management. See also Pediatric airway management; Tracheal
intubation (TI)
in CPR, 48 , 48 f, 64
in shock, 81
obstruction and respiratory failure, treatment of, 48
perilaryngeal, 41
stabilization of, 1122
supraglottic, 41
Airway-breathing-circulation (ABC) sequence, 681
Alagille syndrome (AS), 736
ALARA principle, 315 , 704 –705
Alcohols, 1053 –1054
Alert, 11 –12
Alkali burns, 188
Alkali caustics, 1058 –1061
Allergic conjunctivitis, 1397 –1398
Allergic contact dermatitis, 434 , 434 f
Allergic emergencies
allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis, 585 –587
anaphylaxis, 579 –583 , 580 t, 581 f
emergency therapy, goals, 579
hereditary angioedema, 583 –584
serum sickness, 584 –585
Allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis, 585 –587
clinical recognition, 586 –587
management, 587
pathophysiology and classification, 585
treatment, goals of, 586
treatment of, 586 t
Allergy, 480
Alpha fetoprotein (AFP), 1419
Altered level of consciousness (ALOC), 117 , 119 , 121 , 125
common causes of, 118 t
etiology of, 118 t
life-threatening causes of, 118 t
as a result of intracranial neoplasms, 119
Aluminomagnesium silicates, 156
Alvarado Score, 1291
Alveolar osteitis, 1314 –1315
Amanita phalloides species, 1067
Amanita smithiana species, 1067
Ambiguous genitalia, 665
Amebiasis, 848
Amenorrhea, 343
American Academy of Family Practitioners (AAFP), 1320
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 30 , 32 –33 , 102 , 296 , 1320 ,
American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), 30
American College of Rheumatology (ACR), 990 , 992 –993
Amino acid disorders, 874
Aminoacidopathies, 874
Amiodarone, 55 t
Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, 721
Amphetamines, 1074 –1075
Amphotericin, 440
Ampicillin, 81 t
Amplified musculoskeletal pain syndrome (AMPS), 1378
Anal fissures, 1356
Analgesic therapy, oral, 1313 –1314
Anal stenosis, 128
Anaphylactic shock, 81
Anaphylaxis, 378 –379 , 579 –583
allergic emergencies
airway maintenance, 582
circulation maintenance, 582
clinical assessment, 580 –582
clinical recognition, 580
discharge considerations, 583
disposition, 582 –583
evidence, 579 –580
management, 582
pathway, 618 f
therapy, 582
treatment, goals of, 582
triage, 582
Anemia, 314 , 503 , 536
acquired aplastic, 419
aplastic, 418 –419
autoimmune hemolytic, 420
Cooley, 419
Coombs positive isoimmune hemolytic, 294
diagnosis of, 417
Diamond–Blackfan, 419
drug-associated hemolytic, 420
Fanconi, 418
hypochromic, 419
hypoplastic, 418 –419
iron-deficiency, 417 , 419
megaloblastic, 417
microangiopathic, 420 –421
nutritional, 417
sickle cell, 420
sideroblastic, 419
of TEC, 419
Anemic hypoxia, 478
Anesthesia breathing circuits (Mapleson circuit), 50 , 50 f
Aneurysm rupture, 120
Angiodysplasia, 218
Angiolipomas, 1352
Animal bites, 1154 –1156 , 1165 , 1167
Anisocoria, 182 –183 , 184 f
Ankle brachial index (ABI), 1201
Ankle injuries, 1204 –1207
ankle sprains, 1205
clinical assessment, 1205
clinical recognition, 1205
differential diagnosis, 259
discharge/admission, clinical indications, 1206
distal tibial/fibular fractures, 1205
nondisplaced transverse fracture, 1206 f
Tillaux fracture, 1206 f
evaluation and decision, 266 f
approach to, 265 –266
history, 264
physical examination, 264 –265
radiographic imaging, 265
eversion injury, 261 f, 263 f
evidences, 1204 –1205
fractures, 259 –260
juvenile Tillaux, 259 , 261 f
triplanar, 262 f
inversion injury, 261 f
isolated distal fibular fracture, 1206
juvenile Tillaux fractures, 1206
management, 1205 –1206
radiograph of, 1205 f
Salter-Harris fractures, 1205 –1206
sprains, 260 –263
classification, 261 , 264 t
fractures, 266
orthopedic referral, 267
rehabilitation, 267
splinting, 267
sprains, 266
treatment goals, 1204
triage considerations, 1205
triplane fractures, 1206 , 1207 f
Ankle, lateral view, 263 f
Ankle pain
differential diagnosis, 260 t
injuries associated with, 260 t
Ankle sprains, 1205
Ankylosing spondylitis, 329
Annular ligament displacement, 1374 –1375
clinical recognition, 1374
evidences, 1374
glenohumeral subluxation/dislocation, 1375