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Sources: Carus, Open Court, Vol. 43, 472; Rudwin,
Devil in Legend and Literature, 28.

Variations: Chnum, Khnum
Anmael is one of the FALLEN ANGELS who
lusted after and took a human wife against God’s
will. According to lore, he was said to have made
a bargain with a mortal woman named Istahar.
In exchange for her sexual favors, he agreed that
he would reveal to her the true name of God (see

Sources: Davidson, Dictionary of Angels, 48; Illes,
Encyclopedia of Spirits, 568; Jung, Fallen Angels in
Jewish, Christian and Mohammedan Literature, 92.

Variations: Anneberg
In German demonology, Anneber is a demon
that lives in mines. He looks like a horse or a goat
with a thick neck, poisonous breath, and terrifying eyes. According to one popular story,
Anneber killed twelve miners with his toxic
breath because they were working a silver vein
that he had been charged to protect.
Source: Gettings, Dictionary of Demons, 33.

Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa Von Netteshim’s
book, Naturalis et Innaturalis, lists Annixiel as
the eight ELECTORS OF HELL. All other grimoires
and sources claim that there are only seven.
Source: Davidson, Dictionary of Angels, 104.

Anoster is the twenty-ninth of the seventytwo SPIRITS OF SOLOMON. A demon that causes
bladder troubles, he is easily banished. Grind into
powder three laurel seeds and add it to pure oil,
then, while rubbing it onto the body, say “I exorcise thee, Anostêr. Stop by Marmaraô.” Marmaraô is the angelic adversary of Anoster.
Sources: Abrahams, Jewish Quarterly Review, Vol.
11, 37; Ashe, Qabalah, 50; Conybeare, Jewish Quarterly
Review, Vol. 11, 37; Fleg, Life of Solomon, 107.

During the possession of the nuns of Louviers
in 1643, Ansitif, a lesser demon, possessed the
body of Sister Barbara of St. Michael.

Sources: Gettings, Dictionary of Demons, 33; Shepard, Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, 48;
Spence, Encyclopedia of Occultism, 27.

Antares is one of the FALLEN ANGELS who
swore allegiance to SAMIAZA and rebelled against
God. He lusted after and took a human wife and
fathered the NEPHILIM.

Sources: Agrippa, Three Books of Occult Philosophy,
879; Greer, New Encyclopedia of the Occult, 509; Grimassi, Italian Witchcraft, 68.

Variations: Al-Daja, Al Daja’l, Al Maseeh,
Antichristoi, Antichristos, Antichristos Tertullian, the “Ape of God,” Ho Antichristos, Master
of the Revel, the second Beast
Antichrist is a Greek word that translates to
mean “in place of Christ” or “the opposite of
Christ.” Symbolically he is a vampire; whereas
Christ shed his blood for all of mankind, the Antichrist feeds off the blood of man.
It is believed by many that the Antichrist will
be born of the union between a virgin whose lineage can be traced back to the Tribe of Dan and
the DEVIL. The child that will be born will look
human in all ways and will rise to power as a
major political leader who preaches peace. Seven
years before the Apocalypse, he will come to
power and stay there for forty-two months.
Halfway through the Tribulation the Antichrist
will be slain and resurrected by the DEVIL, who
will then possess the body and finish out his rule.
He will have the ability to draw down fire from
the sky. The Antichrist will also be able to place
a mark on the right hand or upon the head of a
person to mark him as one of his followers. It is
said that without this mark, a person will not be
able to legally operate a business.
It is commonly accepted that the Antichrist’s
sacred number is six hundred sixty-six (666), also

known as the Number of the Beast, an idea that
came from the Book of Revelation in the New
Testament of the Christian Bible (13:17–180)
However, most scholars accept that the number
is code for the Roman Emperor Nero. In 2005,
however, scholars at Oxford University have
translated the oldest known copy of the Book of
Revelation, a 1,700-year-old papyrus, which has
led them to conclude that six hundred sixteen
(616) is the original Number of the Beast.
In the Book of Revelation the Antichrist is described as a creature rising up from the sea having
seven heads. Each head has ten horns and each
horn has upon it ten crowns. The body of this
creature will be that of a jaguar, but with the large
clawed feet of a bear, the vicious mouth of a lion,
and all the power of a dragon.
Sources: Bousset, Antichrist Legend, 138–9, 145–7;
Chambers, Book of Days, 723; McGinn, Antichrist, 4,
74, 83.

Variations: One of the many names of SATAN
Antidikos is a Greek name that translates to


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