ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) in, 1026
triage considerations, 1022
tumor necrosis factor inhibition therapy, 1025
Kawasaki shock syndrome, 1026
Keloids, 1354 , 1355 f
Kernicterus, 503
Kernig sign, 123
Ketamine, 39 , 39 t, 1069 , 1072
Ketoacidosis, 358
Ketorolac (Toradol), 887
Kidney, genitourinary trauma, 1131
angioembolization, 1135
clinical recognition, 1133
discharge/admission, clinical indications, 1135 –1136
evidences, 1132 –1133
hematuria, 1133
hypertension, chronic, 1136
initial assessment, 1133
management/diagnostic testing, 1133 –1135
angiography, 1135
computed tomography, 1133 –1134
intravenous urography, 1134 –1135
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 1135
nuclear medicine imaging, 1135
ultrasound, 1134
pediatric patient, algorithm for evaluation, 1132 f
pediatric renal trauma, 1131
renal fracture, 1135 f
renal injuries, classification of, 1134 f
seat belt sign, 1133
treatment goal, 1131 –1132
Kiesselbach plexus in, 1331
Kikuchis syndrome, 909
Kingella kingae , 306 , 1359 , 1387
Klippel–Feil syndrome, 330
Klippel–Trenaunay–Weber syndrome, 1351
Klumpke palsy, 558
Knee, anatomy of, 276 f
Knee fractures, 1199 –1203
common fractures, 1200 f
dislocations, 1200 –1201
distal femoral fractures, 1200
distal tibia, toddler’s fracture, 1204 f
ligamentous injuries, 1201 –1202 , 1202 f
nondisplaced proximal tibial metaphyseal fracture, 1203 f
patellar dislocations, 1201
patellar fractures, 1201
patella, sleeve fracture of, 1202 f
patella, transverse fracture of, 1202 f
proximal tibial physis, Salter-Harris type I fracture, 1203 f
Salter–Harris type I fracture, 1201 f
Salter–Harris type II fracture, 1201 f
spiral fracture, 1200 f
tibial spine, avulsion fracture, 1202 f
tibial tubercle/spine fractures, 1202 –1203
traction splint to stabilize femoral fractures, 1200 f
Knee injuries
differential diagnosis, 276 t
acute, 275 –279 , 281 f
dislocations, 275 –277
fractures, 275
lateral collateral ligament (LCL) injuries, 277
medial collateral ligament (MCL) injuries, 277
posterior cruciate ligament injuries, 277
posttraumatic infection, 279
soft tissue injuries, 277 –279
subacute, 279 , 282 f
evaluation and decision, 280 –282
approach to, 281 f–282 f
diagnostic maneuvers for, 280 t
Ottawa Knee rules, 280
testing for
Apley compression test, 278 , 279 f
collateral ligament injury, 277 , 277 f
Lachman test, 277 , 277 f
McMurray’s test, 278 , 278 f
Knowing–doing gap, 7
Koebnerization, 468
Koebner phenomenon, 468
Kohler disease, 302
Koplik spots, 348
Kugelberg–Welander disease, 558
Kussmaul respirations, 486
Labetalol, 243 –244
Labial adhesions, 764 –765
Labyrinthitis, 389
Laceration repair, 1127 –1129 , 1158
Lacerations, 1113
buccal mucosa, 1167 , 1167
cheek, 1166 –1167
clinical considerations, 1128 –1129
corneal, 1266 f
evidences, 1129
external ear blunt trauma, 1165 –1166
facial nerve, 1128 f
lip, 1166
nail bed, 1167 –1168
nasal, 1166
2-octylcyanoacrylate, 1129
tongue, 1167
treatment goals, 1127 –1128
Lactobacillus reuteri , 139
Lamotrigine, 456
Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH), 312 , 471 , 906
Laryngeal and tracheal trauma
clinical recognition, 1119
evidences, 1119
initial assessment, 1120
thyroid cartilage, loss of, 1120 f
treatment goals, 1119
triage, 1119 –1120
Laryngeal mask airways (LMAs), 41 , 66
Laryngeal tube, 41
Laryngomalacia, 1405
Laryngotracheitis (croup), 133 , 134 t, 136
Laryngotracheobronchitis, 479
Larynx, 1331
Larynx and trachea trauma
bronchial foreign body, 1119 f
clinical recognition, 1118
evidences, 1118
foreign bodies, 1118
initial assessment, 1119
management, 1119
triage, 1118 –1119
Lateral collateral ligament (LCL) injuries, 277
Lateral condylar fracture, 1188 f
Lateral neck lesions, 1349 –1351 . See also Neck lesions, lateral
Lateral pharyngeal abscesses, 509
Laxatives, 132
Lead lines, 1064 f
Lead poisoning, 419 , 1062 –1064 , 1064 t
Leber hereditary optic neuropathy, 187
Left ventricular noncompaction (LVNC), 613
Left ventricular outflow tract obstructive (LVOTO) lesions, 595
Legg–Calvé–Perthes disease (LCPD), 279 –280 , 302 , 304 , 405
clinical recognition, 1373
epiphysis, 1374 f
evidences, 1373
hip, 1374 f
initial assessment/H&P, 1374
management/diagnostic testing, 1374
Leishmaniasis, 849 –850
Lemierre syndrome, 322 , 512
Length of stay (LOS), in pediatric EDs, 24
Leptospirosis, 313 , 844