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Ranked as a chief duke, this AERIAL DEVIL commands four hundred servitors. When summoned
he can appear in any form but typically will do
so in the form of a dragon with a virgin’s head.
Good-natured and willing to obey his summoner,
Gremial is constantly on the move, never staying
in any one place for long.
Sources: Guiley, Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology, 159; Peterson, Lesser Key of Solomon, 103;
Trithemius, Steganographia, 141.

Variations: Gresil
A FALLEN ANGEL formerly of the Order of
Thrones, Grésil is the demon of impurity and
pride. He is often called upon during exorcisms
and cases of collective possession. He was one of
the eighteen demons who possessed Sister Jeanne
des Anges in Loudun, France, in 1634 (see

Sources: Aikin, General Biography, 493; Bayle, Historical and Critical Dictionary, 262; Hsia, World of
Catholic Renewal, 151; Robbins, Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology, 22; Voltaire, Works of M. de
Voltaire, 193.

Variations: CRESIL
In 1612 the French exorcist Father Sebastien

Michaelis named Gressil as a FALLEN ANGEL,
former prince in the Order of Thrones. He
tempts men with impurity and slothfulness. He
himself is said to be prone to lechery.

Sources: Cuhulain, Witch Hunts, 206; Davidson,
Dictionary of Angels, 357; Maberry, Cryptopedia, 77.

Griffael is ranked as a clerk of devils; he is described as looking like a small black figure.
Source: Rudwin, Devil in Legend and Literature, 28.

Variations: FALLEN ANGELS, Irin, The Old
Ones, Sentinels, Sons of God (bene-ha-Elohim),
In Judeo-Christian demonology and mentioned in the books of Daniel, Enoch, and Jubilees, the Grigori are a collection of FALLEN ANGELS who were once in servitude to God. These
were the angels who banded together, swore a
collective oath, and under the direction of
Samyaza went directly against God’s will by
choosing to marry human women and father a
race of children known as the NEPHILIM, who by
nature were destructive and murderous. The
Grigori went on to teach humans the secrets of
Heaven, such as astrology, cosmotology, gemol-

ogy, and weaponsmithing. For these sins they
were exiled from Heaven, hunted down, and
punished. Some sources say that the Grigori are
bound to wander the earth until Judgment Day

when they will be banished to Hell.
Most sources say that there are two hundred
Grigori but typically only name the leaders, the
CHIEF OF TENS. They are described as looking
like large humans who never slept and usually remained silent.

Sources: Davidson, Dictionary of Angels, 126 –7;
Ford, Bible of the Adversary, 76; Guiley, Encyclopedia of
Angels, 365–7; Voltaire, Essays and Criticisms, 106;
Webster, Encyclopedia of Angels, 100.

The demonic FAMILIAR Grissell was first mentioned in the confessions of the witches of Huntingdon in 1645. He was described as looking like
a DOG with hoglike bristled hair upon its back.
As a FAMILIAR he worked in tandem with the
demon GREEDIGUT. At the request of their master they will bring anything that is asked for. If
they are not sent off on occasional tasks, they will
seek out a random person to physically assault
and rob, bringing the unsolicited money back to
their master. Reports of men being pulled off
their horses by two large dogs are telltale signs
of a Greedigut and Grissell attack. Both of these
demons are under the command of the demon
BLACKEMAN and need to regularly suckle off
their master.

Sources: Ashton, Devil in Britain and America, 237–
8; Notestein, History of Witchcraft in England, 185;
Wilby, Cunning Folk and Familiar Spirits, 61.

In the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage
Gromenis (“to mark out”) is listed as one of the
Sources: Ford, Bible of the Adversary, 91; Mathers,
Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, 106.

In the Ars Goetia, the first book of the Lemegeton, Guagamon (“net”) is listed as one of the
Sources: Mathers, Book of the Sacred Magic of
Abramelin the Mage, 106; Von Worms, Book of
Abramelin, 247.

Variations: Gualicho
In the Mapuche mythology Gualichu is a demonic spirit. A purely spiritual being, he has no
physical form or description, although some be-
