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FB ads-BlackBook

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PART (I) PREFACE ..................................................... 4
PART 1: YOUR ONLINE STORE .................................. 7
Chapter: Online Store Setup .................................................... 8
Chapter: Site Design ............................................................... 12
Chapter: Product Page ........................................................... 16
Chapter: Checkout ................................................................. 21
Chapter: Pricing ...................................................................... 25
Chapter: Payment Gateway ................................................... 27
Chapter: Apps......................................................................... 29
Chapter: Shop Examples ........................................................ 32

PART 2: AD CAMPAIGN .......................................... 35
Chapter: Campaign Foundation ............................................. 36
Chapter: Strategies................................................................. 38
Chapter: Targeting ................................................................. 53
Chapter: Bidding..................................................................... 61

PART 3: AD COPY .................................................... 63
Chapter: General Guidelines .................................................. 64
Chapter: Ad Testing ................................................................ 69
Chapter: Headlines ................................................................. 71
Chapter: Image ....................................................................... 79
Chapter: Ad Text .................................................................... 90

PART 4: FURTHER INFORMATION .......................... 97
Chapter: Important Stuff ........................................................ 98
Chapter: Hunting .................................................................. 101
Chapter: Tools ...................................................................... 107

PART 6: TARGETING ............................................. 160
WHAT’S NEXT ....................................................................... 214


Part (i) Preface


Special thanks to frank, miles beckler, and all the other FB and shopify gurus who
share very valuable information free of cost.

This guide is prepared using publicly available free information from Facebook
groups, youtube channels, blogs and websites. Where appropriate relevant
reference is made. If by mistake a copyrighted material is included in the guide
and you are the owner of it and want it removed, you can contact the author.
Also you can contact the author if you are the provider of specific material and
you want your name to be referenced with the article.

Who this book is for (and not for)

This book contains a wealth of information. In its almost 250 pages it contains
everything from setting up your Shopify store, to scaling your FB campaign, and
everything in between. It contains several different and effective advertising
strategies along with targeting information. Complete separate parts have been
included that contains targeting examples since it’s the deciding factor between
winning and losing campaign, as well as information compiled from FB campaigns
that are generating up to $14k per month. In short, after covering this book from
cover to cover, you will have everything you need to start generating enough
money to live your ideal life.
Having said that, this book is not for absolute basics. I will not teach you how to
setup Facebook ad account etc. A simple Google/YouTube search will get you

going in 30 mins. Once you have your basics down, this book comes into play. It
contains numerous proven techniques, strategies, tips and tricks of the trade that
you can implement on your store and ad campaign and see immediate results.

Join the group of like-minded people who are willing to help each other out to sky
rocket their e-commerce business

Part 1: Your Online Store


Chapter: Online Store Setup


One you have your store setup and running (Yes I won’t be going through the
basic steps of setting up your Shopify store. You can search for that in Youtube.
Don’t worry it’s not that hard) use the following information to make it
professional and convenient.

Install the following apps on your Shopify store to get started. Exhaustive list is
presented in the later chapter.

Beautiful Abandoned Cart Emails
Abandon cart email is must. Use abandon cart email. It greatly increases
revenue. Actually offer discount if you want

Currency Converter
When advertising to different countries use the currency converter to
convert the currency to user’s local one. It greatly improves ease for the
customer since they can easily process the amounts in their local currency.


The MUST have app for all the dropshipers. Use for importing products,
including their images, variants, descriptions directly from AliExpress. Fulfil
orders with one click and keep track of inventory.

Make sure that your store has following pages. It’s preferred to put the pages in
the footer of your website.

FAQ page
You can use to build your FAQ page

About Us
The about page is where people will go to learn more about you when
they're still deciding if they want to buy or not
Visit the following link to get ideas about your ‘About Us’ page.

Shipping & Delivery Information
Most of the sellers on AliExpress have very similar delivery prices and time
frames which you can copy and paste to your store.

Contact Us
Make sure your ‘contact us’ page has your physical address and phone

Privacy policy
Refund policy
Terms of service

Following is a list of recommended themes. Many people are tempted to use the
paid theme in the start. Avoid doing that. Use the free theme. Once you get your

business running and start making money you can move to paid theme if you like.
But free themes work equally well.

Minimal has 'related products' section in the bottom on checkout page,
which can increase sales

If you are out of ideas about your online store use the following domain name
generator to get some ideas.


Chapter: Site Design


In this chapter you will find many points and strategies that are normally
overlooked or missed by store owners. These small things when applied not only
increase the sale several folds but it also makes the store authentic and
professional. Go through the following text and make sure that you pay attention
to each point and do your best to integrate it on your site.

Put ‘accepted credit cards’ and trust badges in the footer of website. This
will increase the trust of visitors and they will more likely to buy if they see
familiar icons on the website.
Integrate chat on website. Keep in mind that customer service is THE factor
for repeating customers (hence revenue). It will help converting visitors to
customers. The best app for this is tawk. It’s free and has a whole chat and
ticketing system integrated into it. Refer following link to get it.

Don’t require registration in order to buy. You can set this in the ‘checkout’
settings of the website. Requiring a customer to sign up first before making
the purchase is one more hurdle before placing the order and one more
reason to abandon the checkout. You would want to make the checkout
process as smooth and as fast as possible.
Change currency (use currency converter app as mentioned in previous
chapter) when selling to different countries
Start with general store with niche categories. As the products start selling
in general store, create a niche store for that niche and do all the fancy
stuff. Many people make the mistake of setting up a niche store in the
start. Don’t be that guy. Remember that normally you’d have to test many
niches and products before you land your winner. If you are putting up
niche stores for that, that’s a lot of money down the drain.
Make sure that each and every link on your website is working properly.
If you put some effort into branding as well as consistent colors and layout
of your website, you could increase your conversion as people will start to
trust you more.
Use Shopify app to collect emails when the user visits your store and
another popup to prevent them from leaving your store. Popup on visit:


offer incentive and collect email. Popup on exit: offer discount to prevent
exit, for example ‘Get 20% discount by using this coupon’)
When there is an abandoned cart, get vigilant to convert that abandon cart
into sale. Email 2 hours after cart abandonment. On 2nd day, email
something like 'your product is still here but in 1 hour it won’t be'
something like that. On 3rd day, email something like ‘stock has been
restacked and we are giving you x% discount’. All of these are extra money
which you can easily capture.
Free shipping is a massive incentive to purchase for most of people. If you
can offer free shipping on all of your items. Free shipping is a great
incentive for buyers.
If you are getting clicks but not getting sales, it means that your ads are
good but your product page has some problems. Reasons can include:
product image, no scarcity, that is you don't have any urgency or scarcity of
product, no trust badges on the site, bad design or description. Work out all

of these issues and optimize your product page.
You can use the ‘hurrify’ app to put up a timer in your product page to give
a sense of urgency and scarcity to the visitors. This will make the visitor
rush to make the purchase. This strategy has been proven to increase sales.
You can also put up the ‘x left in stock’ using this app.
Optimize the checkout process and make sure it’s working. Make sure there
are no surprises and checkout is as smooth as possible. Double check your
trust factors, shipping prices.
It’s also better to inform your customers that your products are sent from
warehouses in Mainland China on the Shipping page. You can mention that
longer shipping times are utilized to keep the prices low.

Following is a great post about top 25 Shopify stores.

You can use those stores to get ideas from their sites. Observe their email popup
styles, their ‘About Us’ and ‘Contact Us’ pages, their product pages and
descriptions. You can learn a lot just be browsing around an online store, and you
can then integrate all that in your own store to make it look more professional
and convenient.


Chapter: Product Page


11 Mind Tricks That You Can Use to Make Your
Visitors Buy

Creating Urgency with Scarcity

1. “Only 1 in stock”

2. “Limited Time Remaining”

3. “Order today and you’ll have the item by Saturday”

Loss Aversion

4. “You save 34%!”

5. The ‘Best Value’ Option

6. “Spend $50 and Get Free Shipping”

Risk Aversion

7. “100% money-back guarantee. Lifetime warranty. Free returns!”

Abandonment Issues

8. “Have a Coupon Code?”

9. “Express Checkout”

10. The “Where’d You Go?” Email


11. “5-star rated!”

Things to consider on product page
 Clearly mention shipping time in bold at the end of product description
 Integrate social proof on product page such as testimonials on page, for
example ‘bought by 5899 customers’ under product title or in the

description. There are several apps for that. The plugin ryviu is a bit
complicated one but it’s remarkable to use since it can import testimonials
directly from Aliexpress, including the images. But you would have to watch
couple of videos (available on the plugin site) to get hold of things
 Make shipping policy clearly visible on all relevant pages: Shipping Policy
Page, Product Page, and Checkout. Name your shipping method "Free
Standard 30 Days Delivery", when they select it in the checkout. This will
greatly reduce the refund requests if your customers already know the
shipping time.
 Add timer to top of description “The sale ends in 14 mins 39 seconds”

Product Description Examples
Bad description example

Good description example


At the end of product description you can put up following (or similar) points to
increase trust of buyers. Also note the icons. It’s better to put these icons in

addition to icons on the top of description


 If the buyer has watermarked images you can email them to get clean
images. Same goes for high quality images. You would be amazed to find
out how responsive and courteous AliExpress sellers are.

Offer free shipping + 10% discount on orders above $100

Or a related offer like ‘spend $100 and get 10% discount + Free Shipping. Offer
ends at midnight’

Chapter: Checkout


In this chapter you will find everything related to the checkout procedure and
how to optimize it to increase your sales several folds

Reasons for cart abandonment


put free shipping or very low shipping cost ($9 for cheap items and $12/14
for costly items)

Allow checkout as guest

Integrate coupon codes on your store (read below)


Add timer to your cart (your order is reserved for 9 minutes) There’s a
shopify app for that. It’s called "Conversion Plus”
( />
Always, ALWAYS order from AliExpress which have ePacket as delivery option.
ePacket is always better to have or else u will have pissed buyer and barely any
repeat buyer! Always use epacket. You need to track your purchases for customer

service reasons and showing payment processors proof of shipment in case of
disputes. You don't want PayPal /stripe withholding all your capital cause you
wanted free shipping. I know someone who had $20k withheld by PayPal because
he used free shipping with no tracking. He had to give up on the 20k. Don't be

that guy

The other method I use is creating a free website using sites like Weebly then
posting a coupon code on that.
When people search for “your site coupon” in the search engine the idea is to get
the coupon site or the free website you created to rank at the top so people can
click on it.
You can also use free blog sites like blogger.com or wordpress.com


Chapter: Pricing


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