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Vocabulary unit 2 thinking and learning destination c1c2

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baffle - to confuse
- if a problem, someone's behavior, etc -----s you, you cannot understand it or solve it
- (v) cản trờ , làm trở ngại
Vd: Detectives remain ------ed by these murders
contemplate - (v) to consider doing something in the future
Vd: I'm -----ing retirement next year
- (v) to think very carefully about something for a long time
Vd: I haven't got time to sit around -----ing the meaning of life
- suy ngẫm
cynical - (adj) someone who is ----- believes that people care only about themselves and are not
sincere or honest, or expect things not to be successful or useful
- (adj) hoài nghi( negative)
Vd: I know that some of you are very ----- about the proposals
deduce - Reach a conclusion from the information given.
- (v) suy ra, suy luận, suy diễn
xem lại lai lịch, nguồn gốc
Vd: Finding fossils far inland, he -----d that the area had once been covered by water
to think over deeply
Vd: The judges -----d for an hour before choosing the winner
discriminate to differentiate; to make a clear distinction; to see the difference
Vd: Long-range missile attacks simply cannot ----- between military and civilian targets
- (adj) not completely good, safe or honest
Vd: The story seemed a bit ----- to me
- (adj) not sure about the truth or quality of something, or whether you should do something
Vd: I'm very ----- about his ability to do the job
- Mơ hồ, không rõ ràng
gather to believe that sth is true although no one has directly told you about it
Vd: You're new here, I ----genius a very high level of skill or ability
Vd: Baking allows you to show your creative ----hunch - a feeling that something is true or will happen, although you do not know any definite

facts about it
- linh cảm
Vd: I've got a ----- there'll be an election soon
- a system of ideas and principles on which a political or economic theory is based
- tư tưởng, hệ tư tưởng
Vd: State control is a fundamental aspect of Marxist ----intuition
- an effortless, immediate, automatic feeling or thought, as contrasted with
explicit, conscious reasoning
- trực giác
Vd: Archaeologists often use their ----- to decide where to dig
justify - to show that there is a good reason for something, especially something that other
people think is wrong
-(v) bào chữa, biện hộ
Vd: You'll be expected to ----- your actions
notion - an idea or understanding of sth

- (n) quan điểm, ý kiến, ý niệm, khái niệm
Vd: I haven't the faintest ----- what you're talking about
- (n) a person, thing or situation that is strange because they have features or
qualities that do not normally exist together
- nghịch lý, ngược đời, dilemma, inconsistency, contradiction
Vd: We get this apparent ----- of people migrating to an area that has very high unemployment
- likely to be true, honest, reasonable or suitable
- hợp lý, đáng tin cậy
Vd: A bomb was the only ----- explanation for the crash
ponder - to think carefully about something for a long time before reaching a decision

- suy nghĩ, cân nhắc
Vd: I'm still -----ing whether to tell Janine or not
- to think something is true because it is likely, although you cannot be certain
- cho là, đoán chừng
Vd: I ----- you've already ordered lunch
query - (n) a question you ask because you want information or because you are not certain
about sth
Vd: We have a number of -----es regarding delivery
- (v) to ask a question about sth because you have doubts about it
Vd: It is not for us to ----- his decisions
- (v) to ask sth
Vd: 'Who would do such a thing?' he -----ed
- (n) câu hỏi; (v) chất vấn, thắc mắc
reckon to believe that something is true
Vd: I ----- there's sth wrong with him
reflect (v) to think about something carefully and seriously
Vd: Josie -----ed on how easily she could have been killed
- having doubts about something that other people think is true or right
- Hoài nghi / đa nghi về sự việc nào đó đúng hay sai
Vd: Harrison approved the plan, but Riley remained ----speculate
(v) to consider or discuss why something has happened
-(adj) good at learning things by studying
Vd: She's certainy bright, but she's not very -----(adj) not relating to a real situation, and therefore not relevant
Vd: Given the lack of funding, any discussion of future plans was somewhat -----(n) someone who teaches or does research at a college or university
Vd: The meeting was chaired by a leading Japanese ---conscientious -(adj) working hard and being careful to do things well
- tận tâm, chu đáo
Vd: Simon is a very ----- worker

- someone who has a degree from a university
-(n) sinh viên ra trường
- not knowing something that you should know or need to know
- thiếu hiểu biết
Vd: I was ----- of the terms used in business

-(adj) relating to the ability to think in an intelligent way and to understand things,
especially difficult or complicated ideas and subjects
Vd: Students were asked which task represented the greatest ----- challenge
-(adj) well educated and interested in art, science, literature etc at an advanced level
Vd: Though not -----, my mother was highly intelligent
-(n) someone who is well educated in art, science, literature etc at an advanced level
Vd: Though not an -----, my mother was highly intelligent
- thuộc trí tuệ, trí thức
lecture to give a lecture or a series of lectures
Vd: She -----s on Greek Literature at the Sorbonne
brush up (on) practise and improve your skills or knowledge of something: Học lại, ôn lại
come (a)round (to) change your opinion or decision because someone has persuaded you to
agree with them: Bị thuyết phục thay đổi quan điểm
hit upon
suddenly have an idea; discover sth by chance: Bất ngờ phát hiện ra, nảy ra ý
mull over
think carefully about something over a period of time: Nghiền ngẫm, nghĩ tới nghĩ
piece together learn the truth about sth by considering all the separate bits of information you

have: xâu chuỗi lại các thông tin
puzzle out
solve a confusing or complicated problem by thinking carefully about it: giải một
vấn đề khó khăn bằng cách suy nghĩ cẩn thận
read up (on/about)
get information on a particular subject by reading a lot about it: có nhiều
thơng tin do chăm chỉ đọc sách
think through To consider the facts about sthing in an organised and thorough way: nghĩ thông
(hang) in the balance do dự, lưỡng lự
strike a balance
to give appropriate attention to two or more different ideas: Cân bằng, đáp
ứng yêu cầu của 2 bên
upset/alter/redress the balance
to make a situation equal or fair again: lấy lại cân bằng
on balance
sau khi cân nhắc kĩ
off balance
- in an unsteady position and likely to fall: mất sự cân bằng (dễ té, ngã), ko vững
- catch / throw sb ----brainwave
a sudden clever idea: Ý kiến hay bất chợt
foregone conclusion a result that is obvious to everyone even before it happens: Kết quả quá rõ
ràng, ai cũng đoán trước được
for sb's consideration để đền bù, đáp lại cho ai
out of consideration for
with consideration for someone or something; with kind regard for
someone or something: vì nghĩ đến ai đó
Vd: I didn't tell Angie ----- Eddie
beyond (any) doubt completely certain: chắc chắn, không cịn nghi ngờ gì nữa

open to doubt not definite, and perhaps not even likely: không chắc chắn
beyond your wildest dreams to a degree or in a way you had never thought possible: ngoài sức
tưởng tượng
in focus
>< out of focus
main/primary/major focus
điều quan trọng cần tập trung, trọng tâm, chính

do an impression (of) - copies the way another person speaks or behaves in order to make people
laugh; to imitate sth
- bắt chước
mental arithmetic
calculations that one does in their mind: tính nhẩm
slip your mind >< cross your mind
have a one-track mindto think about one particular thing and nothing else: chỉ nghĩ về 1 vấn đề
bring to mind to remind you of someone or something: gợi nhớ
on your mind in your thoughts, or making you worry: khiến bạn lo lắng, bận tâm
open/broad-minded >< narrow-minded
put into perspective To clarify, appraise, or assess the true value, importance, or significance of
something: làm sáng tỏ
in perspective If you get something -----, you judge its real importance by considering it in
relation to everything else
out of perspective
If you get something -----, you fail to judge its real importance in relation
to everything else
have principles
decent, nice person: có quy củ, phép tắc
stand by/ stick to your principles
follow your principles: tuân theo nguyên tắc

in principle in general, as opposed to in detail: nói chung
set of principles
a group of basic rules or beliefs about what is right and morally good, that
influence the way that you behave and the way that you treat other people: bộ nguyên tắc
beg the question
If a statement or situation -----, it causes you to ask a particular question:
đặt ra câu hỏi
no question of no possibility of: không khả thi
in question
being talked about: được xem xét
beyond question
there're no doubts about it: khơng cịn nghi ngờ gì nữa
see sense
to be reasonable and have good judgment: thấy, nhận thức ra
Vd: We talked to her for an hour, but we couldn't make her ----come to your senses see things clearly and begin to act sensibly after a period of confusion and
unwise behavior: tỉnh ngộ ra
Vd: It's time she ----- and got a job
common senselẽ thường tình
side with sb to support one person or group: Cùng phe với ai đó, ủng hộ ai đó
take sides
support a group or person over another: chọn phe, đứng về phe
on the minus side
>< on the plus side
set/put sb straight about
to make certain that someone knows the real facts about a
situation: nói thẳng, nói thật về
set/put the record straight
to write or say something in order to make the true facts known:
viết, nói một điều gì đó để mọi người biết sự thật
get sth straight - to correctly understand something; make a situation clear

- làm rõ ra, hiểu rõ tình huống
Vd: Let me ----- - you didn't know they had your car.
think/see straight
To think rationally or calmly: nhìn nhận 1 cách đúng đắn
take the view that
to believe that: cho rằng = suppose that
take a dim/poor view of
- to not approve of something
Vd: My boss ----- anyone who arrives late for meetings
- khơng đồng tình, phản đối về...

Vd: I ----- this kind of behaviour (= think that this type of behaviour is unacceptable)
come into view
To suddenly emerge or become visible: lọt vào tầm mắt
in view of
because of a particular thing, or considering a particular fact: xét về
in sb's view on sb's a personal opinion, belief, or attitude about a particular situation or
subject: theo quan điểm của ai
Vd: How important was it, -----, that the two leaders had a good personal relationship?
go to your head
if success -----, it makes you think that you are better or more important
than you really are: khiến ai đó tự cao tự đại
have your wits about you
be able to think quickly and make sensible decisions: sáng suốt
not see the wood for the trees used for saying that someone cannot understand what is important
in a situation because they are thinking too much about small details: k nắm được điểm quan
trọng của vấn đề
round the bend
crazy: phát điên

split hairs
argue or worry about very small details or differences that are not important: cãi
nhau vì những chi tiết nhỏ nhặt
take stock (of) spend some time thinking about the situation you are in before you decide what to
do next: xem xét tình hình trước khi quyết định
unassuming (adj.) not putting on airs, unpretentious; modest: khiêm tốn
conceptualise form a concept or idea of (something): khái niệm hóa
inconceivable >< conceivable CONCEIVE
A fixed or strong belief: sức thuyết phục, sự kết án, tin chắc
(adj.) conclusive, final, representing the limit of what can be done: cuối cùng, dứt
judicial branch of government: bộ tư pháp
(adj.) using or showing good judgment, wise, sensible: sáng suốt, đúng đắn
thuộc về tư pháp, tòa án
opinionated stubborn and often unreasonable in holding to one's own ideas, having a closed
mind: cứng đầu, ngoan cố

reasonable: hợp lý
attempt to explain or justify with logical reasons: hợp lý hóa; biện minh
one who claims that most human knowledge comes through reason: người theo
chủ nghĩa duy lý, nhà lý luận
sanity the state of having a healthy mind and not being mentally ill; the fact of showing good
judgment and understanding: sự tỉnh táo, minh mẫn >< in----SANE
insane crazy SANE

to make sb sensitive to sth: làm cho nhạy cảm
>< de----- SENSE
verdict the decision a jury makes in a trial; the decision said by the jury: phán quyết, bản án
cryptic (adj.) puzzling, mystifying, or enigmatic: khó hiểu, bí ẩn
(n,v) renovate, improve, reconstruct: đại tu
tuition (n) the work that a teacher does when they teach a particular subject, especially to one
person or a small group
Vd: He's been getting private ----- in French
pile out
to enter/leave a place quickly and not in an organized way: túa ra, ùa ra
Vd: We all ----- into the playground
drown out
to make a noise that prevents another noise from being heard: lấn át (tiếng ồn)
Vd: The band were completely ----- by all the screaming fans
sound out

try to find out sb's opinions, ideas, feelings, etc by talking to them: dò hỏi
Vd: I'm going to ----- Bob ----- about this investing in the company
worm sth out of sb
to try and get information from someone that they are trying to keep
secret: moi thông tin
Vd: Jan's good at keeping secrets, so you'll have to ----fathom out, suss out = figure out
reincarnation The rebirth of a soul in a new body: sự đầu thai
Vd: Where did Susan's belief in ----- come from?
occur again, periodically, or repeatedly: (a) lặp lại, diễn ra định kỳ, tuần hoàn
Vd: I've had the same ----- dream for four nights in a row
a specific type of loan that is used to buy real estate: n,v
sự cầm cố; sự thế nợ
Vd: John -----ed his home to get extra money to invest in his business
whereabouts The place in or near which a person or thing is: nơi ở
Vd: Could you give an account of your ----- last night, Mr Johnson?
well known, respected, and admired for past achievements: lừng lẫy, vinh quang,
rạng rỡ
Vd: She had an ----- career as a local politician
make lighter or brighter: chiếu sáng
Vd: The lights -----d the building beautifully at night
the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures
of speech and other compositional techniques: hùng biện
