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demon named Gallu or if the gallu is a species of
Sources: Sources: Hurwitz, Lilith: The First Eve,
38–41; Jastrow, Religion of Babylonia and Assyria, 260;
Lenormant, Chaldean Magic, 24; Sorensen, Possession
and Exorcism in the New Testament and Early Christianity, 27–8.
Variations: Galtzagorri, Prakagorris
A galtxagorriak is an iratxoak (IMP) from
Basque mythology. The word translates to mean
“red pants,” a fitting enough name as these little
demons are described as wearing them. There is
a popular story from the region of a lazy man who
was once instructed where to go and purchase a
box of galtxagorriak. When he got home he
opened the box and many of the little demons
came out and asked, “What can we do?” He gave
them a list of chores and within a few minutes
the chores were completed. Again the galtxagorriak asked, “What can we do?” and the man gave
them more chores, which were again completed
in a few moments. Again the galtxagorriak asked,
“What can we do?” but there were no chores left
so the lazy man replied, “Nothing.” The
galtxagorriak became furious and immediately
set out to undo all the work they had done. The
man managed to somehow get them all back in
the box and resolved never to use them again.
Sources: Aulestia, Basque-English, English-Basque
Dictionary, 142; de Barandiarán, Selected Writings of José
Miguel de Barandiarán, 127; Facaros, Bilbao and the
Basque Lands, 45.
The gamaliel are the demons of death, according to the Qlippoth. Born of and in service under
the demonness LILITH, the gamaliel (“polluted
of God”) are described as being misshapen and
twisted beings. They live in the Palace of Yesod.
Sources: Greer, New Encyclopedia of the Occult, 188;
Guiley, Encyclopedia of Magic and Alchemy, 159, 257;
Mason, Necronomicon Gnosis, 151.
Variations: Agshekeloh, Breakers into Pieces,
the Disturbers of Souls, Ga’ashekelah, Gog
In Cabalistic lore the gamchicoth (“breakers”)
are placed in the fourth Sephirah of the Tree of
Life and are in the order of “Devourers.” These
demons waste the substance and thought of creation and are said to be under the command of
ASHTAROTH. Their personal adversaries are the
Spirits of Gedulah (see also GAMIGIN).
Sources: Greer, New Encyclopedia of the Occult,
187; Horne, Sacred Books and Early Literature of the
East, 163; Waite, Doctrine and Literature of the Kabalah,
Variations: Gamigm, Gamygyn, SAMIGINA
Listed as one of the seventy-two SPIRITS OF
SOLOMON, Gamigin commands thirty legions of
demons. This diurnal demon is most powerful in
the month of April, and when summoned he will
appear before his caster looking like a donkey or
a small horse; however, by request, he will alter
his appearance to look like a man. When he
speaks he will do so with a rough voice. Gamigin
is known to take his time with anyone who summons him, as he is never in a rush to leave the
earth realm, but he will attack if the scorcerer is
not wearing the seal of GAMCHICOTH. This
demon is summoned not only for his ability to
answer any questions asked of him and his willingness to teach the liberal sciences, but also because he keeps track of all the souls who died in
a state of sin as well as those who died at sea.
Sources: De Laurence, Lesser Key of Solomon, Goetia,
22–23; DuQuette, Key to Solomon’s Key, 162; McLean,
Treatise of Angel Magic, 55; Scot, Discoverie of Witchcraft, 223.
Variations: Gamory, Gremory
Gamori is the Duke of Songs and commands
twenty-six legions of demons. Listed as one of
the seventy-two SPIRITS OF SOLOMON, this
demon appears as a beautiful woman with the
crown of a duchess tied to her waist. She rides
upon a large camel. Gamori knows all things
from the past, present, and future. She knows
where treasure is hidden and can secure the love
of a woman to a man.
Sources: De Laurence, Lesser Key of Solomon, Goetia,
40; Godwin, Godwin’s Cabalistic Encyclopedia, 117;
Susej, Demonic Bible, 200.
From Acadian, Assyrian, and Chaldean demonology comes the demon Ganael. He is
ranked as an ELECTOR OF HELL and a planetary
ruler under the command of Apadiel and Camael
This demon is one of the seven spirits of the
Abyss, one of the “seven phantoms of flame,” and
a retrograde spirit. Ganael has the ability to cause
earthquakes and is said to be more powerful and
terrifying than any other species of demon. He
lives in the bowels of the earth.
Sources: Butler, Ritual Magic, 161; Davidson, Dictionary of Angels, 121; Von Goethe, Goethe’s Letters to
Zelter, 377.