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Báo cáo khoa học: Adenylyl cyclase Rv0386 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv uses a novel mode for substrate selection ppt

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Adenylyl cyclase Rv0386 from Mycobacterium
tuberculosis H37Rv uses a novel mode for substrate
Lucila I. Castro, Corinna Hermsen, Joachim E. Schultz and Ju
rgen U. Linder
Abteilung Pharmazeutische Biochemie, Fakulta
r Chemie und Pharmazie, Universita
bingen, Germany
The second messenger cAMP is synthesized by a large
variety of adenylyl cyclases (ACs) which are separated
into five classes that are not related in their protein
sequences [1–3]. The vast majority of ACs belongs to
class III which recently has been subdivided into clas-
ses IIIa to IIId [4]. The catalytic domain of class III
ACs has been termed cyclase homology domain
(CHD) and appears to be linked with different protein
domains which in several instances have been shown
to impart peculiar regulatory features [5] (reviewed in
[4]). So far, all CHDs operate as dimers with the cata-
lytic centre positioned at the dimer interface [6–8].
Based on mutational and structural data catalysis is
thought to rest on six highly conserved residues which
are spaced in register in the CHDs. Two aspartate resi-
dues coordinate two metal ions (Mg

or Mn
), an
asparagine and an arginine stabilize the transition-state
and a lysine-aspartate couple specifies ATP as a sub-
strate [9–11]. A common variant to this canon is the
exchange of the usual substrate specifying aspartate
for a threonine or serine in class IIIb ACs [4]. The
hydroxyl group specifically serves as a hydrogen-bond
acceptor and in this respect has the same function as
the canonical aspartate [12,13]. However variations in
all six canonical catalytic residues do occur as evident
from whole genome sequencing projects [4] and the
functional consequences of such changes are just
beginning to be understood [14].
The genome of the human pathogen Mycobacterium
tuberculosis H37Rv contains 15 ORFs that code for
CHDs [15]. Two belong to class IIIa, four to class IIIb
and nine to class IIIc [4]. One predicted class IIIa and
six predicted class IIIc mycobacterial cyclase genes
contain variations at canonical positions of the
Adenylyl cyclase; cyclic nucleotide; guanylyl
cyclase; Mycobacterium tuberculosis;
substrate specificity
J. U. Linder, Abteilung Pharmazeutische
Biochemie, Fakulta

r Chemie und
Pharmazie, Universita
Morgenstelle 8, 72076 Tu
bingen, Germany
Fax: +49 7071 295952
Tel: +49 7071 2974676
(Received 27 March 2005, revised 13 April
2005, accepted 18 April 2005)
Class III adenylyl cyclases usually possess six highly conserved catalytic
residues. Deviations in these canonical amino acids are observed in several
putative adenylyl cyclase genes as apparent in several bacterial genomes.
This suggests that a variety of catalytic mechanisms may actually exist.
The gene Rv0386 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis codes for an adenylyl
cyclase catalytic domain fused to an AAA-ATPase and a helix-turn-helix
DNA-binding domain. In Rv0386, the standard substrate, adenine-defining
lysine-aspartate couple is replaced by glutamine-asparagine. The recombin-
ant adenylyl cyclase domain was active with a V
of 8 nmol cAMPÆ

. Unusual for adenylyl cyclases, Rv0386 displayed 20% guanylyl
cyclase side-activity with GTP as a substrate. Mutation of the glutamine-
asparagine pair either to alanine residues or to the canonical lysine-aspar-
tate consensus abolished activity. This argues for a novel mechanism of
substrate selection which depends on two noncanonical residues. Data from
individual and coordinated point mutations suggest a model for purine
definition based on an amide switch related to that previously identified in
cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases.
AC, adenylyl cyclase; CHD, cyclase homology domain; GC, guanylyl cylase; HTH, helix-turn-helix; PDE, cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase.
FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 3085–3092 ª 2005 FEBS 3085
catalytic centre [4]. The four class IIIb cyclases contain
the threonine variant mentioned above. To date almost
all canonical and all class IIIb mycobacterial ACs
have been investigated (class IIIa: AC Rv1625c; class
IIIb: Rv1318c, Rv1319c, Rv1320c, Rv3645; class IIIc:
Rv1264, Rv1647) [8,16–19]. Of the noncanonical
CHDs only Rv1900c (class IIIc) has been examined in
detail [14]. Here, the substrate-specifying lysine-aspar-
tate pair is replaced by asparagine-aspartate and the
catalytic asparagine is altered to histidine. Structure
determination and mutagenesis experiments demon-
strated that Rv1900c adopts a mode of catalysis in
which these three otherwise canonical residues are dis-
We investigated the mycobacterial Rv0386 gene
product as a class IIIc AC which has a glutamine-
asparagine pair at the positions defining ATP as a sub-

strate instead of the lysine-aspartate consensus. We
show that the purified catalytic domain of Rv0386 is
active as an AC which has an unusually high GC side-
activity. Mutational analysis of Rv0386 demonstrated
that the catalytic activity specifically depends on
the noncanonical glutamine-asparagine couple. This
strongly indicates that an alternative substrate-binding
mechanism evolved in Rv0386, distinct from that in
canonical ACs. A model of purine-binding in Rv0386
is proposed.
Sequence analysis
The M. tuberculosis gene Rv0386 codes for a multido-
main protein of 1085 amino acids (117 kDa, Fig. 1A).
An AC catalytic domain is located at the N-terminus
(amino acids 1–167), which is characterized as a class
IIIc CHD because of a shortened ‘arm’ region [4].
Strikingly the canonical substrate-defining residues,
lysine-aspartate, correspond to Gln57 and Asn106 in
Rv0386, respectively (Fig. 1B, [4]). Therefore it was
not at all a forgone conclusion whether the CHD of
Rv0386 would in fact display AC activity.
Further, sequence analysis by SMART and INTER-
PRO-scan showed that the CHD is linked via 12
amino-acid residues to an AAA-ATPase domain
(NB-ARC type [20], amino acids 180–477), a tetratrico-
peptide repeat (TPR)-like region (amino acids 646–968)
and a C-terminal helix-turn-helix (HTH) DNA-binding
domain (amino acids 1024–1081, luxR family [21]). An
identical domain composition, i.e. a CHD linked in this

order to these three domains is present in the putative
AC genes Rv1358 and Rv2488c from M. tuberculosis.
Moreover, the AAA-ATPase ⁄ NB-ARC domain is sim-
ilar to the respective domains of several bacterial tran-
scriptional regulators (e.g. 40% similarity to afsR of
Streptomyces coelicolor [22]). Therefore the presence of
the HTH DNA-binding domain strongly suggests that
in Rv0386 an AC may be functionally linked with a
transcriptional regulator.
AC activity of the Rv0386 CHD
We expressed the CHD of Rv0386 (amino acids
1–175) in Escehrichia coli as a soluble protein and
purified it to homogeneity (Fig. 2). At 4.9 lm recom-
binant Rv0386
displayed an AC activity of
5.0 nmol cAMPÆmg
with Mn
as a metal
cofactor (Table 1). Activity with Mg
was below the

)sdicaonima 5801
Fig. 1. Sequence analysis. (A) Domain com-
position of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Rv0386. (B) Local alignment of Rv0386 with
the noncanonical class IIIc AC Rv1900c, the
canonical class IIIc AC Rv1264 and the
canonical class IIIa AC Rv1625c from
M.tuberculosis. The six residues implicated
in catalysis by canonical ACs are boxed.
a, adenine-specifying; m, metal-coordinating;
c, catalytic transition-state stabilizing. Solid
arrowheads mark the deviations from the
consensus in Rv0386.
M. tuberculosis adenylyl cyclase Rv0386 L. I. Castro et al.
3086 FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 3085–3092 ª 2005 FEBS

detection limit (Table 1). Rv0386
had a substan-
tial GC activity of 1.0 nmol cGMPÆmg
, i.e.
20% of the AC activity. This is unusual because all
canonical class III ACs investigated to date possess a
stringent ATP specificity [23]. On the other hand it is
reminiscent of the noncanonical AC Rv1900c which
also possesses significant GC side-activity [14]. The
temperature optimum of Rv0386
was 30 °C, the
activation energy 76 ± 3 kJÆmol
(SEM, n ¼ 2) and
the pH optimum was at pH 7.5–8.0. V
7.5 ± 0.8 nmol cAMPÆmg
(SEM, n ¼ 4) and
the apparent K
for ATP was 0.6 ± 0.2 mm . A Hill

coefficient of 1.0 ± 0.1 indicated no cooperativity for
ATP with respect to the predicted two catalytic cen-
tres. The V
was at the lower end of bacterial class
III ACs which may reflect an unstimulated state of the
isolated CHD (Discussion). For GC activity V
2.2 ± 0.1 nmol cGMPÆmg
(n ¼ 3) and the
apparent K
for GTP was 0.5 ± 0.03 mm with a Hill
coefficient of 1.0 ± 0.1. Thus Rv0386
had a
lower turnover and a slightly higher substrate affinity
to GTP compared to ATP.
Mutational analysis of Rv0386
What, if any, are the functions of those two putative
substrate-binding amino acids, glutamine and aspara-
gine which take the position of the canonical lysine-as-
partate pair? First we removed the amide side-chains
creating Rv0386

Q57A and Rv0386
to determine whether the two residues actually are
necessary for catalysis. Both mutants were expressed
as soluble proteins and purified to homogeneity
(Fig. 2). They were essentially inactive. This strongly
implicated that Gln57 and Asn106 interact with the
substrate. Next we asked whether the canonical
lysine-aspartate pair would operate in Rv0386. The
mutants Rv0386
Q57K, Rv0386
N106D and
the double mutant Rv0386
Q57K ⁄ N106D were
generated, expressed and purified. Rv0386
was inactive. Rv0386
Q57K had an AC activity
of less than 5% of wild-type activity (Table 1).
GC activity was below the detection limit (Table 1).
Similarly, the purified double mutant protein
Q57K ⁄ N106D retained some AC activity

(Table 1) while the GC side-activity was undetectable.
Thus implementation of the canonical lysine-aspartate
ensemble actually was incompatible with catalytic
activity. This highlighted the importance of the gluta-
mine-asparagine pair for substrate binding. The low
activity of the mutants precluded a meaningful kinetic
analysis. At this point, one may ask, whether Gln57
and Asn106 are indeed participating in substrate-
binding or whether they are crucial for maintaining
the fold of the protein. In the latter case the mutants
would have been inactive due to misfolding. However,
we regard this as unlikely, because all mutants were
soluble, purified and stable in the absence of protease
inhibitors. Actually, none of the previously reported
mutants of the canonical lysine-aspartate couple in
mammalian and mycobacterial ACs appeared to be
misfolded [8,17,24].
The inactivity of Rv0386
N106D was partic-
ularly remarkable, because asparagine can act as both,
a hydrogen-bond donor via its amide group and as a
hydrogen-bond acceptor via its carbonyl oxygen atom.
In contrast aspartate can only serve as a hydrogen-
bond acceptor. Therefore, we reasoned that Rv0386
uses a novel substrate-defining and -binding mechan-
ism which requires a precisely positioned hydrogen-
bond donor at the position of the canonical aspartate.
To test this hypothesis we replaced Asn106 by a serine



Fig. 2. Purification of recombinant proteins SDS ⁄ PAGE analysis of
purified wild-type and mutant Rv0386
,1–3lg per lane, visual-
ized by Coomassie stain. Some point mutants display a slightly
altered electrophoretic mobility.
Table 1. Activities of Rv0386
and mutants. Assays were con-
ducted with 850 l
M substrate and 5 mM MnCl
at pH 7.5 and
30 °C. Standard errors of the mean are included (number of experi-
ments in brackets). AC and GC activities of the mutants
Q57A, Rv0386
N106A and Rv0386
were below the detection limits of 0.1 and 0.2 nmolÆmg
respectively. ND, not detectable.

Adenylyl cyclase
(nmol cAMPÆ
Guanylyl cyclase
(nmol cGMPÆ
5.0 ± 0.6 (10) 1.0 ± 0.2 (10)
Q57K 0.2 ± 0.05 (4) ND
N106S 1.8 ± 0.1 (4) ND
Q57K ⁄
0.2 ± 0.06 (4) ND

Q57E 0.1 ± 0.05 (4) ND
L. I. Castro et al. M. tuberculosis adenylyl cyclase Rv0386
FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 3085–3092 ª 2005 FEBS 3087
as a potential hydrogen-bond donor and constructed
N106S (Fig. 2). The AC activity of
purified Rv0386
N106S was 1.8 nmol cAMPÆ
, i.e. 36% of wild-type AC activity, whereas
GC-activity was below the detection limit (Table 1).
Thus serine was not only compatible with AC cata-
lysis, but actually shifted substrate discrimination in
favour of ATP. The kinetic analysis yielded a V
2.4 ± 0.4 nmol cAMPÆmg
(SEM, n ¼ 4) and
a K
of 0.4 ± 0.05 mm ATP with a Hill coefficient of

1.1 ± 0.1. Obviously, with the change from asparagine
to serine ATP-binding affinity was retained while cata-
lytic efficiency was attenuated.
In analogy to the Rv0386
N106D mutant we
also generated Rv0386
Q57E. On the one hand
the mutation eliminated the hydrogen-bond donor
property of the resident Q57; on the other hand a glu-
tamate at this position is highly conserved in GCs
where it may hydrogen-bond to the N1 amide and 2-
amino groups of the guanine moiety [11,24]. Purified
Q57E displayed less than 5% of the AC
activity of wild-type (Table 1) and no detectable GC
activity. This confirmed that cyclase activity of Rv0386
relies specifically on the Gln57 ⁄ Asn106 couple.
These unexpected findings cannot possibly be recon-
ciled with and discussed on the basis of the available
structural data of canonical mammalian class IIIa and
mycobacterial class IIIc catalytic domains [5,7,9,25]
nor do they parallel the findings on the noncanonical
class IIIc AC Rv1900c [14]. Another novel substrate-
specifying mechanism must exist in the CHD of
Rv0386 probably brought about by peculiar structural
elements yet to be recognized.
Enzymatic activity of the Rv0386 holoenzyme

To reveal a possible regulatory role of the C-terminal
putative transcription factor domain we expressed the
Rv0386 holoenzyme in E. coli. The majority of the
expression product ended up in inclusion bodies. Yet
it was possible to solubilize a few micrograms of
enzyme with 2% CHAPS as a detergent (Fig. 3).
Purification of the holoenzyme was impossible,
because it was rapidly degraded upon incubation with
the metal-affinity resin, a process which we were
unable to stop in spite of the addition of an assort-
ment of protease inhibitors (data not shown). The
specific activity of the holoenzyme was estimated to
be 3 nmol cAMPÆmg
based on comparative
protein quantification of the western blot signal indi-
cating that in the absence of effector signals the
C-terminal domains had no noticeable intrinsic regu-
latory input on the catalyst.
We characterized the unorthodox class IIIc AC
Rv0386 from M. tuberculosis. AC activity of Rv0386
was surprising because the canonical amino acids
which define substrate specificity are replaced in a non-
conservative manner, glutamine-asparagine instead of
lysine-aspartate. All mammalian membrane-bound
ACs possess a strictly conserved and spaced hexad of
catalytic residues. Emerging from mostly bacterial gen-

ome sequencing projects deviations from this rule
occur in a large number of putative AC genes. Actu-
ally, predicted open reading frames for ACs exist
where all six canonical amino acids are replaced non-
conservatively [4].
Viewed from the structures of mammalian ACs
those predicted proteins do not look like they could
possibly have any AC activity unless alternate mecha-
nisms of catalysis or substrate-binding exist for the
conversion of ATP to cAMP [4]. However, the first
structures of a variant AC were recently obtained with
Rv1900c [14]. There the histidine residue which substi-
tutes the canonical transition-state stabilizing aspara-
gine does not contact the substrate and mutagenesis
shows that it appears not to be involved in catalysis.
Furthermore the asparagine-aspartate couple which
replaces the usual substrate-specifying lysine-aspartate
pair does not bind to the purine moiety and is dispen-
sable for catalysis. This implies that the preference of
Rv1900c for ATP over GTP is governed by other
determinants, e.g. general steric constraints of the
purine-binding pocket.
Fig. 3. Rv0386 holoenzyme. Solubilized Rv0386 holoenzyme (calcu-
lated molecular mass, 118 kDa) was analyzed by western blot with

a commercial anti-RGSH
Ig. The signal of the holoenzyme corres-
ponds to 80 ng protein.
M. tuberculosis adenylyl cyclase Rv0386 L. I. Castro et al.
3088 FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 3085–3092 ª 2005 FEBS
In contrast to Rv1900c, AC Rv0386 shows a differ-
ent mechanism, because the glutamine-asparagine
couple of Rv0386 is specifically needed for catalysis.
Removal of either amide side-chain as in Q57A or
N106A mutants abrogated cyclase activity. Thus mul-
tiple variants of catalytic pockets seem indeed to exist
in class III ACs. The inability of Rv0386 to operate
with a consensus lysine-aspartate pair, as demonstrated
by the catalytic incompetence of the Q57K, N106D,
and Q57K ⁄ N106D mutants, suggests that Gln57 ⁄
Asn106 do bind the purine moiety of the substrate,
but in a different mode compared to canonical ACs.
The high GC side-activity of Rv0386 indicates that
both, adenine and guanine can be accommodated in
the substrate-binding pocket via Gln57 ⁄ Asn106. How
can the purine be bound by the two amide side-
chains? In all structures of canonical ACs, i.e. mam-
malian AC, trypanosomal AC and mycobacterial AC
Rv1264 the lysine-aspartate couple forms a salt bridge
[5,7,26]. Even in Rv1900c the asparagine-aspartate
pair is connected by a hydrogen bond when the sub-
strate-binding pocket is unoccupied [14]. It is there-
fore plausible to assume that Gln57 and Asn106 are
similarly bonded in Rv0386. We propose that Gln57

and Asn106 are arranged in positions that could
accommodate either a guanine or an adenine moiety
(Fig. 4A,B). Mutation of either one would therefore
be expected to abolish all cyclase activity, as has been
observed experimentally. The results with the N106S
point mutation, i.e. maintaining cyclase activity and
enhancing ATP substrate specificity, are compatible
with the proposed mechanism, because Ser106 could
pair with Gln57 in the ATP-binding conformation
(Fig. 4C). It should be noted that a related ‘amide
switch’ mechanism of purine binding and specificity
has previously been identified in mammalian cyclic-
nucleotide phosphodieserases based on crystal struc-
tures [27–29].
The specific activity of Rv0386 was robust and easily
measurable with precision, yet, it represents a low
activity CHD when compared to other bacterial class
III ACs. Nevertheless this does not mean that cAMP
production by Rv0386 is physiologically irrelevant.
Both, high activity and low activity CHDs have been
described previously in M. tuberculosis. High activity
CHDs are Rv1625c (2 lmol cAMPÆmg
) [8],
Rv1264 (1 lmol cAMPÆmg

) [17], Rv1900c
(1 lmol cAMPÆmg
) and Rv1647 (3 lmol cAMPÆ
) [19]. Low activity CHDs are present
in Rv1318c (0.3 nmol cAMPÆmg
), Rv1319c
(7 nmol cAMPÆmg
), Rv1320c (0.2 nmol cAMPÆ
) and Rv3645 (9 nmol cAMPÆmg

[18]. The low activity CHD of Rv3645 can be stimula-
ted by almost two orders of maginitude via the adjoin-
ing HAMP domain [18]. Thus a regulatory input can
greatly enhance catalytic efficiency of a low activity
CHD in the background of a holoenzyme. We envisage
that the Rv0386 holoenzyme, which has a low AC
activity comparable to the isolated CHD, will be stimu-
lated by an as yet unknown effector. A further argu-
ment in favour of a physiological relevance of the AC
activity of Rv0386 lies in the evolution of the protein.
The glutamine-asparagine couple is not a degenerate
mutation, but specifically required for catalysis. Thus
AC activity appears to have been retained by a pressure
of selection.
However, the biological function of Rv0386 in
M. tuberculosis is unclear at this point. Recently, in a
transposon-mutagenesis screen of M. tuberculosis a
knock out mutant of Rv0386 (or all other presumed
B PTG-6830vR
P P Pbi

P P PbiR

P Pb
Fig. 4. Proposed mode of purine binding. Adenine and guanine binding in Rv0386 by paired Gln57 and Asn106 residues is based on a pos-
sible amide switch (compare A and B). (C) Increased specificity for ATP in the Rv0386
N106S mutant are the consequence of the

hydrogen bond donor property of the serine. The ribose-5¢-triphosphate moiety is abbreviated by rib-P-P-P.
L. I. Castro et al. M. tuberculosis adenylyl cyclase Rv0386
FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 3085–3092 ª 2005 FEBS 3089
mycobacterial AC genes) was viable under cell culture
conditions [30]. Considering the elusive pathogenic
pathways of mycobacteria in its host this does not
exclude a vital function of Rv0386 under pathophysio-
logical survival conditions. This suggestion is partic-
ularly justified because a comparative genomic analysis
of several mycobacterial strains identified Rv0386 as
one of a few genes which are specifically retained in
the M. tuberculosis complex while being lost in other
strains, e.g. it is absent in M. smegmatis [31].
The substrate specificity of Rv0386 may be deter-
mined by the concentrations of available ATP and
GTP at the cellular location of the enzyme, yet the
intracellular concentrations of ATP and GTP in
M. tuberculosis are unknown to date. In fact, with the
exception of Synechocystis [32] meaningful and unequi-
vocal cellular cGMP levels have not been reported to
date in M. tuberculosis nor in any other bacteria. In
the finished genome of M. tuberculosis 10 putative pro-
teins were identified which contain a cyclic nucleotide-
binding domain [15]. However, no cGMP specificity
has been predicted for any of these proteins. We are
aware, of course, that this does not exclude the exist-
ence of novel, hitherto unknown cGMP binding pro-
teins in the pathogen.
In conclusion the characterization of AC Rv0386 in
this study reveals novel aspects in several respects. It

has a completely novel mechanism of substrate binding
so far not observed in other class III ACs. It has a
rather striking new domain composition comprising an
AAA-ATPase and transcription factor module with
broad physiological implications to be elucidated.
Experimental procedures
Radiolabelled nucleotides were from Hartmann Analytik
(Braunschweig, Germany). Genomic DNA from M. tuber-
culosis was from Dr Boettger (University of Zu
rich Medical
School, Switzerland). pBluescriptII SK(–) (Stratagene, Hei-
delberg, Germany) was used for general cloning and pQE30
(Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) for expression in. Ni
triacetic acid-agarose slurry was from Qiagen. The anti-
antibody was obtained from Qiagen, the secondary
antibody from Dianova, (Hamburg, Germany). Peroxidase
detection was carried out with the ECL-Plus kit (Amer-
sham-Life Sciences).
Plasmid Construction
The open reading frame of gene Rv0386 (GenBank Acces-
sion Number BX842573) was amplified by PCR using
specific primers and genomic DNA as a template and a
BamHI and a HindIII site were added to the 5¢- and 3¢-
ends, respectively. To remove the internal BamHI site a

silent AfiT mutation was introduced at nucleotide 57.
The PCR product was inserted into pQE30, adding an
N-terminal MRGSH
GS tag. Similarly, the catalytic
domain (Rv0386
) was fitted with a 5¢ Bam HI and a
3¢ HindIII site and inserted into pQE30. Point mutations
were introduced by PCR using the expression cassette as a
template and standard molecular biology techniques. The
correctness of all DNA inserts was checked by double-
stranded DNA sequencing. Primer sequences are available
on request.
Expression and purification of proteins
Plasmids containing Rv0386
or its mutants were
transformed into E. coli BL21(DE3)[pRep4]. Protein
expression was induced by 60 lm isopropyl-thio-b-D-gal-
actoside for 3–5 h at 22 °C. Bacteria were washed once
with buffer (50 mm Tris ⁄ HCl, 1 mm EDTA, pH 8) and
stored at )80 °C. For purification cells from 200 to 600 mL
culture were suspended in 25 mL of lysis buffer (50 mm
Tris ⁄ HCl, pH 8, 50 mm NaCl, 10 mm 2-mercaptoethanol),
lysed by sonication for 30 s and treated for 30 min with
0.2 mgÆmL
lysozyme on ice. Subsequently 5 mm MgCl

and 20 lgÆmL
DNAseI were added for 30 min. After cen-
trifugation (31 000 g, 30 min) 15 mm imidazole pH 8 and
250 mm NaCl (final concentrations) were added to the
supernatant. Protein was equilibrated for a minimum of
60 min with 250 lLNi
⁄ nitrilotriacetic acid agarose on
ice, then transferred to a column and successively washed
with 3 mL each of buffer A (lysis buffer containing 5 mm
imidazole, 400 mm NaCl and 2 mm MgCl
), buffer B (lysis
buffer containing 15 mm imidazole, 400 mm NaCl and
2mm MgCl
) and buffer C (lysis buffer containing 15 mm
imidazole, 10 mm NaCl and 2 mm MgCl
). The protein
was eluted with 0.4 mL of buffer D (lysis buffer containing
150 mm imidazole, 10 mm NaCl and 2 mm MgCl
). Puri-
fied proteins were dialyzed against buffer E (50 mm
Tris ⁄ HCl, pH 8, 10 mm NaCl, 2 mm 2-mercaptoethanol,
20% glycerol) and stored at )20 °C. The enzyme was
stabile for several weeks at least.
Cyclase assays

AC activity was determined at 30 °C for 20 min in 100 lL
[33]. The reactions contained 50 mm 3-(N-morpholino)-
propanesulfonic acid pH 7.5, 22% glycerol, 5 mm MnCl
850 lm [
P]ATP[aP] and 2 mm [2,8-
H]cAMP. The kinetic
analysis was conducted from 10 lm to 2.3 mm ATP and
kinetic constants were derived from a Hanes-Woolfe plot.
GC activity was determined identically by using guanine
nucleotides instead of the respective adenine nucleotides [34].
M. tuberculosis adenylyl cyclase Rv0386 L. I. Castro et al.
3090 FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 3085–3092 ª 2005 FEBS
Western blot analysis
Protein was mixed with sample buffer and subjected to
SDS ⁄ PAGE (15%). The gel was blotted onto poly(vinylid-
ene difluoride) membranes and probed sequentially with a
commercial anti-RGSH
Ig and with a 1 : 5000 dilution of
peroxidase conjugated goat anti-(mouse IgG) Ig as a secon-
dary antibody.
Sequence analyses
INTERPRO-scans ( />html) and smart analysis (simple modular architecture
research tool; were per-

This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungs-
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