Intro to Lean
Special Requests
1. Please speak English during exercises so
that we can listen in and assist you as
2. Use English and ALL CAPS when writing on
sticky notes.
3. Please be concise and legible when
writing on sticky notes.
1. Please ask me questions!
2. Ask me to repeat content
3. Ask me to speak slower
4. Don’t forget to throw paper...
Something is
Big Idea #1
The vast majority of startups fail
not because they couldn't build
their product...
But because nobody WANTED their
Big Idea #1
By the time the founders figure out
their idea isn't good enough...
It's too late to make it better.
Why Do Startups Succeed?
Big Idea #2
"The vast majority of [successful]
startups abandoned their initial
plans and learned what did and did
not work in the market."
Clayton Christensen, The
Innovator's Dilemma
Successful Pivots
Core Concepts
Customer Development
Customer Development
4 Steps...
Customer Development
"Get out of the building!"
Learning activity focused on gaining deeper
insight into the PROBLEM your solution is
solving for.
"No business plan survives first contact
with customers."
-Steve Blank
Customer Development
Focus on customer behavior to reveal
underlying motivations:
Attitudes, Needs, & Goals
Customer Development
Founders often fear talking to customers…
● Fear of rejection
● Fear their idea is wrong
● General discomfort
Customer Development
Get out of your
comfort zone!
Customer Development
Lean Startup
Validated Learning
What’s it all about?
1. Lean is about SPEED
The Lean Startup method is not
about cost, it is about speed.
● Iteration
● Experimentation
● Validated Learning