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Preparing date: 10/10.2021
Teaching date: 15/10/2021
Period 18.

Unit 4. Our Past
Lesson 4: Write .
I. Objectives :
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write stories or rewrite a
folktale by using the simple past tense.
- Materials : Posters.
II. Procedure.
Class 8C: 37/37 students presented

Teacher’s and



-Ss choose one word above
and one word below.
-T. elicits.
-SS guess.
-T. models.
-SS repeat chorally first, then
-T. puts the words on the

-T. checks meaning and
-T. set the scene.
-SS fill the verbs in the blanks
-SS compare with their
-T. gives Feedback.

I. Warmer :


II. Pre writing :
-Pre teach.
-buffalo (n) : con trâu.
-(to) graze : gặm cỏ. (Situation)
-servant (n) : đầy tớ.

-master (n) : ơng chủ.
-wisdom (n) : trí khơn, sự thơng
minh. (Situation)
-(to) tie : buộc. (Mime)
-straw (n) : rơm, rạ. (Situation)
-black stripes (n) : những vết vằn

đen. (Translation)


III. While writing :
-T. runs through vocabulary.
Do you know why tigers have
-T. gets SS to imagine they are black stripes ? Which story tells
the farmer.
you about that ? Can you tell me
-SS use the words to write the the story in vietnamese ?
In this lesson, we will learn more
about this story. Firstly, you read
the story and complete it by
filling the verbs in the correct
1. Gap-filling.1 / P.42-43.
Answer key :
1.appeared / came. 2.was 3.said
4.left 5.went 6.tied 7.lit 8.burned

2. Writing the story.
*Imagine that you are the
farmer. Use the words to write
the story. Start like this : “One
day I was in the field and ”
-T. reviews some structures.


Structures :Past simple.
S + asked +(O) + “wh” + S + V.
S + tell / told + O + (that) + S +
IV. Post writing :

-Write-it-up individuals.
Suggested Answer :
One day, as I was in the field
and my buffalo grazed nearby,
a tiger appeared. The tiger
asked why the strong buffalo
was my servant and I was its
master. I told the tiger that I
had something called wisdom.
The tiger wanted to see it, but
I told it I left it at home that
day. Then I tied the tiger to a
tree with a rope because I
didn’t want it to eat my

buffalo. I went to get some

straw that I said was my
wisdom and I burned the tiger.
The tiger escaped, but today it
still has black stripes from the
-T. says and writes “
Homework” on the board.
-SS copy.

V. Homework :
-Learn vocabulary.
-Rewrite the story completely.
-Prepare “Language Focus” /

Period 24 : Unit 4 –Our Past – Lesson 5 –Language Focus – Page 44 - 45.
Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the past
simple, prepositions of time and “used to”.
Materials : Magnified copies of pictures from the textbook, Posters.
Teacher’s and students’activities
-T. explains how to do.

-SS match the present verbs with the past verbs.
-T. gives feedback.
I ) Warmer :
-Matching. / .Groupwork. / 1 / P.44.
Run a.came
Fly b.took

Take c.ran
Go d.had
Have e.did
Do f.went
Ben g.ate
Ride h.sat
Eat i.was/were
Sit k.rode
Come l.flew
-T. introduces the situation.
-T. models –SS repeat chorally.
-SS give the form, usage and meaning.
-T. writes on the board.
-T. sets the scene.
-T. runs through vocabulary.
-SS work in pairs to fill in the gaps.
-T. gives Feedback.
II )Activity 1 :
-Situation. / .Dialogue.
A : What did you do last night ?
B : I watched TV last night.

A : Did you see “film” ?
B : No, I didn’t. I saw a game show.
Simple past tense :

1.To be :
-Affirmative : I / he / she / it / singular N + was.
We / you / they / plural N + were.
-Negative : Thêm “not” sau “was / were”.
-Interrogative : Was / were + S ?
Ex : She (be) on holiday last month.
She was
She was not
Was she ?
2.Ordinary verbs :
-Affirmative : S + V-ed /2
-Negative : S + didn’t + V
-Interrogative : Did + S + V ?
Ex : They (meet ) her yesterday.
They met
They didn’t meet
Did they meet ?
3.Uses : diễn tả 1 hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ, có thời gian xác định.
(yesterday, ago, last)
*Bây giờ chúng ta sẽ luyện tập thì quá khứ đơn. Các em sẽ hoàn thành các bài
hội thoại 2 / P.44
-Gapfill. / .Pairwork. /*Suggested answers :
Did you have rice for lunch ?
I rode a bike.
Where were you yesterday ?

I had math.

-T. introduces the situation.
-T. gives an example.
-T. gets SS to give the form, meaning and uses.
-T. sets the scene.
-T. runs through vocabulary.
-T. asks SS to do exercise 3 / P.44 individually.
-SS Compare with their partners.
-T. gives Feedback.
III ) Activity 2 :
-Situation. / .Example.
Ex : I’ll see you on Wednesday.
*Prepositions of time :
In : tháng / năm / mùa / buổi / thế kỉ.
On : ngày / thứ / ngày tháng (năm)
At : giờ.
Between : ở giữa.
Before : trước khi.
After : sau khi.
*Today we are going to practice “ prepositions of time”.
-Gapfill. / .Individuals.
Answer key :
a.on b.in c.between d.at after e.before
-T. introduces the situation.

-T. models.
-SS repeat chorally.
-T. gets SS to give the form, meaning, and usage.
-T. sets the scene.
-T. runs through vocabulary.
-Ss do the exercise 4 / P.45 in pairs, using “used to”.
-T. gives feedback.
IV ) Activity 3 :
-Situation. / .Exchange.
Nga : Where is this ? It isn’t Ha Noi.
Hoa : No, it’s Hue. I used to fstay there.
-Target item.
-S + Used To + V.
-S + didn’t use to + V.
-Did + S + use to + V ?
-Meaning : đã từng, thường.
-Usage : habit in the past but it is no longer in the present.
*Nga đang hỏi Hoa về các bức ảnh. Những bức ảnh này được chụp ở đâu và
trong ảnh là những ai.
-*Gapfill. / .Pairwork. / Answer key :
1.Used to have. / 2.Used to be. / 3.Used to live.
-SS write the sentences in pairs.
-SS go to the board to write.
-T. corrects.
IV) Production :
Write the sentences, using the cue words :

1)They / get / married / December 1996.
->They got married on December 1996.

2)Last night / she / come home / 10.30 and 11 o’clock.
->Last night she came home between 10.30 and 11 o’clock.
3)My father / use / to / take /us / zoo /when / be / alive.
->My father used to take us to the zoo when he was alive.
4)My grandmother/use/ to / live / a farm /when/she/be/young.
->My grandmother used to live on a farm when she was young.
-T. says and writes “ Homework” on the board.
-SS copy.
V )Homework :
-Learn past simple, prepositions of time, “used to”.
-Prepare Unit 5 : Getting started & Listen and read.

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