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Hantu Jepun
man covered in black fur, standing between six
and ten feet tall. It lives in the southern
rainforests of Malaysia, most often seen during
the fruiting and monsoon seasons.
Sources: Eberhart, Mysterious Creatures, 409; Werner,
Bomoh-Poyang, 549.
Hantu Jepun
The Hantu Jepun (“Japanese ghost”) are AERIAL DEVILS from Malaysian folklore. They were
created when Japanese soldiers died during their
occupation of Southeast Asia during World War
II. They look like men wearing the imperial army
uniform, carrying a rifle, samurai sword, or both;
usually they are headless.
Sources: Sue, Blood on Borneo, 191, 198.
Hantu Kertau
Variations: Hantu Kepala Babi
In Malaysian folklore hantu kertaus are demonic spirits that live in Perak, Malaysia. They
have the body of a deer and the head of a boar
with large tusks.
Sources: Wilkinson, Abridged Malay-English Dictionary, 109; Winstedt, Malay Magician, 24.
Hantu Kopek
Variations: HANTU TETEK, Nightmare
Hantu kopeks (“flaccid breast ghost”) are largebreasted nocturnal female spirits from Malaysian
folklore. They prey upon children who are trying
to fall asleep and they wake up those who are
sleeping. They use their large breasts to suffocate
children. Hantu kopeks linger in playgrounds.
Sources: McHugh, Hantu Hantu, 101–2; Skeat,
Malay Magic, 106.
Hantu Kuali
Looking like a frying pan, the hantu kuali of
Malaysian folklore can cause trouble at any time,
but it is more dangerous during the night. Found
in the kitchen of a home, it will not properly fry
fish and will break the yoke of fried eggs. It will
burn anyone who mistakes it for a normal pan
and bangs it on the stove.
Source: Burgess, Malayan Trilogy, 622.
Hantu Kubor
The hantu kubor (“grave spirit”) of Malaysian
folklore is a nocturnal demon who preys upon
both the living and the dead. This demon is created when a person has died, was buried, and
their soul has already risen into Heaven or descended into Hell but the evil of that person remained behind in their grave and manifested.
This HANTU looks like the person it was in life
but is dressed in a white burial shroud. It lives in
cemeteries where bodies are interred. Offerings
of food and water and a fire kept alit on its grave
will keep it from attacking.
Sources: McHugh, Hantu Hantu, 90, 122; Skeat,
Pagan Races of the Malay Peninsula, 98.
Hantu Kum Kum
Hantu Kum Kum of Malaysian folklore is a
singular entity and looks like a woman carrying
a tombstone as if it were a baby, asking for milk.
She preys upon menstruating virgins. According
to the story, there was once an ugly woman who
wanted to be beautiful so she visited a sorcerer.
His magic worked and made her the most beautiful woman in the village; however, the spell required that she not look into a mirror for fortyfour days. Unable to resist the temptation, she
looked in a mirror and instantly broke the spell,
making her more ugly than ever before. The sorcerer said that in order to restore the spell, she
needed to drink the blood of virgins for fortyfour days. Fortunately, she cannot enter into a
house without the owner’s permission.
Source: Munan, Culture Shock! Borneo, 78.
Hantu Langsuir
Variations: Hantu Pennanggalan
A vampiric demon from Malaysia, the hantu
langsuir looks like a beautiful woman or a floating
woman’s head with a tail made of entrails and
spinal column that hangs down from its severed
neck. It is most difficult to keep this vampire from
entering into your home, as it can squeeze
through even the smallest opening or crack.
A picky eater, the hantu langsuir has a very
specific order to the victims it preys on. Of all
the sources of blood that a vampire can choose
from, the hantu langsuir prefers the blood of a
newborn male child. If none is available, then the
blood of a newborn female will suffice. The entrails of either gender are consumed as well.
When the hantu langsuir manages to find a suitable victim, it bites a tiny hole in their neck from
which it draws the blood.
On occasion, it will drink milk from any available source and will lick the blood off a sanitary
napkin. If it does so, the woman to whom the
pad belonged will start to grow weak as her lifeenergy is being mystically drained away.
Should the hantu langsuir be caught in the act
of feeding, the head will detach from its body and
fly off to safety as it shape-shifts into an owl,
emitting an ear-piercing screech as it flees. Both
parts of the vampire, the discarded body and the
head, must be captured and burned to ash if the
creature is ever to be destroyed.
There are some women who have the ability