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Phương pháp luyện nghe Tiếng Anh - Tactics for listening expanding: Phần 2

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2 1 : iíầ m ố íis ílĩe ề i;

1. Getting Ready
Match the famous people on the left with the descriptions on the right.

C ư iK o o ê
1. Leonardo Da Vinci

a. She changed her nam e to Marilyn Monroe.

2. M o z a rt__

b. He was an actor who became a U.S. president.

3. Norma Jean B a k e r__

c. He invented the lightbulb.

4. Ronald R e a g a n __

d. He wrote his íirst piece of music at the age of five.

5. Thomas E d iso n __

e. He painted the M o n a Lisa.

6. Jacqueline Onassis

f. She was m aưied to a U.S. president.

2. Lers Listen cù
These conversatlons are about tamous people. Listen and circle each famous person^s job.

1. a. political leader
b. actress
2. a. political leader
b. actor

3. a. actor
b. vvriter
4. a. painter
b. athlete

5. a. actor
b. singer
6. a. singer
b. scientist


Political ỉeader n [paiitikl ìi:da(r)] lãnh đạo chỉnh trị
Painter n [’peint0 (r)] thợ sơn, hoạ s ĩ

Unit 21

Scientist n [saiantist] nhà khoa học
Singer n fsiQ3(r)] ca s ĩ



3. Let's Listen (J.j

Peopỉe are discusslng the life of the actor James Dean. Dld these events
in Dean's llfe happen in Indlana, Calitornla, or New York? Listen and
check ( / ) the correct answer.


New York

1. He was born.

2. His mother passed away.

3. He lived w ith his aunt and uncỉe.

4. He went to college.

5. He did more stage acting.

6. He died in a car crash.



Listen again. How did James Dean become famous? Number the events from 1 to 6.
He w on an aw ard as "Most Promising Nevvcomer."__
He h í\â a starríng role in E ast o f E d e n . __
He acteò in school plays.
He w en: to colíege. _

Rcbeỉ W ith ou ỉ a C a u se m ade him ía m o u s.__
He d id modeling for ad v e rtise m en ts.__

Unit 21


4. Let^s Listen
Task 1
This person Ì5 talking about the life of the South Aírican ỉeader Neỉson Mandela.
When dld these events happen? Listen and vvrite the years.


1. He was born.
2. He joined the ANC.
3. He became deputy president of the ANC.
4. He was sentenced to life in prison.
5. He was released from prison.
6. He became State President.
7. H eretired.

Listen again. Are these statements true or false? Check ( / ) the correct ansvver.



Mandela'$ tather was an assistant to a chief.


Mandela studied ỉaw.


The ANC encouraged people to be violent.



Mandela helped poor people stay on the land vvhere they íived.


Even w hile he was in prison, he inspired people.


As soon as he was released from prison, he retỉred.

Unit 21

Deputy president n ['depiuti 'prezidant] phó thù tướng Assistant n [9 sistant] người giúp đỡ
Prison n fpnzn] nhà tù, nhà Lao
Chief n [tji:f] người lãnh đạo, chỉnh

Over to You: Betore they were íamous
W orK im g ro u p s. Choose a fa m o u s p etscn e veryon e in y o u r q ro u p k n o w s .

Then ccímplete the form.



. ___________________ _____________





_______________ __________ ________________________________




C h i ỉ d l h o o d _________________________________________________



Work im new groups. Tell your group members about the famous person you chose.



1.Getting Ready
Pind these foods in the nutrition pyramid. Write the correct letter next to each item.
1. ice cream
2. a p p le s __
3. n o o d le s__
4. c h ic k e n __
5. h am b u rg e rs__

6. c a n d y __
7. c a rro ts __
8. pancakes
9. p in e a p p le s __
10. t u n a ___

2. Let's Listen Cb
Peopỉe are talkỉng about their eating habits. What does each person eat now?
Listen and check ( / ) the correct picture.


Apple n [ '3^pl] quả tảo
Noodỉe n [ nu:dl] mì sợi

ưnit 22

Pancake n rp^nkeik] bánh rìgọí ỉ ùm bằng trm g
Tuna n [’tju:ns] cớ ngừ

3. Let's Listen (J j
A doctor is talking to her patients about nutrition. What advlce does she give
each person? Listen and circỉe the correct answer.

1. a. eat íevver vegetables
b. cat less cheese
c. eat a lot of fat

4. a. eat less breađ
b. eat more meat

2. a. d o n 't eat fish

5. a. eat more eggs and cheese
b. d o r/t eat cheese

c. eat ỉess fruit

b. eat mort^ v egetables

c. eat more vegetables

c. eat m oiv fn ù t
3. a. eat less m eat

6. 4. e a i ỉess m e a t

b. Cdt ỉess íru it

b. dc»n'í

c. eat more meat

c. eat: •nor^;' vegabks


ữ sm

ten agiaịn. What Is eaclì

Write the correct ỉetter

1. Mr. Cirạnt đ

a. is ỉosing too miich vvdght.

2. L in đ a __

b. fias a skin. prob)en\,

3. C l\ri^ __

c, ĩ i w d s to lo s e vvc>ií.ỵht.


4. Ms. Barcon __


5. M i O B rieii__



^ired and weak.

6. Mrs !ohruS'ín .

{. ■■■s hieh olchj>d pressure

Unit 22


C ỉie e s e n [t/i:z ] p h ó m ả i

C’h c c o la re r< ftjD k Ỉ0 tj s ô c ô 1(1

B re a d n [b re d ] h ả n h r m w g

C b o ler.te ro ! n [k a le s ta ro l] c h ấ t b é o g â v XO' c ứ n g đ ộ n g m ạ c h
P re s s u re
fp re /a (r)] á p lự c

4. Let's Listen C1j
ĩh is person Is giving a talk about cheese. Are these statements true or talse?
Listen and check ( / ) the correct ansvver.

>*<-...... -------------- ---------- ---

................. - ..................


- ...................... ............... —



H Ìiw ÌlÌl* ỊÌili^
1. Cheese was first made over 3,000 years ago.
2. Cheese contains vitamins.
3. Most cheese in the United States is made from goat's milk.
4. Cheese doesn't contain water.
5. The process o f making cheese was probably discovered by chance.
6. Pasteurized milk contains bacteria.
7. The bacteria cultures never release carbon dioxide.
8. Curd is a liquld.




Tásk 2
Listen again. How is cheese made? Number the steps from 1 to 5.
The milk íorms a solid su b sta n c e .__
specially cultivatcd bacteria are added to the m ilk .__
The milk is heated to remove all bacteria. _L
The curd is removed and drained ----The milk is kept w arm so the cultures can grovv.__

Urnit 22


Discovery n [diskAvari] khám phá
Chance n [tja:ns] sự tình cờ
Contain n [kantein] bao gồm, chứa đựng

Liquid n [’ỉikwid] chất lòng
Grow V [gray] gia tàng, trưởng thình
Process n [prsưses] quả trình, qiií trình



Over to You: Is your diet healthy?
What have you eaten In the last three days? Wrỉte your ansvvers in the chart
and compare them wỉth a partner.

Your partner

Last th re e breaktasts;

Last th re e lunches:

Last th re e dinners:

Last th re e snacks;

ìíiR X ã
Work in pairs. Has your partner been eating nutritiousỉy? Suggest foods your partner
íhould eat more or ỉess otten.
txam ple:

I see you've had five cans of soda in the last three days.
T hat's too m uch sugar. Instead, 1 think vou should...
Fats, Oils, a n d Svveets
M e at, P oultry,

Fish, Dry Beans,
Eggs, an d N u t G ro u p

Fruit Group

Bread, Cereal, Rice,
and Pasta Group


Unit 22

Sugar n [’jưga(r)] đường

1. G etting Ready
What vvould you do if you were in these predicaments? VVrite your ansvvers
In the chart and compare them with a partner.
Predicảment -



1. Your neighbors make a lo t o f noise at n ight.
2. You ío rg o t a friend's birthday.
3. A frie n d owes you money.
4. A classmate asks you fo r a loan.
5. A classmate cheats on tests.

2. Let's Listen Gb

Listen to the conversations. What Is each person's predicament?
Circle the correct ansvver.
1. a. He doesn't want his guest to leave.
b. He doesn't know when his guest will leave.
2. a. Her íriend forgot to pay some m oney back.
b. She íorgot to pay back some money to a íriend.
3 a. She vvants to invite her co-worker out.
b. A co-worker is alvvays inviting her out.
4. a. His íriend never lends things.
b. His friend never returns things.

a .

He íorgot about his friend's party.

b. His íorgot to bring a gift to the party.
6. a. The neighbor's dog barks a lot.
b. The n eighbor's dog is alvvays outside.


Porget V [f9 get] quên
Loan n [ỈBưn] tiền cho vay, vật cho mượn

Unit 23

Classmate n [’kla:smeit] bạn cìing lớp
Bark n [ba:k] tiếng sủa

3. Let's Listen


People are tellịng stories about predicaments that happened to them.
Listen and nurrber the pictures.




E. L„


Listen again. how does each story end? Circỉe the correct ansvver.
1. .1. Shc' r a n c*vvav.


4. a. He said that he w asn't Tom Cm ise.

b. Sh<* h
b. He signed Tom C ruise's name.

c. Shc didn t ha ve to pav ior the piate.

c. He signed his ovvn name.

ĩ íc

t.ì pny for evervthing.

í> ; -V • : Í-' pav íor the thin^s he ordercd.
r^^ í.(ỉn' ha ve ío pav íor anything.
a. His ^irỉínend vvas very Iipset.

5. a. They had the party in a restaurant.
b. They cỉeaned the apartm ent.
c. They d id n 't have the party.
6. a. Ho asked to sit som ew here else.

b. His girlínend w asn't upset.

b. He told the teacher the guy vvas cheating.

c. ỉ Iis girlínend left beíore he arrived.

c. I le wrote the vvrong answers on his test.


Pay V [pei] trú nập
Upset V [Ap'se:] hiỉòn

Arrive V [gVai/] đến

Guy n [gai] hiỉ nhìn, ngáo ộp
Cheat V [t|i:t] trị lừa đảo
Plate n [pleit] tấm kim loại, bản

4. Let's Listen
People are talking about predicaments. How does each person íeel?
Listen and clrcle the correct ansvver.

1. a. em barrassed
0 an g ry
c. am used
2. a. depressed

3. a. em barrassed

5. a. vvorried

b. angry

b . angrv

c. coníused

c. am used

4. a. angry

6. a. angrv

b. angry

b. unconcem ed

b. xvorried

c. em barrassed

c. depressed

c. em barrassed

Task 2
Listen again. What is each person pỉanning to do about the situation?
Wrlte the correct letter.












Call V [kD :l] gọỉ
Sleep V [slỉ:p] ngủ

Unit 23

Talk V [tD:k] nói
Send V [send] gửi

Over to You: What vvouid you do?
m m
Work in pairs. Read each predlcament. Then wrlte a soỉutìon for each one.

1. Your best ír ie n d just got a d riv er's license and gave you a ride bome. You saw your

friend accidentally run over your little brother's bike vvhen he \vas leaving. Your
parents are angry and w ant to know vvhaí happened.

Solution: ___________________________ ___________________________________

2. You aca'p to d a date for Saturday night vvith som eone you think is okay. Then the
person VOLI really like calls you and asks for a date for the sam e Saturday night.

S o lu tio n :__


3. There's a concert C o rn in g up that you're excited to see. It's itnpossible to get tickets.
Someone you d o n 't Hke very much invites you to go.


íM ti
Work in groups. Reađ your solutions aloud. Discuss the soỉutions you hear
for each predicament and vote for the best one.


u n it 23

License V ['laisns] cho phép, giấy phép
Solut ion n [sa‘lu:Jn] sự giải qiiyếí

Predicament n [pri‘diíom 0 nt] tình trạng khổ xứ
Litter brother n flita(r) 'brAồa(r)] em trai

1. G etting Ready

How Important are these issues to you? Check ( / ) your ansvvers
and compare them with a partner.

air poỉlution

vvater pollution

destruction o f the rain torests



global vvarming








2. Lers Listen
People are talking about issues. Whlch issue do they think is most important
right now? Listen and circle the correct ansvver.
1. a. water pollution
b. air pollution
2. a. unem ploym ent
b. cTÌỉiìe
3. a. public transportatìon
b. housing

4. a. education
b. unem ploym ent


5. a. public transportation
b. unem ploym cnt
6. a. overpopulation


Air pollution n [ea(r) pu:Jn] ơ nhiễm khơng khí
Destruction n [dìstrAkJn] sự phá hicỷ, phá hoại

Urnit 24

Terrorism n [terarizam] sự khuig ỉbố
Qỉobal adj [glsưbl] toàn cầu

3. Let's Listen G::
\A/hat issues are these people talking about? Listen and circle the correct ansvver.

3. a. poverty

1. a. airp o llu tio n

5. a. air pollution

b. overpopulation

b. water pollution
c. overpopulation

b. garbage
c. unem ploym ent

c. war

2. a. global w arm ing

4. a. crừne

6. a. housing

b. vvater pollulion

b. traffic

b. poverty

c. unem ploym cnt

c. air pollution

c. crime

Listen again. Are these statements true or false? Check ( / ) the correct ansvver.


1. He w ants lo be th e rnayor o f his city>

2. She's g o in g to m ove to Chicago.


3. He reads a lo t o f s o o lis magazịnes.

4. She b o u q h t a n e w car.

ỉ). She started recyc.ỉing her garbage.



6. He rnoved ro a smnỉỉ a p a rtrrie n t d o w n to w n .


Unit 24


vhirbac.e n [’ga:bid3| rác
Povert}' n [pDvati] sự nghèo khô


Z~S-ùifí^ . ,": ,!ỹ-

4. Let's Listen
Listen to a talk on very large cities, or "megacities." Why do people move from the
country to a megacity? Listen and check ( / ) the reasons you hear.

Not a reason

1. They want to find work.


2. They want to be tarmers.


3. They think salaries w ill be higher.

4. They think the work will be easier.

5. They think the people will be friendly.

6, They think City life w ill be glamorous.

7. They w ant to be on television.

8. They w ant better health care.

Listen again. Are these statements true or faỉse? Check ( / ) the correct answer.
i # í ằ r ^ í W Ì - | F a l$ ẹ '.


1. Jobs are otten d ifficu lt to find in megacities.

2. Salaries in megacities are very low.

3. Many people end up in huge, expensive houses.

4. Health care is much cheaper in megacities.

5. Air p ollution is a probiem in megaclties.

6. The problems in megacities are becoming easier.

Unit 24

Over to You: The most serious problems
Work in groups. What are the three most serious problems in your clty or country?
What should be done about them? VVrite your ideas in the chart.
Exam ple:

A ; vvhat do you think are the most serious problems in...?

B: I th in k ...is the biggest problem. They should... D on't you think so?
C: Yes, I think so, too. / No, personally, I think...
D : ĩ d have to agree vvith you. / Really? I think....



Unit 24


Serious adj [sierias] nghiêm trọng

Student Book Tapescript
Unitl: SmallTalk

2. lellí listen

3. utsListen



A: So, are you stíll doing the same
thing, Daviđ?


A: Say, I don't think we've met, have
B: No, I don't thinlc so. My rume's
A: Hi, nice to meet you, Donna. ĩm
Tim Clark.

A: Hey,you'reBob Thompson, right?
B: That^s right And you're Jenny.

A:- Hey, Anne, that looks really nlce on
you. ĩs it new?
B: Yeah, I got it on sale ât George
Brothers Department Store. I never
míss their sales. They have really
good prices.
A: VVell, you made a goođ choice. Thât
color íooks great
B: Thanks.
A: Oh! Look at the time. I didn't
reali2e it was so late. ĩve got to
run. It Wằs good seeing you!

A: Yeah! Jenny Linđsay.
B: Yeah,right.WemetatBrlJ's

A: VVhat are you taking this year?

A: Hey, you look great!

B: Mostỉy lỉterature courses.

B: VVeỉLsodoyou!

A: Oh, realỉv. Are they aity good?

A: Haven'twemetsomewhere?
B: No, ỉ don't thúik so.
A: Aren't you Kevin Grant?

B: Some of them are. Except for
Proíessor Scot^s class. I mean, the
books are mterestiivg, and the tests
are prerty easy. But he tries to be
funny all the time, and his jokes are
really awful.

B: Mo.No,myname'sGreg.Greg
A: Oh, ĩm Sony. I was positíve we'd

A: Really? Whâtkmđofjokesdoes

A: )eff!Hi.Reniemberme?

A: Whatanawfulmonthwe'rehavmg.
B: It'sprettybaiisn'tit?Sohotand
humiđ. It^shard to sleep al nigM,
too. I wish ĩ had aừ conđitioning.

B: Sue? Sue Thomas?
A: That^s right VVe were ín that

Computer course together.
B: Yeah.Boy,wasthatbonng!
A: Sure was. So how have you been?

0: Oh,norbađ,thanks.
A: Oh, hi. You're Jonathan, aren't you?
B: Ves,anđyou'reWenđy.
A: Veah. We mct at the coníerence in
Hawaii last smnmcr.
B: RightNicetoseeyouagain.
A: Nice to see you, too.

Pc H I don't we work in the same

I ứiìnk


Vm Gary /ames

rm in accounting.

B: Ki rm
VVilliams, Tm in

A: Me,too.
B: Fanny, it^s not usually this hot iiì
A: That's true. Wéll, í think Tm goiiìg

to get some more of those chipẵ.

B: YeahIam,unfortunateIy.I vvishl
was doìng something more
A: So vvhy đonì you look for
something else?
B: I really shoulđ. I feel stuck iiì that
o(ãce, like Tm not moving ahead,
That^s the worst thmg about it.
A: Well good luck to you. If I hear

about any jobs, rỉl let you know.

A: So,everybođ/sfineathome,
B: Yes,theyare,thanks.OhfExđting
ĩ\ews! My sister^s goiiig to get
married next month.
A: Really?YoumeanJenny?
B: That's rỉght. She's marrying a guy
she met when she was studying
in Canađa; and we're all going to
Toronto for the vvedđing. ít'!! be íím.
A: Sounds great And how about your
brother? VVhat has he been doing

4. Lefs Lỉsten

Yes, I do. I really enpỵ living here.
So far evữythiiíg hás been
dovvntovvn area tó really pretty, and I
bve aỉi the caíes and ĩếsteurants there.
The other thing I like is that i^s very
smaH so lYs easy lo get to know people.

Enjoy the pârty.

B: WeD, he's really fun to be with. He
always makes me ỉaugh. Thafs
what I like mosí about him.
A: He sounds really nice.
B: He is. And he's always giving me
iittìe presents. But I
that will
stop when he knovvs me better.
A: Yeah, probably. So how long have
you known him, anyway?

Yes, I do. It's a very điiíỉciilt language

to leanv, but l gueấỉ all languagtó are
diffỉcult I tried to leam Japanese once,

and ỉt Wãs realìỵ hard. Thêse dayS;
though, it's easíer to learn a íoréign
ianguage because you can buy some
fai\tastic courses on video.

I hâve two chilđren, a boy and a gừi.
The/re both going to school so they
keep us very husy. My husbaiìd comes
firoma big íainiiy and would love to
have more chilđren, but ĩ ỉlunJc fwo


I have a small design c»mpany. We
desígn menus, calenđars, and thmgs
like iKat. There are ịust three of \as iĩ\
the company. Last ýear was a very
quiet year for us, but it looks like
business is really improving this year.
VVouId you like to visit our office

A: ít^s a pretty easy job. You just take
people's đogs out for a walk twice
a dây.
B: Weỉl, ĩve never done it beíore, but
jt đoes sound preíty easy.
A: We'ire looking íor someone to work
at the hoỉel reception desk.
B: Weỉl, ĩ had a similar job in another
hoteí ỉast summer and ỉ reaỉly
enjoyed it

Oh yeah, IVe been haviíìg a great
Hmé since I arriveđ. Everyone has
been very helphỉl, and Tve made

some vvonđeríul new /riends. ĩ still
have a few more days here, so Tm

thinking of renting a car and driving
up to the moimtaủis.
Tm from a town calleđ Caims, on the
northeast coast of Australia. It's not a
very big town, but ĩ enjoy living there.
It's not far from the Great Barrier Reef.
Tm sure you've hearđ of that, because
it^s one oí the most íamous places in
Australia. You shoulđ go tbere

Unit 2: Part-Tíme Jobs
2. Let's ưsten

A: Have you ever worked in a
department store beíore?
B: No, ỉ haven't but s somethíng
rđ really like to try.

3. Lefs Listen

A: How's your part-tìme )ob going,
B: It's great. I love it.
A: What exactly do you do there?
B: Well, í have to cut up íruit and

make cakes and things. Tm
learning a ỉot about how đesserts
are maàe. Vm â)so getring reaDy
good at đoing dishes.
A: rmsiưeí
B: And I also get to try everythíng we
A: Oh, that's great.
B: Yeah. The only problem is the heat.
ít gets realỉy hoí because of the
A: So, do you have a part'tùne job,
B: Yeah. Tm a camp couns€lor.
A: Oh really? Whai do you do there?

A: ĩs this the first time you've applieđ
íor a job as a waifcress?
B: Well, not exactly—I vvorked
behinđ the counter in the school
caíeteria this year. I know it^s not
reaily ưìe same, but ít ís «ỉmi]âf.

B: Tm the sports instnictor. I teach
basketbail and soccer, and ĩ gẹt to
carry a big whistle. It^s fun! The
ỉđds have a ỉot of energy, and


A: ĩbel.
Br The bađ part ìs rhe monoy. The jịb

A: Do you have any cxperience with
oÉíỉce work?
B: No, but ĩm sure it's something I
coulđ leam quickly.

A: Have you ever modeleđ designer
dothing before?
B; Ye5J diđ some modeỉỉng last
summer, and I was cven in a few
íasỉùon shows.


đơesn't pay very much at all.

A: Dỉđ you manage to get a part-time
B: Yeah, fínally. Tm working đown at
the Plaza Cinema.
A: Oh, scUÌng sođa and popcom?

B: No, Tm in the ticket booth.
A: So/ do you get to see aỉỉ the latest
movies for free?
B: ThaKsright

100 Expandỉng Tactia fòr Ustenỉng / student Book Tapesơipt

A: Wow, thafs a great deal
B; I know. The only probiem is the
hours, The last show is at
so l Home mlly
late—about 1:30 iiì the momàig.

A: Diđ you find a part*time ịob?
B: Yes. It took me a while thcugh. I
líX)ked for ịobs in re sta u ra n ỉ. but
couldn't íinđ one. I ĩinally
managed to get a job in a hciory.
A: Oh, that sounđs terrible.
B: Actually, it's not bad, and the
mone/s gcxxỉ. ĩt^s a clothỉng
íactory. They make shirts there,
and I put the shirts ínto boxes.
A: Soundseasy.
B: Yes, it's very easy vvork. The
problem is, s also reaỉly boring
A: Hov/s your part-time job going?

B: It^s going pretty well. Tm W’0 rỉdng
íor one oí m ỵ proỉessors. r m

helping her out with this big

research project she's doing. ĩ'm
entering her data into the Computer.
A: That sounds like interesting work.
B: It's not bađ. And I can work at
home, so that^s nice, too. My only
compUint is with ửìe moTiey. SVie
doesn't really pay me enough.
A: That's too bad.
A: Diđ you get a new part-time job,
B-. Yeah, Tm working in a store.
It's fun.
A: What kind of store?
B: It^s a đepartment store rm
working in the sporting goođs
section. The people I work with
are reaỉly Íriendíy and helpíuL
And Tm leaming a lot about
sports equipment, tcx).
A: Hów are the hours?
B: That^s the onJy thing I don't like. I
have to work every wcekend.
(P a g e S )

Tm worỉdng as a tour guide here in
Chiogo. ỉìfs Iđnd of fua I lake people
around the dty and show them aỉl the

pỉaces of interest in town-*you know,
the tall buiJđiiìgs, the laké, the art


pkces Uke that. The best part
is m -cíỉrt^ interesting peopỉe from ali
over Ihe world. Mostoí the people on
the íCiit-s íre from Central and ả)uth
America, <0 ỉ gee to practíce my
SpaiúsK, For a tour guide, it^s really
important to know a second language.

Tm working as a sales clerk in a
department store. I work in the home
himishings department We sell
íumỉhire and carpets, main/y. ỉts hard
work, but I like it. The best part ís, I
get a commission on everything I sell,
so ĩm very well paíđ. The most
important thing is to know what you
sell. Customers expect it.

Tm working v\ith a marketing
company: We do market research for

n e w Products. ĩ m ten âew peopỉe on the
phoiìe and ask them queshons about

Unit 3: Successful Businesses
theìr spending habits, what they do in
their free Hme, things they own or plaiì
2. Let'ỉ Urten
to buy, and so on- The salary ỉs pretty
(Page 10)
bad, but its a good job for me. The best 1.
part u that í have ílexible hours. That
A: V^t^s that new Inđian restaurant
means I choose when ỉ vvant to work,
ỉike on Sixth Street?
so I Can sleep laủe whenever I want to.
Ve!l, everyone said ỉt vvas very*
The most important thing is to have a
but ỉ wasn't too saíisrieđ
íríenciỉy voice. If you don't sounđ
went there the other night.
ừiendly on the phone, pcople won't
A: Whywasthat?
want to talk to yoiL
B: The foođ was goođ, but it íook tcM3
long to come. VVe had to waif for
Tm working for a private school.

nearly an hour before vve got
VVe run after-school classes for kids,
anything to eat.
mainly for math and English. ĩm
A: Wow! That's terrible Service.
teaching a math class. It^s từing, but í

enjoy workiĩ\g with chiUlren. That^s the

best part. These kids are really smart,
so ỉ have to work harđ to keep them

interested. íts importanttGknovvwhat

you"re teaching. Luckily, I've taken a
íot of maíh classes, 501fcel prepared.

1’m vvorking for an advertisiiìg agency
a /ew đays â vveelc Vw just an intem,
so I đon t get paiđ. The best thing is
the people I work with. My co-vvorkers
are terri/ic. I work in the iibrary. They
have all sorts of iníonnation there in a
big C om puter database. People are
alivays asking me to fínd iníịrmation
for them very quickly, so it's important
to have experience with computers.
I manageđ to get a job at a hotel Tm
vvorking at the front desk. The hotel is

usually pretty busy, 90 sometimes it^s

really sliessíul. I dỡn't like thai. The
b e s t p a r t is t h a t a lo t o f c c ỉ e b r it ỉ e s s ta y
a t o u r h o l e l. T v e m e t s o m ộ v e r y

íamous people! To đo this job well, ỉl's
important to have goođ ỉistening skiưs.
I h a v e to f in đ o u t è x a c tìy w h a t è a c h

pcrsoiì wants, and then give ít to them

A: Tm going to get the textbook for
our bioỉogy class at the campus
bookstorè. Do you want to come?
B: No, í don't think so.
A: VVhy not? Don't you think it^s
convenient having a booksbre
right on campus?
B; Yes, it is. But have you rompaređ
their prices vvith other bookstores?
That store at the mall is usually
about lơ percent cheaper.
A: Oh, I diđn't know thai.

A: So how was the hotel in Hawaii?
B; It was pretty goođ. The staíí was
really nice—very ừienđly and
heipíuỉ. ĨTiere m s ane pmblem
with it, though.

A: Whafs that?
B: The locatìon. It was too far tom the
restaurants and điscos. Next tíme, I
think ru stay much cioser to town.
A: Do you vvant to try Italian foođ
B; Sure. VVhere vvould you like to go?
A: How about Little Roma—you Vaiow,
thât íỉaiian restaurant across from

the movie theater? It's very cheap.
B: Thđt^s true. But the Service is pretty
bađ. They have new NvaiterS; and
the/re realĩy slow. They're not
very írienđly, eỉther.
B; Oh, 1điđn'l ki\ow that. Le^s try
another place.
A: I hearđ there's a sale at Brenđa's
BouHque. Do you want to check it
out? They have really good clothes.
B: I know, but the Service is tenible.
The people who work there are so
A: I know what you mean.
3. Lers Lỉsten

(Page lt)

I really enjoy going there wỉth íriends
after work. There's always something

bteresting OIÌ the menu. AJso^ I ỉove
the music. There's a great jaz2 band
that plays there on Pridays, and it^s
a lv v a y s

A; Do you belong to a Health club?
B: Not right novv. I used to go to ỉhe
Metropolitan Health Club on Third
Street ĩ thought ít was great
because ỉt was so cheap, but ĩ
stoppeđ going there.
A: Rcally? ĩ heard ỉt was pretty
B :

T h ã e w a s ứ ie p m b le m . I t w a s t o o
p o p u la r . I t w a s a lw a y s fu U


peopìe. Sometìmes ĩ hađ to wait

really c

ro w d e d .

I guess ifs

becoming the in pUce to go. Everyone
wanb lo be seen there.

['m gíađ í đedđeđ to stuđy (here. My
S p a n is h is m u c h b e t t e r n o v v . I t's p r e tt y
e x p e n s iv e , b u t t h e / a c ilit ie s a r e


goođ. Th^ have all the latest stuff—
y o u

k n o w , c o m p u t e r s , v id e o s , a n d

e v e r y th in g .

ỉts m

u c h b e tte r th a n th e

pỉacế I was going to last year.

t o u s e t h e ĩĩìa c h ì n e s .

A: Thafs no good.

T v c b e e n g o m g th e re f o r o v e r a y e a r. I
ju s t lo v e I h e w a y t h e y m a k e

rig h t a w a y .

mỵ h

l o o k , T h e s t y l is t s a r e r e a l ỉ y g o o d
th e ừ

w o r lc

l t h in k

t h c / v e

a ừ


a ỉỉ b e e n

t r a in e d a b r o a d . T h e a t m o s p h e re m a k e s

c 0*<(WUnívendtỴ

PwnWoi>ịrtniíd toripodua íorbMtnKtouI u*e.

Expanding Tactia for Listening / student Book Tapescript 101

you feel reaily athome too, with coffee
and siìacks, plus really good music.

Sure, it's not cheap, but I only go there
every two months or so.

It^s a great place to stay. The atmosphere
is so gỉamorous and exdting. Therê are
bright ỉights at the fronf door, and
people are abvays arriving m really

expensive cars. The rooms inside are
reily great, too. Of course,

not the


These đays, nothing is more important
than speeđ. Time is money. People
want a ịob done weU, but they want it
done quickly. And Ihe/re usually
preparéd to pay a littlé more ư yóu
can promise it wiU get done fast. And,
of course, quality is important, too.
VVe^re building people's homes, so we
want them to enjoy living there for a
long time.

cheapest hotel in Miami Beađv but it^s
đefiiiìteiy the best

I always take mine to this garage on
Market Street, u takes a long tinve to
g e t th e re

ÍTom my h

o u s e , b u t iK s w o r t h

the trip. It^s the best repaừ shop in the
dty. The mechaiìics đo great work, and
they never try to charge you too much.

It's so ímportant to have the rigbt kind
of dísplays. Creatmg an effective
clothing đisplay is an art You wanỉ
people to see the item right away, pick
it up, touch it, and then go try it on.
And you want íhem to buy it, too\
Good prices are also important, but the
display is really the number one thing.

In fact, the prices are great—about half
the price oỉ the other places in t0W7i.

I get almost all of my shúts there. You'11
love it. AU theừ stuff looks great and
/ìts períectìy. I f 5 reallỵ goođ quality,

too. They also have a ỉot of điííerent

styles and colors to choose from. The
đispiays are a problem, though. They

aren't organizeđ well so ỉt takes a long
eừne to /ìnđ the sừe ỵou want.
4. lefs Usten

I think the most important thing is
Service, ư the customer feels ỉike he

Unít 4; Gadgets and Machines
2. LenU ỉten

(Pag* 14)
Yes, these are great ín the winter for
keeping the place wamv It^s got a ían
as vvell, so it wanns the whole room.
Aiìđ the best thing is so light. Pick
it up and feel how light ỉt is.
These are really handy when you're
reađing. You see, you put your book
here. It even holđs Ihe pages down.
And I iove this. See, ii's got its ovm
light ÌOT reađing at night

Wâs treated pooriy, then he piohably

won't come back. That's why I Irain all

They greet custon^ politely, show
them to a table right awãy, and explam
the item$ on thẹ meniL Of courae, the
íoođ ỉs ỉmportant loo. Thê Aíh has to
be as t e h as possỉbỉe, and you have to
find talented chefs to prepare il
The Internet haắ lotally changed my
busỉness. ỉn the oỉd days, peopỉe had
to come to a travel agrácy to ^
tickets. Now they can do that on theừ
0 W


s o w h e n th é y c o m e to

m c t h e / r e

looking íor a good vaỉue. Thafs leáuy
the most imporlant thing. Of course,
convenỉence is aỉso important for some
clients who đon't have the tíme to plan

ư you listen to a lot oế music, you reaDy
neéd onc o( thcse. It cleans off đust,

đirt, and íìngerprints, and g ív ^o u a
much better^und from yoúr CDs.

This thing really comes in handy.
I aỉways carry it with me. r keep
my /riends' ađdresses and tẻephone
númbers in it. You really shouid
get oneí
3. ut*5 Usten
(Page 15)

A: Thaf s funny. It ísn't vvorking. I
keep pushing the button, but it
won't take any pictiưes.
B: Maybe you need more film.
A: No, that's not it. I put in a new roll
of fỉlm this moming.

B: What about the batteries?
A: Hnưn. I guess the/re pretty old.
B: Thafs the problem. The batteríes
are deađ.
A: That must be it.
B: You shoulđ replace them.
A: This machỉne didn't clean my
dothes very well. I had to wásh
everythmg lwice.
B: Really? Diđ you put a ỉot of dothes

in there? .
A: Yeah. I fíllecl it to the top.
B: Oh, tỉiat^s the problem. You put iiì
too much dothing.
A: ReaUy?
B: Yeah. Do you see this line on
the insiđe of the machine? You
shouÌdn't ãll it above thatime.
A: This thing ỉs useless. ĩve done the
livmg ĩooín floor twíce, but ít stiU
B: Have you checkeđ the dust bag?
A: Thedustbag?
B: Yes,everythjiìgitpicksupgoes

Oh, thỉs? VVell, we have a Persian cat
Shé's actuaUy a show cat S h ^ won
quite a few medaís thí9 year. Thís ís
her carrier. VVé take her €vcrywhere
ỉn it Nothing but the best for her!
You keep this in the kitchen in case
there ís a powcr Ễailure. Its got a
really strong light

102 Expanding Tactics fof Ustening / Student Book ĩapesơipt

into the dust bag insiđe.
me checlc Yơu
that^s the

probiem. The dust bag is hiU.
A: Yeah.You'reright
B: You should replace the bag with a
A: ỉ thỉnk thỉs machỉne ỉs ịammed. ỉt
won't print any of my đocuments.
B: Letm etạkẹalookatiL Ycs/Ịtis

ịammecL The paper ỉs stuck insỉđe it

A: How đid that happen?

vtnhyPỉt« iwdoo srant«i loI«p(0duct hrinstmdỉoiui.

B: Ufs see. Ahí Here's the problem.
You used the \vrong paper sừe.
A: Oh. Sony.
B: Don't wony about ít But you
should use the right paper size
n0 (t tỉme.


This is the best dryer we have. It holđs
up to 3 kiios, but i^s not too bigy so
you can fit it in ã snưill apartment.
Now, you shoulđ alvvays clean the lint

Tilter beíore you use it. It^s very easy
to clean. All you need to do is puỊl out
the fỉlter, empty it out, and then put it

A: Hey, vvhat are you sevving?
B: Tm making a đress íor the party.
Oh no, look! It^s alJ ịarnmed up.
A: You Ịaiow vvhat the problem is? This
needle is too small for your íabric.
B; Yeah. I guess you're right.
A: Vbu should use a bigger needle.

back in again. h 's Tea\ly im p o rla n t to

do it every time you use it. If you
don't, the dryer might get too hot and
bum your clóthes.

This vvill get your dishes nice ar\đ clean.
It^s very pówerful, so you đon't have
to rínse anything bore you vvash it.
That's the best Ểature. Now, remember,
you shoulđn't put too much soap into
it íf you use too much soap, your
đishes vvill come out stícky.

A: This should make a great fruit

đrink. I love mâkữìg these m the
suinmer. Uh-oh. That đoesn't


sounđ right VVhat happened?
Did you put in a lot of ice?
Yeah, I guess I did.
That^s the problem. You put in too
much ice, so the bỉades can't move.
You shỡuld use less ke next tìme.

4. Lcts Listen

(Page 16)
take care of it properly. The image is
and the color is períect. It^s really
convenient because you can hang it on
the wali—not Uke those old clutvky TVs
that werie so big and boxy and took up
hal/ of the liviiỉg room. Dỉrect sunlight

ìs not good for it, so you shouIdn't put

it near a w inđow .

Thís is the latest mođel of laptop
Computer. Feel how light it is. It ureighs
only one and ã hãJf kiìos, ít's amazing,

ísn't it? Now, it^s ptetty strong, but you
stiU need to be carehil with it. It comes
with a nice piotective case, 80 you
should keep it inside the case when
you cany it You woulđn'l want to
đrop ít. That coulđ damage the screert

You'U like this aừ conditioner a lot.
You can ađịust the temperature and
the fan speeđ very easily, using this
remote control. You shoulđ clwe all
the doors and winđows when you
use it. ĩt's amaiíng how many people
íorget to do this and then vvonder
why il's not cooĩừig their house.

few m in u te s late, OT leave early, or

take a long lunch. And if I make a
tin y m istake, he gets reaỉly m ađ.


A: I don't knovv about you, but ĩm
voting for Dave Thomas for class
presiđent. He knovvseverything
about this school and aỉỉ the
important issues.
B: Yeah. He really knows vvhat he's
talking about.
A: My lanđlađy is really nice. She
doesn't get angry if I pay the rent a
few days lale. And vvhen I'm sick,
she alvvays brings me homemađe
chỉcken Soup.

B; Wow. That^s reaỉiy svveet.
You'lI enịoy using this lawn movver. It
has a big gas tank, so you can usuaUy
run it for about an hour vvithout
ađding gas. You just have to be careíul
about one thỉng. You shouỉđn't put
your hanđ under the machine. That
blade is very Sharp, an d you could
really hurt yourself.

Unỉt 5: Charađer Traỉts______

This flat screen TV works great if you
S h a rp

A: Wcll, he has a lot of niles. He's

reaỉly angry if I come to vvork a

2. Let's llsten
(pjge 18)

A: Jeíí is Ihe períect elementary school
teacher He's so good wiỉh children.
B: I know what you mean. Those kids
never make him angry.
A: Sheila is a very effective speaker.
When she talỉư, people stóp and
B: Thafs right A lot of people even
change theỉr opinỉoitơ ter tking
lo her.

A: How đoes Mary like her new job?
B: Oh, she loves it She's really excited
about worldng there. In fact, she's
cheeríul all the Hme.

A: I've been having problems with my
boss lately.
B: Whyistí4t?

c Oxfo«á ư n lv m ity Press, PennUsioii gnnied to reproduce fof insmiction*! UM.

3. Lets Usten
(Page 19)

A: VVhat do you think of Chris?
B: I like talking with him. He knows
something interestìng about
practically everything.
A: Yeah, I knovv. And he's really
serious about studyíng, too. He
wanfcs to go to međical school so
his grades have to be períect
B: He must be a goođ stuđent.
A: He's â great student—top of the
class last year.
A: You know Branđon Kent đon't you?
3: Oh, sure. He's really svveet. He took
a whole day off Ust month to help
me move into my new apartment.
Then he drove me to the mall so I
cx)uld pick up some himiture íor
my new place.

A: Yeah, that^s what I like about
him. In /act, he's Corning over this
aítemoon to help me with my math
B: Luckyyou!
A: I just can't stand that Terry Dey.

B: Réally?
A: Yeah. The other day, we were
vvalkỉng past this poor homeless
man on the street~you know, one
of those guys who Ì05t his job and
đoesn^t háve any money?
B: Siưe. I knovv what you mean.

EXpSndlRQ Tsctícs f O r LỈStâniriQ / Studcnỉ Book Tdp6SCnpt


A: Well, as soon as we walked past
him, Teny made ịokes about his
B: No way! That's terribỉe.
A: Are you going to Tony"s party on
Priday night?
B: Yeah.Areyou?
A: 0/course! He has great parries,
don't you think?
B; Defínitely. It^s because he's so
exdted about thmgs. Everyone
sees him dancing and laughing
and having fun, and then they
start enjoying themselves, too.
A: You'reright.
B: Yeah. He's really an amaxing guy.

A: Have you seen Patrick recently?
B: No, I haven't. We vvere supposeđ
to go to a concert last vveekénđ,
but he said he was too sick to go.
A: Oh, that^s too bađ.
B; The thing ỉs, he didn't tell me the
tnitK My brother saw him at a
party the same night, dancing and
having a good rime.
A: Oh! I really hate people who lie
like that.
B: Me, too.
A: I just talkeđ to Chuck.
B: How is he tođay?
A: The same as usuaL It^s impossible
to make him smiỉe. Taỉkỉng to him is
really difficult. It^s easy to My some
litỉle thỉng that reaỉỉy upsets him.
B: I know. I wonder why he's like that
A: I think s because he isn't doing
weU at school this year.
4. LefsLỉsten

Ever 5inc€ John got that ivew job, you
wouldn't recognừe him. I guess you
have to be more conseivatíve when

you have a job ỉỉke that He Wữrks
really long hours now and he wears
a suit and a tíe. And when he comes
home from work he ncver wants to go
out AU he does ís sít in his chaỉr and
watch TV. He iooks totally exhausteđ.
Thâl^s not how he was ỉn coUege. Back
theiv he useđ to go around in olđ Tshừts and jeans. And he had that crăzy

too, like salt and pepper, and some
other spices that are a big secret. Then
she stirs it and cooks it íor hours.


I ran mto Donna Simpson the other
day. ĩ could hardly recognÌ2 e her. Do
you remember her from high school?
She was a littíe chubby and out of
shape back then. I đon't think she ever
exercised or playeđ any sports. VVell,
she really looks đifferent now. She's
lost a lot of weight. In fact, she looks
terriíic She told me that she đedded
to get in better shape aíter she got
marrieđ last year. N o w she goes to
the gym three times a week.
Have you hađ á chance to tâlk to Rosie

lately? She's gotten so depressed—>you
know, sad and worried all the time,
ĩí's a real change. She used to be so
enthusiasric ữi high school. She was
a cheerleader, and she vvas alvvays
ỉaughing and making jokes. Novv she
just sits in coffee shops all by herself
and ju5t looks reaỉly sađ. You can telJ
that something^s really bothering her.
It must be her boyírienđ. ĩ hearđ they
recently broke up.

Do you remember what Ted Rodgers
used to look like? He useđ to be so
athletic, with really big muscles. He
went to the gym aỉỉ the time and vvas
always carehil about what he ate and
drank. VVell, you wouldn't believe how
much he's changed. J'm sure he
weighs over 100 kilos now. It doesn't
look like he đoes any exercise at all,
and he eats jusl about anything.
Someone toíđ me he changed after he
got really rich from the stock market.
They saiđ that aíter he got rich, he
decided just to enjoy himseư.

Unlt 6: Cooking

On Saturday momings, I usually sleep
in and make pancakes. You pour some
flour and sugar in a bowl. Then you
a d d water, an egg, aiìd oil, and mix ii

together Then you pour it in a hot
í r y in g pan. I like to spread a lot of
bũtter õn the pancakès when they're
done. That^s what makes them taste
so great!
Whenever there's a big game on TV, I
invite my buddies over and make some
burritos. pirst, you fry some ground
beef vvith spices. Then you get some
tortillas—vou know, Mexican flat bread
that looks like really thin pancakes.
Anyvvay, you put the beef on a tortilla,
plui tomátoes* cheese, and chopped
lettuce. Then you roU it all together and
eat it with your hands. ĩt's delidous!
There's this Korean restaurant on
campus that serves an amazing đish
called bhbiĩTĩ‘ bap. You've got to try it.
They cut ali these vegetables into liítle
pieces, adđ some beef, and cook it all
together with this really spicy sauce in
a hot bowl. Then they put a big íried

egg on top of it.
Well, I đon't know how to reữỉỊỵ make
ravioli. I bet it takes hours to maJce
pasta yourselí. So I just buy ỉt ừozen
from the store. You boil a pot of water
and pour in the little squares oí pasta,
VVhen it^s done, you drain the pasta.
Then you pour sauce over it and eat it.
My íavorite ravioU is the kinđ with
cheese insiđe il Mmm!

2. Lefi Llft«n

It's easy to make a Caesar salađ. Just
take some fresh romaine lettuce and
chop it into big pieces. Then put it in â
big bovvl, adđ the đressing, and mix it
aỉl together. Pinally, when you're ready
to eat ỉt, sprinkỉe some shredded
Pannesan cheese on top.
My granđmother is from Nevv Orleans,
and she makes the best gumbo. That's
a kinđ of soup. She poure broth in a
big pot, and she adds shrimp and
mushrooms. She adds a lot of spices.

104 ExpandingTactỉaforListeníng/StudentBoolcTapescript

3. Lct'sUsten

Hello, everybody, and welcome back

to CMing Today. ĩm ycnir host, Jack
Murphy, aưid today we're going ÌOmake

some crepes that will knock ur socks
OỂÍ. Seriously, guys, you^re going to love
crcpes. AU right first thing. YouVe

got to get your ingredients togethier. You
neeđ some flour, some mílk and egg.
Just put them on your kilchen table ỉike

I'm đomg here. Oh, yeah, and you1l
neeđ some sugar, toó, because tha^s
what makes the ơepe sweet.

Now you're ready to measure vour
ingredients. You want one cup of ílouT
a n d One c u p o f rrdlk. A n d , o íc o u r s e ,

you Want the whoIe egg. You can't cưt
ai\ egg^ anyv/ay—ha! That^s a little
kitchen joke for you guys. As for the

sugar, u neeđ just a pínch. That
mẽans a very, very smâll amount.
Too much sugar vviỉl make your crepe
taste a w h i l


Once you've measured all your
ingredíents, pour fhem together in a
big bovvl. You see how I diđ that? Pour
it nice and slow. Then stir it all together
with a fork. Yeah, that^s it. Mix it up.
Stír i tu n t ỉ ỉ y o u g e t a nice, sm o o th
liquiđ. That liquid is called the batter.

Okay, so you've míxed the ingredients
together. Now you're ready íor the
ỉrying pan. Put the pan on the stove,
heat it up, and put some butter on it.
You d o n t need a lot of butter, Just put
a ỉittle bit in the pan, so the crepe
won't stick to it. AU right, now we're
ready. All y o u à o is p o u r th e batter o n

thc pan. When the bottom gets a ỉittle
bT0 Wi\, (ĩip it over. Yeah, just like that.
Then you ịust put some strawberry
ịelìỵ ỏn there, anà ỵ o u 'r e r e a d y to eat/
4. Lets llsten


A: Hey, Jen! How vvas your trỉp to
B: Amazíng. I can't wait to go back
there. My íavorite thing was eating
dim sum,
a : Dim 5wm? Whafs that?
B; Well, ỉt^s aU kinđs of đỉfferent líttle
íịođs, like frieđ pancakes, egg
rolls, or írieđ rice aiìđ vegetables.
You go out with your íriends to the
restaurarư, and the waiters bring
all the đifferent dishes around in
carts while you sit arounđ and
drink tea. If you see something you
like^ you*Te su p p o s e d to w a v e to

the waiter. It^s really fuỉ\.
A: Yeah. It sounds great

A: You useđ to work in Saudi Arabia,
Tony. Wl\at's a tradilional meal like
B: Oh, you vvouỉđ ỉove ít. Everyone sits
on oishions, on a nice carpet and
drinks cups oỉ svveet coffee. Then
you eat kabob vvith your hands.
Ai Kabob ... that’s like barbecued

meat, right?
B: Thaí's ríght. Vou cut píeces of lĩieat
and vegetable and grill them. It's
sometimes served over rice,
A: Mmm. ít sounđs great.
B: Just remember one thing. In Saudi
Arabia, it^s very important to make
the guest happy. So if the host offers
yo u som ething, y o u sh o u ìd try to

eat it. I/ you rehise somhing, ỵou
might hurt his íeelings.
A: Thanks íor the advice.
A: Ar\a, can ỉ ask you someíhing? ĩm
going to spain this summer, and 1
want to try something really
Spanish. What do you recommend?
B; Oh, paeila, of course, You take TÌce,
meat/ seood, vegetables, and alỉ
kinds oí spices, and you cook ít all
together in a really huge pan. It's
o\ir most íamous dish.
A: It sounds great.
B: But ií you really vvant to experience
paella, you've gol to eat it like the
people in Spaiti do. VVe like to eat
our dinners really late at night, liìke
at 9 or 10 o'clock. Then we go out to
the discos and dance all night.

A: Wịw. I car/t wt to g
A: Hey, Mike, I heai-d you vvere
stuđying abroad last semester in
B; Wel!, actually, I was in Nepal. It's a
smalì countiy jĩỉst north of Jn’đia.
A: Vìovĩ, what Wãs
B: Really fun. The only thing I had
trouble adịusting to was the fịod,
My host íamily ate a đish called
dáaỉ bỉiũt (OT
ỉimch, and
đinner. Its just rice wi(h this sort
of bean soup poured over ỉt.
Sometimes It had vegetables on iL
It was really đifficult to eat because
in a Nepali home you're supposeđ
to eat with your right hanđ only.
A: That sounđs rough.
B: Itvvas.

eotod iw«niiy fmi. rtmma, pmitđ lo„prốK, (CfiMnwi0Mi m,.

A: ĩm in kind of a hurry tođay, Luca.
VVoulđ you mind if W€ ju5t grabbeđ
ă quỉck ìunch at a íast ỉood Ịoint?
B: Ob, man, ỉ v/ouki never hear thãĩ
in Italy.
A: Oh, realiy? VVhy is that?

B: Well ỉong lunches are an important
part oỉ Italian culture. I like to meet
my friei\ds at a I\ÌC€ restaurant,
onder sơme âpffetừers, and tỉĩen
eat lasagna al ịomo. That means
lasagna cooked it\ an oveĩv. Ajvd
after you're done eating, you're not
supposed to leave right away. You
should sit around íor a vvhile, jusí
drinking coffee and chattíng.
A; That sounđs níce. I wish we could
do that here.
A: Hey/ Miho, thât smells great. Whal
are you cooking?
B: Thanks. It's sukiyakl It's or\e of
the most popuiar dishes \T\ Japan.
Vbu cook thíníy sííceđ meaf and
vegetables in a big pot. We !iJeal it in the winter. Oh, yeah, and
some people b‘ke to dip the meat
ín raw egg.
A: Really? You mean they dip ìt in
uncookẹđ eggs? Thats pretty weird.
B: Manỵ /apanese cusíoms probãbỉỵ
seem strange to you. For exampíe,
when you're eating T\oodl^, iVs
okay to make slurpmg sounđs,
Most Americans probabỉy íhink
thafs rude, but it isn't rude in

A: WoK>JjievejJaiewthat.

Unit 7: Housing
2. U f ỉ Usten

Well, I'm single and I spenđ a lot of
time traveling, so Tm not home very
much. So there's really no point in my
spending money on a large place v/ith
lots oírooms.
VVeVe got three snưỉl children, ãỉĩd
they liìce to play ỡUtside, so 1 đon't

think it Iivakes sense for us to live ir\ a
high-rise builđing.

Expanding Tartia f or Listening / Student 8ook Tapescript 105

I vvork right in the City and 1(lon't
have a car. rd Uke a place close to my
work, so that I doi\'t have to spend á
loí oítùnecommuting.

I run my ovvn business and I work
from my home. Tm lucky because I
đon't have to go into town very often,

so Td ỉỉke a pỉace thafs quỉet and
avvay from the city.
I neeđ a new place. I neeđ a goodsứed apartment because I have two
teenagẽ sons, and they each need to
have their own bedroom. VVe \vant to
live downtown, too.
Both my wife and I vvork for an airUne
and we'd like something íaừly dose
to worIc We don't mind if ifs small,
because there's only the two oí us.
We đon't even mind the noise of the
planes. In fact, we Idnđ of like it.
3. Lefs Listen

The apartment I rent is okay. It's
near the stores, so it's convenient for
shopping. The problem, though, is that
the owner hasn't spent any nìốney on
the place in years. The íumiture is
falling apart, and the carpet in the
living room is staíned in places.
My neighbors are fantastic The/re
realĩy ừiendly, and some of them have
great parties, tọo. rđ like more space,
though, There’s hardly enough space
for aỉí my

I gue&i 18houJđ ỉhrovv


some of it out, but just can't.

problem is the rent. ĩt^s just too high
now, so I can't stay.

Thcre are advantages and
đisadvantages of living out here in
the subiưbs. It^s not reaUy the most
convenient place to live. It lakes /orever

to get into ìovm, espedally during msh
hours. Aiìđ there aren't any good stores
out here. On the other hand, ỉt^s nice
and quiet on the weekends.

My new apartment has a huge litchen

My place is huge. It has room for alỉ
my stuff, and there's ắ big kitchen, too.
Of course, it^s really olđ^ so ỉt neeđs a
coat of paint and some new fumiture.
The hirniture is reaUy ancient. I think
the stove is about a hundred years olđ!

an d a great stove. 1'm really h a p y
a b o u t ĩt. ĩ love to cook an d hav€ parties,

b u t the kitchen in m y olđ place vas 50

tiny. And the đining room was snall,
too. The locatíon w as goođ, b ut could
never have people over for dinrer, so I

I recently moved into an apartment
builđing for the fìrst tứne. It takes a
vvhile to get used to h^/íng neighbors
right next door. I íeeỉ like the/re alvvays
listening to me, like they want to know
everything I đo. I^s annoying. But the
rent is much cheaper, and I like that

needed to fỉnd som ething đ iẩe rm t

I used to live in a house. I had enice
yard in the íront, and another yird in
the back. The trouble was the
maintenance. It vvas really expeisive
to take care of. So I moveđ. Nov I live
in an apartment \vith no yard. E^en
though I have much less space lovv, it^s
wonderfuJ, because it^s a lot chaper.

4. Let's Lỉsten


VVeused to have a nice apartment
downtown. It hađ great vievvs of Ihe
dty! But then these new people moved
in upstairs. They played louđ music all
the tìme, and the sounđ came straight
through the ceiling and into our
apartment It was ỉerrible, so we
moved. Now we're Uving in a small
house ín the suburbs. It's wonderfuI.
Our neighbors đon't make any noise.
My new apartment is on a high íloor,
and it^s great There's no noise at all. I
only hear the birđs ỉn the park. Bore
that, ỉ liveđ iiì a first fIoor apartment
It had a littỉe yard, whích was nice. Bul
I heard people Corning and going all
the tíme. And it was close to the Street,
so I heard all the traffic, ỉoo.
We đidn't really want to move because
we loveđ the apartment.


there's two of us—me and my íog,
Spot. We play in the park all thỉ time.

Unlt 8: Apartment Problens
2, Lets Lỉsten

My apartment"s nỉce, but the wals are
too thin. I can hear my neighbon all
the time, even when the/re aslep.
One of thẹm really snorés.
My nghbor is drivừìg me craz}
I don't lanovv what she's up to, bit
she's always bangúìg or hammeing
something late at night.

VVoulđ you believe that the garhge
tmcks pick up the trash at 5 a.m?
Last week, ĩ had to run outsiđe ii mj/
pajamas and throvv the garbage to
íhể truck ảs it wa5 passíng byĩ ĩiữy
shoulđ come a little later.

had a

wonđerful landĩađy, too. She diđn't
raise the rent for years, and anythiiìg
was broken, she wouỉđ get it fixeđ
really fa st But with the childien getting
olden we needeđ to be doser to a good
school. So that's why we moved. Now
we live in an apartment in the suburbs.



rm tired of havìng people ringii\'
my đoorbell at đirLnertime. ĩt^s gíttem
to the point where I đon't even Ike .
answeriiìg the door anymore. It semứ
like someone'iỉ ahvays tryiĩìg to sU nne

ỉ useđ to live in a nice apartment

đow ntow n, iiì a pretty interestừig

I love mv apartment. I wish 1could
afford to stay here. The location is
períect It has a great víew oỉ the park,
and I love beiiìg able to step outsidc
and walk to caies and shopís. The onỉy

neighborhood. But the thing W85, thev
wouIđn't let you keep a peL I reaưy
vvanted to get a dog, so I moved to a
place vvheií you could keep pets. Now
I live in a builđmg near the park. And

106 Expanđing Tactỉcs for Lỉstening / Student Book Tapescript

1really ne€<ì ihe iamđiorơ lc>
kítchen. ít needs a new stove ancU
nevv rehigeratOi. The ones ĩve gc are
so o!đ they don't even work anvT.ore..

c OKhTd uiMvtttitỵ Prm. p«m«uio« gnnted »0

