Reading and Writing 4
Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key
The Q Classroom
Activity A., p. 122
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Yes, I think I have a healthy diet. Sometimes I
eat sweets, but I don’t eat them every day.
Today I cereal for breakfast, and a salad for
2. Eating for pleasure is more important to me
because food is one of the most enjoyable
things in life.
3. Yes, because the food looks clean and safe.
Activity B., p. 123
1. Yuna – if science teaches us that something is
unhealthy, we shouldn’t eat it.
Sophy – of course; just because food is
traditional doesn’t mean it’s good for us; people
live longer now; science can tell when
something is really bad like toxins in fish
2. Felix – scientists always change their minds
about what is good for us; carbohydrates;
people eat all kinds of diets and stay healthy;
common sense and cultural traditions can tell
us what’s good for us
Marcus – don’t need scientist to tell us it’s bad
to eat fast food all the time; grandmother could
tell us that
Answers will vary. Possible answers: I think
science should influence what we eat, because
it can teach us what’s unhealthy.
Activity A., p. 125
1. No, the author does not think science should
help us choose the foods we eat. He thinks
common sense should.
2. Answers will vary. Sample answer: The
author may suggest that we use common sense,
rather than science, when deciding what to eat.
Looking at the picture, I think the author
believes food labels can be confusing.
© Oxford University Press.
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
Activity B., p. 128
1. eliminate
2. expert
3. benefit
4. link
5. access
6. participate
7. finding
8. encourage
9. practical
10. approach
11. physical
12. challenge
Activity D., p. 129
1. N
2. N
3. Y
4. Y
5. Y
6. Y
7. Y
Activity E., p. 129
1. c
2. a
3. b
4. b
5. c
Activity F., p. 130
1. People are healthier. / They have access to
more fresh fruit and vegetables, especially
poorer people.
2. The food costs less than it would in a
3. People get exercise.
4. Working together in the garden promotes
community and sharing.
Activity G., p. 130
Access to more fresh
fruits and vegetables
Food doesn’t have to be
brought to supermarkets
Working in a garden
Working together
Participating in the Edible
Schoolyard program
Effect (Benefits)
Better nutrition;
Costs are less
Helps promote
Community and
Learning about food
production and
healthy eating
Activity A., p. 130
Reading and Writing 4
Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. I don’t usually pay attention to the results of
scientific studies. Some advice that I do take
seriously is to eat lots of green vegetables.
2. Three meals I have eaten lately are: rice with
chicken, a ham sandwich, and beet soup with
potatoes. This food is not mostly plants, but
most of it was fresh. I try to shop at the
outdoor market instead of the supermarket, but
sometimes I have to do what is most
3. Another benefit of an urban garden is that it
creates an open, green space in the middle of
buildings and concrete.
Activity A., pp. 131–132
a. 2, 4 b. 1
c. 2, 3 d. 3
e. 4
f. 2, 4
g. 2,4 h. 1
Activity B., p. 132
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
a. 2; You may have read that my colleagues do
not agree with me on this topic. But let me
make this clear: my colleagues have ignored the
latest research data.
b. 3; Not all fats are bad for you. In reality,
some are very good for you.
c. 1; Nutrition advice can sometimes be difficult
to understand.
d. 4; We are all concerned about our weight
getting out of control, so let’s do something
about it.
e. 3; Research into nutrition has been going on
for decades, but in fact, much is still unknown
about foods as simple as the carrot.
f. 4; You and I both know that candy isn’t good
for our teeth, so why do we continue to eat it?
g. 2; Everyone wants to eat healthily. Many
food manufacturers, however, are more
interested in keeping costs down than in using
healthy ingredients.
© Oxford University Press.
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
h. 1; You won’t believe how delicious the
cheesecake is; it’s an absolute dream.
Activity B., pp. 136–137
1. milestone
2. contribute
3. Currently
4. primarily
5. shift
6. source
8. major
9. stable
10. sink in
Activity D., p. 137
1. A new book or new scientific research
2. A food recall or when people die from a foodrelated disease
3. Two of the following: beliefs about what
keeps us healthy, attitudes about our ability to
control our health reactions to hearing stories
and reading books, talking with friends and
4. From the media and primarily from
5. repetition—hearing the same thing from a
number of sources
6. The health benefits that certain foods may
provide (functional foods)
Activity E., p. 138
1. Felicia Busch
2. FMI
3. Linda Gilbert
4. FMI
5. Linda Gilbert
6. Felicia Busch
7. Felicia Busch
Activity F., pp. 138-139
Reading and Writing 4
Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key
1. False; She believes that there are 2 kinds of
trends (paragraph 2).
2. True
3. False; People depend on the media for most
of their information about health and
nutrition (paragraph 4).
4. False; The percentage of consumers was
relatively stable (paragraph 7).
Activity G., p.139
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. Maybe groundswells are more common
because major milestones don’t happen very
often. Research happens all the time, but
recalls don’t.
2. If people are interested in health and
nutrition, they can seek out books and
magazines on the topic. However, with TV, they
have to wait for a program to air.
3. Reporters use other reporters’ news instead
of finding new information, so even though
many reporters tell us about a topic, it all stems
from the same source.
4. Science does not end. There is always
something else to find out about.
5. It is easier to observe the present than to
guess what will happen in the future.
Activity A., p. 140
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. I trust information from health care providers
most. They are trained to understand research
and medicine.
2. Trends in nutrition are different from trends
in music or fashion because what we eat can
greatly affect our health. Trying a new style of
clothing or type of music is not nearly as risky as
changing our eating habits.
Activity B., p. 140
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. I think the author of Reading 1 is likely to
have success. Reading 2 shows how much
© Oxford University Press.
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
information on food is presented by media, but
I think this might suggest saturation of the
subject. People are sick of reading about what
they should and shouldn’t eat.
2. In Reading 1, the author is expressing his
opinion and trying to change our minds. In
Reading 2, the author presents information
from different sources. I think Reading 2 is
more objective because it doesn’t present just
one person’s opinion.
3. I think Michael Pollan would not approve of
genetically modified food because it is not what
our great-grandparents ate. Genetically
modified food may have characteristics that
make it less healthy than other food.
Activity A., p. 141
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. Tiredness and stress are responsible for
many traffic accidents.
2. Greenhouse gases lead to global warming.
3. A good diet contributes to excellent health.
4. Poverty is a factor in much of the crime in
our society.
5. Eric’s carelessness brought about his injury.
6. The poor economy resulted in the failure of
the company last year.
Activity B., p. 141
Answers will vary. Sample answers
1. Sylvie’s good health is due to her excellent
eating habits.
2. The hotel fire was caused by an electrical
3. My fight with my brother arose from a
4. The high price of gas stems from a petroleum
5. Harry’s love of history developed from a
childhood trip to the museum.
Reading and Writing 4
Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key
6. The success of the book came from the
action-packed plot.
Activity C., p. 142
Answers will vary. Sample sentences:
Cause as subject: Smoking can bring about
many health problems. /Eating more fruits and
vegetables can lead to a stronger immune
system. /Eating a good breakfast can be a factor
in how children perform at school.
Effect as subject: People’s concern about their
diet can stem from a desire to live longer. /
People’s confusion about what to eat may be
due to the fact that scientists’ advice changes
often./ My dream to be a dietician was brought
about by my parents’ unhealthy eating choices.
Activity B., p. 145
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
I. Thesis statement: We can’t lose weight
because of the way we think about food.
II. Cause 1: People don’t follow the plan.
a. Support 1: They change diets frequently.
b. Support 2: They become discouraged if the
weight doesn’t go away fast.
III. Cause 2: The stress of modern life leads to
comfort eating.
A. Support 1: We eat when we feel down./ We
use food as an escape.
B. Support 2: We use food as a reward.
IV. Cause 3: We also need to look closely at the
food we eat and read food labels.
A. Support 1: Low-fat foods may contain other
fattening substances.
B. Support 2: Some low-fat foods may not have
much fat taken out.
V. Concluding advice: Control your mind and
you can control your body.
Activity D., pp. 146–147
1. The effects of an issue
© Oxford University Press.
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
2. Answers will vary, but may include facts,
examples, explanations, descriptions
3. Answers will vary. Sample answers: We eat
citrus fruit to fight off scurvy; Louis Pasteur
proved that bacteria came from the air
Activity A., p. 148
1. By a salesclerk
3. by the delivery person
6. by the doctor at 10:30 a.m.
7. for her achievements
10. by people
Activity B., p. 148
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. That house is going to be repainted.
2. In my favorite restaurant, all the food is
prepared by the owner.
3. My computer is being repaired.
4. The accident victim was taken to the hospital.
5. Many famous authors are influenced by
other writers.
6. I was trying to get to sleep, but I was
disturbed by a noise from the street.
7. Everyone was shocked when the office was
broken into.
8. After the author’s death, his novel was
finished by his son.