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1. Kiến thức cơ bản:
(Ngắn ) : 1 âm tiết ( hot, cold ) hoặc 2 âm tân cùng là y, er, et, ow
(Dài ) : từ 2 âm trở lên
(âm tiết thì được tính bàng các chữ cái UEOAI có trong từ, ví dụ NICE là 1 âm tiết vì E cuối từ AUTO
CÂM, và I là 1 chữ I nên là 1 âm tiết)
Dạng so sánh kép
1. So sánh đồng tiến (Càng…….. Càng…….)
a. The adj/adv (so sánh hơn)+ S+ tobe/V….. , the adj/adv (so sánh hơn)+ S+ tobe/V…..
b. The MORE adj/adv + S+ tobe/V….. , the MORE adj/adv + S+ tobe/V…..
2. So sánh luỹ tiến (Càng ngày càng…)
a. S+ tobe/V+ adj/adv+ ER+ and+ adj/ adv+ ER
b. S+ tobe/ V+ more and more+ adj/adv…………...
Tổng kết:
- Nếu chỗ trống là sau dấu phẩy hoặc trước dấu phẩy (đầu câu) và có THE…….. thì chọn THE+ SO SÁNH
- Nếu chỗ trống là ở giữa câu, thì chọn SO SÁNH HƠN AND SO SÁNH HƠN
Good/ well
The best
Bad/ badly
The worst

The least
Further (về thời gian)
The furthest
Farther (về khoảng cách)
The farthest
Nearer (về khoảng cách)
The nearest
Later (về thời gian)
The latest (về thời gian)
The last (về thứ tự)
The oldest
The eldest
The commonest
More common
The most common

The earliest
Much/ many
The most
2. Luyện tập:
1. ……….. a person gets, ……….the chance they will develop a disease that harms the brain.
A. So old - greater than B. Too old - a lot greater
C. The older - the greater
D. The oldest - the greatest
2. People are becoming…………….aware of healthy eating, exercise, and relaxation, and want to
incorporate them into their daily lives.
A. hardly ever
B. rather than
C. more and more
D. much as
3. The more she practises, …………….she becomes.
A. the greater confidence
B. more confidently
C. the more confident
D. the most confident
4. The more you talk about the situation, ……………..
A. it seems worse
B. the worse it seems
C. the worse does it seem
D. it seems the worse
5. The older you are, ……………..

Đề cương ôn thi TN THPT 2021_ Mr. Anh Thắng (Nguyễn Hải Việt)

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A. the more you may become worried
B. the more worried you may become
C. the more worry you may become
D. you may become more worried
6. Sound comes in waves, and the higher the frequency, ……………..
A. higher is the pitch
B. the pitch is higher
C. the higher the pitch D. pitch is higher
7. The more you have tried to edit the article, ……………..
A. it becomes better
B. the more it has become
C. the better it becomes
D. it has becomes better and better
8. Hubble’s law states that the greater the distance between any two galaxies, …………….is their relative
speed of separation.
A. the greatest
B. the greater
C. greater than
D. as great as
9. The better the weather is, ……………..
A. the beaches get the more crowded
B. the beaches get the most crowded
C. the most crowded the beaches get
D. the more crowded the beaches get
10. The country is rapidly losing its workers as……………..

A. people are emigrating more
B. more and more people are emigrating
C. people emigrating are more and more
D. more emigrating people are
11. …………….you study for these exams, …………….you will do.
A. The harder - the better
B. The more - the much
C. The hardest - the best
D. The more hard - the more good
12. The more waste paper we recycle, ……………..
A. the least trees we preserve
B. the most trees we preserve
C. the fewer trees we preserve
D. the more trees we preserve
13. New York is _______ Seattle.
A. larger than
B. more large than
C. as larger than
D. more larger than
14. Our house is _______ yours.
A. as big than
B. as bigger as
C. bigger than
D. more big than
15. City life is _______ country life.
A. as busier as
B. busier than
C. more busier than
D. most busy as
16. Of the two, the round table is _______.

A. the nicest
B. a nice one
C. nicer
D. the nicer
17. I feel _______ better than I did yesterday.
A. a little
B. more
C. a few
D. many
18. There is nothing _______ travelling abroad.
A. more interesting than
B. more interesting as
C. as interesting than
D. the most interesting than
19. He finds physics _______ other science subjects.
A. far more difficult than
B. much difficulter than
C. too more difficult than
D. more much difficult than
20. His car is _______ mine.
A. more expensive and faster than
B. faster and more expensive than
C. more faster and expensive than
D. more expensive than and faster than

Đề cương ôn thi TN THPT 2021_ Mr. Anh Thắng (Nguyễn Hải Việt)

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1. The cuisine of France is _______
A. more famous than that of England
B. famous than the cuisine of England
C. more famous than which of England
D. as famous than that of England
2. Russian is a _______ language to learn than English is.
A. difficult
B. more difficult
C. most difficult
D. more and more difficult
3. He has _______ his sister does.
A. as friends as
B. more friends as
C. many friends than
D. more friends than
4. There are _______.
A. twice as much computers in our office as there was
B. as twice many computers in our office as they were
C. twice as many computers in our office than there used to be
D. twice as many computers in our office as there used to be
5. Silver is not _______ gold,
A. as much heavy as
B. so heavy than
C. more heavier as
D. so heavy as
6. I think cow is _______ of all animals.
A. most useful
B. less useful
C. the most useful

D. the more useful
7. The new machines use _______ the old ones.
A. less water and electricity more than
B. less water and electricity than
C. less water and electricity
D. as less water and electricity than
8. Try to do this test. It is _______ than the others.
A. less difficult
B. less and less difficult
C. least difficult
D. more and more difficult
9. Summer is _______ season of the year.
A. hottest
B. the hottest
C. the hotter
D. the more hottest
10. It is one of _______ books I have ever had.
A. most useful
B. the most useful
C. the most useful than D. the most useful as
11. Of all athletes, Alex is _______.
A. the less qualified
B. the less and less qualified
C. the more qualified
D. the least qualified
12. Mary was _______ of the two sisters.
A. the clever
B. as clever as
C. the cleverer
D. the cleverest

13. _______ you get to the cinema, _______ seat you have.
A. The sooner / the better
B. The soon / the good
C. The soonest / the best
D. Sooner / Better
14. The picnic was _______ I had expected.
A. more a hundred times fun than
B. a hundred times fun more than
C. a hundred times more fun than
D. more fun than a hundred times
15. _______ he drank, _______ he became.
A. More / more violent B. The most / the most violent
C. The more / the more violent
D. The less / less violent
16. She is _______ her colleagues.
A. as intelligent than
B. so more intelligent than
C. few more intelligent than
D. a lot more intelligent than
17. After three months’ practice, Peter can run _______.
Đề cương ôn thi TN THPT 2021_ Mr. Anh Thắng (Nguyễn Hải Việt)

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A. fast and fast
B. faster and faster
C. the more and more fast
D. more and more fast
18. Her husband is _______ she is.

A. ten years older than B. as ten years old as
C. older ten years than D. so many ten years older
19. Rolls Royce is _______ any other car.
A. much more expensive than
B. as much expensive than
C. so much expensive as
D. very more expensive than
20. They are _______ they used to be.
A. less wealthy as
B. as less wealthy as
C. less wealthy than
D. less wealthy more than

Đề cương ôn thi TN THPT 2021_ Mr. Anh Thắng (Nguyễn Hải Việt)

Trang 4

1. The more ideas you have, _______ you will develop.
A. the projects more B. the more projects C. projects more
D. more projects
2. _______ Elton John became, the more difficult it was for him to avoid reporters.
A. The most famous B. The more famous C. The more famously D. More famous
3. _______ are becoming fed up with the corruption in government.
A. More and more
B. More people and more people
C. More and less people
D. More and more people
4. In many countries in the world with the same job, women only get _______ as men.

A. 40%-50% many salary
B. 40%-50% as much salary
C. 40%-50% as many salary
D. 40%-50% much salary
5. The more carefully you plan, _______ the result will be.
A. better
B. the more well
C. better and better D. the better
6. The more flowers you grow, _______ your garden will be.
A. more pretty
B. the more pretty
C. the prettier
D. prettier
7. It’s becoming _______ to find a job.
A. more and more
B. more harder and more harder
C. less and less
D. harder and harder
8. Many teenagers like facebooking _______ doing sport.
A. more than
B. much as
C. least than
D. so much as
9. The more forests we cut down, _______ the Earth becomes.
A. the hotter
B. the hottest
C. the most hotly
D. the hoter
10. The harder you work, _______ you will obtain results.
A. the more rapidly B. more rapidly than C. the more rapid

D. the most rapidly
11. It gets _______ when the winter is coming.
A. cold and cold
B. the coldest and coldest
C. colder and colder
D. more and more cold
12. The cuisine of France is _______.
A. more famous than that of England
B. famous than the cuisine of England
C. more famous than which of England
D. as famous than that of England
13. The more money he makes, _______ things he buys.
A. more expensive
B. the more expensive
C. most expensive
D. the most expensive
14. She doesn't really like vodka, so the _______ a bottle you find, the _______ it will be for us!
A. smaller /cheap
B. smaller / cheaper C. small / cheaper
D. smaller / good
15. His computer can download files _______ their computer does.
A. as faster as
B. as fastly as
C. as much fast as
D. as fast as
16. The larger the apartment is, the _______ its price is.
A. high
B. higher
C. highest
D. more highly

17. He becomes _______ interested in politics.
A. less
B. fewer and fewer C. less and less
D. as few as
18. The ‘Silver Arrow’ will be _______ in the world when it is built.
A. train faster than B. the train fastest
C. the fastest train
D. faster train than
19. Her motor is _______ mine.
A. as big as twice
B. as two time big as C. twice as big as
D. as twice big as
20. The more educated women are, _______ they marry.
A. later
B. the more late
C. the later
D. the more later
21. This yoghurt _______ the one I bought yesterday.
Đề cương ôn thi TN THPT 2021_ Mr. Anh Thắng (Nguyễn Hải Việt)

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A. does not taste as better as
B. does not taste as good as
C. does not taste better as
D. does not taste good as
22. In the UK, the streets are _______ than in the USA.
A. more narrow generally
B. generally more narrow

C. narrower generally
D. generally narrower
23. The team _______ it was five years ago.
A. is still as best as
B. is still as good as C. is as still best as
D. is as still good as
24. The older he gets, _______ friends he has.
A. less
B. the less
C. the fewer
D. more
25. The more active you are, _______ you will have.
A. less cardiovascular problems
B. the less cardiovascular problems
C. more cardiovascular problems
D. the fewer cardiovascular problems
26. She plays the piano _______ as her sister does.
A. as beautifully
B. more beautifully C. as beautiful
D. the most beautifully
27. The streets are getting more and _______ these days.
A. crowded
B. less crowded
C. more crowded
D. most crowded
28. She has _______ than most people.
A. as much problems
B. most problems
C. as many problems
D. more problems

29. You must explain your problems _______.
A. as clear as you can
B. as clearly as you can
C. as clear than you are
D. as clearly as you are
30. The bicycle costs _______ the other one.
A. three times as much as
B. third as much as
C. third as much
D. three times as much
31. The richer you are, _______.
A. you may become more worried
B. you more worried may become
C. the more worried you may become
D. the more worry you may become
32. Is the North Sea _______ than the Mediterranean Sea?
A. more big
B. bigger
C. more biger
D. biger
33. Of the three courses I did, this one is _______ interesting.
A. the hardest and more
B. harder but more
C. the harder but more
D. the hardest but most
34. December is _______ month of the year in my country.
A. coldest than
B. the coldest
C. the colder
D. colder than

35. The more I concentrate, _______ my answers are.
A. the more accurate B. the most accurate C. more accurate
D. the accurater
36. Of the two films we watched yesterday. Titanic is _______.
A. the more interesting
B. the most interesting
C. better interesting
D. as interesting
37. His house is a bit _______ than a hotel.
A. more comfortable
B. more comfortabler
C. the most comfortable
D. comfortabler
38. Who is _______ person in your country?
A. powerfuler
B. most power
C. the most powerful D. more powerful than
39. The more the sales assistant explains, _______ I understand.
A. the little
B. less
C. the less
D. more
40. _______ you begin to learn a language, the easier it is.
Đề cương ôn thi TN THPT 2021_ Mr. Anh Thắng (Nguyễn Hải Việt)

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A. The younger
B. Younger

C. The youngest
D. Youngest
41. _______, the more serious the problems become.
A. The more raining it is
B. The more it rains
C. The less raining it is
D. The less it rains
42. There are _______ choosing English as a major.
A. more and more
B. more students and more students
C. more and more students
D. few and few students
43. He spoke for over an hour and his explanation got _______.
A. more and more complicated
B. complicated and complicated
C. more complicated and more
D. more complicated
44. _______ candidates there were, the more difficult the exam was.
A. More
B. The less
C. Less
D. The more
45. _______ you walk, _______ you will be.
A. Further / most exhausted
B. The farther / more exhausted
C. The further / the most exhausted
D. The farther / the more exhausted
46. A quick look would reveal that France has twice _______ computers.
A. as many televisions as
B. more televisions than

C. as many as televisions
D. many as televisions as
47. Tet holiday is _______ Vietnamese traditional festival that he's ever attended.
A. the most interesting
B. more interesting
C. so interesting as
D. the more interesting
48. _______ you prepare for the exam, the _______ you will be.
A. The earlier / more successfully
B. The more early / the more successful
C. The earliest / the most successful
D. The earlier / the more successful
49. He had an accident last year. Now, he drives _______ than before.
A. the most carefully
B. as carefully
C. more carefully
D. more careful
50. _______ you consume, the more exercise you need to do to burn them.
A. More calories
B. The more calories
C. Calorier
D. The calorier
1. The _________ beard makes him look like his girlfriend’s father.
A. bushy long grey
B. bushy grey long
C. long grey bushy
D. long bushy grey
2. She picked the _________ flower up and poked it over her left ear.
A. red small beautiful
B. beautiful red small

C. small beautiful red
D. beautiful small red
3. The _________ car is six years old now, but it is in good shape and still has low mileage.
A. big Japanese black
B. Japanese big black
C. big black Japanese
D. black big Japanese
4. Her _________ attracted people’s attention when she walked in the hall.
A. long charming blonde
B. charming blonde long
C. long blonde charming
D. charming long blonde
5. They moved to a _________ house after many years living in a deprived house.
A. big modern brick
B. brick big modern
C. modern big brick
D. brick modern big
6. She went home and sat on her _________ bed after a hard day of work.
A. wooden old comfortable
B. comfortable old wooden
C. old wooden comfortable
D. old comfortable wooden
Đề cương ôn thi TN THPT 2021_ Mr. Anh Thắng (Nguyễn Hải Việt)

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7. We ate some _________ apples that we had bought at the supermarket the night before.
A. delicious red American
B. American delicious red

C. red American delicious
D. delicious American red
8. He bought a _________ ring to ask for his girlfriend's hand in marriage.
A. beautiful silver new
B. new beautiful silver
C. beautiful new silver
D. silver beautiful new
9. There is a _________ bag at the corner of the room.
A. small black plastic
B. black small plastic
C. plastic small black
D. plastic black small
10. He wanted to collect ancient things. Luckily, he saw a(n) _________ desk in the library.
A. old French writing
B. French old writing
C. old writing French
D. writing French old
11. I want a(n) _________ dress to wear to attend the party tonight.
A. green silk amazing
B. amazing silk green
C. silk amazing green
D. amazing green silk
12. Anna is terribly careless. She dropped the _________ plate and it smashed.
A. old beautiful glass
B. beautiful old glass
C. glass beautiful old
D. old glass beautiful
13. He is looking for a _________ bag that matches with his outfit.
A. black stylish leather
B. stylish black leather

C. leather stylish black
D. black leather stylish
14. She bought a _________ lunchbox that she could carry lunch to work.
A. new red plastic
B. red plastic new
C. new plastic red
D. plastic new red
15. The little boy is afraid of a _________ dog of the next-door neighbor.
A. big horrible German
B. German horrible big
C. big German horrible
D. horrible big German
16. He always buys some really _________ cheese to make the kids happy.
A. French delicious round
B. round delicious French
C. delicious round French
D. French round delicious
17. He, by himself, decorates his _________ car to pick up his bride.
A. wonderful flower wedding
B. wedding wonderful flower
C. flower wedding wonderful
D. flower wonderful wedding
18. He bought a _________ suit when he went there for a business trip.
A. woolen fabulous British
B. British fabulous woolen
C. fabulous woolen British
D. fabulous British woolen
19. She appeared with a(n) _________ coat and the audience could not help laughing.
A. unusual round white
B. unusual white round

C. round white unusual
D. white unusual white
20. When we came to her house, there was a(n) _________ bag on the floor.
A. old untidy sleeping
B. untidy sleeping old
C. sleeping untidy old
D. untidy old sleeping
21. In the kitchen is a _________ table.
A. beautiful large round wooden
B. large beautiful wooden round
C. wooden round large beautiful
D. round large wooden beautiful
22. I bought some _________ glasses.
A. German lovely old
B. old lovely German
C. lovely old German
D. German old lovely
Đề cương ôn thi TN THPT 2021_ Mr. Anh Thắng (Nguyễn Hải Việt)

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23. I would visit the _________ castle whenever I have a chance.
A. German castle spooky
B. spooky German ancient
C. castle spooky German
D. spooky ancient German
24. She is a big fan of coffee. She cannot focus without a(n) _________ coffee.
A. hot black Italian
B. Italian black hot

C. black Italian hot
D. Italian hot black
25. Although they stayed in a _________ cottage but they lived happily.
A. cute little old
B. cute old little
C. old little cute
D. little old cute
26. He found a _________ bowl in the unoccupied house.
A. round huge bowl
B. mental huge round
C. huge round mental
D. huge mental round
27. Anna brought a _________ bag for the overnight picnic.
A. red small sleeping
B. small red sleeping
C. sleeping small red
D. small sleeping red
28. That man was interested in a(n) _________ painting in the museum exhibition.
A. interesting French old
B. old French interesting
C. French old interesting
D. interesting old French
29. They dream of settling down in a(n) _________ village and happily live with their wonderful children.
A. lovely little old
B. little old lovely
C. lovely old little
D. old little lovely
30. John has a _________ cat which is too lazy to catch mice.
A. big black fat
B. fat big black

C. big fat black
D. black big fat
31. I saw him taking out something in a _________ box.
A. yellow small plastic
B. small yellow plastic
C. small plastic yellow
D. plastic small yellow
32. We have to go home now. Look at the _________ clouds!
A. frightening big black
B. frightening black big
C. big black frightening
D. black big frightening
33. His parents promise that they will buy him _________ clothes if he can swim.
A. French new diving
B. new diving French
C. new French diving
D. diving new French
34. Despite giving birth to three children, Joana is such a _________ lady.
A. beautiful tall young
B. beautiful young tall
C. tall beautiful young
D. young tall beautiful
35. A _________ car is going to be launched to the market this year.
A. modern Vietnamese racing
B. Vietnamese modern racing
C. racing modern Vietnamese
D. Vietnamese racing modern
36. Jane really loves the _________ jewelry box that her parents gave her as a birthday present.
A. nice wooden brown
B. nice brown wooden

C. wooden brown nice
D. brown wooden nice
37. He made a toy as a birthday gift to his daughter. It is a _________ house.
A. beautiful big pink
B. beautiful pink big
C. pink beautiful big
D. big pink beautiful
38. She gave him a _________ wallet as a souvenir when she returned from summer vacation.
A. small brown leather
B. leather small brown
C. small leather brown
D. brown small leather
39. When I was going to school this morning, I saw a _________ girl.
A. Russian blonde young
B. young blonde Russian
C. blonde young Russian
D. young Russian blonde
Đề cương ôn thi TN THPT 2021_ Mr. Anh Thắng (Nguyễn Hải Việt)

Trang 9

40. He is one of the best-seller writers whose latest book is a(n) _________ novel.
A. unhappy Japanese fiction
B. Japanese unhappy fiction
C. fiction unhappy Japanese
D. unhappy fiction Japanese
41. He pretended to be dead when he recognized a(n) _________ bear.
A. old black big
B. big old black

C. black old big
D. black big old
42. She looks so beautiful in that _________ dress. I wish she would be happy forever.
A. white silk wedding
B. silk wedding white
C. silk white wedding
D. wedding silk white
43. This is a _________ process. We have to struggle with it for a long time.
A. time-consuming complex long
B. complex long time-consuming
C. complex time-consuming long
D. long complex time-consuming
44. Every night, my mother tells _________ stories before I go to sleep.
A. traditional short interesting
B. short traditional interesting
C. interesting traditional short
D. short interesting traditional
45. We will never forget that _________ trip in Korea.
A. training long memorable
B. memorable long training
C. long training memorable
D. long memorable training

Đề cương ôn thi TN THPT 2021_ Mr. Anh Thắng (Nguyễn Hải Việt)

Trang 10

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