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Pediatric emergency medicine trisk 1177

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hyperpronation maneuver, 1375 f
initial assessment/H&P, 1374
management/diagnostic testing, 1374 –1375
shoulder dislocation, 1375
Annular ligament displacement (ALD), 1374
Annular plaques, 639
Annular rash, 461 , 461 f
Anogenital warts, 636
Anomalous coronary arteries, 610
Anorexia nervosa, 131 , 570
Anosmia, 333
Antenatal torsion testis (newborn), 414
Anterior cord syndrome, 1249 –1250
Anterior cruciate ligaments (ACLs), 275 , 1202
Anterior horn cell disease, 557
Anterior mediastinal masses (AMM), 906 , 910 , 912
Anterior midline craniofacial tumors, 175
Anterior uveitis, 189 –190
Antibiotic therapy
in shock treatment, 74 , 81 –82 , 81 t
for suspected chorioamnionitis, 67
Anticonvulsants, 452
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH), 74
Antidotal therapy, 1037 , 1038 t–1039 t
Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs)
ataxia from, 108 , 108 t
for seizure prevention, 496 –497 , 497 t
Antihistamines, 1052
Anti-NMDAR encephalitis, 893
Antipsychotic medications, 1442
Anxiety disorders, 97 , 424 , 1444

Aorta and great vessels, injuries of, 1281 –1282 , 1282 f
clinical assessment, 1282
clinical recognition, 1281 –1282
disposition, 1282
evaluation and diagnosis of, algorithm for, 1283 f
evidences, 1281

management, 1282
triage, 1282
Aortic valve stenosis, 519
Aphthous-like ulcers, 1317
Aphthous stomatitis, 312 , 349 t, 352 , 1317
Aphthous ulcers, 1317
Aplasia cutis, 463 , 1355
Aplastic anemia, 418 –419
Apnea, 505 , 1030
approach to diagnosis and management, 104 f, 105 –106
tasks of emergency physician, 105
tests, 105
BRUE/ALTE in, 102 –103 , 103 t
congenital abnormalities and, 102 , 105
definition, 102
differential diagnosis, 102 –103 , 103 f
evaluation and decision
episodes, 104 –105
initial stabilization, 103
underlying cause, 105 –106
exogenous factors, 102
historical features, 104 t

life-threatening conditions, 104 t
muscular response in, 102
pathophysiology, 102
as result of life-threatening child abuse, 102
Apneic oxygenation, 38
Appendage torsion, 410 , 415
Appendicitis, 152 –153 , 358 , 553
with abscess and fecalith, 1295 f
acute nonperforated, 1290
clinical assessment, 1291
clinical recognition, 1290 –1291
evidences, 1290
management, 1291 –1293
treatment goals, 1290
triage considerations, 1291

diagnostic algorithm, 1292 f
longitudinal/transverse images, 1294 f
lymphoid hyperplasia, 1290
Pediatric Appendicitis Score, 1239 t, 1291
with abscess and fecalith, 1295 f
clinical assessment, 1293 –1295
clinical recognition, 1293
management, 1295
treatment goals, 1293
symptoms and signs, progression of, 1291 t
Appendicular ataxia, 107
Arcanobacterium haemolyticum , 475 , 508 , 511

Aripiprazole, for schizophrenia, 1442
Arrhythmias, 368 , 502 , 520
management, 45
palpations and, 425
Arrhythmic emergencies
clinical recognition
bradycardia, management/diagnostic testing, 606 –609 , 609 f
channelopathies, management/diagnostic testing, 606
initial assessment/H&P, 602
management/diagnostic testing, 602
narrow complex, irregular tachycardia, 602
narrow complex, regular tachycardia, 602 –606
sinus rhythm, 608 f
supraventricular tachycardia with aberrancy, 607 f
triage, 602
ventricular tachycardia, 607 f
wide complex, irregular tachycardia, 602
wide complex regular tachycardia, 606
wide complex VT, management/diagnostic testing, 602 , 606 t
Arterial hypoxemia, 478
Arterial infarcts, 1390
Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs), 890 , 1383
Arthralgia, 402
Arthritis, 402 , 1010 –1011

Arthrocentesis, 1362 , 1364 –1365
Arthroscopic surgery, 1375
Artificial pulmonary surfactant, 67
Ascending reticular activating system (ARAS), 117

Asenapine, for schizophrenia, 1442
Askin tumor, 910
Ask Suicide Screening Questions (ASQ), 1446
Asparaginase, 926
Aspergillus infection, 444 , 998
Asphyxia, traumatic, 1287
Aspiration pneumonia, 943 –944
Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), 215 , 311
Assisted ventilation, 49
Asteatotic eczema, 433 , 433 f
Asthma, 480 , 572 , 940 –942
Asymmetric chest wall movement/expansion, 486
Asymptomatic neutropenia, 786
Ataxia, 119 , 301 , 891 , 896
acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) and, 107
acute postinfectious cerebellar, 107
appendicular, 107
common causes of, 107 , 108 t
definition, 107
diagnosis of, 107
diagnostic pathway, 109 f
differential diagnosis, 107 –108 , 108 t
gait, 107
Guillain–Barré syndrome and, 108 , 108 t
imaging and laboratory tests, 107 –108
ipsilateral limb, 107
from lesions outside of cerebellum, 107
management of, 109
stroke and, 108
symptoms and signs related to, 107

from toxic ingestions, 108 , 108 t
truncal, 107
Atlantoaxial dislocations, 557
