CSF otorrhea, 1115
ear foreign body, 1112
evidences, 1112 –1113
initial assessment, 1113
management, 1113
temporal bone fractures, 1115
treatment goals, 1112
triage, 1112
Eastern equine encephalitis virus, 126
Eating disorders, 570
Echovirus, 411
Ecthyma gangrenosum, 440 , 440 f
Ectopic pregnancies, 342 , 360
asteatotic, 433
craquele, 433
dyshidrotic, 433
eczematous rash, 432 t
nummular, 432
causes, 163 t
common, 163 t
life-threatening, 163 t
conjunctival, 173
cyclical, 165
definition, 162
evaluation, 162
facial, 163
generalized, 162 , 163 t, 164 –165
localized, 162 –164 , 163 t, 165
pathophysiology, 162
Edetate calcium disodium (CaNa2 EDTA), 1063 –1064
Ehrlichiosis, 644
Eisenmenger syndrome, 369
Elbow dislocations, 1190 –1191 , 1190 f
Electrical burns, 1106
Electrical defibrillation, 693
Electrical injury, 697
alternating current (AC), 697
clinical recognition, 697 –698
direct current (DC), 697
indications for discharge and admission, 699
lightning vs. high-voltage, 696 t
“locking-on,” 697
management and diagnostic studies, 698 –699 , 699 t
resistance, 697
severity, 696
treatment, goals of, 696
Electrolyte abnormalities, 80
Electrolyte disturbances, 502
Electronic health record, 8 –9 , 11 t
Electronic medical record (EMR) clinical decision support, 8
Emergency department care, high-quality, 1 –10
guidelines, 2 t–3 t
principles of high-reliability organizations, 4 , 5 t
Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
air transport and safety, 13e –15e
communication, 8e
direct medical control, 9e
epidemiology and, 2e
for ambulances, C134 e134.4t
communication, 8e
fellowship training programs, 5e
governance of, 2e
indirect medical control, 9e –10e
interfacility transport, 1e –6e
IOM reports, 19e –20e
lights and siren use, 16e
medical control, 15e
medical director responsibilities, C134 e134.6t
medical–legal issues, 15e –16e
medical oversight, 3e –5e
medical records, 14e
modes of transport, 8e
offline patient care guideline, C134 e134.2f
overview, 1e
paramedics, 3e
patient and team safety, 13e
pediatric prehospital airway management, 16e –17e
prehospital component of, 3e
providers of, 3e
regionalization in, 16e
related organizations and online resources, C134 e134.6t
reports to hospital personnel, 8e
state-approved medications, C134 e134.4t
team composition and models, 11e
telemedicine in, 14e
vehicle safety, 15e –16e
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA), 24
Emergency Nurses’ Association (ENA), 30
Emergency Severity Index (ESI) Triage system, 26
Emicizumab, 796
Empyema, 142
Enalaprilat, 245
Encephalitis, 891 –892
Encephaloceles, 1346
Encopresis, 1304
Endocarditis, 369
Endocrine abnormalities, 343 –344
Endocrine emergencies
acute adrenal insufficiency, 663 –664
congenital adrenal hyperplasia, 665 –667
congenital hypothyroidism, 678
diabetes insipidus, 668 –670
diabetic ketoacidosis, 655 –658
hyperparathyroidism, 671 –673
hypoglycemia, 660 –662
hypoparathyroidism, 673 –674
hypopituitarism, 662 –663
mild ketoacidosis, 658 –660
neonatal thyrotoxicosis, 677
pheochromocytoma, 668 –668
rickets, 674 –676
thyroid storm, 676 –677
Endometrial destruction, 345
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), 293 , 1090
Endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV), 1386
Endotracheal intubation, 65 –66
Endotracheal tubes, 36 –37 , 48
cuffed, 36
postprocedure management, 40
uncuffed, 36
End-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2 ) monitoring, 29 , 40 , 48 , 487 , 1030
Enlarged vestibular aqueducts (EVAs), 1114
Enophthalmos, 1123
ENT emergencies, 1319 –1331
auricular perichondritis, 1329 –1330 , 1330 f
bacterial rhinosinusitis, acute
antibiotic for, 1324 t
cellulitis, 1323 –1325
cervical adenitis
clinical recognition, 1327
diagnostic testing, 1327 –1328
discharge/admission, clinical indications, 1328
evidences, 1327
initial assessment, 1327
management, 1327 –1328
treatment goals, 1327
triage considerations, 1327
ear, external, 1329
auricular perichondritis, 1329 –1330 , 1330 f
otitis externa, 1329 –1330 , 1329 f–1330 f
treatment, goals of, 1329
emergency care, goals of, 1319
epistaxis, 1330 –1331
larynx, 1331
nasal septum, vascular supply, 1330 f