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that the angel-peacock is a redeemed FALLEN
ANGEL. His sacred color is blue.
Sources: Adams, Persia by a Persian, 503–5; Bolton,
Western Accounts of the History, Sociology and Linguistics
of Chinese Secret Societies, 160; Illes, Encyclopedia of Spirits, 824.
Angels of the Bottomless Pit, The
Variations: ABADDON, Apollyon (“one that exterminates”), “The destroyer,” SATAN
The Book of Revelation 9:11 says that a bottomless pit will open at the sounding of the fifth
trumpet of the seventh seal and in doing so will
release the evil angels of Hell upon earth for the
following five months. During that time the Angels of the Bottomless Pit are free to torture all
of those people who do not have the seal of the
Lord upon their foreheads (see SATAN).
peacock, and heat in the summer, as well as sixteen scourges to counter the sixteen lands that
were created by his twin brother. Angra Mainyu
also brought into being the demonic whore Jeh
(see JAHI).
He leads his armies against the god of light,
Spenta Mainyu (“holy spirit”), and his hosts.
However, at the end of twelve millenniums,
Saoshyant, another son of Zoroaster, will bring
an era of peace and destroy Angra Mainyu.
Sources: Jackson, Zoroastrian Studies, 70–5; Jordan,
Encyclopedia of Gods, 17; Messadié, History of the Devil,
83; Mills, Zarathustra, Philo, the Achaemenids and Israel,
277, 310.
Angry Ones, The
In Tibetan demonology the angry ones are
demons that consume the flesh of man and serve
fresh human brains in a skull chalice.
Sources: Ballard, Beasts of Eschatology and Related
Subjects, 38, 56; Prigent, Commentary on the Apocalypse
of St. John, 282; Scott, Holy Bible, Containing the Old
and New Testaments, 733.
Sources: Kendra, Imprints of Indian Thought and Culture Abroad, 119; Li, History of Tibetan Religion, 211; Paul,
Sherpas of Nepal in the Tibetan Cultural Context, 79.
Angels of Punishment, The
Variations: Malake Habbalah
There are seven Angels of Punishment listed
in the Testament of Solomon. Their names are
HUTRIEL (“rod of God”), KUSHIEL (“rigid one of
God”), Lahatiel (“flaming one of God”),
MAKATIEL (“plague of God”), PUSIEL or Puriel
(“fire of God”), ROGZIEL (“wrath of God”),
SHOFTIEL (“judge of God”). They are in service
Sources: Brewer, Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, 596;
Davidson, Dictionary of Angels, 172; Mew, Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature, Science, and Art, Vol. 115,
407; Webster, Encyclopedia of Angels, 112.
Angra Mainyu
Variations: Angra Mainu, Angra Mainya,
Angru Mainyu, AHRIMAN, Ako Mainyu
Angra Mainyu’s name in Avestan, the
language of Zoroastrian scripture, translates to
mean “destructive one,” “destructive spirit,” or
“fiendish spirit.” A spirit of evil from the mythology of ancient Iran, Angra Mainyu is a demon
of darkness and a destroyer of that which is good.
Under the service of DRUJ, he commands dark
forces. Angra Mainyu was fathered by the god
Zurvan Akarana (“boundless time”) and born the
twin brother of Ahura Mazda (“wise lord”). He
lives in Hell and his sign and sacred animal is the
Unlike so many other demons, Angra Mainyu
made the choice to be evil when he confessed,
“It is not that I cannot create anything good, but
that I will not.” He causes diseases and created
the serpent Až i Dahaka, frost in the winter, the
Angul is from the demonology of the Philippines. He is known to kill people with an axe (see
Source: Ashley, Complete Book of Devils and Demons,
Chief Duke Aniel is one of the twenty SERVITORS OF CABARIEL as well as one of the sixteen
SERVITORS OF ASELIEL, according to the Sacred
Magic of Abramelin the Mage (see ASELIEL and
CABARIEL). Commanding fifty servitors of his
own, Aniel, a diurnal demon, is obedient to his
Sources: Belanger, Dictionary of Demons, 34; Guiley,
Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology, 36; Peterson,
Lesser Key of Solomon, 84.
Variations: Anisel, the Serpent of Paradise
One of the ELECTORS OF HELL as well as a
Grand Duke in service to Aini, Aniguel has the
appearance of a ten-year-old boy. When invoking
this demon, one must summon him three times.
Aniguel is good at discovering buried treasure
and mineral deposits. He also can fly very fast.
Sources: Conway, Demonology and Devil-Lore, 299;
Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages, 297; Rudwin, Devil
in Legend and Literature, 28.
One of the ELECTORS OF HELL and a Grand
Duke, Anizel is under the command of