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Asasel is a demonic spirit of the wilderness.
He feeds upon the literal scapegoat, a male kid
goat that is without blemish, that has been burdened to carry the sins of a community out into
the wilderness.

Sources: Baerg, Supernatural in the Modern German
Drama, 47–8; Lurker, Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses,
39; Prophet, Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil, 174;
Swedenborg, The Apocalypse Explained, 409.

Variations: Asb’el, Asheel, AZAZEL (“God
strengthens” or “arrogant to God”), Kesabel
Asbeel (“God’s deserter” or “the thought of
God,” sources conflict) was formerly of the
Orders of Angels and according to the Book of
Enoch, a Watcher angel as well. However, because
he lusted after human women, he advised and
misled the other WATCHERS that they too should
rebel against God and swear allegiance to SAMIAZA. After his Fall (see FALLEN ANGELS ), he
taught mankind the secrets of the natural
universe and fathered the NEPHILIM. Asbeel is
oftentimes referred to as one of the FIVE SATANS.

Sources: Barton, Journal of Biblical Literature, Vols.
30–31, 162; Charles, Book of Enoch, 137; Ladd, Commentary on the Book of Enoch, 223; Prophet, Fallen
Angels and the Origins of Evil, 174.

In various grimoires, Ascaroth is listed as being
the demon of informers and spies.

Sources: Fleay, Macmillan’s Magazine, Vol. 31, 439;
Jobes, Dictionary of Mythology, Folklore and Symbols,
96; Poinsot, Complete Book of the Occult and Fortune
Telling, 377.

Aseliel is ranked as a king, a chief prince, or a
duke (sources vary) under the command of CARNESIEL (see DUKES OF HELL, KINGS OF HELL,
PRINCES OF HELL, and SERVITORS OF CARNESIEL). He himself commands eight diurnal and
eight nocturnal servitors of his own (see SERVITORS OF ASELIEL).

Sources: Gettings, Dictionary of Demons, 232; Guiley, Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology, 18; Peterson, Lesser Key of Solomon, 70.

According to Enochian lore, Ash is a CACOangel Shal (see

DAEMON. His counterpart is the

Sources: Chopra, Academic Dictionary of Mythology,
37; Laycock, Complete Enochian Dictionary, 80.

In the Theurgia Goetia, the second book of the
Lemegeton, Ashib, a nocturnal demon, is one of

the fifteen Duke SERVITORS OF BARMIEL (see
Source: Peterson, Lesser Key of Solomon, 70.

Variations: Ad, ADAD, Ashm’dai, “head of the
devils,” SAMAEL (“the angel of death”)
In the Books of Kings, Ashmodai (“Ad is my
name”) is the King of Edom. He was born of the
union between the female demon IGRAT, most
likely a type of SUCCUBUS, and King David, who
was visited by IGRAT in a dream one night while
he slept in the desert. Ashmodai is known to kill
people with deadly poison.
Ashmodai and the female demon LILITH bore
a son together, a prince they named SWORD OF
ASHMODAI THE KING, he who rules over 80,000
destroyers (see PRINCES OF HELL).
Sources: Illes, Encyclopedia of Spirits, 218; Isaac, The
Contributor, 270 –3; Schwartz, Tree of Souls, 139;
Slifkin, Sacred Monsters, 197–8, 210–11.

Variations: Ashemaogha, Ash-Mogh
From Persian demonology, the demon Ashmogh (“heretic”) is one of the disciples of AHRIMAN. He is described as looking like a serpent
with a camel’s neck.

Sources: Blavatsky, Secret Doctrine, 205; Conway, Demonology and Devil-Lore, 65; Hyatt, Book of Demons, 56.

Ashtaroth, plural: ASTHAROTH
Variations: Amenodiel, ANAEL, ANARAZEL,
ANIZEL, Arniniel, Aseroth, ‘Ashtart, Ashtoreth,
Astharthe, Astoreth, Atargatis, Ataroth, Azael
(“whom God strengthens”), AZAZEL (“God
strengthens” or “arrogant to God”), CORSON,
DEMORIEL, Diabolus (“Flowing downwards”),
Originally a Palestinian god, Ashtaroth (“Statues of Ashtoreth”) was reimagined by Christian
demonologists, first being named as a demonic
goddess, then as a male demon of the First Hierarchy of Hell. As a demon he has been given a
wide array of ranks and titles including Governor
of Hell, Grand Duke of Western Hell (see
DUKES OF HELL), Head of the Eighth Order of
Hell, Lord Treasurer of Hell, Prince of Accusers
and Inquisitors, and Prince of Thrones (see
PRINCES OF HELL). He is also named as one of
the seventy-two SPIRITS OF SOLOMON and a
FALLEN ANGEL, formerly of the Order of
Thrones, thereby making him a seraph.
A demon of lust, seduction, sloth, and vanity,
Ashtaroth commands forty legions of demonic
spirits and four servitors: AAMON, BARBATOS,

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