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the late spring wind Cailleach (“old wife” or
“veiled one”). An AERIAL DEVIL who commands
gale storms and the winds, she has been described
as looking like a blue-faced hag with boar tusks,
bear teeth, and only one eye.
Not necessarily an evil being, Cailleach kills all
that which is no longer needed. With her power
at its peak in the springtime, she raises windstorms in an attempt to prevent summer from arriving. Cailleach has the ability to see beyond the
duality of things. The day before May Day she
leaves her staff under a holly tree and returns to
her home in the Scottish Highlands, where she
then turns herself into stone until Halloween.
Cailleach created mountains and Loch Awe.

Sources: MacKillop, Dictionary of Celtic Mythology,
69; Rose, Giants, Monsters, and Dragons, 64; Turner,
Dictionary of Ancient Deities, 112.

Variations: Camio, CAYM, CHAMOS, Chamus,
In the Ars Goetia, the first book of the Lemegeton, Caim (“Cain”) is given the ranks of both
president and prince and has the titles of Grand
Master of Hell and the Thrush President (see
He is also listed as one of the FALLEN ANGELS,

formerly of the Order of Angels, and one of the
A nocturnal demon who is most powerful during the month of December, Caim commands
thirty legions of demons. He has been described
as looking like a blackbird, a man with a sharp
sword, an elegant man with the head and wings
of a blackbird, and a man with a peacock’s tail
wearing a tuft and many bracelets.
Caim is summoned for his willingness to answer honestly questions regarding the future, but
it should be noted that they will not always be
truthful. To ensure that what he says is the truth,
make him stand in burning ashes or on hot coals,
for while doing so he is incapable of lying. He is
an expert at hydromancy and can give his summoner the understanding of the language of barking dogs, birdsong, lowing cattle, and water. His
zodiacal sign is Sagittarius.

Sources: De Laurence, Lesser Key of Solomon, Goetia,
39; McLean, Treatise of Angel Magic, 53; Scot, Discoverie of Witchcraft, 223; Scott, London Magazine, Vol. 5,

Variations: Calym
Theurgia Goetia, book two of the Lemegeton,
Calim is one of the twenty SERVITORS OF CAMUEL (see CAMUEL). He appears before his sum-

moner in a beautiful form. Calim has the reputation for being very courteous.

Sources: Belanger, Dictionary of Demons, 82; Guiley,
Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology, 36;
Trithemius, Steganographia, 73.

According to Enochian lore, Cam is a CACODAEMON. His angelic counterpart is unknown

Hebrew translates to mean “a spice used in incense.”

Sources: Chopra, Academic Dictionary of Mythology,
61; Laycock, Complete Enochian Dictionary, 93.

In the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage,
Camal (“To desire God”) is named as one of the
thirty-two SERVITORS OF ASTAROT (see ASTAROT ). A servitor of the Second Hierarchy,
Camal is the demon of lust whose personal adversary is St. John the Evangelist, patron saint of
the Freemasons.
There is also an archangel with this name that
was mentioned in the Kabbalah.

Sources: Agrippa, Three Books of Occult Philosophy,
115; Belanger, Dictionary of Demons, 82; Sesej, Demonic
Bible, 257.

According to Apollonius of Tyana’s Nuctemeron
(Night Illuminated by Day), Camaysar is the
demon of the marriage of contraries. He is most
powerful during the fifth hour of the day.

Sources: Davidson, Dictionary of Angels, 87; Gettings, Dictionary of Demons, 65; Lévi, Transcendental

Magic, 391.

Variations: Campions
From post-medieval European demonology
comes the belief in the existence of a demonic
hybrid offspring called a cambion. They were believed to be created when an INCUBUS and a
human woman or when a SUCCUBUS and a
human male had a child together. A cambion
child can be easily detected, as it will be born with
a deformity of some sort. Twins are especially
suspect of being cambions as well.
The hybrid will develop the same as any child
would, but before the age of seven they show little
to no signs of life. These demonic offspring are
not considered to be truly alive until they reach
the age of seven years, and until that time, it is
perfectly acceptable for a witch hunter to kill
them. One may test a child by having a holy person touching him or her; a cambion will cry out.
As it grows into adulthood it will develop a


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