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Cách nhận biết từ loại:
a. Cánh nhận biết danh từ: danh từ thường có các hậu tố sau:

prevention, invention, preservation,
conservation, information


development, employment, disappointment,


existence, difference, importance


richness, happiness, business

-ER (chỉ người)

teacher, speaker, worker, writer, singer

-OR (chỉ người)

sailor, inventor, visitor, actor, editor

-IST (chỉ người)

physicist, typist, biologist, chemist, guitarist

-AR/-ANT/-EE (chỉ người) beggar, assistant, employee, interviewee

teaching, understanding, schooling, building


teenage, marriage, passage, package, drainage


friendship, scholarship, championship

-ISM (chủ nghĩa)

pessimism, optimism, criticism, idealism
(chủ nghĩa duy tâm)


possibility, responsibility, reality, beauty,
safety, variety


refusal, arrival, survival


width, warmth, strength, youth, truth, depth

b. Cánh nhận biết tính từ: tính từ thường có các hậu tố sau:

harmful, useful, successful, helpful, beautiful

-LESS (nghĩa phủ định)

homeless, careless, treeless

(noun)-Y (có nhiều)

rainy, snowy, sandy, windy

(noun)-LY (có vẻ, hàng ngày giờ.ngày..) manly, friendly, motherly,
yearly, hourly, daily

foolish, selfish, childish

(noun)-AL (thuộc về)

industrial, natural, agricultural, musical


poisonous, nervous, dangerous, famous


active, expensive, attractive, progressive


artistic, electric, economic


countable, fashionable, comfortable, acceptable

c. Cánh nhận biết động từ: động từ thường có tiền tố hoặc hậu tố sau:
Tiền tố EN-

endanger, enlarge, enrich (làm giàu), encourage (động viên)


classify, modify, satisfy


socialize, modernize, industrialize


widen, frighten, brighten, sharpen


considerate, translate, nominate

d. Cánh nhận biết trạng từ: trạng từ thường có hậu tố -LY.
Eg : beautifully, carefully, suddenly, carelessly, recently ...
Lưu ý: Một số trạng từ đặc biệt cần ghi nhớ:
- good (a)

well (adv): giỏi, tốt

- late (a)

late / lately (adv): trễ, chậm

- ill (a)

ill (adv): xấu, tồi, kém

- fast (a)

fast (adv): nhanh

- hard (a)

hard (adv): tích cực, vất vả, chăm chỉ
hardly (adv): hầu như khơng

* Vị trí của một số từ loại:

a. Danh từ (Noun)
Sau tính từ (adj + N)

They are interesting books.

- mạo từ: a /an / the

He is a student.

- từ chỉ định: this, that, these, those,

These flowers are beautiful.

every, each, …

She needs some water.

- từ chỉ số lượng: many, some, few,
little, several ...
- tính từ sở hữu: my, his, her, your,
our, their, its…

Sau ngoại động từ (V cần O)

She buys books.

Sau giới từ (prep. + N)

She meets a lot of people.
He talked about the story yesterday.

Trước V chia thì (N làm chủ từ)
Sau enough (enough + N)

He is interested in music.
The man has just arrived.
I don’t have enough money to buy
that house.

b. Tính từ (Adj)
Trước N (Adj + N)
This is an interesting books.
I am tired.
Sau: become, get, look, feel, taste, It becomes hot.
smell, seem …
Sau trạng từ chỉ mức độ (adv + adj)

She feels sad.
It is extremely cold.
I’m terribly sorry.

She is very beautiful.
Sau keep / make
The news made me happy.

Sau too ( be + too + adj)
That house is too small.
Trước enough (be + adj + enough)
The house isn’t large enough.
Trong cấu trúc: be + so + adj + that She was so angry that she can’t speak.
A, an, the, this, that, his, her, their, My new car is blue.
my, … + (Adj) + Noun
Trong câu cảm thán:
- How + adj + S + V

How beautiful the girl is!

- Wh + (a / an) + adj + N

What an interesting film!

c. Trạng từ (Adv)
Sau V thường
Trước Adj
Giữa cụm V
Đầu câu hoặc trước dấu phẩy
Sau too V + too + adv
Trong cấu trúc V + so + adv

He drove carefully.
I meet an extremely handsome man.
She has already finished the job.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t come the party.
They walked too slowly to catch the bus.
Jack drove so fast that he caused an accident.

+ that
Trước enough V + adv + You should write clearly enough for every
body to read.
• Các bước vận dụng để làm bài tập :

Bươc 1: Đọc qua câu hỏi và quan sát thật kỹ vị trí của từ cần điền
Bước 2: Xác dịnh từ loại của từng đáp án : (v), (adj), (n), (adv)
Ví dụ 1:
It is believed that travelling is a good way to expand our _______ of the world.
A. knowledgeably
B. knowledgeable
C. knowledge
Giải thích : Sau tính từ sở hữu “our” cần điền một danh từ.

D. know

A. knowledgeably (adv): một cách có hiểu biết, có kiến thức
B. knowledgeable (adj): có kiến thức, biết nhiều
C. knowledge (n): kiến thức, sự hiểu biết
D. know (v): biết
=> Đáp án : C
Tạm dịch : Người ta tin rằng đi du lịch là một cách tốt để mở rộng kiến thức của
chúng ta về thế giới.
Ví dụ 2.
In general, the company receives hundreds of _______ for a post they offer.
A. applies

B. applications
C. applicants
D. applicability
Giải thích : Sau lượng từ “hundreds of” (hàng trăm…) cần điền một danh từ đếm
được, số nhiều.
A. applies (dạng số nhiều của động từ “apply”): nộp, ứng tuyển => loại
B. applications (n-plural): ứng dụng, đơn xin việc
C. applicants (n-plural): ứng viên, người nộp đơn
D. applicability (n-singular): khả năng ứng dụng được => loại (số ít)
=> Đáp án : B
Tạm dịch: Nhìn chung, cơng ty nhận được hàng trăm đơn ứng tuyển cho một vị trí
việc làm mà họ đưa ra.
Ví dụ 3:
At the end of the story, the old couple lived ______ together.
A. happy
B. happiness
C. happily
D. unhappiness
Giải thích : vị trí cần điền là trạng từ để bổ nghĩa cho động từ “live”
A. happy : ( adj ) : hạnh phúc , vui lòng
B. happiness (n) niềm hạnh phúc

C. happily ( adv) một cách hạnh phúc , một cách may mắn
D. unhappiness ( n) sự bất hạnh
=> Đáp án : C
Tạm dịch : Cuối câu truyện, đôi vợ chồng già sống hạnh phúc bên nhau .
4.4. Bài tập thực hành

the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct

answer to each of the following questions.
1. John drives very______ ; he has never had any accidents.
A. careful
B. carefully
C. carelessly
2. That book is ______ , so I don't want to read it.

D. careless

A. bored
B. bore
C. boringly
3. There are small ______ between British and American English.

D. boring

A. differences
B. different
C. difference
4. Some species of rare animals are in _______ of extinction.

D. differently

A. danger
B. dangerous
C. dangerously
5 His pronunciation causes me a lot of _______.

D. endanger

A. difficulties
B. difficult
C. difficulty
6 You will have to work hard if you want to ______.

D. difficultly

A. success
B. succeed
7 AIDS is a(n) _______ disease.

D. successfully

C. successful

A. endanger
B. danger
C. endangered
8 The animals gathered closely together for ______.

D. dangerous

A. warmed
B. warmth
C. warmly
9 English is a ______ easy language to learn.

D. warm

A. comparative
B. comparable
C. compared
10 I find it quite ______ to talk in front of a group of people.

D. comparatively

A. embarrassed
B. embarrassingly
C. embarrassment
11 Mrs. Kent is _______with washing the dishes every day.

D. embarrassing

A. bore
B. bored
C. boring
12 Miss White sang very ______ at my birthday party last night.

D. boringly

A. beautifully
B. beautify
13 Hoi An is a famous tourist _______.

C. beautiful

D. beauty

A. attractive
B. attract
14 You can buy dairy _______ in this shop.

C. attracted

D. attraction

A. production
B. productivity
C. products
15 . My _______ pastime is going dancing with my friends.

D. producers

A. favourable
B. favourite
C. favour
D. favoured
16. John has to live on his ______ benefits because he doesn’t have a job.
A. unemployed
B. employment
17. Physical ______ are good for our health.

C. unemployment

D. employer

A. acts
B. activities
C. actions
18. I was ______ to find that they had already left.

D. activists

A. disappointing
B. disappoint
19. John is ______ in fashion magazines.

D. disappointed

C. disappointment

A. interests
B. interest
C. interested
20. He hoped his ______ would give him a pay rise.

D. interesting

A. employ
B. employed
C. employee
21. Sarah danced very ______ in her performance last week.

D. employer

A. beautifying
B. beautifully
22. Could you fill out this ______ form?

D. beautiful

C. beauty

A. applying
B. applicable
C. application
23. Thomas Edison was a famous American ______.

D. applicant

A. inventor
B. invent
C. invention
D. inventive
24. Despite its successful ______ reforms, this country is still a developing one.
A. economic
B. economical
C. economizing
25. Each of us must take ______ for our own actions.

D. economics

A. responsible
C. irresponsible

26. Boys often enjoy doing things in a_______ way.

D. responsibility

A. create
B. creative
C. creativity
27. The problem of _______ among young people is hard to solve.

D. creatively

A. employment
B. employees
C. employers
D. unemployment
28. Some people are concerned with physical______ when choosing a wife or husband.
A. attractive
B. attraction
29. He can’t hear because of his _______.

C. attractiveness

D. attractively

A. deaf
B. deafness
C. deafen
D. deafened
30. The issue of climate change has received a lot of _______ recently.
A. attentive

B. attention
C. attend
D. attentively
31. For this job you will need a good ______ of both Italian and Spanish.
A. knowing
B. knowledgeable
C. know
D. knowledge
32. Candidates have to attach their birth___ to their applications for this position.

A. degrees

B. diplomas


D. certificates

33.The firefighters’ single-minded devotion to the rescue of the victims of the fire was
A. respecting
B. respective
C. respectful
34. It is not always easy to make a good______ at the last minute.

D. respectable

A. decide

B. decision
C. decisive
D. decisively
35 . Travelling to _______countries in the world enables me to learn many interesting
A. differ
B. difference
C. differently
D. different
36 . In Vietnam, children begin their primary________at the age of six.
A. educational
C. educate
B. educationally
D. education
37. The success of the company in such a_______market is remarkable.
A. compete
B. competitively
C. competitive
D. competition
38. Candidates are advised to dress formally to make a good ______ on job
A. impress

B impressively

C impression

D impressive

39. It is believed that travelling is a good way to expand our ______ of the world.

A. knowledgeable

B. knowledgeably

C. knowledge

D. know

40. Susan has achieved great ______ in her career thanks to her hard work.
A. success

B succeed

C successful

D successfully

41. Participating in teamwork activities helps students develop their _____ skills.
A. social

B. society

C. socially

D. socialise

C. invention

D. inventor

42. His______of the generator is very famous.
A. invent

B. inventive

43. We haven’t reached the final ______ on the funding for scientific research yet.
A. decide

B. decision

C. decisively

D. decisive

44. Before the 22nd SEA Games, Vietnam had made a good ______ in every aspect.
A. prepare

B. preparation

C. preparative

D. preparer

45. The International Committee of the Red Cross is a private _______ institution
founded in 1863 in Geneva, Switzerland.
A. human

B. humanity

C. humanization

D. humanitarian

46. All payments to the ICRC are______ and are received as donations.

A. volunteer

B. voluntary

C. voluntarily

D. voluntariness

47. Housework is ______ shared between them.
A. equally

B. equal

C. equality

D. equalizing

48. Can you tell me about the ______ process to tertiary study in Vietnam?
A. apply

B. applicable

C. application

D. applicant

49. WHO’s main activities are carrying out research on medical______ and improving
international health care.
A. develop

B. developing

C. development

D. develops

50. Swimming produces both ______ and physical benefits.
A. psychology

B. psychological

C. psychologist


51. My friend is a good story writer; he has a rich ______.
A. imaginatively

B. imagination

C. imagine

D. imaginative

52. The ______ of electronic books has changed the way many people read.
A. invent

B. invention

C. inventively

D. inventive

53. When James was in Vietnam, he tried a ______ of Vietnamese dishes.
A. variety

B. variously

C. various

D. vary

54. According to present law, the authorities can give poachers a severe ______
A. punishing

B. punish

C. punishable

D. punishment

55. The new song has _______ been selected for Euro 2016.

A. officially

B. official

C. office

D. officer

56. Many species of plants and animals are in _______ of extinction.
A. dangerous

B. endangered

C. danger

D. dangerously

57. The wedding day was ______ chosen by the parents of the groom.
A. careless

B. careful

C. carefully

D. carelessly

58. To Americans, it is impolite to ask someone about age, ______ and salary.
A. marry

B. married

C. marrying

D. marriage

59. Despite the plan’s emphasis on agricultural _______, the industrial sector received
a larger share of state investment.
A. developing

B. developer

C. development

D. developed

60. ______have announced that a major breakthrough in medicine has been made.
A. Research

B. Researchers

C. Researches

D. Researching

61. This restaurant is______ with those who like Vietnamese food.
A. popular

B. popularly

C. popularize

D. popularity

62. The jobs give you lots of chances to travel abroad; it’s certainly a very _______
A. attractive

B. attract

C. attractively

D. attraction

63. It's necessary to listen to opinions that are _______ from ours.
A. difference

B. differently

C. differ

D. different

64. One _______ method for keeping our mind active is doing crossword puzzles.
A. popularity

B. popular

C. popularize

D. popularly

65. Sometimes it can be really _______ to go hiking alone in the forest.
A. endanger

B. danger

C. dangerous

D. dangerously

66. In the past people believed that women’s _____ roles were as mothers and wives.
A. nature

B. natural

C. naturism

D. naturalist

67. Although David was _______ after a day's work in the office, he tried to help his
wife the household chores.
A. exhaustion

B. exhausted

C. exhaust

D. exhaustively

68. A _______ party was prepared to welcome the honored guests.
A. special

B. specialize

C. specially

D. specialization

69. How many means of _______ do you use on a regular basis?
A. communication

B. communicating

C. communicate

D. communicative

70. Janice made some useful _______ for the class extra-curricular activities.
A. suggest

B. suggested

C. suggestions

D. suggesting

71. Jack put on his best suit to make a good _______ on his future in-laws.
A. impression

B. impressive

C. impress

D. impressively

72. The more _____ you look, the better impression you will make on your
A. confine

B. confident

C. confidently

D. confidence

73. Josh's ambition is to become a _______ businessman like his father.
A. success

B. succeed

C. successfully

D. successful

74. Many twelfth graders find it hard to _______ what university to apply to.
A. decide

C. decisive

B. decision

D. decisively

75. I think mobile phones are _______ for people of all ages.
A. usage

B. use

C. usefully

D. useful

76. Such characters as fairies or witches in Walt Disney animated cartoons are purely
A. imaginary

B. imagination

C. imagine

D. imaginatively

77. The Covid-19 pandemic has taken a heavy toll on the country's aviation _______
due to international travel restrictions.
A. industry

B. industrialize

C. industrious

D. industriously

78. According to most professors, mature students are ideal students because they are hardworking and become _____ involved in all aspects of the learning process.
A. active

B. action

C. act

D. actively

79. Tom is getting ever keener on doing research on _______.
A. biology

B. biological

C. biologist

D. biologically

80. They are always _______ of what their children do.
A. support

B. supporting

C. supportive

D. supportively

81. Cultural _______ can be found in such simple processes as giving or receiving a
A. differences

B. different

C. differently

D. differ

82. Travelling to _______ countries in the world enables me to learn many interesting
A. differ

B. difference

C. differently

D. different

83. The job market is constantly changing due to innovative technology and new ____.
A. competition

B. competitively

C. competitive

D. compete

84. In Vietnam, children begin their primary _______ at the age of six.
A. educational

B. educationally

C. educate

D. education

85. Many librarians and teachers are now accepting graphic novels as proper literature
for children as they _______ young people and motivate them to read.
A. attract

B. attractively

C. attraction

D. attractive

86. The success of the company in such a _______ market is remarkable.
A. compete

B. competitively

C. competitive

D. competition

87. People tend to be unaware of the messages they are sending to others. So, it is
_______ to consider your own body language before dealing with people from other
A. usefully

B. use

C. usefulness

D. useful

88. Project-based learning provides wonderful opportunities for students to develop
A. creative

B. creativity

C. create

D. creatively

89. Candidates are advised to dress formally to make a good _______ on job
A. impress

B. impressively

C. impression

D. impressiv

90. It is believed that travelling is a good way to expand our _______ of the world.
A. knowledgeable

B. knowledgeably

C. knowledge

D. know

91. Susan has achieved great _______ in her career thanks to her hard work.
A. success

B. succeed

C. successful

D. successfully

92. Participating in teamwork activities helps students develop their _______ skills.
A. social

B. society

C. socially

D. socialize

93 . You should turn off the lights before going out to save _______.
A. electricity

B. electrify

C. electric

D. electrical

94. The study also found that social networks allow us to have discussions with a much
more diverse set of people than in the real world, so we share knowledge with people
from a wide _______ of backgrounds.
A. vary

B. variety

C. various

D. variously

95. Laura came to _______ me for taking care of her dog when she was away.
A. thank

B. thankfully

C. thankfulness

D. thankful

96. The candidates took a _______ breath before he walked into the interview room.

A. deeply

B. deep

C. deepen

D. depth

97 . With his good sense of humour, Martin is quite _______ with the students.
A. popularly

B. popular

C. popularise

D. popularity

98. One _____ method for keeping our mind active is doing cross.

B. popularize

C. popularly

D popular

99. The job gives you lots of chances to travel abroad; it's certainly a very _____ offer.


A. attract

B. attractively

C attractive

D. attraction

100. It can be seen that Urbanization has resulted in______ problems besides the
A. vary

B. various

C. variety

D. variously

101. IPhone 12 is the latest______ in the field of smartphone design of Apple
A. creatively

B. create

C. creative

D. creation

102. Some candidates failed the oral examination because they didn't have enough
_______ .
A. confide

B. confident

C. confidently

D. confidence

103. The map of the top ten most densely______ countries in the world includes
Monaco, Singapore, Bahrain, Malta, and Bangladesh.
A. populated

B. populate

C. population

D. popularly

104. The car they bought does not use much petrol. It is ______.
A. economical

B. economy

C. economize

D. economically

105. You should make an ______ with your doctor whenever you have a health
A. appoint


C. appointment

D. appointed

106. Workplace health and safety is the legal ______ for all employers.
A. responsible

B. responsibility

C. responsibly


107. The ______ anthem of Vietnam is often sung at school on Monday morning.
A. nation

B. national

C. international

D. native
