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Sources: Aikin, General Biography, 493; Bayle, Historical and Critical Dictionary, 262; De Laurence, Lesser
Key of Solomon, Goetia, 38–9; Hyatt, Book of Demons,
75; Scot, Discoverie of Witchcraft, 225; Voltaire, Works
of M. de Voltaire, 193.

of the forty-nine SERVITORS OF BEELZEBUB (see



Variations: Balbam
Balban is listed in various grimoires as the
demon of delusions. He is also said to appear before humans in the guise of an angel who uses
feigned sanctity to trick and manipulate.

Sources: Dingwall, Some Human Oddities, 33; Levack, New Perspectives on Witchcraft, Magic, and Demonology, 36; Waugh, Christendom and Its Discontents,

Variations: Ba’al Baal Davar, BAAL-PEOR ,
BAALAM, BAALBERITH, Baalphegor, Baalsebul,
BAALZEPHON, BAEL, Baell, BALAM, Balan, Beal,
Belberith, BELETH, Belfagor, BELIAL, Beliar,
Elberith, “scriptor”

Originally from Canaanite demonology as the
Lord of the covenant and later becoming a god
of death, Balberith (“Covenant Lord”) was eventually demonized and was listed among the seventy-two SPIRITS OF SOLOMON. He has been
given the various ranks and titles of duke of Hell,
grand pontiff and master of ceremonies, minister
of foreign affairs, prince of Cherubim, and secretary of the archives of Hell (see DUKES OF
HELL and PRINCES OF HELL). Among his
various duties, he countersigns and notarizes
pacts made with the DEVIL.
The demon of blasphemy and murder, Balberith is one of the FALLEN ANGELS, formerly of
the order of Cherubim. He tempts men to commit homicides and be arguable, blasphemous, and
quarrelsome. Balberith’s personal adversary is the
peacemaker St. Barnabas. He is also one of the
demons who possessed the body of Sister
Madeleine at Aix-en-Provence.
Sources: Allen, Hosea, Malachi, 16; Cuhulain, Witch
Hunts, 206; Kelly, Who in Hell, 23; Guiley, Encyclopedia
of Angels, 63; Scott, London Magazine, Vol. 5, 378.

Balewa is a Sumero-Aryan word that translates
to mean “baleful one” and “hateful and wicked
one.” This word is used to describe SATAN.

Sources: Bosworth, Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, 67; Russell, Lucifer, 142; Waddell, Sumer Aryan Dictionary, 27.

In the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage,
book two, Balfori (“Lord of producing”) is one

Sources: Belanger, Dictionary of Demons, 58; Ford,
Bible of the Adversary, 93; Mathers, Book of the Sacred
Magic of Abramelin the Mage, 104.

A nocturnal demon of the Underworld, Bali
is the king of the DAITYAS in Indian demonology.
In service under the god Vishnu, Bali is known
for his grand benevolence. He has the appearance
of a donkey and once a year he returns to his people to light a million lamps to symbolize the
darkness of anger, ego, greed, ignorance, jealousy,
laziness, and lust being driven back by the light
of friendship, harmony, knowledge, peace, and
Bali grew so powerful that the other gods were
afraid of him. So Vishnu went to the demon disguised as a dwarf and asked if he could have all
the land he could cover in three steps. Bali agreed
to the land grant and Vishnu revealed himself in
all his glory. His first step covered all of the earth.
His second step covered all of the heavens. Before
he could take his third and final step, Bali offered
his head to be stepped upon and crushed, compelling Vishnu to stop. Rather than kill him, the
god kicked him down into the netherworld, but
gave him a lamp and a promise that he may
return to his people once a year.

Sources: Chopra, Academic Dictionary of Mythology,
47; Lurker, Routledge Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses,
30; Singh, Encyclopaedia of Hinduism, 2520, 2523;
Turner, Dictionary of Ancient Deities, 91.

In Enochian lore Balidet is a minister who is
in service to MAMMON. An AERIAL DEVIL of
the west, he is most powerful on Saturdays.

Sources: Davidson, Dictionary of Angels, 69; Kelly,
Who in Hell, 24; McLean, Treatise on Angel Magic, 51.

In Reginald Scot’s The Discoverie of Witchcraft
(1584), Balkin is listed as the king of the
Northern Mountains of Hell. He commands the
demons GLAURON and LURIDAN, as well as 1,500
legions of demons. Balkin rides upon a small goat
and as he travels he is preceded by an
innumerable company of dwarves riding
chameleons. Known to perform acts of kindness
and charity, Balkin will answer questions asked
of him but he is also known to give quality FAMILIARs. They are described as being a span tall
and will stay with the summoner for the rest of
his life.
Sources: Davidson, Dictionary of Angels, 69; Get-

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