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Form mail&latter for student

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Topic 8 this is part of letter you receive from an English penfriend
From: Lan, 65 Tran Van On Street, Phu Hoa ward, Thu Dau Mot city, Binh Duong
province, Viet Nam
To: Nam, 23 Cach Mang Thang Tam Street, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai province, Viet Nam
23th August, 2020
Hi Nam,
How are you? Thanks for your letter and it was great to hear from you. Today I am
writing to reply your letter where you asked me about my shopping habits.
Shopping is one of my hobbies. In The Dau Mot city, there are so many shops,
Shopping malls and huge shopping centres that there is always somewhere to go.
I usually go shopping my friend at weekends. They are very helpful, ready to give
a piece of advice. I very like wear dresses so I usually buy dress when I go shopping.
My favorite shop named is Fm Style. It is a clothes shop near my house. I like the
shop because the staff are and friendly and the price and cheap. The quality of the clothes
is good. You can come to my city when you have a freetime. I will lead you to this shop.
I hope to hear from you you


Topic 2: You have just bought some news shoes. In about 50 word, write a letter to
your friend Jane.
In your letter, you should
• Tell Jane what shoes you have bought
• Say where you bought the shoes from
• Expain why you needed to buy them.
From: Mai, 104/7 Trần Văn Ơn street, Phu Hoa ward, TDM city, Binh Duong province
To: Jane, 08 Tran Phu street, Hai Ba Trung ward, Thuan an city, Binh Duong province
Day: 23th August, 2020

Hi Jane!
How are you? I hope you are well and that evevything is ok with you. I'm fine.
What's new with you? I just bought a new pair offshoes and I am writing to you now.
I bought Converse shoes. It has white and it's diamond studded on the shoes body.
The tip of the shoes is attached a beautiful red ribbon. I moved quite easity on these
I bought the Converse shoes at MWC shoes. The shop is near my house. The
Converse shoes cots 300.000 VND. I think that price is quite cheap.
My friend invite me to her bırthday party and I have to buy a dress, a pair of shoes
to prepare for the birthday party. That's why I need to buy shoes. I like the new pair of
shoes so much because it's so beautiful and I believe I will splendid in the birthday party.
I will take a picture when I wear those shoes and send it you soon. How do you
feel when you see me wear those shoes? If you like it, I will take to buy shoes at MWC
Write me soon!


Topic 11B: You have just returned from a week's holiday staying at the home of
your British friend, Sam. In about 50 words, write a letter to your friend, Sam. In
your letter, you should:
From: Linda, 25 Le Duan Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
To: Sam, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1B 3DG, United Kingdom
August 21st, 2020
Dear Sam,
How are you? I hope you and your family are all well. Thanks for giving me the
best holiday ever at your home. I have just arrived safely in Viet Nam and I would like to

tell you about my journey back to my home.
After more twelve hours staying in the plane, I arrived in Ho Chi Minh at 9 p.m on
Sunday. My uncle met me at Tan Son Nhat airport and took me home by motorbike. We
went past some places such as Independence Palace, Ben Thanh Market, Landmark 81,
etc. on the way to his home. After a long journey, I feft tired and only wanted to sleep.
Tomorrow, I was fine and he took me to Big C Supermarket. In the evening, we walked
around Walking Street and tasted some Ho Chi Minh specialties. Then I booked the
grabbike to come back home with full stomach.
When I got back, I found myself missing your place. In British, the atmosphere is
very fresh, there is no noise, no pollution as in the city I am living. On two sides of the
road there are the rows of green trees and birds singing beside the ears. In addition, we
were cruising by boat. This was the first time I've experienced go on water surface, it's
very great. British people are really friendly and warm. Your mom is very kind of me,
sometimes telling me about your childhood. And one of the things I enjoyed the most was
food that is extremely delicious. I especially felt excited with the courses from seafood
with you. This trip was wonderful and especial meaning to me. I think I would come back
your place one day.
Are you planning to go on the next holiday? How about coming to visit me in
Vietnam? Let me know what you think. If you decide to come, we can start planning
what we will do while you're here and I'm sure you’ll have a great time.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you and hopefully I'll see you soon!
Best wishes,


Topic 7. Writting: you are going to stay with an English family. This is part of a
letter you received from then:
From: Thao, 10 Tran Van On Street, Phu Hoa Ward, Thu Dau Mot city, Binh Duong

province, Viet Nam
To: Tom's family, 5 Leadenhall Street, London, England
19th, August, 2020
Dear Mr.Tom,
My name is Thao and I am a student from Viet Nam. Thank you so much for
allowing me to stay with your family while I will complete my English and Homestay
program in the England. I hope you and your family are as well.
Firstly, my program starts in the second week of October and I will be in England
for a few months. I hope you can help me to complete the program on time because my
teacher and my parents have high hopes for me.
Next, I will introduce to you some of interests so that you can get more
information about me. I love to exchange and learn so I hope you can introduce me to
some cultural clubs in the England. In Vietnam, I often travel to experience the local
cultures, so when I come to the England, I want to join in to learn about the culture in the
England and make new friends.
Finally, while I am there I really hopeii, you can enlighten my mind by providing
some pivotal date, for instance, the rich history, culture and important festivals of this
realm. In addition, I am very keen to know about the “BUCKINGHAM PLACE" and the
royal family residing there.
After writing to you, I will have to prepare clothes and necessary supplies. I look
forward to meeting you all in person. Say goodbye!


Topic 3: You are going to be absent from your next maths class
From: Huy, 10 Tran Van On Street, Phu Hoa Ward, Thu Dau Mot city, Binh Duong
province, Viet Nam

To: Mr.Trung, 60 Huynh Van Nghe street, Phu Hoa Ward, Thu Dau Mot city, Binh Duong
province, Viet Nam
19th, August, 2020
Dear Mr.Trung,
I would be very thankful if you can give me your permission to be absent for one
days, which are Tuesday and Thursday. I had talked to you about this event last week, and
today I write this form to officially ask for your permission. Tomorrow will be my older
sister’s wedding, and everyone in the family has to be there to give her the best greetings.
Her wedding will last for a day; however, I have another reason to not to be
present on Thursday. Since my brother-in-law’s hometown is in Kien Giang, we have to
travel for a very long distance to have the second wedding party at his house. The journey
will last for about ten hours, and of course there will take another ten hours for us to
come back; therefore, it is impossible for me to make it in time to the class on Thursday.
This event can be considered as the most important event of my family within this
year, so I hope you can understand. After the two-day off, I promise to be present on
Friday, 24th of March. All the lessons on those days will also be studied and written
down completely.
You can contact my parents at any time if you want to make sure about me
Thank you again.
Thanh Nha.


Topic 1: you recently did a homework project about life in France and your
Friench friend. Pierre helped you by sending you some information
From: Thanh Huy, 10 Tran Van On Street, Phu Hoa Ward, Thu Dau Mot city, Binh
Duong province, Viet Nam

To: Mr.Trung, 60 Huynh Van Nghe street, Phu Hoa Ward, Thu Dau Mot city, Binh Duong
province, Viet Nam
19th, August, 2020
Dear MR. Trung,
I am writing this letter to express my infinite gratitude for your support on my
science project. I really appreciate your willingness to help me even it was out of your
current position.
I have to admit that I was really confused at the beginning. Since I was a newbie, I
had not had any experience in doing project, not to mention doing on my own. Therefore
your direction really helped to lessen my burden of doing alone. I was totally impressed
by your expertise and enthusiasm.
I had completed the project under your guidance two days ago. I realized how
lucky I was to meet you. I sincerely appreciate your assistance for sparing time to support
me. I am really looking forward to have an opportunity to work with you as an assistant
for your work.
Best regards,
Thanh Huy


TOPIC 6: this is a part of a letter you receive from your English penfriend
From: Tram, Tran Van On street, Thu Dau Mot city, Binh Duong province, Viet Nam
To: Tessia, 123 Yersin street, new york city, America
Date: 06th November, 2020
Hi Tessia!
How are you! I hope you are well and that everything is ok with you. I am fine. It’s great
to hear from you. Today, I would like to tell you my holiday.
Firstly, I went camping with some of my English classmates after we finished exams. We
went to a village near the sea, which was a beautiful beach in Ninh Thuan.

Next, This place is very nice but the weather is not very good. It is cloudy on a feww
days and sometimes it rains. But we had a good time despite the weather. We went
walking and snorkeling for two days with a local club. It was interesting. There’s an old
underwater ship that we were able to explore.
Finally, before going we have prepared quite a lot of camping equiment. We have three
tents for seven people because we wanted to try the feeling of sleeping outside the house.
In the evening we can enjoy the barbecue buffet and sing together around the campfire. It
is great, they were all interesting experences. What about your holiday? Send me a letter
soon. Tell me about your holiday at next letter. Have a nice day!


Topic 5: Last week you went to a birthday party. This is a part of a letter you have
received from your English perfriend, Annabel
In your last letter you said were going to a birthday party.
Please tell me what you did at the party.
In about 50 words, write a letter to annabel answering her questions
From: QTY, 06 Tran Van On Street, Thu Dau Mot city, Binh Duong province, Viet Nam
To: Annabel, 26 paster street, London city
19th August, 2020
Hi Annabel!
I am very happy to recived your letter. How are you? Is the work still ok? As for me,
everything is fine I write this letter to tell you about the party I went to last week. It was
a party of Linh – a very close friend of mine.
Firstly, I chose for myself a lovely dress and came early to help her decorated the stage,
then the guests started coming I got to meet old friends again, memories when the student
rushed black, we had a lot of fun chatting with each other. We gathered at the chair table

“Happy birthday to you” and clapped our hands, the music fell, everyone was excited, I
ate and like.
Next, I chose and gave Linh at gift that was our childhood photos, she sumed quite
emotional, I wanted me and her to be such close friends, I not only gave her pictures but
also gave her a pair of sport shoes because she loves traveling. I want her to bring these
shoes to her favorite places.
Finally, I would like to tell Annabel about the guests, everyone was quite satisfied with
the party because of being warmly welcomed by Linh and her family with refreshing
smiles and comfort. And I really enjoyed the party.
I hope to go to school now. Have a good day. I hope to see you soon.
Write me soon!
Your friend!


Topic 4: You received a letter from an English pen friend, Laura
From: Hoang duy, 06 Tran Van On Street, Thu Dau Mot city, Binh Duong province, Viet
To: Laura, 31 Baker street, London, England
Date: 20th August, 2020
Dear Laura,
How are you, Laura? I hope everything is fine. I was received your letter and I am really
gladful when read it.
I thought you really like volunteer activities at school and about me I prefer
extracurricular activities, at 7am to 11 am morning. I usually have classes to attend, and
in the afternoon at Monday and Friday. I join the badminton club, it really fun it help me
heathier and make some new friend at there. I usually watching some TV show that I love
at my free time or take care of the aquarium. It make me feel relaxing after a street out

day after university. But talk to school I usually like to listen or learn with the profesor
when he teach about new lesson, that always insprire me to keep study my majors
because iit is my dream when I was young.
That I want to tell you I need to go now, I hope you and your family all well.
Your friend
Hoang duy


Topic 9: This is a part of a letter you receive from your English penfriend easy to
play, everyone can play it. You just have
• I've just joined a new sports club. It's very good.
• What sort of sports do you like?
In about 50 words, write a letter to your penfriend telling him or her about the sports you
From: Lan, 175, Tran Van On Street, Phu Hoa Ward, Thu Dau Mot City, Binh Duong
Province, Vietnam.
To: John, 231, Liberty Island, New York City, New York State, United States
Date: 21th August 2020
Hi John!
Thanks for your letter. How are things? I'm glad to know that you have joined the new
sports club and it's good. Anyway, the reason I'm writing to you to tell you about the sport
that I enjoy right now – badminton.
Firstly, I think badminton is easy to play, everyone can play it. You just have a racket and
a shuttlecook, you can play anywhere.
Next, badminton is very good for your health. It helps reduce cholesterol, lose weight,
increase height. That is why it helps people feel healthy, active and youthful after playing
Finally, I would like to introduce to you the famous badminton player in Vietnam Nguyen Tien Minh. With a record of 11 consecutive national badminton championships,

the US Open championship in 2013.
I was very happy to find a sport that helped me to be healthier but it's easy to play. I hope
you like it too.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Your friend,


Topic 11A: You are going to take part in a skateboarding competition, but your
skateboard is broken.In about 50 word, write to your friend Danny. In your letter
you should
From: Hue, 06 Tran Van On Street, Phu Hoa ward, Thu Dau Mot city, Binh Duong
province, Viet Nam Danny,
To: Mr. Danny, Technology Park, Malaysia Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur
21t August, 2020
Dear Mr Danny,
How are things? I hope you have a nice day. Thank you for getting back to me.
Today, I'm writing this letter with the aim to borrow you the skateboad so that I can
participate in the skateboarding competition which will happen in the next 2 day.
For me, skateboard is a sport out of pasion. I always cary a skateboard with me
when I go out on the street, it both helps me go faster but also helps me to show off my
winding art. But my parents didn't like it because they think it was dangerous and time –
consuming so they didn't give me money to collect skis as a collection so I only got one
when they gave me my birthday last year. Never mind, and it's bad that on Monday, I still
use the skateboard in the world but unfortunately got a bad road, hit the hole and I
couldn't tum the direction so I jumped into it, I got a slight pain and my skateboard I lost
one gear and broke it in half.
Luckily you are a shared passion and I know you have a spare skateboard that you

rarely use and I can borrow it right away. Because the test date is coming up and I don't
have enough money to buy a new skateboard I hope you can willingly lend me it. I will
be very grateful for that and I promise to take you to eat if I get a result in this
competition. I need it tomorrow, I will take good care of it and not get scratched or
damaged. And if possible I would be very honored to invite you to come and join my
skateboarding. I promise I will return it on next week when we go to eat.
I'm sorry for not being able to write to you much, I have to go prepare some
additional supplies and food for that competition. Hopr you write me soon.


10. You receive a letter from your English friend, Pat
+ My family and I are coming to visit your area soon,
+ can you tell me some good places for us to go?
+ and what will the weather be like while we are there?
From: Mai, 06 Tran Van On streer, Phu Hoa ward, TDM city, BD province,Viet Nam
To: Pat, England
21th August, 2020
Dear Pat,
How are you? How are thing? I was very happy when I got a letter from you. I am very
happy to hear that you and your family are coming to Viet Nam to visit me. What’s the
news? I am busy with the upcorning graduation project.
Firstly, Viet Nam is a tropical country, so the climate is hot all year, at least comparedto
England. In the North, you cam still feel the differences between your seasons, but my
hometown in the south, there are only two seasons: the dry one and the rainy one. It rains
a lot of from May to November. In the dry season it is very hot. I think the best time to
travel is spring, because the weather at that time is very nice. It’s breezy and mild. The

landscapes are very beautiful.
Next, Viet Nam has many famous tourist resorts such as Vung Tau , Ha Long ,Nha trang,
Da Nang,…. ete. If you come to Da Nang you can go to some places such as; Ba Na Hill,
Dragon Buidge, My Khe beach, Ngu Hanh Son mountain, Old street Hoi An. You can go
to my hometown, Binh Duong. There are many other sites that worth visiting , such as
Phu Loi Prison which is the oldest prison in my hometown built in the war, and Lady
Thien Hau goda- a religlous place attracting people from all over the country.
Finally, the food in Viet Nam is very delicious. Not only being famous for landscapes,
Viet Nam attracts tourists because of some traditional delicious dishes such as: Pho,
Quangnooles, Kebab rice noodles. Vietnamese people are very hospitable, friendly and
There are many more interesting things about Vietnam. I promise to take you to many
places, and you will surely have a great time in VN.
Write me soon!


TOPIC 12: This is part a letter you receive from English friend
For my homework project I have to write about a special day that people celebrate in
your country. Which special day should I write about? What information should I
In about 50 words, write a letter to your friend.
From: LeSam, 126 Hoang Hoa Tham street, Hiep Thanh ward, Thu Dau Mot city, Binh
Duong Province, Viet Nam.
To: Marry, 09 Madia street, Phnom Penh.
20th August, 2020
Hi Marry !

How are you? I am still fine lately and my study is also very good. I jusr got a part – time
job that is very suitable for me. I will tell you more in detail next time. Tody I will write
to you with the necesary information that you need foe your homework.
Firstly, the day that I want to introduce to you is Tet in Viet Nam. This is a traditional
festival that has a long history in our country. Tet is the biggest holiday of the year and
has important meaning. You can simply understand that Tet in my country is like the New
year in country, but it has it is own culture.
Secondly, the time for Tet is on January 1 (lunar calendar) every year. Tet is the first day
of a new year after the end of the old year. Unlike your ountry, there are two types of
calendar in our country: lunar calendar and solar calendar. Tet in our country will
probably be around February accorring to the calendar in your country.
Finally, there are idispensable things in Tet holiday such as: food, objects, thing to do.
The indspensold spencial dishes on this occasion are “ banh chung” and “ banh tet”.
“Banh chung” is the calling of the North anh “banh tet” us the calling of the South. They
just differ in name and shape, the main materials to create are almost the same. Beside,
the holiday must include: a tray of five fruints, Jam, flowers, et..everyone often give each
other good wishes on this occasion. All create a very bold VietNamese, unlike any other
I hope with the above information will help you complete your homework very well. If
you have time, you come to Viet Nam on Tet holiday, I will help you have an enjoyable
Write me soon!


TOPIC 13: You are going away for the long weekend with your friend, Gina.
In about 50 words, write a letter to her. In your letter, you should
 Offer to buy the bus tickets before you travel.

 Suggest what bus to catch
 Arrange to meet Gina at the bus station
From: Trinh, 506 Le Chi Dan street, Tan An ward, Thu Dau Mot city, Binh Duong
To: Gina, 72 Phu My street, District 7, Ho Chi Minh city
16th, August 2020
Hi Gina,
How are things with you? Is your study still good? This year academic performance is
very good so. I am very happy and I wish you can go with me. I’m writing to tell you
about our long weekend.
Firstly, we are going to Vung Tau for our vacation. I intend to arrive there at 5 AM. I
think you should buy the bus ticket a few days before. Because I’m afraid of you not
enough time to buy it. I want ti arrive there soon so as to soak the fresh air and sightsee
along the road.
Next, you can get there by catching the number 08 bus due to near you home and you can
walk to the bus station. Remember to set the alarm before going to bed in order not to be
late. And don’t forget to prepare you baggage fully.
Finally, after coming we will meet a the bus station and then we can hang out, watch the
sunrise and walk along the seacoast.
Hope to see you and we will have an enjoyable tour.


TOPIC 14: You have arranged to go to the circus with your French friend Jean tody,
but you won’t be able to go.
In about 50 words, write a letter to Jean. In your letter, you should
 Apologise to Jean

 Explain why you won’t be able to go the circus
 Suggest another activity that you can do together next weekend.
From: Minh Thuong, Le Hong Phong street, Phu Hoa ward, Thu Dau Mot city, Binh
Duong Province, Viet Nam.
To: Jean, French
22 th, August 2020
Hi Jean,
How are you? I’m fine. How is your family? I hope they and you Ok. Today I writing this
letter in onder to let you know that I am very sorry for cancel go to the cirus today
without informinh you sooner.
I’m sorry so much for you. I canceled go to the cirus today with you. I prepared
everything for the cirus with you. But the weather rain. You know, today when I go on
my way then all on a rudden is started to rain. I didn’t have my umbrella with me, so I
was wet all. I can’t contact you because my phone was wet and damage for rain. The
weather was so bad that I had to head back home. I’m very sorry.
I know you very angry me. I hope this letter can erase the mis understanding between us.
Beside, can I fix my mistake by inviting you to go the cimena together next weekend? I
hope you with me next weekend.
Send me a letter soon. Tell me about your answer. Have a nice day?
Minh Thuong


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