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1. Những động từ thông dụng theo sau là “to V”
Có 2 trường hợp:
a. [Cơng thức: S + V + to V]
Afford: đủ khả năng
Appear: xuất hiện
Fail: thất bại
Bear: chịu đựng
Begin: bắt đầu
Choose: lựa chọn
Decide: quyết định
Expect: mong đợi
Wish: ước
Learn: học hỏi
Hesitate: do dự
Intend: dự định
Manage: thành công
Neglect: thờ ơ
Propose: đề xuất
Pretend: giả vờ
Seem: dường như
Swear: thề
b. [Công thức: S + V + O + to V]
Advise: khuyên
Ask: hỏi
Encourage: động viên
Permit: cho phép
Remind: nhắc nhở
Allow: cho phép
Invite: mời
Need: cần

Order: ra lệnh
Request: yêu cầu
Want: muốn
Wish: ước
Mean: nghĩa là
Force: ép buộc
Teach: dạy

Arrange: sắp xếp
Promise: hứa
Refuse: từ chối
Prepare: chuẩn bị
Offer: đề nghị
Want: muốn
Forbid: cấm
Expect: mong đợi
Persuade: thuyết phục
Instruct: hướng dẫn
Tempt: xúi giục

2. Những động từ theo sau là “V-ing”
Anticipate: Tham gia
Avoid: Tránh
Delay: Trì hỗn
Postpone: Trì hỗn
Quit: Bỏ
Admit: chấp nhận
Deny: từ chối
Mention: đề cập
Suggest: gợi ý

Urge: thúc giục
Discuss: thảo luận
Urge: thúc giục
Continue: tiếp tục
Involve : bao gồm
Keep: giữ
Practice: thực hành
Dislike: ko thích
Mind: quan tâm
Enjoy: thích
Love: yêu
Hate: ghét
Resent: gửi lại
Tolerate: cho phép
Resist: chống cự
Recall: nhắc
Consider: cân nhắc
Understand: hiểu
Imagine: tưởng tượng
Ngoài ra, những cụm từ sau cũng theo sau là V-ing:
 It’s no use/It’s no good, There’s no point (in)..., It’s (not) worth..., Have difficult (in)...
 It’s a waste of time/money..., Spend/waste time/money..., Be/get used to...
 Be/get accustomed to..., Do/Would you mind...?, Be busy doing something...
 What about...? How about...?

3. Động từ nguyên mẫu khơng to (Infinitive without to)

Sau các trợ động từ khuyết thiếu (modal verbs).

Sau các động từ: let, make, help, see, hear, feel, watch, notice + tân ngữ.

Lưu ý: Sau help + object có thể là một động từ nguyên mẫu có to hoặc khơng to.

Sau các cụm động từ had better, would rather, had sooner và sau why hoặc why not.

4. Những động từ theo sau gồm cả “to V” và “V-ing”:

Nghĩa tương đối giống nhau với cả hai cách sử dụng















Ví dụ:

I began playing sport when I was 5 = I began to play sport when I was 5.
I love taking photos = I love to take photos.

Nghĩa khác nhau với cả hai cách sử dụng
Stop V-ing: dừng làm gì (dừng hẳn)
Stop to V: dừng lại để làm việc gì
Remember/forget/regret to V: nhớ/quên/tiếc sẽ phải làm gì (ở hiện tại – tương lai)
Remember/forget/regret V-ing: nhớ/quên/tiếc đã làm gì (ở quá khứ)
Try to V: cố gắng làm gì
Try V-ing: thử làm gì
Like V-ing: Thích làm gì vì nó thú vị, hay, cuốn hút, làm để thường thức.
Like to do: làm việc đó vì nó là tốt và cần thiết
Prefer V-ing to V-ing: thích làm gì hơn hơn làm gì
Prefer + to V + rather than (V): thích làm gì hơn hơn làm gì
Mean to V: Có ý định làm gì.

Mean V-ing: Có nghĩa là gì.
Need to V: cần làm gì
Need V-ing: cần được làm gì (= need to be done)
Used to V: đã từng/thường làm gì trong quá khứ (bây giờ không làm nữa)
Be/Get used to V-ing: quen với việc gì (ở hiện tại)
Advise/allow/permit/recommend + Object + to V: khuyên/cho phép/ đề nghị ai làm gì.
Advise/allow/permit/recommend + V-ing: khuyên/cho phép, đề nghị làm gì.

5. Những động từ theo sau gồm cả “V” và “V-ing”:
See/hear/smell/feel/notice/watch + Object + V-ing: cấu trúc này được sử dụng khi người nói chỉ
chứng kiến 1 phần của hành động.
See/hear/smell/feel/notice/watch + Object + V: cấu trúc này được sử dụng khi người nói chứng kiến
toàn bộ hành động.
I. Choose the best answer for each sentence below:
1. They should postpone _________ for another week or so.
A. to leave
B. leave
C. leaving
D. left
2. He noticed two thieves _________ out of a house.
A. to come
B. are coming
C. in coming D. come
3. She couldn’t bear _________ tears when she saw the film “Romeo and Juliet”.
A. shed
B. to shed
C. shedding
D. sheds

4. Ann likes _________ but she hates _________
A. cook / washing
B. to cook / wash
C. cooking / washed
D. cooking / washing
5. It’s no use _________ him.
A. helping
B. to help
C. help
D. helps
6. I enjoy _________ to classical music.
A. listening
B. to listen
C. listens
D. listen
7. I really regret _________ your feeling when I asked you such a silly question.
A. hurt
B. to hurt
C. hurting
D. hurts
8. He’ll try _________ the same mistake again.
A. not make
B. to not make
C. not making
9. Would you mind _________ me a newspaper?
A. buy
B. to buy
C. buying
10. Would you like _________ the next dance with me?

A. to have
B. having
C. has

D. not to
D. bought
D. had

11. I hate him _________ friends with those guys.
A. make
B. to make
C. making
D. made
12. Did you remember _________ Ann? – Oh, no. I completely forgot it.
A. phone
B. to phone C. phoning
D. phoned
13. Does the city government intend _________ anything about pollution?
A. do B. to do
C. doing
D. did
14. They finished _________ and then they wanted _________ out for pleasure.
A. learn / to go
B. to learn / go
C. learnt / goes
D. learning / to go
15. When you see Tom, remember _________ him my regards.
A. give

B. to give
C. giving
D. given
16. I hope _________ that tiring work again.
A. not do
B. not to do C. not doing D. to not do
17. They postpone _________ an Element School for the lack of finance.
A. built
B. to build
C. building
D. builds
18. It’s no use _________ him. He never allows anybody _________ advice.
A. advise / give
B. to advise / to give
C. advising / giving
D. advising / to give
19. Are his ideas worth _________ to?
A. listen
B. to listen
C. listening
D. listened
20. He always avoids _________ me in the streets.
A. meet
B. to meet
C. met
21. My parents decided _________ a taxi because it was late.

D. meeting

A. take

B. to take
22. Do you agree _________ me some money?

C. taking

D. took

A. lend
B. to lend
23. Tom refuses _________ his address.

C. lending

D. lent

A. give
B. giving
C. to give
24. The passengers asked her how _________ to the police station?

D. gave

A. to get
B. getting
C. got
25. My friends arranged _________ to the airport in time.

D. get

A. meet

B. to meet
C. meeting
26. Do you plan _________ out or _________ at home at this
A. go / stay
B. to go / stay
C. going / stay

D. met

D. to go /
27. I dislike _____ in line. - So do I. That’s why I prefer ___ at night when there are fewer
A. wait / shop
B. to wait / shopping
C. waiting / shopping
D. waiting / to shop
28. He continued _________ after his illness.
A. worked
B. work
C. to working
D. working
29. My watch’s hands keeps _________.
A. stopping
B. to stop
C. stopped
D. stop
30. Have you ever watched people _________ _________ fish?
A. try / catch

B. to try / catching
C. trying / to catch
D. tried / caught

31. My grandfather is used to _________ up early in the morning.
A. getting
B. to get
C. get
D. got
32. Don’t forget _________ her message when you see her.
A. give
B. to give
C. giving
D. gave
33. I can’t help _________ his opinions.
A. consider
B. to consider
C. considering
34. You should try _________ any shirts you want to buy.
A. wear
B. to wear
C. wearing
D. wears
35. He used to fall asleep without _________ his shoes off.
A. take
B. to take
C. taking

D. taken
36. I stopped ______ about her illness and went on _______ you about all her other problems.
A. to talk / telling
B. to talk / to tell
C. talking /to tell
D. talk / tell
37. I’d love _________ coat like that.
A. have
B. to have
C. having
D. has
38. I intend _________ her what I think.
A. tell
B. to tell
39. Every hour I stop ____________ a little rest.
A. working / to have

C. telling

D. told

B. to work / to have

C. working / having
D. to work / having
40. You should give up _________ right now if you want _________ longer.
A. smoke / lived
B. to smoke / living C. smoking / to live D. smoked / live
41. Students stopped _________ noise when the teacher came in.
A. make

B. to make
C. making
D. made
42. When you see her, don’t forget _________ her my postcards.
A. give
B. to give
C. giving
D. given
43. Don’t forget _________ her the message when you see him.
A. give
B. to give
C. giving
D. gave
44. He spends hours _________ to repair his car.
A. try B. to try
C. trying
D. tries
45. I remember _________ you somewhere last month.
A. met
B. to meet
C. meet
D. meeting
46. Mary agreed _________ to the circus with Ann.
A. went
B. to go
C. going
D. goes
47. Mike is considering _________ a new car.
A. bought
B. to buy

C. buying
D. buys
48. It’s no use _________ his opinion.
A. asking
B. to ask
C. ask
D. asks
49. Mrs. Green prefers _________ TV to _________ to the cinema.
A. watching / go
B. to watch / going
C. watching / going
D. watches / go
50. She expects _________ him tomorrow, but I look forward to _________ him right away.
A. see / see
B. to see / see
C. see / seeing
D. to see /
51. She should avoid _________ other people’s feeling.
A. hurting
B. to hurt
C. hurt
D. hurts
52. The soil needs _________ immediately.
A. fertilize
B. to fertilize
C. fertilizing
D. fertilized
53. They advise me _________ a raincoat.

A. wear
B. to wear
C. wearing
D. wore
54. You need _________ these plants as soon as possible.
A. fertilize
B. to fertilize
C. fertilizing
D. fertilizes
55. You’d better _________ what you think in front of the conference.
A. say
B. to say
C. saying
D. said
56. He always tries _________ _________ there _________ her.
A. delaying / coming / meet B. to delay / to come / to meet
C. delaying / come / meeting
D. to delay / coming / to meet
57. There is nothing _________ this situation to her.
A. hide
B. to hide
C. hiding
D. hidden
58. I regret _________ able to attend your birthday party yesterday.
A. not to be B. to not be C. not be
D. not being
59. Thank you for _________ me such a warm message.
A. send
B. to send

C. sending
D. sent
60. She detests _________ all day with strangers.
A. chatting
B. to chat
61. Can you _________ Chinese?

C. to chatting

D. chat

A. speak
B. to speak
C. speaking
62. My parents decided _________ a taxi because it was late.

D. spoke

A. take
B. to take
C. taking
63. We enjoy _________ here and _________ all your news.

D. took

A. be / hear

B. to be / to hear

C. being / hear

64. Ask your friends about your homework. He would be able _________ you.
A. help
B. helped
C. helping
D. to
65. Please try _________ quiet when you come home.
A. be
B. to be
66. I don’t like anybody _________ at me.

C. being

D. been

A. shout
B. to shout
67. Do you agree _________ me a hand?

C. shouting



A. give
B. to give
C. giving
D. given
68. Would you like _________ to the cinema with us tomorrow evening?
A. to come
B. come
C. coming
D. came
69. Pupils started _________ the lesson yesterday.
A. write
B. to write
C. writing
D. written
70. I like _________ school by bus, but I hate _________ in the rain and wait for it.
A. go / to stand
B. to go / stand
C. going / standing D. went / stood
71. Does your sister like _________?
A. cooks
B. cooking
C. to be cooked
72. This girl can’t bear _________ alone.
A. am
B. to be
C. being
D. been

73. My uncle has given up _________.
A. to smoke
B. smoke
C. smokes
D. smoking
74. Do you mind _________ to John ask him _________ us?
A. speaking / to help
B. to speak / help

C. speak / help
D. speaks / to help
75. I’ll begin _________ this novel later.
A. read
B. to reading
C. reading
76. Please stop _________ me in the middle of the sentence.
A. interrupt
B. to interrupt
C. interrupting
77. My brother gave up _________ two years
A. smokes
B. smoke
C. to smoke
78. Did you miss _________ her yesterday?

D. to be reading
D. interrupts
D. smoking

A. to see
B. saw
79. We arranged _________ the scientists here.

C. see

D. seeing

A. met
B. to meet
80. I wish _________ the principal at my school.

C. meeting

D. meet

A. see
B. to see
C. seeing
81. My girl friend is afraid of _________ out alone when it gets dark.

D. saw

A. goes
B. to go
C. going
D. go
82. He continues _________ after his illness. But now, he is having stomachache.
A. working

B. to work
C. worked
D. works
83. I’d like _________ there _________ my girlfriend’s parents.
A. go / see
B. to go / to see
C. going / seeing
D. goes / seen
84. Would you like _________ to the party with us?
A. come
B. to come
C. coming
D. came
85. I was very tired. I tried _________ my eyes open, but I couldn’t.
A. keep
B. kept
C. keeping
D. to keep
86. I want _________ a pair of shoes in this shop, but I need to try _________ them.
A. buy / to wear
B. to buy / to wear C. buying / wearing D. to buy / wearing
87. We have to go _________ this morning.
A. shopping B. shopped C. being shopped
D. to be shopped
88. He spent hours trying _________ the clock.
A. repair
B. to repair C. repairing D. repairs
89. It’s no use _________ for her arrival.
A. wait
B. to wait

C. waiting
D. waits
90. Is there anything worth _________ here?
A. buy
B. to buy
C. buys
D. buying
91. The biologist doesn’t allow us _________ in the laboratory.
A. smoke
B. to smoke
C. smoking
D. smoked
92. Would you mind _________ your address on the back of this check?
A. write
B. to write
93. I don’t enjoy _________ to the dentist’s.

C. writing

D. written

A. go
B. to go
C. going
94. I don’t regret _________ her what I thought even if it upset her.

D. goes

A. to tell
B. told

C. tell
95. Remember _________ Katie my greeting card when you see him.

D. telling

A. give
B. to give
C. giving
96. My friends has given up _________ and prefers _________ pork.

D. gave

A. drink / eat
B. to drink / eating C. drinking / to eat
97. I had to ask the boys _________ _________ billiards all the day.

D. drank /

A. to stop / playing
B. to stop / to play
C. stopping / playing
D. stops / to play
98. My teacher promised _________ me _________ for my next examination.
A. help / prepare
B. to help / prepare C. helping / to prepare
D. helped / preparing
99. I would like him _________ _________ more English lessons.
A. to start / take B. to start / taking

C. starting / take
D. starting /
taking 100. I hate _________ _________ aloud without _________ the new
A. practise / reading / learn
B. to practise / to read / to learn
C. practising / reading / learning
D. practises / reading / to learn 101. She
doesn’t want you _________ to her arrival.
A. mention
B. to mention
C. mentioning
D. mentions
102. Did you manage _________ _________ these parcels alone?
A. finishing / to pack B. finishing / packing
C. to finish / to pack
D. to finish / packing
103. Have you ever watched people _________ _________ fish?
A. try / catch B. to try / to catch C. trying / to catch D. tried / catch
104. Can someone _________ me how _________ into film from the camera’s pictures?
A. show / change
B. to show / to change
C. showing / change
D. show / to change
105. I’ll try _________ such a foolish thing again.
A. not to cause
B. to not cause
C. not causing
D. to cause not
106. Susan has decided _________ her friends _________ as she pleases.

A. allow / do B. to allow / to do
C. allowing / do
D. To allow / doing
107. Everybody would like _________ to a higher position.
A. to promote
B. promotes
C. promoting
108. He climbed over the wall without _________ .
A. seeing
B. to see
C. being seen
109. I remember _________ a toy car on my fifth birthday.

D. to be seen

A. to be given
B. being given
C. to give
D. giving
110. They always try _________ _________ the bridge as they promised before.
A. to postpone / to build
B. postpone / build C. to
postpone / building D. postponing / built
111. I can’t help _________ for her acceptance.
A. to wait
B. waiting

C. wait
D. waited
112. Don’t be afraid of _________ that animal.
A. touch
B. touches
113. I am accustomed to _________ on my own.

C. touching

A. living
B. to live
C. live
114. They are looking forward to _________ your news.
A. hear

B. to hear

C. hearing

D. lives
D. heard

115. American women have got used to _________ independently recently.
A. live
B. to live
C. living

D. lives
116. We won’t let you_________ what we are going to do with him.
A. know
B. to know
C. knowing D. known
117. The manager told me _________ harder.
A. work
B. working C. to work
D. worked
118. Americans often say “Thank you” when you help them _________ something.
A. do
B. makes
C. to doing
D. doing
119. I cannot help _________ anxious about the exam results.
A. to feel
B. feel
120. I can hear a cat _________ on the roof.
A. scratching

B. scratches

C. feeling

D. felt

121. It is essential that every student _________ to learn English at university.
A. to have

B. have
122. These trousers need _________.

C. to scratch

C. has

D. had

A. clean
B. to clean
C. cleaning
123. Technology plays a key role in _________ future.

D. cleaned

A. to shape
B. shaping
C. shaped
124. I remember _________ them somewhere in the city.

D. shape

A. to see
B. saw
125. It's better _________ too early than too late.

D. seeing

C. seen


A. is
B. be
C. to be
126. I didn't need _________ anything. I just sat there and listened.

D. being

A. say
B. saying
127. We are _________ of the long journey.


C. to say

A. tiring
B. tire
C. tired
128. What do you hope _________ when you graduate?

D. to tire

A. do
B. to do
C. doing

129. Where do you decide _________ go after class?

D. does

A. going
B. go
C. went
130. I think everyone wants _________ more spare time.

D. to go

A. to have
B. have
C. having
131. He is expecting _________ a trip to Ha Long Bay.

D. had

A. make
B. to make
C. making
132. I regret _________ you that you fail the test.

D. made

A. to tell
B. telling
133. Is there anything here worth _________?

D. told

C. tell

A. buy
B. to buy
C. buying
134. She regrets _________ him some money. He never paid me back.

D. bought

A. lent
B. lend
C. to lend
135. I’ll never forget _________ with you here last year.

D. lending

A. working
B. to work
C. work
136. Remember _________ us a postcard when you get there.

D. worked

A. send
B. sending
137. I learnt _________ when I was

C. to send

D. sent

A. to drive
B. drive
138. We don’t allow _________ here.
A. smoke
B. smoking
139. This computer needs _________.

C. drove

D. driven

C. to smoke


A. repair
B. to repair
140. Jack needs _________ a new computer.

C. repairing


A. to buy
B. buy

C. buying
D. bought
141. I remember _________ the chairs into the living room, but where are they now?
A. to bring
B. bring
C. bringing D. brought
142. Try _________ it. It isn’t worth _________.
A. to forget / worrying
C. to forget / to worry
B. forgetting / worry D. forget / worrying
143. I asked Mary _________ for a moment.
A. to lend me her pen C. lend me her pen B. lend to me her pen
D. lending her
pen to me
144. Ann told him _________ if she was late.
A. not wait for her
C. not to wait for her B. don’t wait for her D. doesn’t
wait for her
145. Nancy’s mother told her _________ change her plans.
A. not
B. doesn’t
C. not to
D. didn’t
146. Would you mind _________ the door?
A. open
B. to open
C. opening
147. You should give up _________ or you will die of cancer.

D. opened

A. smoke
B. to smoke
C. smoking
148. We regret _________ you that we can’t approve your suggestion.

D. smoked

A. inform
B. to inform
C. informing
149. He began _________ English two years ago.


A. learn
B. learnt
150. The machine needs _________.

D. learns

C. learning

A. repair
B. to repair
C. repairing
151. The driver stopped _________ a coffee because he felt sleepy.



A. have
B. to have
C. having
152. Have you ever considered _________ a pharmacist?

D. had

A. become
B. to become
C. becoming
D. became
153. I remember _________ my mother say the grass in the garden needed _________.
A. to hear / cutting B. hear / cut
C. heard / to cut
D. hearing / cutting 154.
Would you like _________ go out with me?
A. go
B. to go
C. went
D. gone
155. Avoid _________ such a mistake again.
A. make
B. to make
156. My father wanted me _________ a pilot.

C. making

D. made

A. become
B. becoming
157. What makes you _________ so?

C. to become


A. do
B. did
C. done
158. Mr. Thomas doesn’t allow _________ in his office.

D. doing

A. smoke
B. to smoke
C. smoking
159. Mr. Thomas doesn’t let anyone _________ in his office.


A. smoke

B. to smokes

C. smoking

160. My teacher doesn’t allow us _________ while he is explaining the lesson.
A. talk
B. talking
C. to talk
D. talks
161. I do not have enough money _________ this book.
A. buy
B. to buy
C. buying
D. bought
162. It is no use _________ to school if you _________ to work hard.
A. going / do not ready
B. to go / do not ready
C. going / are not ready
D. go / are not ready
163. They spent all day _________ and _________ on the beach.
A. to swim / sunbathing
B. to swim / to sunbathe
C. swimming / to sunbathe
D. swimming / sunbathing
164. We were made _________ all the cleaning in the house.
A. to do
B. do C. doing
D. done
165. We regret _________ you that you have exceeded your overdraft facility.
A. to inform

B. informing
C. to tell to
166. Why don’t you try _________ the key anti-clockwise?
A. to turn
B. on turning
C. turning
D. turn
167. We don’t allow _________ in the classrooms.
A. that students smoke
B. smoke C. students to smoke
D. to
168. I really must _________ on with my work now.
A. to get
B. getting
C. get D. to getting
169. Why don’t you do what you’re told, instead of _________ such a song and dance about
A. to make
B. making
C. made
D. make
170. I rashly posted the parcel without _________ it.

A. weighing
B. weigh
C. weighed

171. Can you please _________ me a little about yourself?

D. to weigh

A. to tell
B. telling
C. tell
172. How can you waste all that money on _________?

D. going to

A. gamble

B. to gamble

C. gambling



173. “My watch is broken. ” “Why don’t you _________”
A. have it repair
B. have it repairing C. have it for repair D. have it repaired
174. Yesterday we did nothing but _________
A. talking
B. talked
C. talk

D. had talked
175. Instead of _________ a new car, she'll have her old one _________.
A. to buy / repaired B. buying / to repair
C. buying / be repaired
D. buying / repaired
176. I tried _________ the bus, but I missed it.
A. catching
B. to catch
C. catch
D. catch up
177. I'm sorry I haven't got any money _________you. Why don't you try _________ Peter?
A. to lend / to ask
B. lending / asking C. to lend / asking
D. lending / to ask
178. After _________ asleep, I saw a strange person at the foot of the bed.
A. fall
B. falling
C. fell
D. fallen
179. After all this time, John should take the bull by the horns and ask Mary _________ him.
A. to marry
B. marry
C. marrying
D. married
180. He told me _________ early.
A. to try to come
B. to try coming
181. My shoes need _________.

C. try to come

D. try coming

A. to clean
B. clean
C. cleaning
182. The robber made the bank manager _________ the money.

D. be cleaned

A. hand over
B. to hand over
C. handing over
183. I advise you _________ your money in the bank.



A. to put
B. put
C. putting
D. be put
184. I'll have the mechanic _________ my car this weekend.
A. to repair
B. repaired
C. repairing D. repair
185. When crossing the room, the night nurse happened to notice the old lady ___ to get out
of bed.

A. has tried
B. to try
C. trying
D. tried
186. “Those lanterns are interesting. " - "We saw _________ at the art fair"
A. them made B. them make C. they made D. making them
187. The manager had me _________ his paper for him last night.
A. to type
B. type
C. to have typed
D. typed
188. We suggested _________ in hotels but the children were anxious _________ out.
A. sleep / to camp
B. sleeping / to camp
C. to sleep / to camp
D. sleeping / camping
189. Mai should seriously consider _________ an actress. She is good at performing.
A. to become B. become
C. becoming D. will become
190. "Where is the sofa?" "I got my son _________ it to the sitting room. "
A. take
B. to take
C. taken
D. taking
191. I regret _________ you that I can't attend your party tomorrow.
A. to tell
B. telling
C. tell D. told

192. Have you ever tried _________ across this river?
A. swim
B. swimming C. to swim
D. swam
193. Students stopped _________ noise when the teacher came in.
A. make
B. to make
C. making
D. made
194. How soon do you expect _________ for South America?
A. leave
B. to leave
C. leaving
D. left
195. You shouldn’t risk _________ that building in its present condition.
A. entering
B. enter
C. entered
D. to enter
196. I’ll need _________ a new winter coat before long.
A. buy
B. to buy
C. buying
D. to be bought
197. Are you going to suggest _________ by train or not?
A. traveling B. travel
C. to travel
D. traveled
198. Those shirts need _________ but you needn’t _________ them now.
A. iron / iron B. to iron / to iron

C. ironing / iron
D. ironed / to iron 199. Our
guests don’t plan _________ until the end of the week.
A. leave
B. leaving
C. to have left
D. to leave
200. I can’t stand _________ to his complaints any longer.
A. listen
B. listening
C. to listen
201. I will remember _________ Mr. Brown your massage.
A. to give
B. giving
202. Jack confessed to _________ the jewels.

C. give

D. gave

A. stealing
B. steal
C. stole
D. stolen
203. "Why did you go to work by taxi?" - "I let my son _________ my car to a party. "
A. driven
B. drove
C. drive

D. to drive
204. Is this the right place to catch the bus to the shopping center?
- Yes just be sure _________ the number fourteen.
A. to take
B. taking
C. take
205. Famous people get tired of ___________everywhere they go.

D. Takes

A. recognizing
B. to recognize
C. recognize
206. I’m worried _______ my final exam in statistics.


a. about falling
b. to fall
c. with falling
207. ________ the scholarship really surprised me .

d. to fallure

a. Mike got
b. Mike getting
c. Mike’s getting
208. Many northerners look forward _______ a garden in the spring .

d. Mike gets


a. to plant
b. to planting
c. with planting
d. to planting of
209. Who is responsible _______ the garbage – the husband of the wife ?
a. to take out
b. for take out
c. for taking out
d. with taking out
210. “It’s difficult to make money as an artist .”
– “ Have you considered _______ a course in business for artists ?”
a. To take
b. about taking
c. your taking
d. taking
211. “ Why have you decided to go back to school ”
– “ I’m tired _______ as a secretary .”
a. for work
b. to work
c. of working
d. about working
212. “ How do you like American food ?”
– “ Well, it’s not bad . Now I _______ hamburgers .”

a. used to eat

b. am used to eat
c. used to eating
d. am used to eating
213. We insisted ___________ by the manager .
a. to be seen
b. to see
c. on being seen
d. on seeing
214. ______ a foreign language well is a long process.
a. Learn
b. Learning
c. To learning
d. Having learned
215. What do you enjoy _______ in your free time ?
a. doing
b. do
c. to do
d. done
216. You can’t go to England without _________ to Bucking ham Palace .
