Developmental dysplasia of the hip, 302
Dexmedetomidine, 39
Dextromethorphan, 1069 , 1072
Dextromethorphan, ataxia from, 108 , 108 t
Dextrose, 66 t
Diabetes insipidus, 668 –670
Diabetes insipidus (DI), 428 , 529 , 907
Diabetes mellitus (DM), 121 , 130 , 428 , 531 , 600 , 659 , 688 , 750
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), 121 , 333 , 340 , 355 , 428 , 655 –658
Diagnostic odors, 337
Diamond–Blackfan syndrome, 418
Diaper dermatitis, 462 –463 , 463 f
Diaphragmatic eventration, 1421
Diaphragmatic hernia, 1420
Diaphragmatic injuries, 1286 –1287 , 1286 f
Diarrhea, 502 , 930
associated symptom, 153
association with dehydration, 153
causes, 152 t
definition, 152
diagnostic approach to immunocompetent child with, 154 f
differential diagnosis, 152 –153
duration, 152
evaluation and decision, 153 –154
life-threatening causes of, 152 t
parenteral, 152
presence of abdominal pain in, 153
treatments, 155 –156
Diarrheal food poisoning, 1057 t
Diazepam, 497 , 1109
Dicyclomine, 139
Dietary protein gastrointestinal disorders
clinical indications for discharge/admission, 731
clinical recognition, 731
initial assessment, 731
management/diagnostic testing, 731
treatment, goals of, 730 –731
Diffuse axonal injury (DAI), 270 , 1254
Diffuse B-cell large cell lymphoma, 910
Diffuse injury, 1257
Diffuse lymphadenopathy, 1013
Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), 1256
Digital subtraction angiography, 1407
Digoxin, 1045
Dihydroergotamine (DHE), 887
Diphtheria, 847
Direct immunofluorescence assay (DFA), 1343
Direct laryngoscopes, 37 –38
blades, 37
selection of, 38
handles, 37
Direct medical control, 9e
Direct ocular trauma, 171
Dirty bomb, 704
Discharge instructions, 1164 , 1164 t, 1175 , 1191 , 1e
comprehension and retention of, obstacles to, 2e
follow-up and, 3e
formats of, 1e –3e
combination method, 2e
multimedia technology and, 2e
verbal instructions, 1e
written instructions, 1e –2e
legal and regulatory considerations, 1e
legal considerations, 1e
literacy and language comprehension in, 3e
meaningful use of, 1e
medications and medication reconciliation and, 3e
for nonnative English-speaking patients, 3e
principles of, 1e
Discitis (diskitis), 328 , 362 –363 , 1375 –1377
intervertebral disc space, 1376 f
osteomyelitis, 1387 –1388
Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), 1014 , 1014 t
Displaced teeth, 1107 –1109
Disseminated disease, 459
Disseminated gonococcal disease, 852
Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC), 420 , 500 , 997
Disseminated Neisseria gonorrhoeae, 645
Disorders of hemostasis
acquired defects, 794
clinical indications for discharge/admission, 794
inherited bleeding disorders, 792 –793
disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC), 794
rare inherited coagulation factor deficiencies, 793 –794
Distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint, 1146 , 1343
Distal radius fractures, 1194 –1196
Distal upper extremity, neurologic examination of, 1186 t
Distension, 87 . See also Abdominal distention
abdominal, 87 –93
bowel, 87 , 91 f
gastric, 87 , 89
Distraction fractures, 1210 –1211
Distributive shock, 73 , 75
foreign body related, 378
neuromuscular disorders and, 376 –378
pathophysiology, 376
postoperative, 378
treatment, 381 –382 , 382 f
cardiovascular effects, 680
clinical manifestations, 681
definition, 680
hypoxemia and, 680
indications for discharge/admission, 682
initial assessment, 681
management, 681 –682 , 681 f
pulmonary edema, 682 f
triage considerations, 681
Dysphonia, 133
Dyspnea, 133
Dysrhythmias, 1079
Dystonia, 897
Dystonic reactions, 330
Dysuria, 531
dermatologic conditions, 384 t
localized conditions, 384 t–385 t
systemic conditions, 383 t
evaluation and decision, 383 –386
history and physical examination, 383
laboratory studies, 384 –385
postpubertal children pathway, 387 f
prepubertal children pathway, 386 f
symptomatic management, 386
Ear, external, 1329
auricular perichondritis, 1329 –1330 , 1330 f
otitis externa, 1329 –1330 , 1329 f–1330 f
treatment, goals of, 1329
Ear foreign body, 1112
“Early-onset” mushrooms, 1067
Ear pain
acute otitis media (AOM), 390 –392
algorithm, 390 f
cerumen impaction and, 389
differential diagnosis, 389
ear lobe infections and, 389
from foreign bodies, 389
frostbite and, 389
otitis externa, 389 –390
otorrhea, 392
referred, 393
traumatic TM perforation, 393
Ear trauma, 1112
clinical recognition, 1112