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Subject: X-RAY 文文文文文文
Doc. No.: 804-K03
REV: 3
X-Ray Inspection Guideline for SMT Solder Joint Quality
Effective Date:
PAGE 1 OF 21

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Revision Date

Revised By






文文 page10-page23 文文 NG 文文文文
Added various NG diagrams on pages 10–23
1文文文文文文文 Add English translation
2文文文文文文文 Add Vietnamese translation

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Subject: X-RAY 文文文文文文
Doc. No.: 804-K03
REV: 3
X-Ray Inspection Guideline for SMT Solder Joint Quality
Effective Date:
PAGE 2 OF 21

1.0 文文 PURPOSE............................................................................................................................................3
2.0 文文 SCOPE.................................................................................................................................................3
3.0 文文 RESPONSIBILITIES...........................................................................................................................3
4.0 文文文文 FLOWCHART................................................................................................................................3
5.0 文文文文 ACTIVITIES DESCRIPTION........................................................................................................4
6.0 文文文文文 AUTHORITY................................................................................................................................7
7.0 文文 APPENDIX..........................................................................................................................................7

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Subject: X-RAY 文文文文文文
Doc. No.: 804-K03
REV: 3
X-Ray Inspection Guideline for SMT Solder Joint Quality
Effective Date:
PAGE 3 OF 21

1.0 文文 PURPOSE
文文文文文文文文文文文文文 X-ray 文文文文文文文 SMT 文文文文文文文文文文文
The purpose of this guideline is to set a standard operating procedure when using the X-ray machine to
inspect SMT solder joint quality.
2.0 文文 SCOPE
This guideline is applicable to the regular inspection of PCB production and the analysis of other
defective boards.


Board production department
3.1.1 文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文 X-ray 文文文文文
Production workers send the PCBs for inspection to the X-ray machine according to the specified
time frame
3.1.2 文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文, 文文文文文文, 文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文
Engineering staff are responsible for operating and inspecting all PCBs for inspection, filling out
inspection records and notifying the results of defective boards to the process engineer
3.2 文文文文
Other departments
文文文 X-ray 文文文文文文文文文文 X-ray 文文文, 文文文 “ X-ray 文文文文文 ”
Send the PCBs for defect analysis by X-ray to the X-ray machine and fill out the “X-ray inspection
application” form.
4.0 文文文文 FLOWCHART
X-ray 文文文文(X-ray inspection flow):

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Subject: X-RAY 文文文文文文
Doc. No.: 804-K03
REV: 3
X-Ray Inspection Guideline for SMT Solder Joint Quality

Effective Date:
PAGE 4 OF 21

X-Ray inspection & analysis

Send the
PCB for
inspection to

Record the
results and
return PCBs



Fill out the


Record the defects

and issues and
respond to the
process engineer

5.1 文文文文
Inspection time point

Normal production 文文文文文文文文文PCB 文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文 PCB
PCB production lines文fornt and back文send 2 PCBs every 2 hours under normal production. 文文文文文文文文文文文文 PCB 文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文 PCB

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Subject: X-RAY 文文文文文文
Doc. No.: 804-K03
REV: 3
X-Ray Inspection Guideline for SMT Solder Joint Quality
Effective Date:

PAGE 5 OF 21

The front/back production lines should send 2 PCBs respectively within 15 minutes after
model switch.


First mass production of the new model
PCB 文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文 20 文
The front/back production lines should send the first 20 pieces of that lot for inspection.
BGA 文文


BGA repair
文文文 BGA 文 PCB 文文文文 X-ray 文文
All PCBs with BGA repair must be inspected by X-ray.
5.1.4 文文文文
Other departments
文文文文文文文文文 X-ray 文文文文文文文文文, 文文文文文文文文
Other departments can apply for inspection when it is necessary to use X-ray to
analyze the product or defective PCBs.
5.2 文文文文
Inspection area

文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文 PCB 文文文文:
文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文, 文 BGA, CSP 文文文
For PCB inspection parts of normal production or the first mass production of a new

model, the inspection area should focus on parts whose soldering cannot be verified by
visual inspection, such as parts including BGA and CSP


文文文文文文文 PCB 文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文
For PCBs sent from other departments, the inspection area should be bad parts position
or the desired inspection area

5.3 文文文文
Inspection results


X-ray 文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文 “X-ray 文文文文”文“X-ray 文文文文文”

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Subject: X-RAY 文文文文文文
Doc. No.: 804-K03
REV: 3
X-Ray Inspection Guideline for SMT Solder Joint Quality

Effective Date:
PAGE 6 OF 21

After the inspection, the X-ray inspector should record the results in “X-ray inspection record”
and “X-ray inspection application.”

X-ray 文文文文文文文文文文文 PCB 文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文

The X-ray inspector should notify the process engineer about the inspected board issues.
Saving files:
5.4.1 文文文文文文文文文文文文文文 Datacom 文文文MobileCom 文文文SatCom 文文文文文
There are three folders on the desktop, including Datacom photo, MobileCom photo and
SatCom photo.
5.4.2 文 8 文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文 SMT 文文文文文文文文
The data of the first 8 pieces must be saved and the data of other boards can be saved
separately upon SMT engineers' decision.
5.4.3 文文文文文文文文文文文文文
The file should be named as follows:
_ _ _ _. _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _

yy/mm/dd (e.g.: 050622)
M/O 文文(文文文22323)
M/O number (e.g.: 22323)
55 文文文文文(文文文UMA01.006)
55-level product name (e.g.: UMA01.006)

Reaction to abnormality:
5.5.1 文 8 文文文文文文文文文文文文文 SMT 文文文文文文文文文文文文文 SMT 文
When any abnormality of the first 8 pieces is discovered, staff should notify SMT
engineer to confirm and readjust SMT production parameters for reproduction until
products pass the inspection.
5.5.2 文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文 SMT 文文文文文文
The bad parts of specific products requiring 100% inspection should be gathered
and staff should notify SMT engineer for analysis.
5.6 文文文文文
Void standard
5.6.1 文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文,文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文
When void proportion reaches 5%, parts should be listed in continuous observation;
when reaches 10–20%, the inspection frequency should be doubled and when reaches 25%,
should notify the engineer and stop the line for review.

6.0 文文文文文 AUTHORITY

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Subject: X-RAY 文文文文文文
Doc. No.: 804-K03
REV: 3
X-Ray Inspection Guideline for SMT Solder Joint Quality
Effective Date:
PAGE 7 OF 21

This guideline will be implemented after approval by the top manager of this factory. Amendment shall
be approved in the same fashion.
7.0 文文
文文文文X-RAY 文文文文文
(Form No:804-K03-01)
Appendix 1: X-ray inspection application
(Form No:804-K03-01)
文文文文X-RAY 文文文文
(Form No:804-K03-02)
Appendix 2: X-ray inspection record
(Form No:804-K03-02)

文. 文文 NG 文文文文:
Descriptions of NG illustrations
1. 文文(SHORT):
1-1.文文文文文文文文:文文文 KV 文文 μA 文文文,文文文文 Printer 文文文文文文文文文, 文文文文文文文文文:文文文文文文文文文文文Printer 文文
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Subject: X-RAY 文文文文文文
Doc. No.: 804-K03
REV: 3
X-Ray Inspection Guideline for SMT Solder Joint Quality
Effective Date:
PAGE 8 OF 21

文文文文文:文文文文文文文文,KV & μA 文文文文 90KV 文 5μA,文 KV 文文文文文文文文文文文文文,文文文文.
Solder ball shorts caused by the solder paste: Use low KV and low μA for inspection. Solder paste short
may result from printing. This phenomenon can be improved by the following methods: confirm if the
stencil is in good condition, printer setting or malfunction exists.
The figure shows the short caused by excess solder paste. It is recommended to inspect with 90KV and
5μA. A small amount of tin will be penetrated when KV value is too large and this will affect the

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Subject: X-RAY 文文文文文文
Doc. No.: 804-K03
REV: 3
X-Ray Inspection Guideline for SMT Solder Joint Quality
Effective Date:
PAGE 9 OF 21

1-2.文文文文:文文文 Ram 文文文文文文文文文文,文文文 46 文.
Solder ball short: This figure shows the phenomenon of the solder ball short of ram chip (46-degree

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Subject: X-RAY 文文文文文文
Doc. No.: 804-K03
REV: 3
X-Ray Inspection Guideline for SMT Solder Joint Quality
Effective Date:
PAGE 10 OF 21

1-3 文文文文:文文文文文 85KV 文 10 μA 文文文文文文文.KV 文文文文文文文文

Solder ball short: This figure shows the condition under an environment with around 85KV and 10μA.
A high KV value can easily lead to the misjudgment.

1-4: 文文文文(46 文文):文 Mounter 文文文文文文文文文文,文文文文文文文文文文文文文,文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文,文文文文文文,文文文文文文
文文文(OPEN)文文文 (Creak),文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文.
Solder ball shift (46-degree angle): Though the cohesion of solder paste can pull back solder balls, the
excess shift and limited pull-back ability still result this phenomenon when the mounter coordinates
settings contain shifts. This phenomenon can lead to open and crack easily; when non-wetting exists,
this shift will lead to insufficient soldering surface and lower strength and thus affect product reliability.

1-5: 文文文文(0 文文):文 0 文文文文文文文文文文文文.
Solder ball shift (0 degree): It is possible to inspect the inner ring soldering at 0 degree inclination.

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Subject: X-RAY 文文文文文文
Doc. No.: 804-K03
REV: 3
X-Ray Inspection Guideline for SMT Solder Joint Quality
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Subject: X-RAY 文文文文文文
Doc. No.: 804-K03
REV: 3
X-Ray Inspection Guideline for SMT Solder Joint Quality
Effective Date:
PAGE 12 OF 21

1-6: 文文文文(0 文文文文):文文文文文文 MOUNTER 文文文文文文文文文文文,文文 KV 文文文文文文文文文.
Solder ball shift (0-degree inspection): Can clearly show the mounter coordinates program settings
contain excess shifts. It is possible to tell with a lower KV value.

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Subject: X-RAY 文文文文文文
Doc. No.: 804-K03
REV: 3
X-Ray Inspection Guideline for SMT Solder Joint Quality
Effective Date:
PAGE 13 OF 21

2.文文文文(Missing Ball):
2-1:文文 LOSE(0 文文):文文文文文文文,文文文文文文文文文文,文文文文文文,文文文 文文文文文文文文文文文,文文文文文文文文文文文文文文.
Missing ball (0 degree): From this figure, it is clear that there is no solder flash around the specified
solder location. The solder ball must therefore be missing, otherwise there would be traces of solder.

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Subject: X-RAY 文文文文文文
Doc. No.: 804-K03
REV: 3
X-Ray Inspection Guideline for SMT Solder Joint Quality
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2-2:文文文文:文文文文文文文文 46 文文文文,NG 文文文文文文文文文,文文 PAD 文文文,文文文文文文文文文文(Wetting),文文文文(Open).
Open solder joint: Move the image receiver to a 46-degree angle for inspection. There is one pad, the
solder pad of PAD, above the NG solder ball. An open occurs when the solder ball is not wetted with the

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Subject: X-RAY 文文文文文文
Doc. No.: 804-K03
REV: 3
X-Ray Inspection Guideline for SMT Solder Joint Quality
Effective Date:
PAGE 15 OF 21

2-3. 文文文文:
Open solder joint:

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Subject: X-RAY 文文文文文文
Doc. No.: 804-K03
REV: 3
X-Ray Inspection Guideline for SMT Solder Joint Quality
Effective Date:
PAGE 16 OF 21

2-4: 文文文文:
Open solder joint:

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Subject: X-RAY 文文文文文文
Doc. No.: 804-K03
REV: 3
X-Ray Inspection Guideline for SMT Solder Joint Quality
Effective Date:

PAGE 17 OF 21

2-5: 文文文文:SHIFT 文文文文文(Open).
Open solder joint: This type of open is caused by shift.

2-6: 文文文文:
Open solder joint:

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Subject: X-RAY 文文文文文文
Doc. No.: 804-K03
REV: 3
X-Ray Inspection Guideline for SMT Solder Joint Quality
Effective Date:
PAGE 18 OF 21

2-7: 文文文文:
Open solder joint:

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Subject: X-RAY 文文文文文文
Doc. No.: 804-K03
REV: 3
X-Ray Inspection Guideline for SMT Solder Joint Quality
Effective Date:
PAGE 19 OF 21

2-8: SOCKET 文文:
Socket open:

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Subject: X-RAY 文文文文文文
Doc. No.: 804-K03

REV: 3
X-Ray Inspection Guideline for SMT Solder Joint Quality
Effective Date:
PAGE 20 OF 21

3.文文文文文(Void Inspection):
3-1.文文文文(Void):0 文文文文,文文文文文文文文文文文,文文文文文文 NG.
Solder void: Under 0 degree inspection, if voids are too large to be reliable, the inspection result can be
defined as NG (rejected).

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Subject: X-RAY 文文文文文文
Doc. No.: 804-K03
REV: 3
X-Ray Inspection Guideline for SMT Solder Joint Quality
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3-2: 文文文文(Void):46 文文文文文,文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文文,文文文文文文文,文文文文文文文文文文.
Solder ball void: When inspection is taken under a 46-degree angle, voids can be seen at the top,
middle and bottom layers of solder ball. Large voids or excess voids indicate lower product reliability.

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