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Pediatric emergency medicine trisk 1173

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Walton SA, Hopkins J, Garvin G, et al. Ostomy complications in pediatrics. In:
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Genitourinary Diversion
Floyd S, Gray M. Managing the cutaneous vesicostomy. J Wound Ostomy
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Metcalfe PD, Rink RC. Urinary diversion. In: Docimo S, Canning D, Khoury AE,
Salle, JLP, eds. The Kelalis King Belman Textbook of Clinical Pediatric
Urology. 6th ed. London: Informa Healthcare; 2018.

Note: Pages followed by f indicate figures; pages followed by t indicate
tables. Those followed by e indicate for web chapters.

Abacavir, 453 , 456
Abdomen, 87 , 89 –90 , 93
Abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS), 93
Abdominal cramping, 536
Abdominal distention
causes, 89 t, 90
life-threatening, 89 t
differential diagnosis, 87 –90 , 88 t
evaluation and decision
history, 90
laboratory, 90 , 93
management, 93
physical examination, 90 , 91 f–92 f
intestinal gas causing, 89
signs of, 87

toxic megacolon and, 87
tympanitic, 87
Abdominal emergencies, 1290 –1312
abdominal wall defects, 1310 –1312
epiploceles (epigastric hernias), 1310
hydroceles, 1310
inguinal hernia, 1310
omphalomesenteric duct remnants, 1310 –1311 , 1311 f
peritonitis, 1303 f
prior abdominal surgery, 1303 f
umbilical hernias, 1310
urachus persists, after birth, 1311 –1312

with abscess and fecalith, 1295 f
diagnostic algorithm, 1292 f
longitudinal/transverse images, 1294 f
lymphoid hyperplasia, 1290
Pediatric Appendicitis Score, 1293 t
symptoms/signs, 1291 t
emergency care, goals of, 1290
intestinal obstruction, acute
aganglionic megacolon, 1304 –1305
constipation, chronic, 1304
duplications, 1305
evidences, 1295
ileocolic intussusception, 1296 f
incarcerated inguinal hernia, 1299
incarcerated umbilical hernia, 1299

inflammatory bowel disease, 1305
intussusception, 1296 –1299
malrotation of bowel with volvulus, 1299 –1302
partial intestinal obstruction, chronic, 1303
postoperative adhesions, 1303
pyloric stenosis, 1302 –1303 , 1303 f
sigmoid volvulus, 1302 , 1302 f
small bowel obstruction, 1296 f
treatment goals, 1295
intra-abdominal masses
evidences, 1306 –1307
malignant, 1308 –1309
nonmalignant, 1307 –1308
presacral teratoma, 1307 f
sacrococcygeal teratoma, 1307
nonperforated appendicitis, acute, 1290
clinical assessment, 1291
clinical recognition, 1290 –1291
evidences, 1290
management, 1291 –1293
treatment goals, 1290
triage considerations, 1291

perforated appendicitis
clinical assessment, 1293 –1295
clinical recognition, 1293
management, 1295
treatment goals, 1293
rectal bleeding

anorectal manometry, 1305
causes of, 1305 f
colonoscopy, 1306
fissures, 1305
juvenile polyps, 1305 –1306 , 1306 f
Meckel diverticulum, 1306 , 1306 f
treatment goals, 1305
Abdominal, gastrointestinal, and genitourinary emergencies
adrenal, 36e
hepatic, 36e
pelvic, 36e
renal, 35e
treatment, 36e
abnormal stool
acholic stool, 35e
allergic enteropathy, 35e
hematochezia and melena, 35e
treatment, 35e
genitourinary anomalies
ambiguous genitalia, 36e –37e
circumcision, 36e
treatment, 36e
vaginal discharge, 36e
hernias, 32e –34e
intestinal obstruction, 30e
adhesions, 32e
anorectal malformations, 32e
gastrointestinal duplications, 31e
Hirschsprung disease, 31e –32e

hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, 31e
