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Báo cáo khoa học: Induction of PPARb and prostacyclin (PGI2) synthesis by Raf signaling: failure of PGI2 to activate PPARb potx

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Induction of PPARb and prostacyclin (PGI
) synthesis
by Raf signaling: failure of PGI
to activate PPARb
Tanja Fauti
, Sabine Mu
, Mihaela Kreutzer
, Markus Rieck
, Wolfgang Meissner
Ulf Rapp
, Horst Schweer
, Martin Ko
and Rolf Mu

1 Institute of Molecular Biology and Tumor Research (IMT), Philipps-University, Marburg, Germany
2 MSZ, University of Wu
rzburg, Germany
3 Department of Pediatrics, Philipps-University, Marburg, Germany
All prostaglandins [PGD
cyclin), 15-deoxy-D
] and thromboxane A
synthesized from the common precursor PGH
, which
is generated by cyclooxygenase (Cox)-1 and Cox-2
from arachidonic acid (AA) (see [1] and references
therein). Cyclooxygenase-2 is regulated by transcrip-
tional and post-translational mechanisms in response

to a plethora of stimuli, while Cox-1 expression is con-
stitutive. Prostaglandin D
and PGI
trigger signaling cascades by interacting with G-protein
coupled membrane receptors. Prostaglandin I
has also
been proposed as an agonist of the ‘peroxisome prolif-
erator activated receptor-b’ (PPARb; also known as
PPARoad) [2–5]. Prostanoids play essential roles in
many physiological processes, such as inflammation,
pain, fever and platelet aggregation, but some compo-
nents of the prostanoid signaling network also figure in
tumorigenesis, including PGE
and the PPARs. While
the former plays a predominant role in promoting
tumor angiogenesis through upregulation of proangio-
genic growth factors [6,7], PGI
and PPARb have been
suggested to play a role in cell proliferation, differenti-
ation and apoptosis [5,8–11].

A role for PPARb in tumorigenesis has been pro-
posed for human colon cancer cells where the APC
tumor suppressor gene product inhibits PPARb
R. Mu
ller, Institute of Molecular Biology and
Tumor Research (IMT), Philipps-University,
Emil-Mannkopff-Strasse 2, 35033 Marburg,
(Received 25 August 2005, revised 24 Octo-
ber 2005, accepted 8 November 2005)
A role for the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated recep-
tor-b (PPARb) in oncogenesis has been suggested by a number of obser-
vations but its precise role remains elusive. Prostaglandin I
prostacyclin), a major arachidonic acid (AA) derived cyclooxygenase (Cox)
product, has been proposed as a PPARb agonist. Here, we show that the
4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-OHT) mediated activation of a C-Raf-estrogen
receptor fusion protein leads to the induction of both the PPARb and
Cox-2 genes, concomitant with a dramatic increase in PGI
synthesis. Sur-
prisingly, however, 4-OHT failed to activate PPARb transcriptional activ-
ity, indicating that PGI

is insufficient for PPARb activation. In agreement
with this conclusion, the overexpression of ectopic Cox-2 and PGI
thase (PGIS) resulted in massive PGI
synthesis but did not activate the
transcriptional activity of PPARb. Conversely, inhibition of PGIS blocked
synthesis but did not affect the AA mediated activation of PPARb.
Our data obtained with four different cell types and different experimental
strategies do not support the prevailing opinion that PGI
plays a signifi-
cant role in the regulation of PPARb.
AA, arachidonic acid; ASA, acetylsalicylic acid; Cox, cyclooxygenase (EC; cPGI, carbaprostacyclin; cPLA
, cytosolic phospholipase
(EC; DBD, DNA-binding domain; EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid; ERK, extracellular signal-regulated kinase; 6-k-PGF
, 6-keto-
prostaglandin F
; LBD, ligand-binding domain; mPGES, microsomal prostaglandin E

synthase (EC; 4-OHT, 4-hydroxytamoxifen;
, prostaglandin E
, prostaglandin I
(prostacyclin); PGIS, prostaglandin I
synthase (prostacyclin synthase; EC,; PPAR,
peroxisome proliferator activated receptor; qPCR, quantitative PCR (real-time PCR).
170 FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 170–179 ª 2005 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2005 FEBS
transcription by TCF-4 (Wnt pathway) [8,12]. In
mouse models of intestinal tumorigenesis (such as the
mouse) PPARb has also been reported to
affect tumor growth, albeit with partly contradictory
conclusions: the homozygous deletion of PPARb resul-
ted in the formation of smaller tumors [13] but led to
enhanced tumor growth in a more recent study using a
different PPARb null mouse [14]. Furthermore, the
pharmacological activation of PPARb has been shown
to accelerate the growth of intestinal adenomas [15].
In line with a pro-oncogenic function of the pro-
posed PPARb agonist PGI
is the observation that in

human colon carcinoma PGI
released by stromal
fibroblasts promotes the survival of the tumor cells [5],
and that apoptosis in mesenchymal renal medullary
interstitial cells is reduced by overexpression of PPARb
and further decreased upon administration of cPGI
[16]. In apparent contrast to these observations is the
finding that the ectopic expression of prostaglandin I
synthase (prostacyclin synthase; EC inhibits
mouse lung tumorigenesis [17] and promotes apoptosis
[3]. The interpretation of these studies is, however,
complicated because there is no definitive proof that
natural PGI
is a PPARb agonist and other potential
PPARb ligands may exist [18]. Moreover, other recent
studies support the hypothesis that PPARb inhibits cell
proliferation and promotes differentiation [11,19–22].
The Ras-Raf-ERK signaling pathway controls the
activity of numerous transcription factors that are
essential for the regulation of cell cycle progression
and cell survival [23,24]. Different Ras-triggered path-
ways have also been implicated in the regulation of
genes involved in prostanoid synthesis and signaling,
such as group IVA cytosolic, calcium-dependent phos-
pholipase A

), Cox-2 and PPARb, all of which
have been implicated in tumorigenesis (see [1] for
review). In the present study, we use a 4-hydroxy-
tamoxifen (4-OHT) inducible system (N-BxB-ER cells)
[25] to show that multiple components of the prosta-
noid signaling network are targets of C-Raf signaling
pathways. Triggering of C-Raf signaling resulted in a
dramatic Cox-2 and ERK-dependent increase in the
synthesis and release of PGE
and PGI
which was
mainly due to a strong transcriptional activation of the
Cox-2 gene (and to a lesser extent of PGIS and
mPGES-1). Under the same experimental conditions
expression of the PPARb gene was also augmented by
C-Raf signaling suggesting the presence of an auto-
crine or intracrine PGI
–PPARb signaling mechanism.
Surprisingly, however, the observed massive induction
of PGI
synthesis did not lead to the transcriptional
activation of PPARb. In agreement with this finding,
PPARb transcriptional activity was affected neither by
the pharmacological inhibition of PGI

synthesis nor
by the simultaneous overexpression of Cox-2 and
PGIS. Our data therefore provide no evidence for an
agonistic effect of PGI
on PPARb, indicating that
physiological highly potent PPARb agonists, if exist-
ent, remain to be identified.
Induction of prostanoid synthesis by C-Raf
To investigate the effect of Raf signaling on prostanoid
synthesis we made use of the 3T3-derived N-BxB-ER
cells that express a 4-OHT inducible N-terminally
truncated oncogenic Raf protein fused to the estrogen
receptor [25]. Cells were treated with 4-OHT for differ-
ent times in the absence and presence of AA and the
concentrations of prostanoids was measured in the cell
culture supernatants by GC-MS. Figure 1A shows a
dramatic induction of both PGE
and the stable PGI
metabolite 6-k-PGF
. Induction of both prostanoids
was detectable within 2 h of 4-OHT treatment and
after 24 h reached values > 100-fold of the uninduced
basal levels. In the presence of AA (Fig. 1A, bottom
panel), synthesis of both prostanoids was greatly accel-

erated and reached higher maximum levels, indicating
that the level of endogenous AA generated by phos-
pholipase A
is rate-limiting even in the presence of
activated Raf. The induction of both prostanoids was
almost completely blocked by the Cox-1 ⁄ 2 inhibitor
acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) and the Cox-2 inhibitor
SC-58125 (Fig. 1B), pointing to a key role for Cox-2
in the induction of prostanoid synthesis by Raf. In
contrast to PGE
and 6-k-PGF
, no significant
increase upon 4-OHT treatment was seen for throm-
boxane B2 (TxB2), PGD
and PGF
(Fig. 1A).
Effects of c-Raf signaling on genes encoding
prostanoid-synthesizing enzymes
We next analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR
(qPCR) the effect of Raf activation on the expression
of genes that are relevant for the synthesis of PGE
and PGI
. Figure 2A shows a strong induction of

Cox-2 mRNA expression peaking at 240 min after
4-OHT addition, whereas no induction was seen for
. This finding was confirmed by northern blot-
ting which showed a 10-fold induction of Cox-2
mRNA after 8 h (Fig. 2B and C). Induction was speci-
fic for Cox-2, since no significant change in expression
was seen with Cox-1 (Fig. 2B). These observations
explain the effects of exogenous AA and the Cox-2
T. Fauti et al. Raf induction of PGI
synthesis in the absence of PPARb activation
FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 170–179 ª 2005 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2005 FEBS 171
inhibitor on prostanoid synthesis in Fig. 1. We also
observed a 4-OHT triggered increase in the levels of
PGIS mRNA (Fig. 2A), but this was weak (1.3-fold)
and is therefore unlikely to contribute significantly
to the 4-OHT induced PGI
synthesis. Induction
mPGES-1 occurred relatively late after 4-OHT treat-
ment (4.7-fold 12 h post-treatment; Fig. 2B) suggestive
of a secondary event. Taken together, these results
indicate that Cox-2 is the key enzyme mediating the
dramatic induction of PGE
and PGI
synthesis after

Raf activation. The strong induction of Cox-2 expres-
sion was virtually abolished by both the ERK inhibitor
UO126 and the RNA polymerase inhibitor actinomy-
cin D (Fig. 2C) indicating the Raf-triggered increase in
Cox-2 mRNA expression is due to an ERK-mediated
induction of Cox-2 transcription.
Effects of C-Raf activation on PPARb expression
Activation of Raf not only led to a dramatic induction
of PGI
synthesis as described above, but in the same
experimental setting also induced the expression of
the PPAR b gene, which encodes the proposed nuclear
receptor for PGI
. As illustrated in Fig. 3A, an
approximately threefold increase in the level of PPARb
mRNA was seen within 8 h of 4-OHT treatment.
Induction was completely abolished by UO126 and
actinomycin D (Fig. 3B), suggesting an absolute
requirement for ERK function and unimpaired tran-
scription as already seen with Cox-2 above.
Effect of Raf activation on the transcriptional
activity of PPARb
The simultaneous upregulation of PGI
synthesis and
PPARb expression suggested the induction of an auto-
crine ⁄ intracrine signaling loop upon activation of Raf.
We therefore investigated whether 4-OHT treatment of

N-BxB-ER cells would lead to an activation of the
transcriptional activity of PPARb. To address this
question we constructed a luciferase reporter construct
consisting of seven LexA binding sites upstream of a
TATA-Initiator (TATA-Inr) module without any addi-
tional promoter elements. This reporter plasmid on its
own shows negligible luciferase activity and therefore
allows for a highly sensitive detection of the transcrip-
tional activity of a cotransfected transcriptional activa-
tor harboring a LexA DNA binding domain (DBD).
Fig. 1. Raf induces PGE
and PGI
synthesis. (A) Prostanoid levels in the culture medium of RafER3T3 cells after treatment with 4-OHT for the
indicated times in the absence ()AA; upper panel) or presence of 20 l
M arachidonic acid (+AA; bottom panel). 6-kPGF
is a stable metabolite
of the unstable PGI
that is used as a direct measure of PGI
synthesis. (B) PGE
and 6-kPGF
levels in the culture medium of RafER3T3 cells

after treatment with 4-OHT in the presence of 100 l
M ASA or 0.1 lM SC-58125. All data points represent the average of two measurements.
Raf induction of PGI
synthesis in the absence of PPARb activation T. Fauti et al.
172 FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 170–179 ª 2005 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2005 FEBS
In this system, the synthetic PPARb agonist
GW501516 gave a 30-fold induction with a fusion
protein consisting of the PPARb ligand binding
domain LBD and the LexA DBD (Fig. 4). In contrast,
no induction was seen after treatment with 4-OHT in
spite of the massive synthesis of the presumptive
PPARb agonist PGI
We also analyzed the effect of 4-OHT on a PPRE-
HSV-tk-pomoter-driven luciferase reporter construct
[26] in N-BxB-ER cells, but again were unable to
Fig. 2. Raf induces genes encoding enzymes with key functions in prostaglandin synthesis expression. (A) RafER3T3 cells were treated with
4-OHT and mRNA levels of PLA
, Cox-2, mPGES-1 and PGIS were determined by qPCR. Values represent the average of triplicates; error
bars show the standard deviation. Significant differences from untreated cells are indicated by an asterisk (paired t-test: P < 0.05). (B) Analy-
sis of Cox-1 and Cox-2 expression in 4-OHT treated RafER3T3 cells by northern blotting. Quantitative evaluation by PhosphoImaging showed
that Cox-1 and PGIS mRNA levels did not fluctuate significantly during the time-course of the experiment. For a quantification of Cox-2
expression see (C). PGES mRNA was induced 4.7-fold at 16 h. (C) Analysis of Cox-2 induction in the presence of UO126 or actinomycin D.
Shown is the quantitative evaluation of a northern blot (PhosphorImager).
T. Fauti et al. Raf induction of PGI

synthesis in the absence of PPARb activation
FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 170–179 ª 2005 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2005 FEBS 173
detect any induction of transcriptional activity, both
in the presence and absence of a cotransfected
PPARb expression vector (data not shown). Likewise,
transcriptional activity was not increased by 4-OHT
in cells transfected with a RXRa expression vector
[26] and treated with the RXR agonist 9-cis retinoic
acid (data not shown). These findings strongly suggest
that the lack of PPARoad activation by Raf-induced
in the Lex system described above is not a pecu-
liarity of the experimental setup and is not due to a
rate-limiting level of the obligatory PPAR heterodime-
rization partner RXR. These observations are surpri-
sing and indicate that, at least in the experimental
systems used, PGI
may not act as agonist for
PPARb. We therefore addressed this issue in further
detail below.
Effect of PGI
synthesis on PPARb
Certain polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as AA and
eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) have been described to
exert some agonistic effect on PPARb. This effect was
also observed in the LexA-DBD based luciferase assay

in the present study. An approximately 3-fold stimula-
tion of the transcriptional activity o PPARb was seen
with 10 lm AA, whereas EPA had a modest effect
only at a higher concentration of 30 lm (Fig. 5A).
Although the effect of AA was much weaker than that
of the synthetic PPARb agonists carbaprostacyclin
(cPGI) and GW501516, it was consistently and repro-
ducibly seen. Treatment with AA resulted in an
approximately sixfold increase in 6-k-PGF
in the cul-
ture medium, and this increase could be completely
blocked by the PGIS inhibitor U51605 [27] (Fig. 5B).
U51605 also further reduced the low level of PGI
synthesis in the absence of AA by about threefold
(Fig. 5B). Thus, the extent of PGI
synthesis varied
over an overall range of nearly 15-fold, but no
correlation with PPARb transcriptional activity was
observed (Fig. 5B). Very similar results were obtained
with the Cox inhibitors ASA and SC-58125 (data not
Next, we overexpressed Cox-2 and ⁄ or PGIS in
HEK293 cells and monitored the effect on PGI
synthesis and PPARb transcriptional activity. As
depicted in Fig. 6, transfection of Cox-2 or PGIS
expression vectors alone only had a marginal effect

on 6-k-PGF
levels in the culture medium, but
cotransfection of both vectors resulted in an almost
100-fold increased PGI
synthesis, both in the
Fig. 3. Raf induces PPARb gene expression. (A) RafER3T3 cells
were treated with 4-OHT and PPARb mRNA levels were deter-
mined by qPCR. Values represent the average of triplicates; error
bars show the standard deviation. Significant differences from
untreated cells are indicated by an asterisk (paired t-test:
P < 0.005). (B) Analysis by northern blotting of PPARb induction in
the presence of UO126 or actinomycin D. Shown is a quantitative
evaluation of a northern blot by PhosphorImaging.
Fig. 4. Induction of PPARb transcriptional activity by AA is not
dependent on PGI
synthesis. (A) Stimulation of PPARb-LBD medi-
ated transcriptional activity in NIH3T3 cells by polyunsaturated fatty
acids and the synthetic agonists carbaprostacyclin (cPGI) and
GW01516. For experimental details see legend to Fig. 6. Values
represent the average of triplicates; error bars show the standard
deviation. Significant differences from untreated cells are indicated
by an asterisk (paired t-test: P ¼ 0.01). (B) Effect of the PGIS inhib-
itor U51605 on 6-kPGF
accumulation in the cell culture superna-

tant as a measure of PGI
synthesis (bar graph) and on PPARb-LBD
mediated transcriptional activity (bottom row). PPAR activities are
shown as the average of triplicates and standard deviation.
Raf induction of PGI
synthesis in the absence of PPARb activation T. Fauti et al.
174 FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 170–179 ª 2005 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2005 FEBS
absence and presence of exogenous AA. But again,
this dramatic increase in PGI
synthesis has no
inducing effect on the transcriptional activity of
In the present study, we used a 4-OHT inducible sys-
tem (N-BxB-ER cells) [25] to investigate which com-
ponents of the prostanoid signaling network are
targets of Raf signaling. Our data show that C-Raf
activation leads to a dramatic ERK-dependent induc-
tion of Cox-2 transcription and to a modest increase
in mPGES-1 and PGIS mRNA expression (Fig. 2).
Induction of Cox-2 by Ras-dependent signaling, inclu-
ding the ERK pathway, has previously been reported
for several other experimental systems. Surprisingly,
we did not find any induction of cPLA2, even though
this gene has been described as a Ras target gene in
lung epithelial cells [28,29]. It is therefore likely that
Ras uses downstream effector pathways other than

Raf-MEK-ERK to regulate the cPLA2 gene. In
agreement with these observations, 4-OHT treatment
of N-BxB-ER cells led to a dramatic increase in
and PGI
synthesis, which, in keeping with a
lack of cPLA
induction, could be substantially
enhanced by adding AA to the growth medium
(Fig. 1A). These data suggest that Raf oncogenes can
contribute to tumorigenesis by augmenting the secre-
tion of tumor growth promoting prostaglandins, such
as PGE
In the same experimental system, we also observed a
clear induction of PPARb transcription upon Raf acti-
vation (Fig. 3). PPAR b has been shown to play a role
in diverse biological and biochemical processes, inclu-
ding lipid metabolism, wound healing, placenta
development and inflammation, but there is also con-
siderable evidence suggesting a function for PPARb in
oncogenesis [1,30]. This assumption is mainly based on
observations made with PPARb null mice where an
altered growth behavior of intestinal polyps was
observed [13–15]. In spite of this central biological role
for PPARb, the ligands that regulate its transcriptional

activity in vivo remain largely obscure [31]. Polyunsatu-
rated fatty acids, such as EPA, undoubtedly have an
agonistic effect, but this is weak and not isoform speci-
fic [32]. PGI
, an AA derivative formed by the succes-
sive action of Cox and PGIS, has been suggested as a
PPARb specific agonist [2,33,34]. Since 4-OHT induces
both PGI
synthesis and PPARb expression in N-BxB-
ER cells, we utilized this system to test whether Raf
activation establishes an autocrine ⁄ intracrine signaling
loop consistent with the notion of PGI
acting as
PPARb agonist.
Surprisingly, however, Raf activation did not lead
to any detectable increase in PPARb transcriptional
activity. This was seen with both a PPRE-tk reporter
construct measuring total PPAR activity (data not
shown) and with the b-isoform specific LexA-based
system established in this study (Fig. 4). The same
observation was made when an expression vector for
RxRa was cotransfected (data not shown), indicating
that the lack of activation by PGI
was not due to
rate-limiting levels of the obligatory PPAR hetero-
dimerization partner. These results clearly suggested

that PGI
is not a PPARb agonist in this experimen-
tal system (3T3 fibroblasts). We therefore performed
several additional experiments that all confirm the
Fig. 5. Overexpression of Cox-2 and PGIS does not induce PPARb
transcriptional activity. HEK293 cells were transiently transfected
with expression vectors for Cox-2, PGIS or both. Forty-eight hours
later, PPARb-LBD mediated transcriptional activity and 6-kPGF
accumulation in the cell culture supernatant were determined. For
experimental details see legend to Fig. 6. Values represent the
average of triplicates; error bars show the standard deviation. Signi-
ficant differences from untreated cells are indicated by an asterisk
(paired t-test: P ¼ 0.01).
T. Fauti et al. Raf induction of PGI
synthesis in the absence of PPARb activation
FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 170–179 ª 2005 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2005 FEBS 175
conclusion that PGI
lacks agonistic activity for
PPARb in vivo.
The ectopic expression of Cox-2 and PGIS in
HEK293 cells resulted in a dramatic induction of
synthesis, but no increase in PPAR b transcrip-

tional activity was observed (Fig. 6). This is in con-
trast to a previously published observation made
with the human osteosarcoma cell line U2OS [2].
The reason for this discrepancy is not clear since we
were unable to reproduce the published results using
in the identical experimental set-up (U2OS cells and
Gal4-based reporter system; Tanja Fauti, unpublished
data). Prostacyclin-mediated regulation of PPARb
has also been claimed in another study using
HEK293 cells [3]. In this study, a PPRE-SV40-pro-
moter-luciferase construct was used as the reporter,
raising the possibility that the observed transcrip-
tional activation was mediated by a different PPAR
or even by a PPAR-unrelated event, e.g. through sti-
mulation of the SV40 promoter and ⁄ or via the PGI
membrane receptor IP. Unless supplemented by
appropriate controls, these data therefore do not
unequivocally show that PGI
can invoke a direct
transcriptional activation of PPARb.
The addition of pure PGI
(10 lm) to the culture
medium of Chinese hamster ovary cells did not alter
the transcriptional activity of PPARb to any significant
extent (unpublished data). This is in agreement with
two other previous studies. First, U2OS cells trans-
fected with a PPARb reporter did not show any

response to the addition of PGI
[35]. In a second
study, the same result was obtained with CV1 cells
[36]. Even though these results are in perfect agree-
ment, they have to be considered with some caution
since it is unclear how the biological instability of
might affect these kinds of experiments.
A weak agonistic effect was seen in 3T3 cells with
exogenously supplied AA, but this increase in PPARb
transcriptional activity was not influenced when PGI
synthesis was blocked by inhibitors of PGIS or Cox
(Fig. 5). Taken together, our observations made with
three different cell types and different experimental
approaches provide no evidence that PGI
acts as a
PPARb agonist.
Interestingly, in spite of the failure of PGI
to acti-
vate PPARb, the PGI
analog cPGI showed strong
agonistic properties in all four cell lines analyzed
(Fig. 5A; data not shown). It is possible that the subtle
differences in the chemical structures of PGI

cPGI have an unexpected effect on the ability to inter-
act with PPARb. Alternatively, the half-life of PGI
may be too short to allow for a sufficient concentra-
tion of intact molecules in transcription complexes in
the nucleus. While a very short interaction with the
membrane receptor (IP) may be sufficient for
triggering a signal, a much greater stability may be
required as a ligand of a nuclear receptor, where the
presence of ligand may be necessary for an extended
period of time.
As expected, AA was able to activate PPARb
activity, albeit at high concentrations (Fig. 5A). Even
though high local concentrations of specific lipids
can be achieved in vivo, so that there may be no
need for a high affinity ligand, it is unclear whether
AA itself can act as a PPARb agonist in vivo,or
whether AA is converted to PPARb stimulatory
metabolites by Cox-independent pathways. Further-
more, the existence of totally unrelated high affinity
PPARb agonists cannot be excluded at present. Fur-
ther studies systematically addressing this are neces-
sary to clarify this issue.
Fig. 6. Raf induction does not activate PPARb transcriptional activ-
ity. PPARb-LBD mediated transcriptional activity was determined in
untreated and 4-OHT-treated RafER3T3 cells in the presence of

20 m
M arachidonic acid. Cells were transiently transfected with an
expression vector encoding the LexA-PPARb fusion protein (Lex-
PPARb-LBD) or the empty vector (pcDNA3.1) together with a lexA-
luciferase reporter plasmid (7 L-TATAi). Luciferase activity was
determined 48 h after transfection; 4-OHT treatment was for 24 h.
As a positive control, cells were also treated with 1 m
M GW501516
for 24 h. Values represent the average of triplicates; error bars
show the standard deviation. Significant differences from untreated
cells are indicated by an asterisk (paired t-test: P < 0.003).
Raf induction of PGI
synthesis in the absence of PPARb activation T. Fauti et al.
176 FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 170–179 ª 2005 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2005 FEBS
Experimental procedures
Chemicals were purchased from the following companies:
acetylsalicylic acid (Cayman Chemical Company, Ann
Arbor, MI, USA), actinomycin D (Sigma-Aldrich, Tauf-
kirchen ⁄ Munich, Germany), carbaprostacyclin (Cayman
Chemical Company), GW501516 (Calbiochem ⁄ Merck Bio-
sciences, Bad Soden, Germany), 4-hydroxy-tamoxifen
(Sigma-Aldrich), PGI
(Alexis ⁄ AXXORA, Lausen, Switzer-
land), SC-58125 (Calbiochem ⁄ Merck Biosciences), U51605
(Cayman Chemical Company), UO126 (Promega, Man-
nheim, Germany).
Cell culture

NIH3T3, N-BxB-ER, HEK293 and CHO cells were cul-
tured in DMEM supplemented with 10% fetal bovine
serum, 100 UÆmL
penicillin and 100 lgÆmL
cin. Cells were maintained in culture at 37 °C with 5% CO
in a humidified incubator.
PGIS-pcDNA3.1 and COX2-pcDNA3.1 were obtained by
cloning the full-length human PGIS and Cox-2 cDNAs
into the expression vector pcDNA3.1(+) (Invitrogen,
Kahlsruhe, Germany). PPREx3-tk-pGL3 was constructed
by inserting the PPRE
-TK-fragment from PPRE
LUC [36] (obtained from R.M. Evans, La Jolla, CA,
USA) into the pGL3 basic luciferase vector (Promega).
7 L-TATAi has been described previously [37]. pcDNA3.1-
LexA-PPARb-LBD was constructed as follows: the
PPARb-LBD fragment flanked by a 5¢-AseI- and a-3¢
BamHI-site was synthesized by PCR using pCMX-
mPPARb [36] as the template. The LexA-DBD fragment,
including a Kozak and a nuclear localization sequence,
was amplified from vWFnLexA by RT–PCR. The remain-
ing LexA-fragment was flanked with a 5¢ HindIII- and

a-3¢-NdeI-site. The fragments were cut with NdeI and
AseI, ligated with T4 DNA ligase (Roche diagnostics),
treated with Taq DNA polymerase to add 3¢ oligo(A)
overhangs and cloned into pCRIITOPO (Invitrogen).
Finally the LexA-PPARb-LBD fragment was cut with
BamHI and HindIII and subcloned into pcDNA3.1
RNA isolation
RNA was isolated using the RNeasy
kit from Qiagen
(Hilden, Germany) following the manufacturer’s protocol.
Briefly 30 lg of tissue were homogenized in 600 lL RLT
buffer and 6 lL b-mercaptoethanol with a warring blender
(Ultra-Thurrax; IKA, Staufen, Germany). Qia shredders
(Qiagen) were used to break down genomic DNA of lysed
tissue culture cells and homogenized tissue.
Northern blotting
RNA (5–20 lg) was mixed with sample buffer (0.5 mL 10
Mops buffer, 1.75 mL 37% formaldehyde, 5 mL forma-
mide) and loading buffer (50% glycerol, 1 mm EDTA,
0.25% Bromophenol blue, water) and separated on a 1%
agarose ⁄ formamide gels containing 2.2 m formaldehyde.
The RNA was blotted to Hybond-N (Amersham, Freiburg,
Germany) with 10 · NaCl ⁄ Cit and crosslinking under UV
light (Stratalinker 2400, 254 nm, 1200 J m
; Stratagene,
La Jolla, CA, USA). Hybridization to P

-labeled probes
was performed as described [25]. Signal intensites on mem-
branes were quantitated by PhosphorImager (Fuji, Du
dorf, Germany).
Reverse transcriptase PCR
cDNA was synthesized using 1 lg of RNA, oligo dT primers
and reverse transcriptase according to the manufacturer’s
protocol (Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany). PCR
was performed for 25 cycles at an annealing temperature of
55 °C(PPARb) respective 58 °C(Cox-2) with Platinum Taq
polymerase (Invitrogen) using primers obtained from MWG
Biotech (Ebersberg, Germany) with the following sequences:
Cox-2 forward, 5¢—CCTTCTCCAACCTCTCCTAC—3¢;
Cox-2 reverse, 5¢—AGGGGGTGCCAGTGATAGAG—3 ¢;
CTGA—3¢; actin forward, 5¢—GATGATGATATCGCCGC
GCTCGTCGTC—3¢; actin reverse, 5¢—GTGCCTCAGGG
Quantitative PCR
Quantitative PCR was performed in a Mx3000P Real-Time
PCR system (Stratagene) for 45 cycles at an annealing tem-
perature of 57 °C. PCR reactions were carried out using
the Absolute QPCR SYBR Green Mix (Abgene, Hamburg,
Germany) and a primer concentration of 0.2 lm following
the manufacturer’s instructions. The following primers
MWG Biotech were used: actin forward, 5¢—AGAGGGA

AATCGTGCGTGAC—3¢; actin reverse, 5¢—CAATAGTG
T. Fauti et al. Raf induction of PGI
synthesis in the absence of PPARb activation
FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 170–179 ª 2005 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2005 FEBS 177
Transient tansfections and luciferase assays
Transfections were performed with polyethylenimine (PEI,
average MW 25 000; Sigma-Aldrich). For each assay, 10
cells were transfected in DMEM plus 2% FCS with 5 lgof
plasmid DNA and 5 lLofa1⁄ 1000 PEI dilution (adjusted
to pH 7.0) preincubated for 15 min in 100 lL NaCl ⁄ P
complex formation. Four hours after transfection, the med-
ium was changed and cells were incubated in normal growth
medium for 24 h. Luciferase assays were performed as des-
cribed [38]. Values from three independent experiments were
combined to calculate averages and standard deviations.
Sample preparation for prostanoids by
GC ⁄ MS ⁄ MS-analysis

Samples were prepared as described [39] with minor modifi-
cations. Briefly, cell culture supernatants were spiked with
10 ng of deuterated internal standards, and solvent was
removed. The methoxime was obtained through reaction
with an O-methylhydroxylamine hydrochloride-acetate
buffer. After acidification to pH 3.5, prostanoid derivatives
were extracted, and the pentafluorobenzylesters were
formed. Samples were purified by TLC and two broad
zones with R
0.03–0.39 and 0.4–0.8 were eluted. After
withdrawal of the organic layers, trimethylsilyl ethers were
prepared by reaction with bis(trimethylsilyl)-trifluoroaceta-
mide and thereafter subjected to GC ⁄ MS ⁄ MS analysis.
GC ⁄ MS ⁄ MS analysis
A Finnigan (Thermo Electron Corp., Dreieich, Germany)
MAT TSQ700 GC ⁄ MS ⁄ MS equipped with a Varian (Palo
Alto, CA, USA) 3400 gas chromatograph and a CTC
A200S autosampler was used [39].
We are grateful to Margitta Alt and Bernhard Watzer
for excellent technical assistance. This work was sup-
ported by the Wihelm-Sander-Stiftung, the Dr Mildred
Scheel Stiftung and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinsc-
haft (SFB-TR17).
ller R (2004) Crosstalk of oncogenic and prostanoid
signaling pathways. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 130, 429–

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