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Tiếng Anh 6 Unit 1

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Tiếng Anh 6 Unit 1
I. Giới thiệu môn học:
- Tầm quan trọng của môn học.
II. Giới thiệu chương trình:
- Phân tiết theo đơn vị bài: 3 tiết/1tuần
5 hoặc 6 tiết/ 1 bài
- Giới thiệu cấu trúc sách: A, B, C
- Phần dấu “*” có thể bỏ qua.
III. Hướng dẫn cách học Tiếng Anh:
- Học từ trong ngữ cảnh
- Học ngữ pháp + ngữ âm lồng trong bài.
IV. Một số sách qui định đối với học sinh học môn Tiếng Anh
- Sách giáo khoa : 1 quyển bài học và 1 bài tập
- Vở : 1 quyển bài học và 1 bài tập
(Hai quyển dùng riêng biệt không lẫn lộn giữa BH và BT)
- Chuẩn bị sẵn giấy kiểm tra (5’ – 15’) đột xuất.
- Kiểm tra 1 tiết theo phân phối của chương trình và có báo trước
- Đến lớp phải học thuộc bài cũ + chuẩn bị bài mới theo yêu cầu của giáo viên.
- Tích cực phát triển xây dựng bài.
- Mang đủ dụng cụ học tập
- Khi được kiểm tra bài phải nói lớn, rõ và mạnh dạn.
V. Một số mệnh lệnh bằng tiếng Anh cần được giới thiệu trong tiết đầu:
- Listen and repeat (after me)
- Practice with a partner.
- Work in pair.
- Complete the dialogue.
- Write the letters of dialogue in the order to hear.
V. Feedback


A. HELLO ( A1, 2, 3, 4 )

I. Objectives
- Students know how to say “ Hello” and introduce themselves.
II/ Language content :
1. Vocabulary :
- greeting (n) : lời chào hỏi
- hello = hi (int) : xin chào
- I (pro): tôi
- am (to be): thì, là
- My ( adj.poss) : của tôi
- name (n) tên
- is ( to be ) thì, là
2. Grammar :
Present simple tense with “ to be ”
Grammar notes : I am = I’m
My name is = My name’s
III. Teaching aids
IV. Procedure
* Asking Sts to stop talking in class.
* Checking the previous lesson ( 5’)
How to learn English
1). Warm up
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content
- T asks sts to look at the picture A
on page 10 and describe it T asks
sts questions.
- T introduces the lesson.
- Sts look at the picture and talk.

- Sts listen and answer.
- Sts listen and write down.
What do these students do ?Where ?
And when ?

2). Presentation
- T asks sts to look at the pictures
A1 and presents sts how to greet
the others T explains the
difference between “Hello” and
- T asks sts to listen and repeat.
- T gives feedback.

- T asks sts to practice in pairs to
say “Hello” and “Hi”.

- T asks sts to look at the pictures
on page 11 and listen to the tape.
- T presents structures and
grammar notes.
- T checks and gives feedback.

- Sts look at the pictures and listen
to the tape.
- Sts listen and notice rhythm.

- Sts listen and read the words

- Sts practice in pairs, groups …

- Sts notice two ways to introduce

- Sts listen and read the words
- Sts read the text loudly.

A1. Listen and repeat :- greeting (n)
: lời chào hỏi
- hello = hi (int) : xin chào
- I (pro): tôi
- am (to be): thì, là
Hello Xuống giọng cuối câu.

A2. Practice :
a/ Say “Hello” to your classmates.
b/ Say “Hi” to your classmates.
A3. Listen and repeat :
I am Lan
My name is Ba
- My ( adj.poss) : của tôi
- name (n) tên
- is ( to be ) thì, là
Grammar notes :
I am … = I’m …

My name is … = My name’s …
3). Practice
- T asks sts to read the text A3
again T checks and asks sts to
practice A4 with a partner and in
- Sts read the text loudly. A4. Practice with a group:a/ I am …
group. b/ My name is …

4). Consolidation
- T asks sts to review the lesson
T checks and gives feedback.

- Sts practice saying “Hello”,
“Hi” and introducing
Lan : HelloNam : Hi
Lan : I am Lan
Nam : My name is Nam
5). Homework
- Practice “ A1- A4” fluently.
- Memorize new words and structures.
- Do exercise 1 on page 4 in the work book.
- Prepare “ A5, 6, 7, 8 ” on pages 12-13.
V. Feedback

A. HELLO ( A5, 6, 7, 8 )

I. Objectives
- Students will be able to ask how people are and say “ thank you ”.

II. Language content
1.Vocabulary :
- how ( adv ) : như thế nào
- are ( tobe ) : thì, là
- you ( pro ) : anh, bạn
- fine ( adj ) : khỏe
- thanks = thank you : cám ơn
2. Structures:
How are you ?
I’m fine, thanks. And you ?
( Fine, thanks )
III. Teaching aids
- Pictures.
IV. Procedure
* Asking Sts to stop talking in class.
* Checking the previous lesson (5’)
I am …
My name is …
1). Warm up
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content
- T asks sts to look at the picture
on page 12 T asks questions.
- T presents the lesson.
- Sts listen and answer. Look at the picture ! who are they ?
What are they talking about ?

2). Presentation
- T asks sts to look at the picture

A5 and presents the situation of
the lesson T reads the text and
presents new words and structures.
- T asks sts to listen and repeat.
- T gives feedback.

- Sts look at the picture.

- Sts listen and write down.

- Sts listen and read the words

A5. Listen and repeat :Vocabulary:
- how ( adv ) : như thế nào
- are ( tobe ) : thì, là
- you ( pro ) : anh, bạn
- fine ( adj ) : khỏe
- thanks = thank you : cám ơn
How are you ?
I’m fine, thanks. And you ?
( Fine, thanks )
3). Practice
- T asks sts to listen to the tape and
repeat A5 again T asks sts to
- Sts listen and repeat. Ba : Hi, LanLan : Hello, Ba
practice the dialogue silently.
- T asks sts to role play in front of
the class.

- T checks and gives feedback.
- Sts practice in pairs.

- Sts practice the text loudly.

Ba : How are you ?
Lan : I’m fine, thanks.
And you ?
Ba : Fine, thanks.
4). Consolidation
- T asks sts to read the text A5
again and do the exercise 6 T
explains sts how to use Miss,
Mrs, Mr
- T checks and gives feddback.

- T asks sts to do the exercise A7
and write in the exercise book.
- T checks and gives feedback.

- T asks sts to review the lesson.
- T checks and gives feedback.
- Sts make the same dialogues.
- Sts practice the dialogues in
front of the class.

- Sts do the exercise and write the
answers on the board.

- Sts practice reading A8.

A6. Practice with a partner:Miss Hoa :
Hi, Mr hung
Mr Hung : Hello, Miss Hoa
Miss Hoa : How are you ?
Mr Hung : I’m fine, thanks.
And you ?
Miss Hoa : Fine, thanks.
A7. Write in your exercise book :
Nam : Hello, Lan
How are you ?
Lan : I’m fine, thanks.
And you ?
Nam : Fine, thanks.
A8. Remember :
5). Homework
- Practice “ A5- A7” fluently.
- Memorize new words and structures.
- Do exercises 3-4 on page 5 in the work book.
- Prepare “ B1-2 ” on pages 14-15.
V. Feedback

B. Good morning ( B1, 2)
I. Objectives
- Students know how to greet people and say “ Good bye ”
II. Language content
*Vocabulary :
- good morning : chào buổi sáng
- good afternoon : chào buổi chiều
- good evening : chào buổi tối
- good night : chúc ngủ ngon
- bye = good bye : chào tạm biệt
III. Teaching aids
- Pictures
IV. Procedure
* Asking Sts to stop talking in class.
* Checking the previous lesson (5’)
- how ( adv ) : như thế nào
- are ( tobe ) : thì, là
- you ( pro ) : anh, bạn
- fine ( adj ) : khỏe
- thanks = thank you : cám ơn
Ba : Hi, Lan
Lan : Hello, Ba
Ba : How are you ?
Lan : I’m fine, thanks.
And you ?
Ba : Fine, thanks.
1). Warm up
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content
- T asks sts to look at the pictures - Sts look at the picture and talk. What time is it in the first picture ?

B on page 14 and describe it.
- T asks sts questions.
- T introduces the lesson.

- Sts listen and answer.
It’s seven o’clock. We greet “ Good
- afternoon, evening, night, good bye
2). Presentation
- T asks sts to look at the pictures
B1 and presents sts how to greet
the others follow the different
- T explains the difference
between morming, afternoon,
evening, night …
- T asks sts to listen and repeat.
- T gives feedback.
- Sts look at the pictures and listen
to the tape.

- Sts listen and notice.

- Sts listen and read the text
B1. Listen and repeat :
- good morning : chào buổi sáng

- good afternoon : chào buổi chiều
- good evening : chào buổi tối
- good night : chúc ngủ ngon
- bye = good bye : chào tạm biệt

3). Practice
- T asks sts to practice in pairs to
greet using the pistures B2.
- T asks sts to practice in front of
- T checks and gives feedback.
- Sts practice in pairs.

- Sts practice loudly.

B2. Practice with a partner:
good morning
good afternoon
good evening
good night
4). Consolidation
- T asks sts to play the game “
jumble words ”
- T checks and gives feedback.
- Sts who slap more numbers is
the winners

dogo moignrn good morning
gdoo fteanorno good afternoon
ogod gnieven good eveing

doog ngtih good night
godo yeb good bye
5). Homework
- Practice “ B1- B2” fluently.
- Memorize new words.
- Prepare “B3- B6” on pages 15 – 17.
V. Feedback

B. Good morning (B3, 4, 6)
I. Objectives
- Students know how to greet people and say “ Good bye ”
II. Language content
* Vocabulary:
- children(n)
- mom(n)
* Grammar: Grammar notes : we are … = we’re
III. Teaching aids
- Extra board.
IV. Procedure
* Asking Sts to stop talking in class.
* Checking the previous lesson (5’)
- good morning : chào buổi sáng
- good afternoon : chào buổi chiều
- good evening : chào buổi tối
- good night : chúc ngủ ngon
- bye = good bye : chào tạm biệt
1). Warm up
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content
- Ask Ss practice to say “good


- Practice to say ” Good bye”.

Ba : Good afternoon, Lan
Lan : Good afternoon, Ba
Ba : How are you ?

- T presents the new lesson.

Lan : I’m fine, thanks.
And you ?
Ba : Fine, thanks.
Lan: Good bye.
Ba: Bye.
2). Presentation
-T reads and asks Ss listen
- Introduce and explain the
- Have Ss listen and repeat after
- Explain the grammar for Ss.
- Listen.
- Take notes and write.

- Listen and repeat after me.

- Take notes and remember.
B3. Listen and repeat
* Vocabulary:
- children(n)
- mom(n)
* Grammar notes : we are … = we’re
3). Practice
- T asks sts to do the exercise
- T checks and asks sts to
practice B4 with a partner.
- T checks and gives feedback.

- Sts complete the dialogue.

- Sts practice the dialogue in

B4 : Write:
Lan : Good afternoon, Nga.
Nga : Good afternoon, Lan.
Lan : How are you ?
Nga : I am fine, thanks.
And you ?
Lan : Fine, thanks.
Nga : Goodbye.
Lan : Bye.
4). Consolidation
- T asks sts to read the “ Play

with words “
and “ Remember”.
- Take notes and correct. B5 : Play with words
B6 : Remember

5). Homework
- Memory the numbers and the grammar.
- Prepare the next part “Unit 1:(C1, 2, 3, 4, 6)
V. Feedback

C. How old are you ? ( C1, 2, 3, 4, 6 )
I. Objectives
- Students know how to count from one to twenty.
- Students will be able to: - introduce one self and others.
- ask and answer about ages.
II. Language content
* Vocabulary: Numbers :1-20
- this ( pro ) : đây = that
- old ( n ) : tuổi
* Grammar: - This is Lan
- How old are you ?
I’m eleven
III. Teaching aids
- Pictures.
IV. Procedure
1). Warm up
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content
- T asks sts to count from 1 to

- T presents the lesson.
- Sts count.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 …. 20
One, two, three, four, five, …. twenty

2). Presentation
- T asks sts to look at the board on
page 17.
- Sts listen and repeat. C1. Listen and repeat :
- T asks sts to listen to the tape and
- T asks sts to write the numbers in
the book.
- T checks and gives feedback.

- Sts look at the numbers.

- Sts write the numbers and read

One : 1 four : 4
two : 2 five : 5
three : 3 six : 6
seven : 7 fourteen : 14
eight : 8 fifteen : 15
nine : 9 sixteen : 16
ten : 10 seventeen : 17

eleven : 11 eighteen : 18
twelve : 12 nineteen : 19
thirteen : 13 twenty : 20
3). Practice
- T asks sts to count from one to
- T gives feedback.

- T asks sts to look at the pictures
on page 18 and presents the
content of the lesson
- T presents the new words and
- T asks sts to listen to the tape and
- T gives feedback.
- T asks sts to practice in groups to
ask and answer the questions using
the pistures C3.
- T asks sts to practice in front of
- T checks and gives feedback.
- Sts count the numbers.

- Sts look at the picture and listen.

- Sts listen and write in the note
- Sts listen and repeat.

- Sts practice in groups.

- Sts practice loudly.

Count from one to twenty with a
one, two, three, four, five, six
…………. twenty.
C3. Listen and repeat :
Vocabulary :
- this ( pro ) : đây = that
- old ( n ) : tuổi
Structures :
- This is Lan
- How old are you ?
I’m eleven
a/ Hello, Miss Hoa. This is Lan.
Hello, Lan. How old are you ?
I’m eleven.
b/ Hi, Ba. This is Phong.
Hi, Phong. How old are you ?
I’m twelve.
4). Consolidation

- T asks sts to practice the C4.
- T checks and gives feedback.
- T asks sts to play bingo.

- T gives feddback.
- T asks sts to read “Remember”.
- Sts practice the dialogue in pairs.
- Sts draw nine squares on a piece
of paper and qrite numbers
between one and twenty in the
square. Students, who has the
numbers that is similar the
teacher’s numbers, is the winners.

C4. Practice with your classmates:
How old are you ?
I’m ……
Ex : – Hello,… This is …
- Hi, … How old are you ?
- I’m ……
C5 : Play bingo
1 13 9
12 7 3
10 2 8
C6 : Remember

5). Homework
- Practice “ C1, 3, 4 ” fluently.
- Memorize new words and structures.
- Prepare Unit 2“A1, 2, 4” on pages 20-22.
V. Feedback

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