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Enc of dem in wor rel and cul 15

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more remarkable that no one has ever managed
to record such an event with either convincing
still photography or video. These events never
occur when a skeptic, non-believer, or openminded third party is present. Nor are these
types of people ever victimized by demons; it
seems they would be rather easy prey when
compared to the devoutly fortified religious individual who would be knowledgeable in how
best to confront them. Yet the latter are exactly
the sort of people that the infernal habitually
afflict. Obviously this is an aspect of the nature
of demons that I do not understand; neither
have any of my colleagues addressed it, convincingly or otherwise, in their own works.
I am undecided as to my beliefs on cases of
demonic possession. It may be possible but it
may be equally improbable. The Old Testament Apocrypha refers to exorcisms only once,
in the Book of Tobit, chapters six and seven.
However, the real problem was not that Sarah
was being possessed by a demon but rather that
one was systematically killing off every man

she ever married in an attempt to keep her
available for itself. In the New Testament,
Christ gave his apostles the gift of exorcism:
“And when he had called unto him his twelve
disciples, he gave them power against unclean
spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner

of sickness and all manner of disease” (Matthew
10:1). (It should be noted that demonic possession and disease were often linked.)
In the shadow of Alighieri, Barrett, Blatty,
Fortune, and Milton as well as Baskin, Collin
de Plancy, Gettings, Guazzo, King James the
First of England, Leloyers, Mathers, Rosteguy
de Lancre, and Wierus, I have collected and
briefly described as many of the different
demons I could find from a wide array of cultures and religions. If readers hope to learn
here how to summon demons or how to perform an exorcism, they will be disappointed,
but academics, researchers, and scholars alike
will be pleased with what they find—a massive
collection of demons, clearly defined and cataloged.


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