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Language for presentation

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Useful phrases/sentences
- Good morning, ladies and gentlement. Welcome to my
presentation today.
- Hello, everybody.
- Thank you for being here today.

Introducing yourself
(and your partners)

- Thank you all for coming.
- My name's . . .
- Let me start by introducing myself.
- I can see many of you are . . .

A reference to the audience
- I know you've all traveled a long way.
- We are here today to . . .

Introducing a topic

- The purpose of this talk is . . .
- I devided my presentation into . . . parts, which are . . .
Introducing the structure
- The subject can be look at under the following headings: . . .

- I shall only take . . . minutes of your time.
The time length
- This should only last . . . minutes.
- I'd be glad to answer any questions at the end of my talk.
Questions policy
- If you have any questions, please feel free to interrupt.
- So, firstly . . .
Introduce the first main idea
- To begin with, . . .
- Secondly, . . .

Transfer to the second main idea
- Moving on to . . .
- Finally, . . .
Transfer to the last main idea
- Last but not least, . . .
- That brings me to the end of my presentation.
Signalling to the end
- Before I stop, let me just say . . .
- Let me just run over the key points again.
- To sum up, . . .
- As you can see, there are some very good reasons . . .
- I'd like to leave you with the following thought.
- So, I would suggest that . . .


- I'd like to porpose . . .
- Thank you all for your attention.
- Thank you for listening.
- I'd be glad to try and answer any questions.
Inviting question
- So, let's throw it open to questions.

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