Tải bản đầy đủ (.docx) (1 trang)

Letter to you (Mẫu )

Bạn đang xem bản rút gọn của tài liệu. Xem và tải ngay bản đầy đủ của tài liệu tại đây (13.49 KB, 1 trang )

Dear Keith.
How are you doing? I hope this letter finds you in good health. I just have a test in
school, and the result isn’t good like what I expect. In this moment I have many
sparetime, I miss you so much and write for you a letter. I’ll tell you about the
holiday next summer. I’d like to go Yugoslavia and I know you like it too. Do you
want to have a vacation in Yugoslavia with me? I’m sure the trip will be exciting.
We’ll go to some popular places and enjoy the local food there.
I’ll be waiting for your early reply. I’ve got am exciting schedule for us. See you
Best wishes,

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