Lethargy, 117
Leukemia, 318 , 901 –906
clinical assessment, 902 , 905
clinical recognition, 902
evidences, 902
goals of treatment, 901
management, 905 –906
Leukopenia, 997
Levetiracetam, 497
Leydig cell atrophy, 257
Lichen nitidus, 469 t, 473 , 473 f
Lichen planus, 469 t, 473 , 473 f, 649 –650
Lichen sclerosis, 384 t, 534 , 544 , 763 –764
Lichen simplex chronicus, 433
Lichen striatus, 469 t, 473 –474 , 473 f
Lidocaine, 40 , 56 t, 1316
increased intracranial pressure, 1256
Life after Pediatric Sepsis Evaluation (LAPSE) study, 85
Life-threatening lymphadenopathy, 314 –315
Ligamentous injuries, 1201 –1202
Limb lymphatic malformations, 1352
algorithmic approach to, 304 f
with bilateral leg pain, 304
causes, 301
definition, 301
differential diagnosis, 301 –305
by age and location of pathology, 303 t
by disease category, 302 t
evaluation and decision
history, 305
laboratory and imaging studies, 305 –306
physical examination, 305
localized findings without pain, 302
with migratory bone pain, 304
rheumatic conditions and, 302
with testicular pain, 305
trauma induced, 301
without localization, 304
Linea alba, 352
Linear immunoglobulin A (IgA) disease, 448
Lip lacerations, 1166
Lip licker’s dermatitis, 435
Lipomas, 1352 –1353
Lisfranc fracture, 1209 f
Listeria monocytogenes infection, 81 , 998
Lithium, 531
Little League shoulder, 286
Localized lymphadenopathy, 253
Localized scleroderma, 999
Long QT syndrome (LQTS), 518 –519 , 522
Loperamide, 156
Lorazepam, 39 t
Louse infestation, 637 –638 , 637 f
Lower airway foreign-body aspiration, 207
Lower esophageal sphincter (LES), 552
Lower extremity injuries, 1196 –1209
ankle injuries, 1204 –1207
ankle sprains, 1205
clinical assessment, 1205
clinical recognition, 1205
discharge/admission, clinical indications, 1206
distal tibial/fibular fractures, 1205
distal tibia, nondisplaced transverse fracture, 1206 f
distal tibia, Tillaux fracture, 1206 f
evidences, 1204 –1205
isolated distal fibular fracture, 1206
juvenile Tillaux fractures, 1206
management, 1205 –1206
radiograph of, 1205 f
Salter-Harris fractures, 1205 –1206
treatment goals, 1204
triage considerations, 1205
triplane fractures, 1206 , 1207 f
femur fractures, 1199 –1200
foot injuries, 1208 –1209
calcaneus fractures, 1208 f
hindfoot/midfoot fractures, 1208 –1209
Lisfranc fracture, 1209 f
metatarsal/phalangeal fractures, 1208
hip/proximal femur
clinical assessment, 1198
clinical recognition, 1198
dislocation, 1198
disposition, 1199
evidences, 1198
femoral neck fractures, 1199
intertrochanteric fractures, 1199
management, 1198 –1199
proximal femoral physeal fractures, 1198 –1199
Salter–Harris type I fracture, 1199 f
treatment goals, 1197
triage considerations, 1198
knee fractures, 1199 –1203
common fractures, 1200 f
dislocations, 1200 –1201
distal femoral fractures, 1200
distal tibia, toddler’s fracture, 1204 f
ligamentous injuries, 1201 –1202
ligaments of, 1202 f
nondisplaced proximal tibial metaphyseal fracture, 1203 f
patellar dislocations, 1201
patellar fractures, 1201
patella, sleeve fracture of, 1202 f
patella, transverse fracture of, 1202 f
proximal tibial physis, Salter-Harris type I fracture, 1203 f
Salter–Harris type I fracture, 1201 f
Salter–Harris type II fracture, 1201 f
spiral fracture, 1200 f
tibial spine, avulsion fracture, 1202 f
tibial tubercle/spine fractures, 1202 –1203
traction splint to stabilize femoral fractures, 1200 f
pelvis injuries, 1196 , 1197 f
acetabular fractures, 1197
avulsion fractures, 1196 , 1197 f
clinical assessment, 1196
clinical recognition, 1196
disposition, 1197
evidences, 1196
management, 1196 –1197
pelvic ring fractures, 1196
triage considerations, 1196
proximal tibial
epiphyseal fractures, 1203
metaphyseal fractures, 1203
tibial/fibular shaft fractures, 1204
toddler’s fractures, 1204
Lower GI bleeding, 728 –730
differential diagnosis, 217 –219
etiology of, 217 t
evaluation and decision
diagnostic approach to, 219 –220 , 220 f
history and physical examination, 219
laboratory testing, 219
in older children and adolescents, 218 –219
in preschool (2 to 5 years), 218
Lucey–Driscoll syndrome, 299
Ludwig angina, 322 , 348
Ludwig’s angina, 349 t
LUMBAR syndrome, 464
Lumbosacral lesions, 1355
Lung tumors, 910
Lupus anticoagulant, 997
Lupus nephritis, 982
Lurasidone, for schizophrenia, 1442
Lyme disease, 301 , 402 , 406 , 891 , 897 , 1362
Lyme titers, 1362
Lymphadenitis, 253 –254 , 309 , 909