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Pediatric emergency medicine trisk 1219

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clinical recognition, 993
criteria for classification of, 991 t–992 t, 993
evidences, 990 –993
goals of treatment, 993
immunomodulatory agents for, 995 t
management of complications and emergencies, 996 t
cardiac complications, 999
fever, 995 –997
GI complications, 998 –999
headaches, 999
hematologic complications, 997
hypertension, 999
infections, 995
neurologic complications, 997 –998
pulmonary complications, 998
Raynaud phenomenon (RP), 999
renal complications, 997
triage considerations, 993 –994
Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics (SLICC), 990 , 992
Systemic vascular resistance (SVR), 72

Tachyarrhythmias, 525 –526
Tachycardias, 59 –62 , 148 , 196 , 271 , 341 , 368
common causes, 526 t
diagnostic approach to, 527 f
differential diagnosis, 525 –526 , 526 t
evaluation and decision, 526 –528
life-threatening causes, 526 t
narrow complex, irregular, 602
narrow complex, regular, 602 –606

pathophysiology, 525
sinus, 525
supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), 59 –61
ventricular tachycardia (VT), 62
ventricular, 607 f
wide complex regular, 606

wide complex, irregular, 602
Tachypnea, 73 , 102 , 105 , 485
Tarsal coalition, 302
Tazobactam, 81 t
T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma, 910
T-cell–mediated hypersensitivity reaction (type IV), 434
Team communication and coordination behaviors, in ED, 5
Team, defined, 13
Teardrop fractures, 1245 f, 1246
Technology-assisted child, 1e –19e
approach to, 1e –2e
cerebrospinal fluid shunts, 5e –9e
background, 5e
clinical findings, 6e –9e
equipment, 5e
management of, 6e
pathophysiology, 5e
enteral feeding tubes, 13e –16e
background, 13e –14e
clinical findings, 14e –16e
equipment, 14e
management of, 14e –16e

pathophysiology, 14e
gastrointestinal and genitourinary diversion, 16e –19e
background, 16e
clinical findings, 17e
equipment, 17e
management, 17e –18e
pathophysiology, 17e
urinary diversions, 18e
indwelling venous access devices, 10e –13e
background, 10e
clinical findings, 12e –13e
equipment, 10e
management of, 12e –13e
pathophysiology, 10e
tracheostomy care, 2e

background of, 2e
clinical findings, 3e
equipment, 2e
pathophysiology of, 2e
Temporal artery thermometry, 194
Temporal bone fracture, 1115
Temporal disintegration, 1073
Temporal lobe seizures, 491 , 883
Temporomandibular joints (TMJs), 1105
Tendonitis, 405
Tension pneumothorax, 142 , 482 , 1411 , 1411 f
Teratoma, 910
Terbinafine, 443

Terrestrial invertebrates
arthropoda phylum, 709
centipedes and millipedes, 712
insects, 712 –713
spiders, 710 –712
tick paralysis, 712
Terrestrial vertebrates, 713 –716
Terrible lymphoma, 910
Testicular cancer, 414
Testicular dislocation, 1140
Testicular masses, 1337
Testicular problems, 1336 –1339
appendix testis, torsion of, 1338
background, 1336
epididymitis, 1338
hydrocele, 1338
testicular mass, 1337 –1338
testicular torsion, 1337
undescended testis, 1338 –1339
varicocele, 1339 , 1339 f
Testicular rupture, 1140
Testicular torsion, 257 , 408 –410 , 409 f–411 f, 415 , 1337
diagnosis, 409 –410
salvage rates, 410

treatment, 410
Testis tumor, 413 –414
guidelines, 1164

immunization, 721
immunoglobulin (TIG), 1164
prophylaxis, 1155 t, 1176
toxoid-containing vaccine, 1100
Tethered spinal cord, 557
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), 1073 –1074
Thalassemia(s), 778
Thermoregulation, 64
Thiamine, 124
Thoracic cavity, 481 –482
Thoracic emergencies, 1404 –1424
airway compromise, 1405 –1407 , 1405 t
airway difficulties, esophagus-related causes, 1408 –1410
bronchial lesions, 1407 –1408
chest wall tumors, 1422 –1423
clinical manifestations, 1404 –1405
diaphragmatic defects, 1422 f
diaphragmatic problems, 1420 –1422
emergency therapy, goals of, 1404
lung lesions, 1415 –1418
mediastinal tumors, 1418 –1420 , 1418 f
pleural diseases, 1410 –1415
Thoracic outlet syndrome, 286
Thoracic trauma, 1274 –1287
algorithm of approach to, 1275 f
aorta and great vessels, injuries of, 1281 –1282 , 1282 f
algorithm for evaluation/diagnosis, 1283 f
clinical assessment, 1282
clinical recognition, 1281 –1282
disposition, 1282

evidences, 1281
management, 1282
triage, 1282
