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Pediatric emergency medicine trisk 1178

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Atlantoaxial (AA) subluxation, 325 , 327 –328 , 330 , 1242 –1243
dens fracture, 1242 f–1243 f
Down syndrome and, 1242
Steele’s rule of three and, 1243
transverse ligament disruption, 1242 f
Atopic dermatitis, 431 , 432 t, 441 , 462 , 462 f, 544
distribution, 431
management, 431
topical corticosteroids for, 431
Atrial septal defect (ASD), 369
Atrophic patches, 463
Atropine, 40 , 55 t, 67 , 1079
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 97 –98 , 100
Atypical mycobacterium, 309
Auricular hematomas, 389
Auricular perichondritis, 1329 –1330 , 1330 f
Auscultation, 486
of neck, 1220
respiratory distress and, 486 , 486 t
Auspitz sign, 468
Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), 97 –98 , 1444 –1445
challenges, in healthcare environment, 1445 –1446
gastrointestinal and neurologic complaints, 1445
management, 1445
Autoeczematization, 435
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, 420
Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS), 312
Autoimmune thyroiditis, 1348
Automated external defibrillators (AEDs), 58
Autonomic disturbances, 697
AVPU (Awake, Verbal, Painful, Unresponsive) responsiveness scale, 22 ,

29 , 121 , 1031
Avulsed tooth, 1105 , 1109
definition, 1108
injuries, of pelvis, 1197 f
Avulsion fractures, 1173 , 1196

middle phalanx, 1147
tibial tubercle, 1203 , 1367 f
Axenfeld–Rieger spectrum, 186
Axillary adenopathy, 312

Babesiosis, 806
Bacitracin, for face burns, 1101
Back disorders
discitis (diskitis), 1375 –1377
spondylolisthesis, 1377 , 1377 f
spondylolysis, 1377
Back pain
algorithm, 364 f
causes, 363 t
differential diagnosis, 362
evaluation and decision, 362 –364
history, 362
imaging studies, 364
laboratory studies, 364
physical examination, 362 –363
red flags for pediatric patients with, 363 t

Bacteremia, 803
Bacteremia and sepsis, 803 –804 , 805 t
Bacterial endocarditis, 614
Bacterial epiglottitis, 479
Bacterial infections, 438 –442
Bacterial meningitis, 222 , 328
Bacterial scalp infections, 312
Bacterial tracheitis, 141 , 513
Bacterial vaginosis, 338 , 753
Bag mask ventilation, 38
Bag-valve-mask (BVM) ventilation, 44 , 48 –49 , 65
Baker cyst, 279
Balanitis, 384 t, 530
Balanoposthitis, 338 , 530 , 1335 –1336 , 1336 f
Bankart lesions, 1182

Barium swallow, 1058 f
Bartholin cysts, 1339
Bartonella henselae infection, 309 , 312 , 321 , 328 , 1349 . See also
Catscratch disease (Bartonella henselae)
Bartonella-positive endocarditis, 321
Basilar impression, 330
Basilar migraine, 157 , 191
Basilar skull fractures, 269 , 393
Battle sign, 1255
Beckwith–Wiedemann syndromes, 1420
Bed bug (Cimex lectularius) bites, 445
Behavioral and psychiatric emergencies
agitated or violent behavior, treatment goals for, 1430 –1434

assessing and predicting, 1431 t
calming techniques, 1431 t
clinical recognition, 1430
disposition, 1433 –1434
emergency medications, 1433 t
initial assessment, 1431
medical and physical strategies, 1432 –1433
rapid tranquilization, 1432
triage, 1430 –1431
verbal de-escalation techniques, 1431 –1432 , 1431 t
autism spectrum disorder (ASD), 1444 –1446
clinical considerations, 1445
healthcare environment, challenges, 1445 –1446
management, 1445
management, 1438 –1439
symptoms, 1438
treatment goals, 1438
emergency department in, requirements of, 1427 –1428
evaluation of
ED clinicians, 1430
family, 1429
medical history, 1429
mental status, of child, 1429

physical examination, 1429
social support, 1429 –1430
mania/bipolar disorder, 1439
emergency treatment, goals of, 1439

initial assessment, 1439
management, 1439
mental health assessment/crisis intervention, goals of, 1427
mental health problems, in emergency department, 1446
panic attacks, 1444
posttraumatic stress disorders, 1444
in children and adolescents, 1440
clinical recognition, 1440 –1441
emergency treatment, goals of, 1439
exogenous substances, 1441 t
medical conditions, 1441 t, 1442
medically vs. psychiatrically, 1440 t
psychiatric causes, 1441 –1442
psychotic episode, 1442
schizophrenia, 1442
somatic symptom/related disorders, 1442 –1444
conversion disorder, 1443
initial assessment, 1443
management, 1443 –1444
psychosomatic diagnosis, historical features of, 1443 t
treatment goals, 1442 –1443
suicide attempts, 1434 –1437
adolescent, 1434 t–1437 t
childhood, 1435 t–1437 t
clinical recognition, 1435 –1437
emergency evaluation, goals of, 1434 –1435
prevention, 1437 t
Behavioral Health Screen for Emergency Departments (BHS-ED), 1446
Behỗet disease, 120 , 1010

Behỗet syndrome, 352 , 383 t, 511
“Bell-clapper” deformity, 409
Bell–van Riet test, 1179
