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IELTS TASK 2 agree disagree

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Some people believe that violent media directly results in violent behaviour. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
Media have been increasingly ubiquitous and have an enormous impact on the life of every
single citizen. It is thought that when the media portray violence, it could cause negative
influences on human behaviour. I totally agree with this statement due to some reasons, which
should be presented in the following paragraphs.
To begin with, violent media leads to dangerous actions. It is undeniable that people are more
inclined to approach modern technology such as the internet, and social media at an early age,
thus the young generation could receive a plethora of information. However, at a young age,
people are incompetent to filter information and access suitable content. As a consequence,
violent media could easily leave a lasting impression on teenagers’ minds and motivate them to
imitate the same behaviour. For instance, the Blue Whale challenge, an online game that
focuses on violence, has encouraged teenagers around the world to commit suicide or inflict
self-harm in various ways. Consequently, more than 200 cases of suicide in connection to the
challenge have been confirmed across the globe.
In addition, violent content in media might cause thinking distortions. To be more detailed,
entertainment media including movies and films which have a lot of scenes of gratuitous
violence and criminal activities could make watchers assume that aggression and violence are
normal. Hence, people would be able to engage in unlawful acts or become victims because
they are immune to violent acts. To illustrate, in 2016, one Chinese girl attacked her sister with a
mechanical saw after watching one cartoon series.
To sum up, violence brings a wide range of disadvantages for people as well as social. I firmly
believe that violent media directly results in violent behaviour.

Some people claim that too much focus and resources have been spent to
protect wild animals and birds.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
The prevailing view is that we are spending too much money and time on protecting wild
animals while there are more urgent issues to put effort into. I totally disagree with this
statement, as animal extinction would cause a plethora of dire consequences.
Industrial activities have been devastating the natural habitats of wildlife and disturbing

the food chain, causing the mass extinction of countless species. The increasing
demand for goods made from animals' parts, such as skins and horns, also leads to the
rampant poaching of wild, endangered animals. Moreover, activities that were once
believed to have no effect or indirect effect on wild animals, including deforestation and
pollution, have now been debunked by scientists as they have proven their direct impact

on the livelihood of these animals. Unless no protection for these animals is provided,
the human race will have to face dire consequences as a direct result of their action. For
instance, various diseases, including novel acute pneumonia, which previously was
reported to be only in existence among certain types of wild creatures, have now been
witnessed in mass among humans as these animals have been mostly hunted.
Another justification for saving wild animals is that we, as humans, need to be well
aware of the significant roles that they play in not only the balance of the ecosystems
but also our lives. Organizations should hold campaigns and spread awareness about
conserving wildlife. For example, boycotting products made from animal body parts,
such as elephants’ ivory. If the need for home ornaments do not decrease, more
elephants, rhinos and tigers would be killed to meet the market’s demand for their ivory,
horns and fur.
To sum up, everything that has been stated so far, protecting wild animals as well as
birds is a necessary task that humans should take into account immediately to prevent
further consequences.

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