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Academic Outreach Meeting Recap, July.14.09

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MMA Academic Outreach Taskforce
Face to Face Meeting
1 July, 2009
14:00 ET

Committee Co-Chairs
MMA Liaison

Michael Hanley, Michael Becker
Kristine van Dillen


Hip Cricket
Phind Me Mobile
Mobile Dreams Factory
Ball State University
Mobile Marketing Association
Western Illinois University
Academic Outreach Committee Forum



van Dillen

Meeting Recap
This meeting was a meeting of the Academic Outreach taskforce, including individuals working on the following
ongoing initiatives:
1. Academic MMA Annual Awards
- Categories: Individual, Research Team, School.
a. “Individual & Research Team”
b. “Academic Institution”
- Benefits: Access to data, industry, current, ad in the next journal= journal on them, preferred placement in
IJMM (for new papers), featured ad banner, release, ad-age article & interview.
- Submission fee: charging for submissions is a no-no.
- Judging: co-chairs, committees & others.
- Notification: handled w/in MMA
- Travel to awards ceremony: can’t be offered, perhaps offer free conference registration.
2. Student Project Awards
a. Proposed by Craig Conrad Like the Echo project. Fall is a good time for student groups.
b. Hanley & Conrad will take offline & submit proposal to the committee
3. Sponsorship Packages
a. Zoomerang & mMetrics – both put in $3000 back in 2007
b. $2000 awarded to winning team. $1000 to runner up.
c. Flesh out details of this with Hanley & Conrad.
4. Academic Institution Programs

a. Drexell & Wharton – put meat on exec education: (Phind me) Extended Learning Program. Feedback
by end of month. Exec Education. 1 day or 3 week program. May evolve into Certification.
b. Harvard: Becker meeting w/ to integrate mobile into their program.
c. Golden Gate University: Becker speaking at next week.
d. IE Business University: professional. Commercial academic endeavor. Kaplan – like structure. 3 schools
in the US:
e. MIT: open software program. All assets & materials & structures are freely available online. (open
5. MMA Certification Program
MMA Confidential

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MMA Academic Outreach Taskforce
Face to Face Meeting
1 July, 2009
14:00 ET
a. Professional Certification: Soft launch by early September around Annual Event.
b. Questions. More work on
6. DMEF Online tool:
a. Text book professional resource via DMEF. MMA needs to get involved.
7. IJMM:
a. June issue is running late. This year will be the first Electronic version.
b. Biz deving articles for next year.
8. Leadership Structure
a. Ensure formal leadership
b. Next call: Journal & Certification program need leads.
c. IJMM needs more co-editors. Compensation for editorial job. Hanley will provide input for the models out

Action Items
1. Becker will set up basecamp account to track Universities that we’re in touch with.
2. MMA to get press around IJMM release
3. Hanley will followup with an assessment of recommendation for editorial job & structure of compensation
4. Kristine to open up new channel of communication w/ Craig would be a good
contact for this (what did the old site look like?)
5. Kristine to send out award categories & criteria for the committee to look at.
If you have problems logging in to the Member’s only message board, please email
Please let Kristine van Dillen know if you have any questions regarding this meeting report:

Next Meeting: September 15th, 2009.

MMA Confidential

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