Iloperidone, for schizophrenia, 1442
Imiquimod, 533
Immediate bedding, 25
Immobile arm
common, 249 t
life- and limb-threatening, 249 t
diagnostic approach to, 251 f
differential diagnosis, 248 –250 , 249 t
evaluation and decision, 250 –252
history, 250
imaging, 251
laboratory tests, 251
physical examination, 250
Immunizations, 199 , 203
Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD), 524
Inborn errors of metabolism (IEM), 333 , 339 –340
Incarcerated hernia, 552
Incarcerated inguinal hernias, 256 , 354 , 412 , 1299
disposition, 1299
evidences, 1299
initial assessment, 1299
management, 1299
treatment goals, 1299
triage considerations, 1299
Incarcerated umbilical hernia, 1299
Incontinentia pigmenti (IP), 448 , 460 –461 , 461 f
Indirect medical control, 9e –10e
Indolealkylamines, 1072 –1073
Indurated plaques, 463
Infant botulism, 504 , 559 , 895 –896
Infantile acropustulosis, 458 –459 , 460 f
Infantile hemangiomas, 464 , 464 f, 465 t
Infantile pyknocytosis, 420
Infectious conjunctivitis, 173 –174
Infectious disease emergencies
babesiosis, 806
rickettsial disease, 805 –806
sexually transmitted infections, 851 –852
systemic infectious emergencies, 804
toxic shock syndrome (TSS), 805
Infectious mononucleosis, 309 , 358
Infectious oral lesions, 347 –350
Infectious pharyngitis, 508 , 511 , 511 f
Infectious uveitis, 189
Inflammatory arthritides, 362
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), 153 , 218 , 220 , 402 , 1305 , 1317
Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevi (ILVEN), 474 f
Inflammatory masses, 317
Inflicted burns, 1102
Influenza virus, 307 , 572
Informatics, 9
Infrared tympanic membrane (aural) thermometry, 194
Infratentorial tumors, 907
Inguinal adenopathy, 312
Inguinal hernias, 254 –256 , 256 f, 358 , 1310
disposition, 1299
evidences, 1299
incarcerated, 1299
initial assessment, 1299
management, 1299
therapeutic agents for, 255 t
treatment goals, 1299
triage considerations, 1299
Inguinal masses
causes, 254 t
differential diagnosis, 253 –257
evaluation and decision, 257
evaluation of, 253
in females, 254 f
in males, 254 f
sonographic findings of, 255 f
Inhalant abuse, 1079
Inhalational injury, in burns, 1099
Inherited blistering disorders, 445 –446
Inherited urea cycle disorders, 503
In-hospital pediatric cardiopulmonary arrest
CPR after, 46
outcome for, 46 t
prevalence of VT and VF, 57 , 57 t
Inner ear injuries, 1114 –1115
Insect bites infections, 445
Inspiratory positive airway pressure (IPAP), 35
Insulin, 655 , 657
Intercostal retractions, 486
Interfacility transport, 1e –21e
air medical transport environment, C011 e11.2f
equipment for ground ambulances, C011 e11.1t
pediatric interfacility ambulance environment, C011 e11.1f
Intermittent explosive disorder, 97
International Association of Dental Traumatology, 1106
International radiation units, 700 t
Interphalangeal (IP) joint injury, 1146
Interstitial lung disease, 962 , 962 t
Intertrigo, 441 f
Intervertebral disc calcification (IDC), 328 –329
Intestinal obstruction, acute
aganglionic megacolon (Hirschsprung disease), 1304 –1305
constipation, chronic, 1304
duplications, 1305
evidences, 1295
ileocolic intussusception, 1296 f
incarcerated inguinal hernia, 1299
incarcerated umbilical hernia, 1299
inflammatory bowel disease, 1305
intussusception, 1296 –1299
malrotation of bowel with volvulus, 1299 –1302
partial intestinal obstruction, chronic, 1303
postoperative adhesions, 1303
pyloric stenosis, 1302 –1303 , 1303 f
sigmoid volvulus, 1302 , 1302 f
small bowel obstruction, 1296 f
treatment goals, 1295
Intra-abdominal masses
evidences, 1306 –1307
malignant, 1308 –1309
hepatomas, 1309 , 1309 f
neuroblastoma, 1308 , 1308 f
rhabdomyosarcoma, 1309
Wilms tumor, 1308 –1309 , 1309 f
nonmalignant, 1307 –1308
fecaloma, 1307
mesenteric cysts, 1307 –1308
omental cysts, 1307
ovarian dermoids, 1308 f
ovarian masses, 1307
presacral teratoma, 1307 f
sacrococcygeal teratoma, 1307
Intracerebral hematomas, 270
Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), 1383
Intracranial hemorrhage, 1087 , 1272
Intracranial pressure (ICP), 175 , 185 , 268 , 554 , 906 , 1382
ataxia and, 108 –109
treatment for, 109
presentation and management of, 928
Intraorbital tumors, 909
Intraosseous (IO) access, 53 –54 , 54 f
complications, 53
contraindications to IO placement, 53
devices, 53
Intraperitoneal air, 89
Intraperitoneal bleeding, 89
Intrauterine devices, 766 –767
Intravenous (IV) immunoglobin therapy, 109
Intussusception, 152 , 552 , 1296 –1299
clinical recognition, 1296 –1297
evidences, 1296
ileocolic, 1298 f