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Pediatric emergency medicine trisk 1174

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meconium syndromes, 31e
small bowel atresia and stenosis, 30e –31e
malrotation and volvulus
clinical considerations, 29e
evidences, 29e
treatment, 9e
necrotizing enterocolitis, 32e
umbilical cord anomalies, 34e –37e
appearance, 33e –35e
granuloma, 34e
omphalitis, 35e
omphalomesenteric duct remnants, 35e
treatment, 33e
urachal anomalies, 34e
Abdominal injuries, 1092
Abdominal masses
adrenal, 36e
hepatic, 36e
pelvic, 36e
renal, 35e
treatment, 35e
Abdominal migraine, 886
Abdominal pain, 562
abdominal surgery and, 357 –358
acute, 354 , 355 t–356 t, 357 f, 358 , 359 f
cholecystitis and, 358
chronic or recurrent, 359 –360
colicky, 358 –359
differential diagnosis, 354 –356
etiologies, 354
evaluation and decision, 356 –360

fever and, 359
focal tenderness and, 358
functional, 356
infectious mononucleosis and, 358
from ketoacidosis, 358
Meckel diverticulum and, 358

palpable mass and, 358
pancreatitis and, 358
pathophysiology, 354
with peritoneal signs, 358
postpubertal female with, 360
in setting of major trauma, 356 –357
streptococcal pharyngitis and, 358
Abdominal trauma, 629 –632 , 1084 –1087
abdominal CT scan, indications for, 1087
air bag injuries, 1092 –1093
approach, to pediatric patient, 1084 –1087
blunt, 1089 –1091
abdominal computed tomography, 1089 f–1090 f
abdominal wall contusions, 1089
hollow abdominal viscera injuries, 1091
late presentations of intra-abdominal trauma, 1091
liver trauma, 1090
management of, 1086 f
pancreatic injuries, 1090 –1091
solid organ injuries, 1089 –1090
treatment goals, 1089
child abuse, 1092 –1093

clinical assessment of, 1085
clinical recognition, 1084 –1085
computed tomographic scan, indications, 1087 t, 1089 f–1090 f
diagnostic imaging for, 1087 –1088
digital rectal examination, 1085
emergency care, goals of, 1084
evidences of, 1084
focused abdominal sonography for trauma (FAST), 1087
intramural duodenal hematoma, 1091
laboratory assessment of, 1085
lap and shoulder belt injuries, 1092 –1093 , 1092 f–1093 f
laparoscopy/laparotomy for
emergent vs. selective, 1088 –1089
indications for immediate, 1088 t
management of, 1085 –1087

basic principles of, 1085 –1087
initial evaluation and treatment, 1085 f
stable patient, 1087
of unstable patient, 1087
penetrating, 1091 –1092
goals of treatment, 1091
gunshot wounds, 1091 –1092
management of, 1088 f
stab wounds, 1092
treatment goals, 1084
triage considerations, 1085
Abdominal wall contusions, 1089
Abdominal wall defects, 1310 –1312

epiploceles (epigastric hernias), 1310
hydroceles, 1310
inguinal hernia, 1310
omphalomesenteric duct remnants, 1310 –1311 , 1311 f
peritonitis, 1303 f
prior abdominal surgery, 1303 f
umbilical hernias, 1310
urachus persists, after birth, 1311 –1312
Abnormal stool
acholic stool, 35e
allergic enteropathy, 35e
hematochezia and melena, 35e
treatment, 35e
Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB), 536 , 538 –539
Abscess(es), 1295 f
brain, 1389
dental emergencies, 1313 –1314
clinical recognition, 1327
diagnostic testing, 1327 –1328
discharge/admission, clinical indications, 1328
evidences, 1327
initial assessment, 1327
management, 1327 –1328

pre-vertebral swelling, 1326 f
treatment goals, 1327
triage considerations, 1327
perforated appendicitis, 1295 f

peritonsillar, 1323 –1325
spinal epidural, 1388
Absolute hypovolemia, 73 –74
Abusive abdominal trauma, 629 –633 , 630 f–632 f
Abusive fractures, 627
Abusive head trauma, 627 –629 , 628 f
Accessory auricles, 1346
Accidental hypothermia
clinical recognition, 692
cold-induced vasoconstriction, 691
indications for admission and discharge, 694
initial assessment, 692
management and diagnostic studies, 693 –694
rewarming strategies, 694 , 694 f
treatment, goals of, 691
triage considerations, 692
Accountable care, 4
Acetaminophen, 203
toxicity, 293 , 1041 –1043 , 1043 f
Acetaminophen, pain control, 1316
Acetazolamide (Diamox), 888
Achromobacter xylosoxidans , 946
Acid–base abnormalities, 502
Acid caustics, 1058 –1061
Acquired aplastic anemia, 419
Acquired autoimmune bullous disorders, 445 , 449 t
Acquired glaucoma, 174
Acquired heart disease, 611 –612
Acquired sensorineural hearing loss, 222 –224
from acoustic trauma, 224

by acute infection, 222 –223
from head trauma, 224
perilymphatic fistula and, 224
