot of trust great for followers when they
share about a certain product. We will use 20 influencers with low to medium popularity
to post and share about their experience using Cocoon's new sheet mask product on
their personal pages. Continue to run ads on e-commerce platforms.
June: Implement the program "Review Cocoon sheet masks - draw to receive
attractive gifts" on the occasion of environment day. Rules: customers will post to share
their experience of using Cocoon, the effects that this sheet mask brings. Besides, also
hashtag #Cocoon #MyPhamThuanChay #vegansheetmasks and tag Cocoon's official fan
page on Facebook. Each account can only review 1 time and Cocoon will send 1 gift by
drawing: 10% voucher for bills from 100,000, free coffee balm for bills from 200,000,
free 1 mask for bills from 300,000. Besides, also continue to run ads on e-commerce
THIRD QUARTER: Reduce advertising and communication costs from the third
quarter, increase product sales.
July: We apply a plan with the target for branches providing exclusive Cocoon
products: 1 month selling more than 200 masks. In order to promote the sales efforts of
the stores, speed up the circulation of goods. Stores that reach the target will be offered
a reasonable price by Cocoon (with a higher discount than usual) depending on the

quantity that each branch imports, the more quantity, the lower the import price will be.
September: We plan to sponsor some events with a scale of 100 people with the
theme of environmental protection to increase awareness with the public. After the end
of the attendance period, Cocoon will give away a mask to the attendees.
FOURTH QUARTER: Continue to accelerate the sales process at the end of the
year, the total revenue is expected to reach more than 6 billion and sell more than
200,000 products in the past 4 quarters.

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December: The program "Giving gifts at the end of the year" on Christmas day.
Applied on e-commerce sites on 4 days, get 1 free environmental protection tote bag for
the purchase of 7 sheet masks.

Total first-year sales revenue for the Cocoon’s vegan sheet masks is
projected at 6,5 billion. Break-even calculations indicate that Cocoon's vegan sheet
mask will become profitable after the sales volume exceeds 200,000 during the
product’s first year. Our break - even analysis assumes per-unit retailer revenue of
31,000 VND per unit, variable cost of 15,000 VND per unit, and estimated first-year
fixed costs of 3.2 billion VND. With these assumptions, the break-even calculation is:
3 200 000 000
31 000 − 15 000 = 200 000

In order to find out whether the marketing strategies we provided were effective,
we need to do some market research and get some feedback from the consumers. After
launching 2 months, we will conduct a survey of customers. We determined to use a

questionnaire and personal interviews. This is aiming to know that whether consumers
are satisfied with our products and what needs to be done to make progress and to check
our brand awareness in the market. Secondly, we are going to set up an internal system
to supervise the fluctuation of the sales and most importantly to find out the correlation
among the price, distribution, promotion and sales. Our team would collect relevant data
and those data would be reported weekly and send to the company headquarter.
Specifically, outcomes before and after some strategies are implemented would be
compared. In that case, we can figure out which distribution channel is more effective,
how much profit margins and market share we achieve and how much money should we
invest to gain the best performance.

Our marketing plan focuses on launch Cocoon's vegan sheet mask to enter the
skincare market of Vietnam. We choose target audience 17 to 24-year-old males and
females. In order to accomplish the marketing and finance objectives, we came up with
several marketing strategies. For example, advertisements will be displayed on social
media, shopping websites, especially cosmetic websites that are frequently visited by
females. We concentrate on the implementation of communication in the two first
months to the product to achieve a buzz. We will focus on e-commerce platforms and
retail cosmetic stores. Loyal customers will have special discounts and services. There
are particular promotions on Vietnam festivals and special days (1.1, 2.2, 3.3, etc.).
Those specific strategies are implemented closely monitor quality and customer service
satisfaction. This will enable us to react very quickly in correcting any problems that
may occur. Other early warning signals that will be monitored for signs of deviation
from the plan include monthly sales (by segment and channel) and monthly expenses.
Through effective monitoring strategy, the objectives of our marketing plan gaining
more profit margins.

TIEU LUAN MOI download :

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TIEU LUAN MOI download :

Appendix 1: Porter’s five forces

Threat of New

Power of

Power of
Threat of

- The market size of Vietnam's retailers is the
highest compared to other countries in the ASEAN
region, showing the growing economy and demand of
customers and the demand for many new products.
- The community is harsher and harsher in making
purchasing decisions, condemning products of unsafe
origin, environmental pollution, testing on animals.
- It is not too difficult for new businesses to
access necessary inputs in the production.

- Increasing
competition, availability and
convenience of products have given buyers in this
industry high power.
- The variety of skin care products from home and
- Customers are in a position to influence the
price of the product which makes it difficult to
maintain the long-term profitability of the business.
- More and more distributors online.
- There are no major differences in industry inputs
- Large supply in the industry.
- The presence of products that substitute inputs
and the impact on costs is not high.
- The demand for the number of facial services at
spas and beauty salons is increasing, but the price is
- The level of competition among competitors in
the industry is high.
- Consumers easily switch brands .








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