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Cozbi, whose name means “deceitful,” “liar,”
“my lie,” or “sliding away” in the Midianite language, became a lesser demon and the demon of
idolatry. She is under the service of GERYON.
Sources: Masters, Eros and Evil, 118; Richards,
Every Woman in the Bible, 76.
Variations: GRESSIL
In Father Sebastien Michaelis’s book, Histoire
admirable de la possession d’une penitente (1612),
Cresil is named as the demon of impurity and
Sources: Ashley, Complete Book of Devils and
Demons, 58; Rachleff, Occult in Art, 224.
Crest of Dragons
Crest of Dragons is a three-headed dragon
with human hands that was mentioned in the
Testament of Solomon; he was made to make bricks
for the construction of the king’s temple. He is
known to make unborn children blind, make
children deaf and mute, and cause men to have
seizures. This demon is frustrated by the writing
of Golgotha.
Source: Ashe, Qabalah, 44.
Variations: Exploratores
Criminatores (“accusers” or “slanderers”) is one
of the eight orders of demons. As a demonic
order, the Criminatores are evil archangels and
ARCHDEMONs, the demons of calumny; they are
under the domain of ASHTAROTH and Ishtar-Astaroth, better known as the WHORE OF BABYLON.
Sources: Coleman, Dictionary of Mythology, 254;
McLean, Treatise on Angel Magic, 70.
Variations: Crocelli, Crokell, PROCEL, Procell,
In the Lemegeton, Crocell is a FALLEN ANGEL,
formerly a prince of the Order of Powers. He is
named as one of the DUKES OF HELL and one of
the seventy-two SPIRITS OF SOLOMON. As duke
he commands forty-eight legions of demons.
When summoned, he appears like an angel. He
has the ability to instantly make boiling water
freeze solid. He can also make the sound of rushing water and discover baths. He speaks mystically of hidden things and can teach geometry
and any of the liberal sciences.
Sources: Crowley, The Goetia, 53; De Laurence,
Lesser Key of Solomon, Goetia, 38; DuQuette, Key to
Solomon’s Key, 185; Peterson, Lesser Key of Solomon, 29.
In the Theurgia Goetia, the second book of the
Lemegeton, Crucham, an AERIAL DEVIL, is
named as one of the ten SERVITORS OF BYDIEL
(see BYDIEL). As a duke, he commands 2,400
servitors and when he is summoned he appears
in an attractive form. He is said to be good-natured and willing to obey his summoner.
Sources: Peterson, Lesser Key of Solomon, 105.
In the Theurgia Goetia, the second book of the
Lemegeton, Cruhiel, an AERIAL DEVIL, is named
as one of the ten SERVITORS OF EMONIEL (see
EMONIEL). As a duke, Cruhiel commands 1,320
lesser dukes and servitors (see DUKES OF HELL).
He lives in the woods, is good-natured, and is
willing to obey his summoner.
Sources: Peterson, Lesser Key of Solomon, 97,
Trithemius, Steganographia, 126.
According to Enochian lore, Csc is a CACOis unknown
DAEMON. His angelic counterpart
Sources: Chopra, Academic Dictionary of Mythology,
75; Laycock, Complete Enochian Dictionary, 99.
In Hungarian Magyar demonology, Csúz
(“joint gout”) is a demon of illness, specifically
Sources: Kõiva, Folk Belief Today, 139; Országh,
Magyar, 324.
The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, book
two, names the nocturnal demon Cubiel as one
of the sixteen SERVITORS OF ASELIEL (see
Sources: Peterson, Lesser Key of Solomon, 70.
Variations: Cul
In Etruscan mythology Culsu is the demon of
gateways; she guards the entrance to the Underworld. Culsu is described as a female demon
holding a burning torch and a pair of scissors.
She is often depicted in art next to Culsans, the
god of doors and doorways.
Sources: Bonfante, Etruscan Myths, 74; Lurker,
Routledge, Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses, 45; Rose,
Spirits, Fairies, Gnomes and Goblins, 74.
In the Theurgia Goetia, the second book of the
Lemegeton, Cumariel, an AERIAL DEVIL, is