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ĐỀ 1--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A. PHẦN TRẮC NGHIỆM:
I. PRONUNCIATION (0.75 point / 0.25 each):
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
A. question
B. situation
C. celebration
D. illustration
B. mosque
C. box
D. clock
A. stopped
B. walked
C. watched
D. agreed
II. GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURE (2.5 points / 0.25 each)
Choose the best option (A, B, C, or D) to complete each of the following sentences.
4. They enjoy ________ soccer after school.
A. play
B. playing
C. to play
D. played
5.They used to ________ to the countryside last year.
A. travel
B. to travel
C. traveled
D. traveling
6. If we ________ in the next five minutes, we’ll be late for the train.

A. don’t leave
B. didn’t leave
C. wouldn’t leave
D. won’t leave
7. He ________ in this factory for three years.
A. worked
B. works
C. has worked
D. is working
8. She wishes she ________ French well.
A. learnt
B. can learn
C. learns
D. will learn
9. Sony TVs_______ all over the world.
A. will sell
B. are sold
C. is selling
D. sell
10. I can’t go to the beach ________ it’s raining heavily.
A. because
B. so
C. but
D. although
11. On Tuesday morning, there is a meeting ________ 8.00 and 10.30.
A. at
B. on
C. between
D. to
12. Why don’t you ________ your study at university?

A. go to
B. go on
C. go off
D. go down
13. The baby laughed ________ when her mother told her a funny story.
A. happy
B. happily
C. happiness
D. happiest
III. COMMUNICATION. (0.5 point -0,25/ each)
14. “I think we should use solar energy” - “____________”
A. We will
B. Good idea
C. Yes, please
15. A: “What about collecting used paper, bottles and cans every day?”
B: “____________”
A. Well done
B. That’s a good idea C. I’m afraid not

D. I’m afraid not

D. That’s very kind of you

Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage (1.5marks)
Recycling is beneficial in two ways: it reduces the inputs (energy and raw materials) to a
production system and reduces the (16)_______ of waste produced for disposal. A study conducted
(17)_________ the Technical University of Denmark found that in 80% of cases, recycling isthe most
efficient method to (18)______ household waste.
Some materials like aluminumcan be recycled indefinitely (19)________ there is no change to the

materials. Recycling aluminum saves 95% of the energy cost of processing new aluminum because the
melting temperature is (20)______ from 900oC to 600oC. It is by far the most efficient material to recycle.
Recycling plastic saves 70% of the energy used in creating new plastic, and paper recycling saves 40% of
the energy required to (21)________ a new product.
16. A. number
B. amount
C. quality
D. production
17. A. and
B. with
C. in
D. by
18. A. add
B. store
C. get rid of
D. maintain
19. A. because of
B. yet
C. as
D. in fact
20.A. reduced
B. increased
C. grew
D. gone up
21. A. do
B. make
C. take
D. put

V. ERROR RECOGNITION (0.75 point / 0.25 each)
Choose the underlined word/ phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting.
22. My uncle has workedin that company since ten years now.
23. Each of the beautiful apartments in the building was quickly sold to their new owner.
24. This chair, that has been broken for weeks, must be repaired.
I. WORD FORM (1 point / 0.25 each):
Give the correct form of the word in each bracket.
25. A large number of fishermen _________ when the storm struck.(kill)
26. The computer is one of the most marvelous____________ in our modern age. (invent)
27. They went to see most of the _____________. places. (interest)
28. Although she is rich, she lives _____________. (unhappy)
II. READING COMPREHENSION (1 point / 0.25 each): Read the passage carefully and decide whether
the following statements are TRUE or FALSE
The use of computer and the Internet allows people to work at home instead of traveling to work.
For example, a journalist who lives in a remote part of the world still gets in his articles on time for the
next day’s newspapers. The Internet allows businesses to communicate with customers and workers in

any part of the world for the cost of a local telephone call. E-mail allows users to send documents,
pictures and other data from one part of the world to another in at least 5 minutes. The Internet is
providing a lot of new business opportunities. Some businesses are advertising their products on the
Internet. People can use the Internet to do shopping. This saves a lot of time. It is possible to use the
Internet for education-students may connect with their teachers from home to send or receive e-mail or
talk their problems through “on line rather than attend the class.
True False
29. The use of computer and the Internet allows people to work at home.
30. The Internet is to communicate with people around the world in an expensive way.
31. Through the Internet, businesses can send their products to customers.
32. It takes to a lot of time do the shopping on the Internet.
III. WRITING (2 points / 0.5 each): Finish the second sentence (according to the instruction in the
bracket) so that it has the same meaning as the first.
33. In spite of having a terrible headache, she went to work. (usingalthough)
=> Although............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
34. She doesn’t have much time. She can’t go with you.(using If )
=> If ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
35. You should wash these clothes carefully.(using passive voice)
=> These clothes should ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................
36. They last talked to each other two weeks ago. (using the given words)
=> They haven’t.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
---THE END---


ĐỀ 2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A. PHẦN TRẮC NGHIỆM.

I. PRONUNCIATION (0.75 points / 0.25 each)

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
from that of the others.
1.A. seat
B. head
C. meat
D. feed
2. A. school

B. children

C. church

D. cheese

3. A. watches
B. washes
C. clauses
D. likes
II. GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURE (2.5 points / 0.25 each)
Choose the best option (A, B, C, or D) to complete each of the
following sentences.
4. Hanh can't go to the movies with us tonight. She will have to _______ her little
A. look for
B. look up
C. look down on
D. look after
5. I'd love to play volleyball _______ I have to complete an assignment.
A. but
B. so

C. because
D. though
6. I am the boy _______ is wearing a white T-shirt.
A. whom
B. which
C. whose
D. who
7. Maryam and Lan ______ pen pals for over two years.
A. are
B. were
C. have been
D. is
8.I wish I ______ more time to get to know your beautiful country better.
A. has
B. have
C. have had
D. had
9. “It all depends ______ my parents. Anyway, we'll keep in touch."
A. on
B. of
C. at
D. in
10. The Ao Dai is the ______ dress of Vietnamese women.
A. tradition
B. traditional
C. traditionally
D. traditionalist
11.Other designers have taken _______ from Vietnam's ethnic minorities.
A. inspiration
B. inspire

C. inspirational
D. inspired
12.The bus collected us _______ 5 o'clock early_______ the morning.
A. in / in
B. at / at
C. at / in
D. on / in
13. She asked me how I ______ English in my country
A. learn
B. learned
C. learning
D. to learn

III. COMMUNICATION (0.5 points / 0.25 each)
Choose the most correct option to complete each of the following
14. - Joseph: “You haven’t read this article on the website, have you?” - George:
A. No, you don’t.
B. No, you haven’t.
C. Not yet
D. No,
I don’t.
15. – Bill: -“I am sorry. I broke the vase”.
– James: -“_________”
A. OK. Go ahead.
B. Yes, certainly.
C. Don’t worry. Things break.
D. I’d rather not.

IV. ERROR RECOGNITION (0.75 points / 0.25 each)
Choose the underlined word/ phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs
16. Tet is a festival whooccurs in late January orearly February.
17. She suggestedto organizea showto raise money for the poor.
18. The children laughed happy while they were playing with their toys.

V. GUIDED CLOZE TEST (1.5 points / 0.25 each)

Choose the correct option (A, B, C or D) that best fits each space in
the following passage.
Our oceans are becoming extremely polluted.Most of this (19) ________ comes
from the land, which means it comes from people. Firstly, there is raw (20) ________,
which is pumped directly into the sea.Many countries, both developed and
developing, are guilty of doing this. Secondly, ships drop about 6 million tons of
garbage into the sea each year. Thirdly, there are oil spills from ships. A ship has an
(21) ________and oil leaks from the vessel .This not only (22) ________ the water, but

it also kills marine life. Next, there are (23) ________ materials from factories without
proper regulations, factory owners let the waste run (24) ________into the rivers,
which then leads to the sea.And finally, oil is washed from the land.This can be the
result of carelessness or a deliberate dumping of waste.
19. A.water
20. A. resource
21. A.interest
22. A.pollutes
23. A.useful
24. A.directly


I. WORD FORM (1 point / 0.25 each):
Give the correct form of the word in each bracket.
1. They seem to be ………………………………. We dislike them. (friend)
2. I'm afraid I have to ………………………………. with you on that issue. (disagreement)
3. This exercise must be done ……………………………….. (careful)
4. Thanks to television, people can get the latest …………………. around the world quickly.

II. READING COMPREHENSION (1 point / 0.25 each)
Read the passage carefully and decide whether the following
statements are true or false
“Many people still believe that natural resources will never be end up.
Actually, the world’s energy resources are limited.Nobody knows exactly how much
fuel is left. However, we also should save them economically and try to find out
alternative sources of power. According to Proffessor Marvin Burnham of the New
England Institute of Technology, we have to start conserving coal, oil and gas before
it is too late; and nuclear power is the only alternative.
However, many people do not approve of using nuclear power because it is
very dangerous. What would happen if there was a serious nuclear accident?
Radioactivity causes cancer and may badly affect the future generation.
The most effective thing is that we should use natural resources
economical as possible”
5. Natural resources will never be end up.
6. We don’t know exactly how much fuel is left.
7. All people agree to use nuclear power as an alternative

8. Natural resources should be used as much as possible.

III. WRITING (2 points / 0.5 each):
Part 1. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning
as the first ones.
9. My friend cannot stay with me longer.
@ I wish...........................................................................................................................................................................................................
10. She said “we must leave here for Hanoi tomorrow.”
=> She said...............................................................................................................................................................................................
Part 2. Combine each pair of sentences into one using the given words.
11. Ba's hobby is playing football. Ba's hobby collecting stamps. (Use and)

12. The boy is very lazy. Everybody hates him. (Use such … that)

I. WORD FORM: Give the correct form of the word in each bracket. (2 points)
1. In my opinion, the Internet is a very fast and convenient way for me to get _________ (INFORM)
2. The boy laughed _________ as he played with his toys
3. They are _________ in playing soccer in their free time
4. Smoking is very _________ to your health
5.The ao dai is the____________dress of Vietnamese women.(tradition)
6.You should drive____________in this town. (careful)
7.Thomas Edison, the greatest____________in the world, was in America. (invent)
8.We’re very impressed by the____________ of the local people. (friend)

9.Tet is the most important_____________for Vietnamese people. (celebrate)
10.The old man walked_____________in the park. (slow)
11.The journey to Ba’s home village is very_____________. (interest)
12.The air _____________becomes if there is too much exhaust fume in the air.(pollute)
13. My Tam is a famous singer. She sings very ______________. (beautiful)
14. The computer was a wonderful ______________of the 2°th century. (invent)
15. English and French are Canada’s ______________ languages.(office)
16. I’ve had my car ______________already. (repair)
17. You are very_____________ from your brother. (differ)
18. I hope my French will be_____________ when I go to France. (improvement)
19. He finished his formal_____________ in 2015. (educate)
20. The Internet has helped students study more_____________. (effective)
21.Cars are cheaper because of the_____________of new technology. (develop)
22.We are_____________that our environment is polluted. (disappoint)
23.Minh Hang won the highest prize in a dancing _____________last week. (compete)
24.Banh Chung is a _____________dish at Tet in Viet Nam.(tradition)

25. Our teacher always stresses the _____________ of careful preparation. (IMPORTANT)
26. Designers have _____________the Ao dai for ages. (MODERN)
27. Last year, we had an _____________summer holiday. (ENJOY)
28. He drives so _____________that he often has accidents. (CARELESS)
29. The journey to the countryside is very ________________.
30. We have to leave the party __________________ or we’ll miss the train.
31. This restaurant is __________________ for its western meals.
32. Most of the machines are old, but they are still very ______________.

33. The computer is one of the most wonderful _______________ in our modern age. (invent)
34. Fresh fruit and vegetables play an important part of a _______________diet. (health)
35. Fashion designers have _______________the traditional Ao dai. (modern)

36.He drove his car_______________, so he caused an accident. (care)
37.Their____________has lasted a lifetime. (friend)
38.Nam was ____________pleased that he passed the exam. (extreme)
39.I’m looking forward to____________from you. (hear)
40.Lanwas ____________because her mother was sick. (happiness)
41.Computers are____________used in schools and university. (wide)
42.What have fashion designers done to ____________Ao dai. (modern)
43.Liz had an____________journey to Ba’s home village. (enjoy)
44.Air____________is one of the most serious problems today. (pollute)
45. The internet is a _______________ invention of modern life. (wonder)
46. Their warm welcome made a deep _______________on all the guests. (impress)
47. His classmates shouted _______________when he won the match. (excite)
48. The house is _______________into five rooms. (division)

49. We all looked ________________ after the summer holidays.
50. I find that this magazine is very________________.
51. In recent years, there have been many _______________ in science.
52. Luckily, the plane arrived________________ after a violent storm.


Finish the second sentence (according to the instruction in the bracket) so that it has the same
meaning as the first. (4 points)
1. They grow rice in tropical countries.
=> Rice__________________________________________________________. (Use the passive voice)
2. "Do you like pop music?" Miss White asked me.
=> Miss White asked me _______________________________________________. (Change the
sentence into reported speech)
3. Mr. Pike is fat because he overeats everyday.
=> If Mr. Pike _________________________________________________. (Use the conditional
4. The men are very friendly. They live next door.
=> The men ___________________________________________________. (Combine the sentences,
using a
suitable relative pronoun)
5.The country was very beautiful. We visited it last year. (Combine, using a relative pronoun)
 The country_________________________________________________________________________
6.She said: “I love this rose.” (Change into reported speech)
 She said that_________________________________________________________________________
7.I can’t play the guitar. (Complete the wish sentence)
 I wish______________________________________________________________________________
8.They are going to build a new bridge. (Change into the passive voice)
 A new bridge________________________________________________________________________

9.They will build a new school in this city. (Change into the passive voice)
A new school_______________________________________________________________
10.The book is very interesting. My mother is reading it. (Combine, using a relative pronoun)
The book__________________________________________________________________
11.I don’t have a computer. (Complete the sentence)
 I wish_____________________________________________________________________

12.“What are you doing now ?” She said to me. (Change into reported speech)
She asked me_______________________________________________________________
13. They built this school many years ago. (Change the sentence into the passive voice)
=> This school__________________________________________________________________

14. The car is very expensive. It has just been bought by Mr. Smith. (Combine the sentences,
using a suitable relative pronoun)
=> The car_____________________________________________________________________
15. The room is so small that they can’t live in it. (Rewrite the sentence, using "such that")
=> It is________________________________________________________________________
16. Can you play the guitar?” said Mr. John. (Change the sentence into reported speech)
=> Mr. John asked me____________________________________________________________
17. We will buy a new car. (Change the sentence into the passive voice)
 A new car ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
18. “I like to do the quiz very much” she said. (Change the sentence into reported speech)
 She said............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
19. The show was excellent. We all enjoyed it. (Rewrite the sentence, using "such... that")
 It .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
20. It takes Tom 3 hours to do his homework every day. (Rewrite the sentence, using “spends")
 Tom spends ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
21.He hasn’t finished his homework. (Change the sentence into the passive voice)
 His homework _____________________________________________________________________
22.“Do you have many friends?” she asked me. (Change the sentence into reported speech)
She asked me ______________________________________________________________________
23.It was raining hard but he wanted to go out. (Rewrite the sentence, using "Although")
24.Unless we water these flowers, they’ll die. (Rewrite the sentence, using “If clause”)

25. The test was difficult, we couldn’t do it. (Rewrite the sentence, using “so...that”)
 The test.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
26. The man was very kind, He told me the way to the supermarket. (Combine the sentences
using a suitable relative pronoun)
 The man...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
27. “When will you leave for Paris?” he asked me. (Change the sentence into “reported speech”)
 The asked me.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
28. Driving on the left makes me feel strange. (Rewrite the sentence, using “used to”)
 I’m not...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
29. The test was difficult, we couldn’t do it. (Rewrite the sentence, using “so...that”)
 The test.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
30. The man was very kind, He told me the way to the supermarket. (Combine the sentences
using a suitable relative pronoun)
 The man...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
31. “When will you leave for Paris?” he asked me. (Change the sentence into “reported speech”)
 The asked me.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
32. Driving on the left makes me feel strange. (Rewrite the sentence, using “used to”)
 I’m not...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
33.I can’t speak English fluently. (Rewrite the sentence, using “wish”)
 I wish __________________________________________________________________
34. “I will visit Ho Chi Minh’s Mausoleum tomorrow.” said Hoa. (Change the sentence into
reported speech)
 Hoa said _______________________________________________________________.
35. He doesn’t have free time, so he doesn’t visit his friends. (Rewrite the sentence, using “If”)
 If ____________________________________________________________________
36. It took Nam an hour a day to practice the piano. (Rewrite the sentence, using “spent”)
 Nam __________________________________________________________________.

37.He didn’t finish his homework, but he went to bed early. (Rewrite the
sentence, using “Though”)
 Though_____________________________________________________________________
38.If Linda doesn’t study hard, she will fail the exam. (Rewrite the sentence
using “Unless”)
 Unless______________________________________________________________________
39.The taxi driver was friendly. He took me to the airport. (Combine, using a
 The taxi driver______________________________________________________________
40.The exercsie is difficult. He can’t do it. (Rewrite the sentence, using “such
... that”)
 It is_________________________________________________________________________
41.They will have to change the date of the meeting again. (Change into the passivevoice)
The date of the meeting_________________________________________________________
42.The woman is my mother. She is talking to Miss Lien over there. (Combine use a relative
The woman___________________________________________________________________
43.I’m sorry I can’t help you today. (Complete sentence)
I wish_______________________________________________________________________
44.“Where are you going now?” He said to me. (Change into reported speech)
He asked me__________________________________________________________________
45. I have studied English for four years. (Rewrite the sentence, using “began”)
 I began..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
46. He said to them “Don’t be late tomorrow.” (Change the sentence into reported speech)
 He..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
47. If you don’t remember our address, you can find it in the phone book. (rewrite the sentence, Using
 Unless................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
48. The test was too long for us to finish on time. (Rewrite the sentence, Using “enough”)
 The test was not......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

49. The exercises are difficult. The teacher gave them to us yesterday. (Combine the two sentences into
one using relative pronoun)
=> The exercises ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
50. We have learnt this lesson recently. (Change the sentence into passive voice)
=> This lesson_______________________________________________________________________________________________________.
51. The weather was bad, so we didn’t go on a picnic. (Rewrite the sentence using “because”)
=> Because___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
52. He asked me: “Where do you live?” (Change the sentence into reported speech)
=> He asked me_____________________________________________________________________________________________________


