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Chap 12 international business 2

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Internation business Chapter 12
1. Profitability

2. Profit Growth

3. Value creation

4. Organization architeture

5. Organizational Structure

6. Controls

7. Incentives
8. Processes

A ratio of rate of return that the
firm makes on its invested
capital, which is calculated by
dividing the net profits of the
firm by total invested capital
Measures( đo lường) by the
percentage( lợi nhuận ròng)
increase in (tăng) net profits
over time
(performing ( thực hiện)
activities that increase the value
of goods or services to
Refers to the totality of a firm's

organization, including( bao
gồm) formal organizational
structure, control systems and
incentives,( biện pháp khuyến
khích ) organizational culture,
processes, and people.
The three part structure of an
organization, including( formal
division into subunits- phân chi
các đơn vị, location of decisionvị trí của trách nhiệm,
establishment of intergranting
mechanisms-thiết lập các cơ
Metrics( các chỉ số) used to
measure the performance of
subunits( đơn vị con) and make
judgements( đánh giá) a bout
how well managers are running
those subunits.
Devices used to reward
appropriate( thích hợp)
managerial behavior
The manner in which decisions

Lợi nhuận

Tăng trưởng lợi nhuận

Tạo giá trị

Lưu trữ tổ chức

Cơ cấu tổ chức

Điều khiển

Biện pháp khuyến khích
Quy trình

9. Organizational Culture

10. Core competence

11. Location Economies

12. Global Web

13. The Experience Curve
14. Learmimg Effects
15. Economies of Scale
16. Universal Needs

17. Global Standardization
18. Localization Strategy

19. Transnational Strategy

20. International Strategy

are made and work is
performed with any
the norms chuẩn mực and value
systems that are shared among
the employees of an
(firm skills that competitors
cannot easily match or imitate
không dễ bắt chước)
(cost advantages from
performing value creation
activity at the optimal location
vị trí tối ưu for that activity
When different stages of value
chain are dispersed tophân tán
those locations around the
glove where value added is
maximized or where costs of
value creation are minimized.
(systematic production cost
reductions giảm chi phí that
occur over the life of a product
cost savings from learning by
(cost advantage associated
with(liên quan đến ) large-scale(
quy mô lớn) production)
needs that are the same all over

the world, such as steel, bulk
chemicals, and industrial
Their strategic goal is to pursue
a low-cost strategy on a global
(firm provides a good match to
tastes( thị hiếu) and preferences
sở thích in different national
to account for local differences
and fostering multidirectional
flows of skills between different
subsidiaries in the firm's global
network of operations.
Trying to create value by
transferring chuyển giao core

Văn hóa tổ chức

Năng lực cốt lõi

Nền kinh tế địa phương

Mạng lướt toàn cầu

Đường cong trải nghiệm
Hiệu quả học tập
Quy mô nền kinh tế
Nhu cầu chung

Chiến lược tiêu chuẩn hóa tồn
Chiến lược bản địa hóa

Chiến lược xuyên quốc gia

Chiến lược quốc tế

competencies to foreign
markets where indigenous bản
địa competitors lack those

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