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These demons, which live in the forest and near
rivers, have been known to assist animals that are
being hunted, are injured, or are caught in a trap.

Sources: Ahye, Golden Heritage, 154–6; Carter, Myth
and Superstition in Spanish-Caribbean Literature, 248–9.

Variations: Opyri, Oupir
Bulgarian folklore claims that if a child dies
before it can be baptized, then it will become a
type of vampiric demon known as a dousheta.

Sources: Bryant, Handbook of Death, 99; Georgieva,
Bulgarian Mythology, 102; MacPherson, Blood of His
Servants, 25.

In Celtic mythology the draca (“drake”) is a
demonic spirit that lives in lakes and rivers and
preys upon women. It lures them into the water
where it then devours them.

Sources: Whitney,
Cyclopedia, 2229.

Century Dictionary and

Dragon at the Apocalypse
Variations: Apocalyptic Beast, Dabba, Dragon
of the Apocalypse, Dragon of Revelation, Hydra
of the Apocalypse, the old serpent, Red Beast of
the Apocalypse, SATAN
The Book of Revelation names the Dragon at
the Apocalypse as the demon of sin. This red
being has seven heads with ten horns and seven
crowns upon each head. This demon’s personal
adversary in Heaven is the archangel Michael;
on earth it is St. George.
Sources: Rose, Giants, Monsters, and Dragons, 106 –
7; Smith, Prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation, 562,

Variations: Dracul
In the Moldavia and Rumania languages the
word drakul means “the dragon” or “demon
nearly” and it is used to describe a type of vampiric demon that possesses the body of a deceased
person and animates it. Once the demon has possession of the corpse, it makes it walk around
naked, carrying its coffin on its head while
looking for humans to prey upon. Fortunately, if
the burial shroud of the person is destroyed, the
demon will lose its hold on the body.
Sources: Andreescu, Vlad the Impaler, 183; McNally,
In Search of Dracula, 21; Twitchell, Living Dead, 16.

In Ars Goetia, the first book of the Lemegeton,
Dramas (“action”) is named as one of the fiftythree SERVITORS OF ASHTAROTH AND ASMODEUS (see ASHTAROTH and ASMODEUS).

Sources: Guiley, Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology, 246; Spence, Encyclopedia of Occultism, 187.

In the Theurgia Goetia, the second book of the
Lemegeton, Dramiel, an AERIAL DEVIL, is named
as one of the ten Duke SERVITORS OF EMONIEL
(see EMONIEL). Good-natured and willing to
obey his summoner, he commands 1,320 lesser
dukes and servitors. Dramiel lives in the woods.
Sources: Bellanger, Dictionary of Demons, 112; Peterson, Lesser a Key of Solomon, 67, 97; Trithemius,
Steganographia, 23.

In the Ars Paulina, the third book of the
Lemegeton, Drelmeth is named as being one of
the FALLEN ANGELS and one of the twenty
chiefs. He is most powerful during the third hour
of the day. Drelmeth is one of the SERVITORS OF

Sources: Davidson, Dictionary of Angels, 98; Waite,
The Book of Ceremonial Magic, 67.

In the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage,
Dresop (“they who attack their prey by tremulous

motion”) is among the twenty SERVITORS OF

Sources: Forgotten Books, Book of the Sacred Magic
of Abramelin the Mage, 42–3; Lowry, Under the Volcano,
194; Mathers, Book of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin,

Drouk is a Celtic word that translates to mean

Sources: Bellanger, Dictionary of Demons, 112;
Mathers, Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the
Mage, 109.

Drsmiel is an evil angel who is summoned to
separate a husband from his wife (see also IABIEL).

Sources: Davidson, Dictionary of Angels, 98; Gaster,
Sword of Moses, 52.

Variations: Perchten, Trotha, Truden, Walküren
From the demonology of South Germany and
Austria comes the druden (“ghosts” or “powers”).
Originally they were seen as AERIAL DEVILS, demonic witches, or evil spirits that were believed
to have escaped from the Land of the Dead in
order to plague mankind.

At night it was believed that a druden would
try to sneak into a man’s room through a small


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