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turnal demon that has command over seven hundred ninety servitors. He is by nature disobedient
and stubborn, and will not appear willingly before
his summoner.
Sources: Peterson, Lesser Key of Solomon, 88.

Arakh is a vampiric demon from Cambodian
demonology. An immortal demon, he was never
human. Arakh is an overall powerful entity who
possesses a person and persuades them to kill
themselves. The only way to save one of his potential victims is to perform a successful ceremonial exorcism.
On a side note, arakh is also the word used in
the Sumerian language for the eighth month, also
known as the month of the scorpion.

Sources: Herbert, South-East Asia, 50; Steinberg,
Celebrating the Jewish Year, Vol. 1, 19; Thompson, Calling the Souls, 153.

Variations: ARAKIEL, Arâkỵba, Araqiel, ARURAKABARAMEEL
Arakiba is one of the CHIEF OF TENS who is
mentioned in the Book of Enoch. He swore allegiance to SAMIAZA, rebelled against God, and
lusted after and took a human wife against God’s
will. Arakiba is a FALLEN ANGEL, formerly of
the Order of Angels. In addition to fathering the
NEPHILIM, he taught geomancy and the signs of
the earth to man. His name translates to mean

“one who has dominion over the earth.”

Sources: Charles, Book of Enoch, 137; Davidson, Dictionary of Angels, 50; Lumpkin, Fallen Angels, the Watchers, and the Origins of Evil, 31; Humphreys, Lost Book
of Enoch, 4.

Variations: Arakab, ARAKIBA, Arâkỵba, Araqiel,
Araquel, Araquiel, Aretstikapha (“world of distortion”) Aristiqifa, Arkas, ARTAQIFA, Artaquifa,
Saraqaek, Saraquael, Urakaba, URAKABARAMEEL
In Enochian lore, Arakiel is one of the FALLEN
ANGELS, formerly of the Order of Angels. He
swore his allegiance to SAMIAZA, rebelled against
God, and lusted after and took a human as his
wife. He went on to teach mankind geomancy
and geography and to father the NEPHILIM. His
name translates to mean “earth of God,” “one
who has dominion over the earth,” “the land of
the mighty one,” or “the land is mighty.” Unlike
other Fallen Angels, it is said that Arakiel still
leads souls to their final judgment.

Sources: Barton, Journal of Biblical Literature, Vols.
30–31, 162; Charles, Book of Enoch, 16; Ginzberg, Legends of the Jews, 125.

Variations: PAZUZU, U TUKKU
Arallu are a type of DJINN in Assryo-Babylonian demonology that were born from the bile
of Ea (Enki) and the stagnant water under the
KUR. They are described as “the storm, which

breaks loose with fury in the skies” or “the rising
wind, which casts darkness over the bright day”
and are depicted as having a human male body,
the head and paws of a lion, large wings, and
small goat horns upon their head. Arallu are extremely powerful and immortal beings and have
the power to cause disease, corrupt the unity of
a family, inspire criminal acts, and kill livestock.
When they possess a person it requires a very
powerful exorcist to cast out the demons. Arallu
hate mankind and there is no way to appease
They are the adversaries of the gods, especially
the moon god, Sin (Nanna). According to
mythology, an eclipse is caused when they attack
him. They tie him up in a sack, causing him to
have to fight his way out. Fortunately, there is a
finite number of arallu, as they are all male and
cannot reproduce.

Sources: Jastrow, Religion of Babylonia and Assyria,
260; Langdon, Semitic Mythology, 161; Rogers, Religion
of Babylonia and Assyria, 147.

In Ars Paulina, the third book of the
Lemegeton, Araniel is one of the fifteen Duke
as one of the fifteen Duke SERVITORS OF SCOX
(see SCOX). He has under his command 5,550

Sources: Peterson, Lesser Key of Solomon, 114;
Trithemius, Steganographia, 95.

In the Theurgia Goetia, book two of the
Lemegeton, Araon is a duke and one of the sixteen
nocturnal (see DUKES OF HELL and GEDEIL).

Sources: Crowley, The Goetia, 82; Davidson, Dictionary of Angels, 85; Peterson, Lesser Key of Solomon,

In Burmese demonology, an arathaso is a
species of demon that lives in trees.
Sources: Gettings, Dictionary of Demons, 27.

Aratiel, a diurnal demon, is one of the sixteen
SERVITORS OF ASELIEL, according to the Sacred
Magic of Abramelin the Mage.

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