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and in Assyria where he was worshipped,
children were sacrificed to him by being burned
alive upon his altars. Considered to be an
ARCHDEMON or devil, he is now said to be in the
service of ASMODEUS. When summoned, he appears as a mule or peacock. Adramaleck holds
many titles and positions in the hierarchy of Hell,
such as Chancellor of Infernal Regions, Chancellor of the Grand Cross ORDER OF THE FLY,
Commander of Hell, King of Fire, President of
the Council, Prince of Fire, and the Superintendent of the Wardrobe.
Sources: Anthropological Society of Bombay,
Journal of the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Vol. 15,
91; Chambers, Book of Days, 722; Guiley, Encyclopedia
of Demons and Demonology, 3; Waite, Literary World,
Variations: Adar-malik, Adramalek, Adrameleck, Adramelek, Adrammelech (“magnificence
of the King”), the King of Fire
In Syria, Adramelech (“Wing King”) was a
Samarian sun god worshipped by the Sepharvites.
Children were sacrificed to him. Later his name
was demonized in Judeo-Christian tradition. He
was placed in service under SAMMAEL, the angel
of poison, and given a plethora of rank and titles
such as Chancellor of Hell, Chancellor of the
High Council, Evil Chief of Hod, Grand Chancellor of Hell, Grand Chancellor of the Infernal
Empire, Minister of Beelzebub’s Order of the
Fly, President of the High Council, President of
the Senate of the Demons, Superintendent of the
DEVIL’s Wardrobe, Supervisor of SATAN’s
Wardrobe, and one of those who presides over
the Devil’s general council.
Adramelech is now described as being one of
the FALLEN ANGELS, formerly of the Order of
Archangels; so technically, he is an ARCHDEMON
who has dominion over the hierarchy known as
SAMAEL. He is also one of the ten evil sephiroths
as well as the patron demon of hypocrisy. In art
he is shown as having a human head and torso,
but the body of a mule or sometimes of a peacock.
His personal adversaries are the angels Uriel
and Raphael (“healing one of God”), not to be
confused with the demon URIEL. Adramelech is
the evil counterpart to one of the divine SEPHIROTHS, Hod. He has many similarities to the
Sources: Ashley, Complete Book of Devils and
Demons, 57; Chambers, Book of Days, 722; Chamchian,
History of Armenia, 34; Collin de Plancy, Dictionary of
Witchcraft, 15; Hyatt, Book of Demons, 50, 73; Patrich,
Sabaite Heritage in the Orthodox Church, 166.
Adrastaeia is an AERIAL DEVIL who has the
ability to fashion for himself a solid body out of
the air. He flies through the air but keeps close
to humans. Easily summoned by sorcerers,
Adrastaeia is susceptible to the same passions that
drive mankind. In addition to being able to take
nearly any form he chooses, Adrastaeia causes
natural disasters.
Source: Bhattacharji, Fatalism in Ancient India, 5.
Variations: Hadraniel
According to both Enochian and Jewish lore,
Adriel (“Flock of God”) is one of the Angels of
Death, along with Azrael (“help of God”), Bebriel, and Hemeh. He is also one of the twentyeight demonic rulers of the lunar mansions; he
has dominion over Alchil (“Crown of Scorpio”).
Adriel is also said to assist sailors and strengthen
Sources: Minchero, Voice from the Jordan, 66; Moura,
Mansions of the Moon for the Green Witch, 44; Von
Goethe, Goethe’s Letters to Zelter, 378; Webster, Encyclopedia of Angels, 5, 124.
In the demonology of the Lugbara people who
live along the West Nile River in Uganda, Adro
is an evil earth spirit who starts grass fires and
causes sickness in adolescent girls. He swims
throughout the rivers of the world.
Sources: Beattie, Spirit Mediumship and Society in
Africa, 225, 265; Ellwood, Words of the World’s Religions,
In Apollonius of Tyana’s Nuctemeron (Night Illuminated by Day), Aeglun is said to be the demon
or DJINN of lightning. He is one of the seven
demons of the eleventh hour.
Sources: Davidson, Dictionary of Angels, 7; Gettings,
Dictionary of Demons, 23; Lévi, Transcendental Magic,
Aeriae Potestates
The aeriae potestates (“Aerial Powers”) are
from Enochian lore and of the sixth order of
demons that fall under the dominion of
MERIZIM. Considered to be a type of AERIAL
DEVIL, they have under their command the four
Angels of the Apocalypse. Aeriae potestates have
the ability to cause storms at sea, and the thunder
and lightning they create causes pestilence. They
are furious by nature and constantly raging in the