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Marketo social media cheat sheet facebook

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There are more than 1.1 billion active Facebook users, with half
that number logging in on any given day. Whilst many use it to stay
connected to friends and family, it is also an essential tool in the
marketing toolbox.
Facebook allows your business to be available to people in a
trusted, popular environment, where prospects can see “real”
people (their friends, family or colleagues) interacting with you and
your brand. It has the power of traditional word of mouth referrals,
and sets the stage for you to build stronger, more immediate
But businesses need to strike that critical balance between relevant
content that adds value, with content that just plain entertains.
At Marketo, we like to ask two questions before every Facebook
interaction we plan:
1. Does this help our brand’s likeability?
2. Is this interesting, engaging, useful content?
Posting for the sake of posting can actually hurt your chances of
being seen. The second you post something that is not engaging
or relevant, Facebook will stop amplifying your posts or placing
them in your fans’ newsfeeds.

Facebook Pages and Users’ Timelines
Facebook Pages help your company build awareness, share
enthusiasm, create loyalty, strengthen inbound marketing and

promote peer-to-peer sharing.
From you can choose
the type of page who you wish to create. You’ll be prompted to
invite contacts from your own Facebook friends or invite email
contacts, which can come from an uploaded contact list file.
The “scrapbook” style lets you prominently display key snapshots
of your business, highlight marketing activity and highlight your
company’s milestones, in much the same way as Facebook tells a
story of your life.
The timeline offers more branding and lead-capture options. The
large cover image presents plenty of room for your branding,
marketing images and calls to action so you can capture the eye of
a potential customer and get them on your page.
Comments made on your company page will appear in that user’s
timeline, shared with their own friends. “Likes” will also appear in a
box at the top of their page, keeping you prominently top of mind.

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How to See and Be Seen
Remember that Facebook’s EdgeRank algorithm rewards pages in
the newsfeed based on the number of interactions a page receives.
An interaction can be defined as a summary of “Likes,” posts, or
comments about the page.
To show up at the top of as many users’ newsfeeds as possible
your content must be fresh, engaging, current and compelling.
Then it becomes a cycle; you post content that gets “Likes” and
comments, appears in newsfeeds, increasing the chance of more
interactions. You can check your engagement in Facebook’s
analytics to make sure this is happening.

Visual Content is critical to sharing and maintaining EdgeRank.
On Facebook, people love sharing images, so you want to make
sure that you are leveraging something that is visually stimulating.
Just be wary of copyright regulations. There are image libraries like
iStock and Bigstock where you can pay to download royalty free
images for use in social media.

Facebook Groups
The Group feature, as distinct from a company page, is useful for
demonstrating your company’s passion for a topic, and gather likeminded people to share ideas.
The best part is that the more people join your group, the more it
gets promoted to their friends and networks, increasing the group’s
popularity and growth. Creating a Facebook Group is a great way
for businesses to create awareness, increase inbound links and
foster loyalty.

Facebook Lists
Facebook launched lists in response to Google+. It functions in
a similar way to Google’s circles, allowing you organise lists for
different topics or influencers you want to follow. It means you can
segment your audience and deliver posts for specific groups, or
track analytics based on each. You can clearly see, for example, if
a particular group of people are engaging less than another.



Facebook Promoted Posts

EdgeRank Explained

Promoted posts can be a good way of kick starting your exposure
on Facebook. A sponsored story is made visible to all your fans as
well as their friends.

Posting on Facebook does not guarantee you will instantly appear
at the top of each follower’s newsfeed. The site uses an algorithm
called EdgeRank to determine what posts will be of most interest to
a user. In very simple terms, if users (or their friends) are interacting
with your company/brand on a fairly frequent basis, you show up; if
not, you get dropped.

It is seen by more people than a regular post, so make sure
you choose it to promote content that is strong, current and
Facebook suggests using Promoted Posts for any of the following
to get you more exposure:

Unique, vibrant, and interesting photos and videos
Exclusive events or news

We found the magic formula is to develop clever messaging with a

fun visual, all tied back to a strong offer or piece of content.

When it comes to Facebook marketing, you can use two metrics
to measure your success: engagement rate and the “people are
talking about this” rating.
Your engagement rating can be determined by dividing your
total ‘Likes’ and comments by your total number of fans (Likes
+ Comments/Total # of Fans). That’s why your posts need to be
engaging and spark a reaction. A high engagement rate helps you
build your EdgeRank and gets you seen more often.

Facebook ads can spread further than the reach of your fans and
their network. It can be targeted across the entire Facebook user
base – that’s a lot of people, with some sophisticated selection

Your “people are talking about this” rating is basically your “buzz”
metric. You’ll find the “talking about this” number on the profile
page just under the cover photo. It’s defined as those people:
• sharing, liking or commenting on your posts
• answering a question
• responding to an event or
• claiming an offer

While your Facebook ads need to appeal to your audience,
think outside the box. Use eye catching pictures and compelling
language. Remember: you’re competing for attention in a noisy

The Insights section of your page’s Admin Panel provide more

metrics to assess the level of engagement with your audience. It
includes total likes and the total reach – the number of people who
have seen any content associated with yourpage.

Facebook Apps

The logical question is, “How do we increase our interaction and
sharing?” The answer is to post often and engage your prospects
in dialogue.

Apps are an essential interactive tool, adding an extra dimension to
your Facebook page. You can feature up to twelve apps, with the
photo add appearing by default.
The apps you showcase can be specifically designed by your
company, or you can use plugins to add extra features to
your page. Marketo has developed a custom application that
incentivises “Likes” of our offers. The user can fill in the form
without leaving Facebook, then it syncs with Marketo so you
capture the lead in real time.
Only three selected apps (plus photos) are immediately visible
to users, with the remainder only visible by clicking the tab. It’s
important to optimise these three and rotate them frequently with
fresh offers. It is one of your best chances of showcasing a call to
action or offer that will create conversions.
Take this into consideration when selecting the display images of
your apps. Consider each image as being small advertisement
rather than a simple picture.

More than 70% of interactions occur during the first hour after a
post is made, so getting the timing right for posting is critical. You

need to be available and online to handle the follow-up. And keep
in mind that a post posed as a “question” tends to drive more
interaction than one written as a statement.

Facebook Ads

More than 70% of interactions
occur during the first hour
after a post is made

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