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god comparable to the GRIGORI. The asuras are
a primal group of gods and were born the
children of Kasyapa. They were cast out of
Heaven and thereafter were regarded as demons.
Asuras are very strong and powerful demons, and
they have dominion over secret wisdom. They
constantly plot against the god INDRA and all the
other gods who live atop Mt. Sumeru because
they are jealous of them. Asuras live in a city beneath the ocean ruled by their king, Rahula.

Sources: Garg, Encyclopaedia of the Hindu World,
749; Heldreth, Blood is the Life, 49–50; Hyatt, Book of
Demons, 15; MacDonnell, Vedic Mythology, 156 –7.

Aswang Mandurugo
Variations: Danag, Mandragore
In the Philippines, the Capiz province is
known as a haven for witches and for a species of
rather elusive demonic vampires known as the
aswang mandurugo. They appear as a beautiful
woman during the day, but at night their true
form, that of a monstrous winged being, is revealed. When it can, one of these creatures will
marry a man to ensure that it has a constant supply of blood. It “kisses” the sustenance it needs
nightly from its husband prey by inserting its
barbed tongue into the victim’s mouth and draining out the blood it needs. The only symptom
that the husband may ever present is a gradual
and unexplainable loss of weight. There is no test

or discernable way to tell beforehand if a brideto-be is one of these creatures. However, there
is a preventive measure that may be taken. If
the husband sleeps with a knife under his pillow,
he may awake in time to see his attacker. If he is
fast enough to draw the knife and stab the
aswang mandurugo in the heart, it will be destroyed.

Sources: Curran, Vampires, 35–44; Lopez, Handbook
of Philippine Folklore, 227; Ramos, Aswang Syncrasy, 3;
University of San Carlos, Philippine Quarterly, Vol.
10–11, 213.

Aswang Tiyanak
Variations: Anak ni Janice, Tyanak
A vampiric demon from the Philippines, the
aswang tiyanak is a species of CAMBION, as it is
born the offspring between a woman and demon.
However, it may also be created when a child dies
without having been baptized or when a mother
aborts her child; the fetus comes to life and brings
mischief and hardships to the woman that should
have been its mother. No matter how it was created, the aswang tiyanak is described as having
red skin, being completely bald, and having
glowing eyes. It preys on women, lying on the
forest floor looking like an adorable, abandoned

baby. When a woman comes to its rescue and
takes it into her home, it assumes its true form
and attacks her, draining the woman dry of all
her blood.

Sources: Demetrio, Encyclopedia of Philippine Folk
Beliefs, 398; Jocano, Folk Medicine, 109, 169; Lopez,
Handbook of Philippine Festivals, 146, 221, 227; University of the Philippines, Asian Studies, Vol. 8–9, 297.

In the Theurgia Goetia, book two of the
Lemegeton, Asyriel is listed as being the King of
the Southwest, third under the great Emperor of
the South. He commands twenty chief duke
servitors of the day and an additional twenty
chief duke servitors of the night; however, only
eight of each is named (see SERVITORS OF
Sources: Belanger, Dictionary of Demons, 86; Guiley,
Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology, 20; Peterson,
Lesser Key of Solomon, 73.

Variations: Scirocco, Simoomn, Simoon, Sirocco
Atabulus is in all likelihood a fictional demon
whose name in Latin translates to mean “a hot
burning wind” or “southeastern wind.”

Sources: D’Iseaeli, New World, Vol. 6, 72;
Nettleship, Contributions to Latin Lexicograph, 339;
Toynbee, Concise Dictionary of Proper Names and
Notable Matters, 478.


From Iberian demonology comes Ataecina, the
Queen of the Underworld. Originally she was an
agrarian goddess, similar to the Eulalia and Proserpina. However, she was demonized during the
Christian conversion.

Sources: Fear, Rome and Baetica, 261–2; Keay,
Roman Spain, 161; NicMhacha, Queen of the Night, 110.

Variations: Atliel
Ataliel is a demon from Enochian lore. One
of the twenty-eight demonic rulers of the lunar
mansions, Ataliel rules over the mansion
Agrapha (“covered flying”). He has dominion
over the zodiacal sign Libra and is known to
assist in the finding of buried treasures (see

Sources: Gettings, Dictionary of Demons, 41; Moura,
Mansions of the Moon for the Green Witch, 10; Webster,
Encyclopedia of Angels, 25, 124.

Variations: Atarculphegh
In the Book of Enoch, Atarculph is one of the
FALLEN ANGELS who swore allegiance to SAMI-

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