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winged demon, he commands twelve servitors,
although only eight of them are named (see
in some texts as one of the FALLEN ANGELS, a
GRIGORI, and a WATCHER. As the last of the
Fallen Angels, he was imprisoned in the Red Sea.
However, Abezethibou was also said to be the
demon summoned up by Jambres and Jannes, the
head sorcerers of the Egyptian court who did
magical combat against Moses, and lost, in the
book of Exodus (7:11, 22). He is most easily summoned in the month of July during the fifth hour
of the night.
Sources: Conybeare, Jewish Quarterly Review, Vol.
11, 4; Guiley, The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology, 2; Pietersma, Apocryphon of Jannes and Jambres, 31, 193, 194; Webster, Encyclopedia of Angels, 3.
Variations: ABEZETHIBOU, Abezithibod,
Angel of Egypt, Devil of the Red Sea, SAMAEL,
the son of BEELZEBUB
Abezi-Thibod (“Father devoid of counsel”) is
one of two demonic spirits that rose up with the
pillar from the depths of the Red Sea. He is
known for his ability to harden the hearts of men,
as he did to Pharaoh when Moses asked to free
the Israelites. According to the Old Testament
book of Exodus, as Moses led his people out of
Egypt they saw a fierce, single winged being and
were frightened “at the sight of the Angel of
Egypt darting through the air as he flew to the
assistance of the people under his tutelage.”
Abezi-Thibod once resided in Ameleouth, the
first heaven, but he is now trapped in a cave under
the Red Sea.
Sources: Conybeare, Jewish Quarterly Review, Vol.
11, 4; Belanger, Dictionary of Demons, 15; Central Conference of American Rabbis, CCAR Journal, Vol. 10,
23; Davidson, Dictionary of Angels, 4.
In Hindu and Buddhist mythology, Abhiyoga
(“prosecution”) is the demon of darkness and rain.
counsel of Abigar is not without a price, for his
presence in the human body is very taxing and
causes severe side effects that are oftentimes longlasting or even permanent.
Sources: Curry, Dublin University Magazine, Vol.
66, 521; de Givry, Witchcraft, Magic and Alchemy, 28;
Shah, Occultism, 62; Wedeck, Treasury of Witchcraft,
Variations: ELIGOR, Eligos
Johann Wierus’s book Pseudomonarchia Daemonum (False Monarchy of Demons, 1583) tells us
that Abigor, a FALLEN ANGEL, is a duke of the
Superior Order of demons and was also one of
the seventy-two SPIRITS OF SOLOMON (see
DUKES OF HELL). As one of the twelve SERVITORS OF ABEZETHIBOU, he commands sixty legions of devils. A demon of war, he appears
before any who summon him as a handsome
knight seated upon a winged horse, holding a
lance, an ensign bearing his insignia, and a
scepter. He will gladly tell the secrets of military
victory to any prince who is willing to offer to
him their soul in exchange. Unequaled in combat
and a knowledgeable tactician, Abigor has all the
knowledge of all wars ever waged in the past,
present, and the future. He can teach military
leaders how to be respected by their soldiers and
how to gain the favor of lords and knights. If
asked, he will tell the truth about the location of
anything hidden.
Sources: Anderson, Diary of Ancient Rites, 208; Barnhart, New Century Handbook of English Literature, 4;
Belanger, Dictionary of Demons, 117; De Laurence,
Lesser Key of Solomon, Goetia, 27; Guiley, The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology, 2; Shah, Occultism, 64.
Variations: Abeiron, Auberon, Oberon
According to a sixteenth-century French transcript of a witch trial that took place 1593, a male
witch from Alest testified that he spoke with the
DEVIL who gave his name as Abiron.
Sources: BhIravi, KirItIrjunnye, 89; Davids, PaliEnglish Dictionary, 68; Mather, Encyclopedic Dictionary
of Cults, Sects, and World Religions, n.p.
Sources: Murray, Witch-cult in Western Europe, 239;
Oxford University Press, The Periodical, Vol. 8, Issue
113, 145; Rudwin, Devil in Legend and Literature, 28;
Stephens, Demon Lovers, 223.
Variations: ABIGOR, ELIGOR
The eighteenth century Grimoire of Pope Honorius tells us that Abigar is a grand duke and one
of the eighteen named subordinate spirits. Unrivaled in combat, this non-corporeal demon has
the ability to predict the future and possess any
violent minded individual in order to share with
him his expert military and tactical advice. The
Abito (“Garment”) is one of the many names
of the demonic first wife of Adam, LILITH.
Sources: Ford, Luciferian Witchcraft, 451; University
of Pennsylvania, Museum Journal, Vol. 3–4, 63.
A devil commanding twenty-six legions, Aborym (“Regions Beyond”) is a duke and is the