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Somerset Academy Boca
L.E.A.P. Program
(Learning Enrichment After-school Program)


We are proud, independent, smart and strong.
We take responsibility for our actions and therefore act in a responsible way.
We are courteous and considerate and treat others how we would want to be treated.
We are proud of our identities as individuals and as a group in our community.
We strive to learn from each other and help each other learn.
We always give our best to our community, our families, our peers and ourselves.
We are proud to be the Somerset Academy

Before and After Care
Somerset has established before and after care services to be available on campus. The Learning Enrichment After-School Program (L.E.A.P.),
offers participants homework assistance, enrichment activities, and outdoor/indoor activities. It is the parents/guardians responsibility to contract and
pay for such services at their option and discretion. Payments are due the 25 th of the previous month. A late fee of $25 will be applied after the 5 th of
the month. The following fee schedule is in effect through May 30th, 2019:
SNACK: Breakfast is included for morning care and a snack will be provided in the afternoon.
Annual Registration Fee:

$30 per child (no sibling discount)

Before Care Program:

Monday – Friday
7:20 am – 8:15 am

After Care Program:

Monday – Friday
Begins at 2:40 (K-2)
Begins at 3:10 (3-8)
Dismissal – 5:55pm

Morning Care
Afternoon Care
Morning and Afternoon Care

Morning & After Care Monthly Payment + $30 Registration Fee
1 student
2nd or more Students
$60 per additional child
$180 per additional child
$240 per additional child

Drop-In Fee:

Morning Care: $5.00 per day
Afternoon Care: $25 per day
$80- 4 days
$125- 8 days
(You must register in advance to receive the discounted price for 4 & 8 days and must be
used within the month purchased)

Late Pick-up Fee:

After 5:55 p.m., there is a $25 per child fee which is charged at time of pick-up if your child/children
picked-up between 6:00 p.m. and 6:05 p.m., thereafter every minute is an additional late fee of $2
per minute per child due in cash or check at time of pick-up. After the fifth late pick-up a warning
will be issued. Any subsequent late pick-up will result in dismissal from the L.E.A.P. program.

Registration Fee:

$30 per child.

Sibling Price Policy:

First child pays full price of program
Additional children receive a program discount of 20% against monthly fees for each month. Sibling
discount does not apply to registration fees.

Late Payment

Payment is due on the 25th of the previous month. Payments received late will be assessed the
following late fees: after the 5th - $25.00 per family; after the 10th - $50.00 per family. These fees
will be strictly enforced. If payment is not made on or before the 10 th of the month, the child
will be dismissed from the after care program until payment is made in full.

Returned Check Fee: $35 per incident, after two (2) NSF/ISF/Stop Payment occurrences all
future payments must be made by cash, money order or cashier’s check (this is inclusive of all
payments made to the school).
Payment on-line:

Making payments on-line have made it so much easier for parents to get their tuition paid
on time. Once you have registered your child for the program, you will need to register by
downloading the Bright Wheel app to enroll! You will be able to make payments with Visa
and MC once you have signed up and you complete the process. It’s that simple! We
encourage everyone to enroll in auto-payment.

Registration Note:

In order to be eligible to participate in the LEAP program, students must be registered and pay
the registration and monthly tuition fees. The initial LEAP payment is due in the school
office no later than August 13th, 2018 to secure a space for your child/children.
L.E.A.P. Program Payment Schedule Dates
Monthly Payments

Initial Payment

Due Date
No later than August 13, 2018
August 27, 2018
September 25, 2018

October 25, 2018
November 26, 2018
December 21, 2018
January 25, 2019
February 25, 2019
March 26, 2019
April 25, 2019

Registrants acknowledge that payments are due on the 25th of the previous month before or as listed above. If you are enrolled in
automatic pay on the brightwheel app your payment will be withdrawn on the 1 st of each month.
Please note that due to the calendar, some payment dates may fall within one or two days of the late payment date.

Fees for LEAP are calculated based on an entire program year, therefore, there is no reduction in fees for the
months in which a holiday break occurs.
________ Initials
Payments received after the 5th of the month will be assessed a $25 late fee; payments which remain unpaid after the 10 th of the month will
be assessed a $50 late fee and payments which remain unpaid after the 15 th of the month will be removed from the program. This is
strictly enforced unless prior arrangements are made. Any check returned NSF/ISF will be assessed a $35 NSF/ISF fee, any payments not
immediately brought current will be sent to Telecheck Services, Inc. for collection, which collection fees shall be the expense of the check issuer.
Money orders, cash or cashier’s checks will be required from any family who has two (2) checks returned NSF/ISF .
________ Initials
Withdrawal from L.E.A.P and Refund of Unused Fees
Parents must complete a withdrawal form in the office five (5) school days prior to the last day the parent wishes his/her child to participate
in the program. Refunds will not be given once payment is rendered.



The LEAP program will provide care beginning on the first day of school August 13 st, 2018.
Parents acknowledge that the last day of the L.E.A.P. program will be May 30, 2019.


________ Initials

Students of Somerset Academy Boca-East are eligible for participation in the L.E.A.P. Program providing that space is available in a particular class.
Registration will be accepted only when a completed registration form and payment is made to the school office.
Students are not eligible to attend the after-care program if he/she did not attend the full day of school. Therefore, you cannot bring your child to
attend the after-care program if your child did not come to school from 8:00 a.m. –dismissal.
Students are to remain in their Somerset Academy Boca uniform for the duration of L.E.A.P unless required for an enrichment program.
Students who participate in an enrichment program will be paying additional fees to participate. In the event a child is not picked up on-time from
his/her enrichment, the drop-in fee for L.E.A.P will be applied.

Pick-Up Procedures
Only parents or alternate pick-up representatives indicated on the registration form will be permitted to pick-up children from the after care program.
These individuals will be required to supply photo identification in order to pick up students. If alternative arrangements need to be made then this
information must be faxed to the school at 561-393-1092 or e-mailed to along with a copy of a parent or guardian
driver’s license. This is necessary to ensure that only authorized people are picking up students from the after care program.

Medicine will not be administered during the L.E.A.P. If a child does have medication that they need to take, a separate medication has to be
provided to the office as there will not be access to the main office (Ie. Epi-Pen). In addition, students are not permitted to administer medicine to
themselves during the L.E.A.P. program.
Student Personal Belongings

Students may not bring to school any personal items, i.e., large sums of money (i.e., more than lunch money or snack money), radios, I-pads, cell
phones, toys, trading cards or bracelets, etc. In the event the student brings any of these items to school, it will be obtained by the school office and
the parent will be called to pick-up the item. In the event a student brings any of these items to school, Somerset Academy Boca East, L.E.A.P. and
other staff members of Somerset and L.E.A.P. is not responsible for loss, stolen, damage or security to any of these prohibited items.

Student Conduct
The following rules, regulations and due process procedures are designed to protect all members of the educational community in the exercise of
their rights and responsibilities. These rules apply to any student:

Who is on the school property
Who is in attendance at school or any school-sponsored activity
Whose conduct at any time or in any place has a direct and immediate effect on maintaining order and discipline in the school

1. Lying
2. Acting in a manner as to interfere with the educational process


Abusive language between or among students
Failure to complete assignments or carry out directions
Disrespect to teacher or any other adult


1. Verbal and written reprimand
2. Contact with parent
3. Detentions Separate from the L.E.A.P. program
4. Suspension or Expulsion from the L.E.A.P. program

Somerset Academy Boca East students are expected to show respect for themselves, for other students and for their teachers, so that each room
has a climate in which optimal learning can take place, we expect students to behave in ways that are acceptable to classmates and conducive to
learning. Misbehavior on the part of students can be corrected generally when the home and school work together.
Teachers and students must foster a mutual respect for one another. Teachers will never use physical punishment or harsh verbal language toward
a student. We encourage, according to our Code of Excellence, methods of positive reinforcement/rewards and/or loss of privileges.

Disruptive Conduct

Disruptive conduct is defined as those activities engaged in by student(s) that are directed against person or property and the
consequences of which tend to endanger the health or safety of oneself or others in the school.


Acts may include, but are not limited to the following:


Disrespect or non-compliance
Violation of dress code

Dismissal from L.E.A.P. Program
The following actions will cause your child/children to be immediately dismissed from the L.E.A.P. Program for the remainder of the school year:

Three (3) Behavior Report Notices or Three (3) Detentions resulting from behavior in L.E.A.P
Five ( 5) Late Pick-up Violations
Non-payment of late charges and monthly fees by the 15 th of the month.
Non-payment of NSF/ISF/Stop Payment Fees and the monthly fee associated with the check within 5 days of notification.

A prime factor in our operation is the importance we place upon communication between home and school. The lines of communication must be
kept open at all times so that we may be properly tuned into your child’s needs. In the event you need to speak with the classroom teacher who is
also an After School Counselor, please make an appointment with the teacher for a time outside of the After Care Program hours.
We ask that you refrain from:

Calling teachers during school hours.
Holding a conference in the parking lot.
Conferring during class time or after care time.


Parents will be notified immediately in case of illness or an accident. In case you cannot be located we will use the name and telephone number of
your emergency contact. PLEASE be sure we have these numbers and that they are accurate. In the case of an emergency, 911 will be called.
You are requested to notify the office of any accident or injury which your child has had coming or going from school or during school hours if you
have not been informed by your child’s teacher.

School Holidays
The aftercare program will not be provided during Teacher Workdays or School Holidays.

Emergency School Closing Procedures
In the event of a hurricane, tropical storm, flood alert, act of God, or any other unforeseen disaster situation, Somerset Academy Boca East follows
emergency closing procedures of the Palm Beach County Public School system. Radio and television stations will advise all citizens of school
closing, reopening and emergency procedures. Please pay attention to news reports. It is important to listen to their guidelines and advisories. If
there is any doubt, please call the school’s office during school hours (Boca: 561-393-1091). Alerts will also come via the Remind app. Once alerted
to the emergency situation, please come and pick up your child early – the sooner all of your family is together the easier it will be to make your
emergency plans and arrangements. In the event of school closure due to unforeseen circumstances refunds will not be issued.
General Rule: If the public schools are closed then Somerset is closed. If the public schools request that parents/guardians pick up
children from school, Somerset requires the same.

Student Code of Excellence
The Somerset Handbook is available for you so that the expectations for behavior at Somerset Academy Boca are clear.
We believe that a safe and orderly school is of primary importance. When children behave in a respectful, responsible and safe manner, they learn
more and develop into responsible children whose “character counts”.
The Somerset Code of Behavior is a school-wide plan that clearly outlines student expectations. Proper behavior is recognized and consequences
are given for breaking the code.
Each parent must take an active rule in supporting this plan. We want our children to learn to be responsible citizens. It is in the children’s best
interest that parents and staff work together to ensure a happy, safe and productive learning experience.
“The Somerset Code of Excellence” states that students maintain these qualities:


Be Honest
Be Kind
Be Respectful
Be Patient
Be Courteous
Mistakes are okay, as long as you learn from them

Somerset Academy Boca goal is to use homework to increase the student’s knowledge and improve their abilities and skills. Homework may be
designed to reinforce what students have already learned, prepare them for upcoming or (complex or difficult) lessons, extend what they know by
having them apply it to new situations, or to integrate their abilities by applying many different skills to a single task. Homework also provides an
opportunity for parents to participate in their children’s education. It is the parent’s responsibility to review homework and planner nightly.The LEAP
program will assist students in comprehending the directions of their homework, review sample questions, and check homework completion. LEAP
staff may not be able to check the accuracy of all homework items due to time. If homework is not completed in a reasonable amount of time, it may
be necessary for students to complete homework at home. It is not the responsibility of the L.E.A.P counselors to guarantee the completion of
homework on a daily basis. Please check with your child to ensure homework completion.

________ Initials

Somerset Academy L.E.A.P. Agreement

I, ________________________________________ (parent/guardian name) acknowledge
and support the expectations and guidelines outlined in the Somerset Academy Boca
L.E.A.P. Handbook for my child ___________________________________________.

Parent/Guardian Signature


