Episcleritis, 170 , 173 –174
Epistaxis (nose bleeding), 1330 –1331
algorithm for management, 1331 f
common causes, 167 t
differential diagnosis, 166 , 167 t
evaluation and decision, 166 –169
approach to diagnosis, 168 f
physical examination, 167
Kiesselbach plexus in, 1331
pathophysiology, 166
treatment goals, 1330 –1331
Epitrochlear adenopathy, 312
Eponychia, 1342 –1343
Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), 157 , 163 , 308 –309 , 315 , 350 , 411 , 426 ,
452 , 475 , 645 , 892 , 907
Equipment (from Gauche)
for emergency department, 1e –3e
for office or clinic, 3e
Erb palsy, 558
cysts, 1317 , 1317 f
hematoma, 1317 , 1317 f
Erysipelas, 440
Erysipeloid, 440 , 441 f
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae , 440
Erythema infectiosum, 642 f, 644
Erythema migrans, 352
Erythema multiforme (EM), 302 , 351 , 448 , 449 f, 452 , 455
Erythema nodosum (EN), 444
Erythematous papules, 350
Erythema toxicum neonatorum (ETN), 458
Erythrocyte enzymatic defects, 420
Erythrocyte membrane abnormalities, 420
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), 237 , 306 , 315 , 328 , 403 , 907 ,
Erythrodermic psoriasis, 468
Erythromycin, cervical adenitis, 1327
Erythropoietic hyperplasia, 419
Escherichia coli infection, 81 , 152 , 218 , 338 , 411 , 560 , 1397
Esmolol, 245
Esophageal combination tube (combitube), 41
Esophageal cysts, 1418
Esophageal foreign bodies, 206 –209
Esophageal injuries, 1285 –1286
Esophageal thermometry, 194
Esophagitis, 929
Esophagoscopy, 1409
Esophagus, 206
Esotropia emergencies, 178 –180
Ethanol, 1053 –1054
Ethanol, ataxia from, 108
Ethchlorvynol (Placidyl), 337
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), 1035
Ethylene glycol, 1056
Etomidate, 39 , 39 t
European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR), 993 , 1000 , 1006 ,
1007 t, 1011 t
Eustachian tube dysfunction, 391
Ewing sarcoma, 279 , 286 , 302 , 362 , 1423
Exchange transfusions, 297 , 298 f
Exotropia emergencies, 178 f, 180
Expectations, from ED care, 18
Expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP), 35
Expired air techniques, 49
Extended focused assessment with sonography for trauma (E-FAST),
External ear injuries, 1113 –1114
External genitourinary lesions diseases, 758 –759
Extracorporeal CPR (E-CPR), 62 , 68
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), 62 , 84 , 618 , 682 , 873
Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL), 1340
Extraluminal fluid, in abdomen, 89
Extraluminal gas, 89
Extraocular muscles, 176 f, 176 t
Extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS), 1432
Extrathoracic airway compromise, treatment of, 28
Extreme hypothermia, 682
Eyelid lacerations, 1269 t
clinical recognition, 1268
evidences, 1268
lateral canthotomy/cantholysis, 1269 f
management, 1270
tear drainage system, 1269 f
treatment goals, 1268
triage considerations, 1269
Eye muscle restriction, 175 –176
EZ-IO drill kit, 53 , 69
FABER (Flexion, Abduction, External Rotation) test, 363
Face and scalp lesions
dermoid cysts, 1345 , 1346 f
epidermal inclusion cyst (EIC), 1345
nasal bridge lesions, 1345 –1346
preauricular lesions, 1346 –1347 , 1346 f–1347 f
Facial fractures
evidences, 1124
examination for, 1123 f
frontal bone fractures, 1127
mandible fracture, 1123 –1124 , 1124 f
maxilla fractures, 1126 –1127
nasal fracture, 1126
orbital fracture, 1124 –1126 , 1124 f
temporomandibular joint dislocations, 1124
zygoma fractures, 1126 –1127
Facial nerve palsies, 898 –899 , 907
Facial nerve paralysis, 1322
Facial neurologic deficits, identification of, 1122 –1123
Facial trauma
emergency therapy, goals of, 1122 –1123
airway, stabilization of, 1122
cervical spine protection, 1122
facial fractures, examination, 1123 f
facial neurologic deficits, identification of, 1122 –1123
imaging modality, determination of, 1123
subspecialty consultation, 1123
facial fractures
evidences, 1124
examination for, 1123 f
frontal bone fractures, 1127
mandible fracture, 1123 –1124 , 1124 f
maxilla fractures, 1126 –1127
nasal fracture, 1126
orbital fracture, 1124 –1126 , 1124 f
temporomandibular joint dislocations, 1124
zygoma fractures, 1126 –1127
soft tissue injuries
lacerations, 1127 –1129
regional nerve blocks, 1129
subspecialty consultation, guidelines for, 1129
Fall on outstretched hand (FOOSH), 1183 f
Familial infantile myasthenia, 559
Familial Mediterranean fever, 203
Familial periodic paralysis, 896
Family evaluation, 1429
Family presence (FP) during resuscitation, 30 –32
Fanconi anemia, 418
Fat necrosis, 112
Fatty acid oxidation defects, 877 –878
Febrile child with stridor, 516
Febrile infant, 196 , 199 , 201 –202
Febrile seizures, 494 , 498 , 881 , 886
Febrile ulceronecrotic Mucha–Habermann (FUMH) syndrome, 472
Fecalith, 1295 f
Fecaloma, 1307
Felon, 1343 –1344
Female urologic emergencies, 1339 –1340
clinical assessment, 1339 –1340